Consistent: Collision (Book 2)

By affoa_

34.3K 1.5K 4.1K

Part 2 of Consistent (read first book) Police sirens rang in his ears, he ran further and further not knowing... More

Souvenir (chap 2)
Every age has a Scar (chap 3)
Wait, did you say Deku? (chap 4)
Close call (chap 5)
Self destruction and repair (chap 6)
Should I stay or should I go (chap 7)
Knock Knock (chap 8)
Admit. (chap 9)
Plead Guilty (chap 10)
Let's shake on it (chap 11)
"You corrupt hero" (Chap 12)

Missing and Suspicious (chap 1)

4K 168 474
By affoa_

My uncle was arrested, and it's my fault.




Izu's pov

I had ran into the station and to the holding cells, ignoring the reception entirely. People were screaming after me, I think, but I wasn't paying attention. It was getting harder to breathe and I was freaking out. Why is he in here? He shouldn't be in here. He hasn't committed any crime I know of. 

I'm almost to the last cell when arms grab me from behind. I try to slip out but I can't. My breathing is becoming more erratic and I can't calm down. What did he do? Did they call anyone else? Is this a false accusation? What was he even charged with? It doesn't make sense. I kept trying to get out of their arms. I need to see him. 


Izuku, calm down. Breathe. Listen to what they're saying. If you get arrested too you can't do anything to help. I turned around and looked at who was holding me. It was a police officer, but I recognized them. Holy shit this is the police station where Tsukauchi works. They don't seem to recognize me.

I start to close my eyes and focus on my heart beat. I hear it, that's not really a good thing, but it's okay. I just need to calm down. I can't have a panic attack in the middle of a police station. Who knows what I'd say. Worse scenario I'd get caught, or I'd hurt someone. Less bad scenario, I end up curling into myself and won't be able to do anything.

In times like these you need to keep calm. A cool head will help you understand. Okay, breathe, in, out, in, out, like that. Calm down, Izuku, you can do it. After a minute or so I opened my eyes and calmed down enough to handle the situation. They don't need to know how much this affects me. 

Mido- "Where's John, and one what accusation was he taken in?"

Cop- "Who are you?"

Mido- "His nephew. I was the number called to report his arrest. So, by law you have to tell me why he is being held here."

Cop- "He was arrested for the kidnapping of Izuku Midoriya."

My heart stopped. Did he just say Izuku Midoriya? That's me. How would he kidnap me? He didn't do anything. Great false accusations. Wait, why am I not being taken away as well? I'm Izuku Midoriya. Meaning they don't even know what I look like. So how would he be arrested on these charges. This isn't how law enforcement works. 

A child first gets announced as missing, then as the police search possible suspects are arrested and questioned. But they didn't call John a suspect, they never said he was under suspicion. How are they so sure he kidnapped Izu- well me, if I'm right here. Free as a bird. Something's wrong with this. 

Mido- "He was arrested under baseless allegations? Or do you have actual reason to suspect."

Cop- "The parents came forward, stated their child was missing and they knew who had him."

Mido- "Where's said child?"

Cop- "We don't know."

Mido- "When did he go missing?"

Cop- "When he was-"

Tsuk- "I apologize but that is on a need to know basis, and you aren't part of that category."

Mido- "I would think so, considering the man you have in that cell is not only innocent, but my standing in guardian."

Tsuk- "Care to continue?"

Mido- "I'll tell you everything I know, but first I need to know the kid your looking for. Their parents and when they went missing. Maybe I can help locate him, isn't that the easiest way to clean his record?"

Tsuk- "Correct. Very well then, I'll bring you to the couple."

It was Tsukauchi. Just my luck. It's good, considering his quirk, but bad for the same reason. This is a mess. If these are some random couple then they might be with the league. But that's not exactly right either. The league doesn't know my original name. Izuku Midoriya no longer exists. We kept walking down corridors until we reached an interrogation room, and then I saw it.

The reason why they knew my real name. My parents were sitting in those chairs, acting all sad. Inko and Hisashi Midoriya. The fucking bastards. They have the audacity to come here and claim me missing when I was abandoned?! How'd they even know I was here? The only thing they could possibly want from me is my quirk. Oh shit.

