ā™„ Falling for each otherā™„ Fe...

By Bitchboy_kenny

20.9K 409 855

George is transferring to a new school and slowly making new friends. They all have slight crush on each othe... More

~~~First day falling~~~ part two
~ā—~Back at the house~ā•~
~ā”~Running through my head~ā•~
!~!Falling from a far!~!
~<More than you think3~
\o/!Taking it all in!\o/
!-He is so perfect-!
Āŗ~'Just feeling a bit down'~Āŗ
ā˜†~!Fit in!~ā˜†
ā˜»Angel and demonā˜»
ā˜»Angels and demonsā˜» Part two
ā†—Try my bestā†–
"Oh no"
šŸ•øĀ°!Just lifeĀ”Ā°šŸ•ø
Ā·I told himĀ·
Ā°Ā·*Quackitys thoughts*Ā·Ā°
Hii im back writing :)
Should I... confess?
Warm :3
Āæ'Ā°Is it trueĀ°'?
Um pookies ā˜¹ļø

ā™„~~~First day falling~~~ā™„

3K 39 92
By Bitchboy_kenny

~~George pov~~

I was running late because I decided to sleep in he wasn't used to having to wake up early . My mom would be upset if I missed the first day of school . I hurried getting dressed and brushing my teeth and washing my face. I looked down at my phone and saw that I only had 10 minutes to get to my bus stop on time. I ran out the front door not forgetting to lock it. I saw a tall figure at my bus stop. I slowly approached. Then I saw it was just a very tall boy. So I just stood next to him on my phone. To be honest it was kinda awkward.

~~Taller boys pov~~

The tall boy was startled and didn't notice there was another boy standing next to him. To be fair he did have loud music on. (𝘼/𝙉 THAT'S WHAT THE MASK IS!!!) He decided he was gonna say hi to the shorter boy. 

"Hi" the taller boy said

"Hi" George said and had finally seeing the taller boys face and felt himself blush.

"Whats your name?!" George asked nervously and started to fidgeting with his hands

"My name is dreamwastaken but you can call me dream. Whats your name?!" Dream said smiling looking into the brown eyed boy (𝗔/𝗡 ɴᴇᴡ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ ᴜɴʟᴏᴄᴋᴇᴅ)

"My name is georgenotfound but I preferred you called me george" George said while making eye contact 

The boys turned away from each other and saw the bus coming. 

They get onto the bus and see most of the seat in the back were taken.

~~George pov~~

This one boy caught my eye. The boy was short, a little chubby, had a beanie and was dozing off. So I decided I will sit next to him. I wasn't expecting the boy to speak to me because he didn't look like a morning person. Suddenly I heard a deep raspy voice say "Hi" I was startled a bit but then decide to say hi back.

"Hi.... What is you name?!" George said surprised of how deep the shorter boys voice was.

"My name is quackity and yours" Quackity said with a smirk on his face knowing he startled the other boy. (A/N 𝗡𝗘𝗪 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝗨𝗡𝗟𝗢𝗖𝗞𝗘𝗗)

"Mine is georgenotfound but you can call me george" George said feeling his face turn red.

"You don't have to tell me your full name. I'm not the FBI or something like that" Quackity said giggle

"I know I just felt like it" George said as the bus came to a abrupt stop

~~karl pov~~ 

Karl and sapnap already knew each other from the year before and they became pretty close with each other. They shared all there secret with each other and etc.

Karl and sapnap lived on the same street so they road to school in the same car.

Karl asked sapnap " Is everything gonna be okay today i'm kinda nervous" Karl said nervously

"Everything is gonna be okay" Sapnap said reassuring while driving

"M'kay i'm gonna trust you buddy" Karl said laughing

Sapnap rolled his eyes and giggles

~~~~~𝕋𝕀𝕄𝔼 𝕊𝕂𝕀ℙ 𝔹𝔼ℂ𝕌𝔸𝕊𝔼 𝕀'𝕄 𝕃𝔸ℤ𝕐  outside of the school :D~~~~~~

~~Quackity pov~~

I got off the bus and looked at my surroundings. I looked down at my schedule and saw that I had english first.

~~Sapnap pov~~

I looked at karls schedule to see if we had the same class and unfortunately we didn't. I looked up at karl and he had a worried look on his face.

"Karl its gonna be ok we will meet back up at *long pause* *looks at schedule* third period" sapnap said trying to reassure karl but also trying to reassure himself at the same time.

Karl laughed at sapnap and said "are you sure YOU will be ok" 

"I think" sapnap said giggling through the sentence 

"I have a idea" Karl said

"What is it" Sapnap said with concern in his voice

"What about we we're on the phone with each other the whole time" Karl said hoping sapnap will agree

"Your clingy and I like it" Sapnap said laughing

Karl blushed a little and laughed with sapnap

*The first bell rung  and everyone split apart*

(Quackity is in english with karl) (Guys... sapnap quackity karl and dream were taking online classes but still in the school system and george was home schooled but he and his parents decided he could go to a real school for his two last years of school "omg lore!")