How'd they know about my quirk? Some laws were bypassed in this investigation. They got a suspect without even profiling the kid. So this wasn't done according to the procedure. So someone must be fucking things up with the higher ups to make it happen.

No way is it possible for my birthers to know about my quirk from today and today alone. If they did find out today they couldn't possibly set this all up, and WHILE the sports festival is happening? Impossible. Either they had help, or someone's doing it for them. But who could the one helping be? The only people to know of my quirk before hand was John, the UA staff, and my classmates.

I break out of my mind and look towards who's shaking me. The detective hadn't even opened the door. I must have froze at the sight of them.

Tsuk- "What's wrong? Do you know them?"

Mido- "John didn't kidnap their kid. Their kid is Izuku Midoriya, right?"

Tsuk- "Correct, what are you getting at?"

Mido- "Have they even profiled him yet? You don't know what he looks like, do you? Procedures were blatantly ignored. My uncle shouldn't have been arrested on a case that just popped up today. Correct me if I'm wrong, detective, but this isn't supposed to happen. And isn't it suspicious that the second they call their child missing, they also say who did it?"

Tsuk- "Well, yes, but, we can't go against-"

Mido- "What? Orders? How old was the child when they went missing."

Tsuk- "Four."

Mido- "Then why are you hearing about it now? Why are you hearing about it when the 'kidnapper' was found BY the parents, I may add. It's not right, and laws are being broken by them and John just being here."

Tsuk- "You are correct, but how do you know-"

Mido- "It doesn't make sense."

I kept cutting him off. I can't tell a lie to his question, if he never asks it. I can't give away that I, myself, and Izuku Midoriya. It might help for John case, but only after I've dealt with it. I'm in UA under a fake name and ID. Izuku Midoriya isn't in their systems cus I paid to get it out. I'm not exactly capable enough to create fake IDs and to delete profiles from the government.

Tsuk- "Do you know them?"

Mido- "What?"

Tsuk- "You know this couple, don't you? You froze, and got lost in your own head at the sight of them."

Mido- "They're familiar, yes. Which is why this is strange. I don't really know em too well. I can't tell you anything useful to the case about them."

Tsuk- "What about their kid? Did they have one?"

Mido- "The woman had one, but he was never seen again after he was 4. He was declared quirkless."

Tsuk- "That's something they didn't tell me. A quirkless kid that goes missing at 4. He'd most likely be assumed dead. Let's go inside, we'll see how the couple knows you."

Mido- "I actually think against it. I'm not a cop after all."

Tsuk- "But you're involved."

He opened the door and I hit the hills. I ran until I reached the exit, and kept running until their screams after me were muffled. I dodged cars and people, never stopping once. Taking turns anywhere I could, I don't even know where I was going. And then I stopped. I looked around to see where I was, I had been running for so long, yet I ended up at John's shop. 

I almost cried at the sight of it. I entered the doors and looked around. Metal and mechanical parts were all over the place. It smelt like oil, but it wasn't overpowering to my senses. The place was dark, and a bit messed up. Shelves were knocked over, and so were machines. He must have put up a fight, that big idiot. 

It was so... lonely. I'm here and he isn't. He's not in the back room fixing something up, and joking around to himself, listening to old music. He's not at the front desk, smiling and welcoming people in. It's lonely. So, so lonely. It's just like before. No matter how many times this happens it still hurts. I'm not used to it. 

John's in there and it's my fault. I was the one who received his help. I'm the one who came to him. Who stayed with him. If I hadn't he wouldn't be in this mess. If I hadn't went to UA I wouldn't have been found. Become a hero? I can't even save myself. I should have kept to my original needs. 

Becoming a hero was a means to an end. It should stay that way. I'm already a vigilante. I'm already fighting crime, so being a hero isn't something I need to do. It was just so I had more access. How could I let myself get distracted by all this. By these people around me. If I had stuck to the shadows none of this would happen.