(sapnap is in social studies with george and dream)

~~Dreams pov~~

I went to class and had about 10 minutes extra to spare so I decided to look through twitter. 

*~*Ten minutes later*~*

I looked to my left to see the boy I meant at my bus stop looking at me. I didn't think anything of it and looked back down at my phone. Then I feel another pair of eyes on me so look to my right and a cute brown eyed guy was looking at me blushing. I winked at him and looked away.

~~Sapnap pov~~

*~~T̲h̲e̲ ̲m̲i̲n̲d̲ ̲o̲f̲ ̲s̲a̲p̲n̲a̲p̲~~*

I looked away and turning even redder and thinking to myself  "OH MY LORD. DID. HE. JUST. WINK. AT. ME. I'm gonna die. I am going to pass out. Am I blushing.... *pulls out phone to look at himself in his camera* I LOOK LIKE A TOMATO. But wait... that means WE AND GETTING MARRIED wait... I'M MOVING TO FAST!!!!! wait what am I hearing?!?! Oh yeah its karl. anyways.... WE ARE GOING TO HAVE KIDS!!!"

~~*Karl pov*~~

I got to class and saw a cute guy in a beanie. He was adorable. I felt myself blushing a little. I decided to sit in the back so I didn't have to pay attention as much. I began to doze off and that turned into a deep sleep.

~~Quackity pov~~

I saw a tall, brown fluffy haired guy sleeping next to me. The period was almost over and he didn't want the dude to get detention so I decided to wake him up. He was drooling on his desk so I said

"You must been dreaming good" I said while chuckling

"Yeah, It was about how hot you are" Brown haired boy said caught up in his thoughts

Before quackity could even saying anything, the teacher noticed them talking and gave them after school detention.

*The bell rung (A 20 minute break)*

~~Karl pov~~

"I am sorry about that. I was just caught up in my thoughts" Karl said with a apologetic tone

"Don't worry about it, I think your hot too" The beanie boy said in a joking tone and his face still red from what happened in the class room

Karl was a blushing mess and then he saw sapnap in the distance, He ran up to sapnap and pulling out his phone to hang up on him and as he approached sapnap he said "That boy in the beanie called me hot" karl practically shouted it. Everyone was looking at me and sapnap like we we're crazy but suddenly I hear

"Everyone go back what your we're doing" The beanie boy yelled as he was walking up to karl and sapnap

"You said it first" The beanie said as he walked past them

Sapnap looked shocked of how bold the shorter one was 

"He is bold for a short guy" sapnap said out loud

"I heard that and I am not short" Beanie boy said half way down the hall way

"And he has good hearing too" Karl said laughing

~~George pov~~

I was packing up so I can go to next period but suddenly I hear a voice sing a song I knew. I look at my surroundings and see dream sitting on his desk singing a song. I start to sing along with him. He got startled and quickly started to apologize.

"I am so sorry for that i-I didn't mean to yknow disturb you" dream said stuttering

"I loved it, It was like a private concert" George said laugh at the last part he said

"Thank you" Dream said smiling and blushing

"Why are you blushing?!" George ask boldly

"I am not blushing" dream said hiding his face in his hoodie

"Aww someone is embarrassed" george said with a baby voice

"I am not embarrassed" dream said still hiding his face

Suddenly I see quackity standing in the doorway laughing his ass off

"Why are you laughing?!" George asked quackity with a confused look on his face

"You guys are obviously flirting" Quackity said through his laugh 

"We are not flirting!!" George said blushing and grabbing his things so he can go to his next period and dream did the same

"See you to love birds later" quackity said still laughing

*20 minute break is over the bell rung* 

(Quackity is in social studies with karl)

(sapnap is in english  with george and dream)

~~Sapnap pov~~

I was already seated when I saw two pretty boy was walk in the class one of them being the boy who winked at me earlier. I felt my eyes glue onto the the shorter boy. The short boy noticed me and said

"Can I help you with anything?!" The shorter boy said while taking a seat next to me

"Nope your just hot" sapnap said boldly

"I-i who? me?!?!" George was flustered 

"pffft BAHAHAHAHAH *insert wheeze*" The tall boy was laughing so hard

"Why are you laughing pretty boy" Sapnap said trying to make both of them flustered 

"Two can play at that game" The tall boy said with a smirk 

"Guys we are at school" The short boy said with a nervous giggling 

"What is ya'll names" I ask both of the pretty boys

"My name is george short for georgenotfound" George said with a smile on his face

"My name is dream but its pretty boy to you " Dream said with a smirk on his face

"and yours!?!" george said with one eyebrow up

"My is sapnap but you can call me sap" I said answering with a smile


I sat in the back of the class like usual and sat on my phone. Then I saw the cute boy from earlier sitting next to me.