Shigaraki and his fucking master wouldn't know I'm alive. They wouldn't have known about my existence, and not only that my quirk as well? If someone with a fucking hand on his faced could tell I was Deku, then what's stopping others from knowing I'm Izuku. All this work is coming crashing down and it's because of me.

I shouldn't have lied. I shouldn't have tried to be something I'm not. A murderer doesn't get to be a hero. I'm not allowed friends if I'll only cause them suffering. How could I forget? I've hurt people, I'm the reason they're all dead. I'm the one who should be in that cell not him. And I ran away. Is that all I can do? Is that all I'll ever do? Run away when I can't handle the memories?


I'm weak.

And this weakness is what causes all this.

If I had been stronger, they'd be alive, Hawks and Zawa would be happy, John would be standing right here, and Akihiko? He would have never gotten hurt in the first place. If I had been stronger who knows who  I could have saved? Shinso? I saw the signs and I ignored it. Pathetic. 

By now the sports festival is over, I wonder who won? With me gone, they probably had Todoroki move up instead of me. Endeavor must have said shit. So he's probably not going to use his fire. Bakugo was against Tokoyami, Baku would win, solely because his quirk emits light. 

I walk inside to the back of the workshop and see the TV still on. The sports festival is playing. Bakugo was the winner. Wait, Aizawa isn't there. He isn't in the announcers booth anymore. When did he leave? Was he also called about John's arrest? Was Hawks? No, I'm his first number, they don't call the others unless I don't respond, which I did. 

I start to hear something, footsteps. Not good. I turn off the TV and Climb into the vents, as silently as possible. There's one person who's extremely good, but that presence, it's Aizawa. What is he doing here?

Tsukauchi's pov (20 minutes ago)

Tsuk- "But you're involved."

I looked over to the kid. He had fluffy black hair, with green highlights, and viridian eyes. He had some bandages on his skin, possibly from a- isn't he one of Aizawa's students? Wasn't he in the sports festival? How'd he get here so fast? I just saw his fight on TV. 

Not the point though. I spoke to the cop, apparently he was freaking out before. Breathing, heart rate, everything increased. But he managed to calm down fairly quickly, with no help from outsiders. It's a feat of it's own, but right after he asked questions. He's the nephew of John Abe. I need to know how he knows the couple. Their son just went missing, and he knows more than he's letting on. Call it a gut feeling, but I think he's at the center of it.

I open the door, and right as it clicks he goes off running. I call after him, but he's fast.

Tsuk- "Hey wait! Come back! We need to discuss the case! You're running from the police right now! Hold up! Kid!"

But it won't work. I try to run after him, but I lose him the second we reach people. This won't work. I need help. Maybe I could cash in a favor with a tired hero. I take out my phone and let it ring. After 3, he answers, as tired as ever.

(underline is call)

Tsuk- "Do you think you could help me out with something?"

Zawa- "Tsukauchi, I'm currently busy, with the sports festival and all. What is it." 

Tsuk- "It's important, I swear. Your student, Akano Shinto, I believe, just ran from the police."

Zawa- "What?! How? What'd he do? Where is he?"

Tsuk- "He was here because his Uncle was arrested, John Abe, I believe."

Zawa- "What crime did he commit?"

Tsuk- "He's charged for the kidnapping of Izuku Midoriya. Shinto seemed to know about it, he even recognized the couple and knew when their kid went missing. He even told me the kid was declared quirkless and never seen again. But when he saw the parents he froze, freaked out before calming down. And when we almost entered the room, he rana way. So fast I couldn't see where he went. We don't know where he is, so I'm calling to see if you have an idea as to where he'd go."

Zawa- "Hold on, I'm coming over, and I'm bringing backup. John is a friend of mine, he's never kidnapped anyone. As for my student, I think I know where'd he go first. Get ready, because I'll be there soon."

Tsuk- "Got it, I'll make a small team."


I wonder who that back up is? But he said he knew John. Now I have 2 people telling me that he didn't kidnap anyone. One being a pro hero, and the other was telling the truth. But if he was right, then why'd he run? It has to do with the couple. I go over and tell Sansa to grab a small team and suit up, as he does so I go and speak to the parents.

I enter their room and they look my way. I sit down across from them and begin.

Tsuk- "Did your child really get kidnapped?"

Inko- "Yes. We didn't know where he was his whole life."


Tsuk- "I see. What did he look like? When was the last time you saw him?"

Inko- "He has green hair and green eyes. I last saw him when he was 4."


Tsuk- "What about you sir, when was the last time you saw him?"

Hisa- "Same as my wife here."


Tsuk- "Understood. If it's alright with you I have a few more questions for you. It'll help in identifying your child."

Inko- "But it was that man! He kidnapped him! We know it!"

Lie? Let's test something out.

Tsuk- "Ma'am you must love your child, huh?"

Inko- "Of course! He's my kid!"

First was a lie, second was not. This is dangerous.

Tsuk- "Alright, a few more questions. What is your sons quirk?"

Inko- "He's quirkless."


Tsuk- "Was he declared quirkless professionally or did you assume so?"

Inko- "The doctor confirmed it."


Tsuk- "Alright ma'am, thank you for your cooperation. I'm going to bring a team and we're going to track down your son."

Hisa- "We'll join you."

Tsuk- "I'm sorry sir, but that's not protocol."

Hisa- "You don't know what he looks like currently. Wouldn't a father and his mother be able to recognize his face even after all these years?"

Tsuk- "You'd be surprised. Is there any other traits he has you can tell us? It's been so long I don't blame you if you don't remember."

Inko- "He has freckles. A few stand out on each of his cheeks, but he has multiple."


Hisa- "We're coming with you. You can't force us not to. It's our son!"


Inko- "That's true! I want to see our child!"

Lie? She doesn't want to see him?

Tsuk- "Ma'am, sir, it could be dangerous. We cannot let you join."

Akano Shinto, he matches the description of Izuku. But if in fact he is Izuku Midoriya, then why is he using a fake name? Is he dangerous? I mean no one questioned it. There are no files on Izuku Midoriya anyway, if it weren't for the living proof in front of me I'd say he doesn't exist. 

Just what exactly is going on? And if their child is Akano Shinto like I suspect, then why are they lying about his quirk status? Why are they searching for him now? Is it because he's now officially quirke- he has a teleportation quirk. Those are as rare as, even more so maybe, than healing quirks. I've only seen one in my lifetime and that's his. 

Any person with bad intentions would want to exploit their child's abilities. Not only did he get into UA without his parents knowing, but he did good. I can't let these people come with us. If in fact Shinto is their child, he clearly doesn't want to see them. He even ran away from the police for gods sake. But without solid proof I have to let him be with them. 

I picked up my bag, and left the room. If Izuku Midoriya is found, his parents have a legal claim over them. There's nothing I can do in that situation. If there's no evidence sporting they're not fit to be parents we're in a tough spot. I can't assume things, they might not be abusive and such, but I won't know unless I find him. 

The team was already prepared and Aizawa was walking through the door with- wait is that Hawks behind him?

Tsuk- "Glad you could make it. And is that Hawks?"

Zawa- "We're both friends of John's and the kid. Thought he'd have the right to know. Where's John, we need to talk with him."

Tsuk- "You can talk with him later, currently the kid is gone, and I suspect that he isn't what he seems. We need him first for questioning."

Hawk- "What'd he even do?"

Zawa- "John's accused of kidnapping a kid the age of my first years."

Hawk- "What?! He'd never!"


Hawk- "He loves Shinto more than anything, he would never kidnap a kid his age! I mean have you seen how he treats him-"


Zawa- "Hawks. Enough. We're on the job. Alright, let's head out. First stop, John's workshop."

Izu's pov (current time)

I watched from the vents. The door was slowly opened and in came the detective with his police squad tailing behind him. Great, I'm being treated like a criminal again. They entered through the room, all the officers had their guns out. Hawks and Aizawa came behind them, clearly pissed by the situation. They probably heard the news.

Zawa- "Shinto, if you're in this room hiding somewhere, come out. We know what happened, but you running away isn't helping the situation." 