"Whats your name" I ask 

"My name is karl aka the cool guy " Karl laughs at the last part

"What about yours?!" Karl asked

"My name is quackity thank you for asking" I said smiling 

~~~~~~~~~~𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕤𝕜𝕚𝕡 after second period~~~~~~~~~~ 

(🅐/🅝 I just woke up I only got 2 hours of sleep but the grind don't stop :D)

*Bell rung A 20 minute break*

~~Third person~~

Sapnap was caught in a conversation with dream and george forgetting about karl.

Karl was worried about what happened to sapnap so he looked in all the classrooms but then he finally found sapnap chatting with some other people which caught him by surprise because sapnap is a huge introvert. Karl saw this and decided to just text him "Don't be late to next period you only have 10 minutes left"

(They are all in science aka dream, george, sapnap, karl, quackity aka the feral boys!!!)

~~Karls pov~~ 

I sat in class seeing the beanie boy again. I decided to start a conversation.

"How are you" I ask in a nervous tone

"I'm fine and there is no reason to be nervous around me"Quackity said laughing

It was like he read my mind. How did he know I was nervous. It was like we we're meant to be. wait no.....maybe.... anyways

"How did you know I was nervous" Karl said shocked he knew he was nervous

"You we're breathing heavy and you we're fidgeting with you hands" Quackity answer with a smirk

Before I could say anything I saw a green eyed tall guy walks in and he toke a seat next to me. I think to myself "That guy is cute" then a shorter boy and I think to myself again "That guy is even cute" sapnap walks in and sees that the two seats next to me we're already taken. I could tell he was a little upset but I didn't think anything of it.

(A/N I just saw the video of sapnap do a ollie...... everyone is freaking out)

"Ohh someone has a little crush" Quackity says in a playfully tone

"No I don't, he is just pretty" I say whispering the last part

"Then why are you blushing" The beanie boy ask

I didn't even notice that I was blushing.

"I am not blushing" I said hiding my face in my shirt

"Why are you hiding your face" Quackity ask while laughing

"Because I can" I fired back

"People don't just do that for no reason yknow" Quackity said

"Well I do" I say back at him

We get cut off by the teacher starting the lesson.

~~Sapnap pov~~

Karl was kinda flirting with the guy in the beanie boy I saw earlier. I didn't like it. I suddenly hear

"Someone is jealous, is that your boyfriend or something" George said smirking

"What- no he isn't my boyfriend and I am not jealous" I said firmly 

"That is exactly what a person that is jealous will say" George said with a grin on his face

"I am not jealous" I said putting my fist on my mouth

"Your definitely jealous" George said laughing

That caused us to get in after school detention.

~*~Dream pov~*~ 

I was told multiple times to stay off my phone but didn't listen instead I was listening to music and that is how I got after school detention sadly but "I would probably be the only one there" I thought to myself.

~*~Karl pov~*~

I got bored and started to text sapnap

Me: I'm bored D:

Spampam ❤️‍🔥: Me too

Me: want to play pool or chess

Spampam ❤️‍🔥: Yeah sure

We managed to play pool without getting caught by the teacher. 

*The bell rung*

(They are in math aka dream, george, sapnap, karl, quackity aka the feral boys :D)


It was 1 more period before lunch/free time. Sapnap and karl we're chatting on there way to there next period. George, dream and quackity we're talking to each other on there way to there next period also.

~~Dream pov~~

I thought to myself " This beanie boy is kinda cute NONONONO they are actually hot very hot.

"Dream to earth" George said trying to get my attention

"Yeah?!"I say with a kinda confused look on my face

"Dream must be dreaming" The short mexican said

"Nice pun" I say with a sarcastic tone

"Thank you" The short beanie boy said with confidence

"How are you so confident quackity" George ask quackity

"I just fake it" quackity said smiling

I think to myself "HIS SMILE!!!!! this man better have my kids or I am calling 911 wait... i'm moving to fast.... BUT HIS SMILE IS SOOO PERFECT" 

"You have the most perfect smile I have ever seen" I say not knowing I was saying it out loud

"WHo mE- no- nONo I-" Quackity was flustered

"I- i'm sorry I didn't mean to yknow... I meant uhh" I said not knowing what I did

"Aww guys are flirting!!" George said laugh at both of us

"WE ARE NOT FLIRTING" Quackity and I say at the same time

"ok whatever" George said rolling his eyes playfully



You can tell me if this story is horrible or bad or even trash :D anyways hope you enjoyed reading this!!! 👴🏾👍🏾 also 2506 Words :D

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