I teleported one of the mini speakers from my home and placed it by the vent. I moved as slowly as possible away. I was in a different room. Tsukauchi had his officers spread along the place. I used the phone John gave me that was connected to the cameras and looked through. 

Even in a cell he's helpful. I started moving until I was at the vent exit that reached outside. The cameras included audio, so I listened in. 

(Speaker is bolded)

Hawk- "We're upset about it too, but you need to come with us. You wont be arrested or harmed, we promise."

Mido- "The guns spread that message across perfectly."

Zawa- "Kid? Where are you?"

He didn't look up towards where the noise came from, but with the cameras I saw how he pointed in  the direction. If I was there I wouldn't see, but luckily I wasn't. 

Tsuk- "Do you know where Izuku Midoriya is?"

Does his quirk work over phone? I mean I'm not physically present. It's a recording. Let's test it out. It was only Tsukauchi, Hawks, and Eraserhead in the room. The other officers spread through the entire area. The building was surrounded. 

Mido- "No."

Tsuk- "Where is he, Shinto?"

Ah, so it does work over recording. Neat. I'll add that to my notebooks. I turned around and made my way to a new vent, one that reached the roof. 

Mido- "He wasn't kidnapped."

Tsuk- "How are you so sure."

Zawa- "Shinto, what are you not telling us?"

Mido- "He didn't run away either. The Midoriya's are lying."

Tsuk- "So you do know them."

Mido- "I said that earlier."

Zawa- "You can trust us, Shinto. Just come and we'll talk."

Mido- "Can I? Heroes haven't really done much for me."

Hawk- "What do you mean?"

Zawa- "Right now, we're here for you and your Uncle. Not because it's our job."

Mido- "You won't find him. He doesn't want to be found."

Tsuk- "What happened to him? What's wrong with his parents?"

Mido- "All I know is that they aren't good people."

Tsuk- "You know more than that. What happened to him? Do you think he can come forward?"

Mido- "He can't. He won't come."

Zawa- "How do you know that? Shinto come, we can help you and him! If he comes forward John will be cleared."

Mido- "You don't need him to clear John's name and you know it. His parents, I don't think they want him back for the reason's they're saying."

Tsuk- "What do you know that you aren't telling us! This kid needs help! And we can give it to him!"

I had reached the roof, I kicked the metal out and got on the concrete. I closed it behind me and stayed low so no one saw me. 

Mido- "I can't tell you where he is. Just know that the Midoriya's are suspicious. Their son... he isn't quirkless. They thought he was, but he isn't. How they found out about him I don't know, but I do know they got help."

Hawk- "Kid, come on! Just let us help you both!" 

I looked through the cameras, they were all getting ready to pounce. They wanted to help, I know, but my past can't be spoken. I can't just go to UA. They'll find out soon enough with my parents there that I'm Izuku. I can't be there when they find out. Tsukauchi's smart, he probably already has a suspicion. Not to mention, John knows my real name. 

Zawa- "Where are you going to go? You don't have a guardian. You need us, you can't go on the run. What is it that you're so afraid of."

I was at the edge of the roof now, just one jump and I'd be in a different building. I could run away all the way to the base I use as Salvare. Over there I have enough things to survive. Until I can solve what's happening and find out whether or not they're really with the villains, I can't endanger them anymore. 

Mido- "I can't tell you. I'm sorry."

I cut the mic, and left it on the roof. I can't be tracked. Any electronics I dropped. I looked through the cameras. 

Zawa- "Dammit, kid! Answer! What's after you and him?!"

Hawk- "Shit."

Aizawa cursed under his breath before launching his scarf at the vent and pulling the cover out completely. He saw the speaker and cursed once more. I dropped the phone and jumped to the next building. 

Hawk- "Damn it. He's gone. He was never here in the first place, huh?"

Zawa- "No, he had to set it up in the first place. He was here, he slipped right under our noses."

Tsuk- "The place is surrounded, where could he have escaped from."

I dropped the phone and jumped to the next building. 

Hawk- "The roof." 


First chapter of the second book done, how did that go?

I'm excited, this second book was planned out lol 

The first wasn't so now I have a plot lmao 

updates once a week, sundays

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