His African Queen || BWWM

By Official_Refiloe

119K 3.5K 414

Marii Dlamini is a beautiful 24 year old South African living in the US. Liam Augero is a handsome 26 year ol... More

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By Official_Refiloe

(Liam Augero⬆️⬆️⬆️)


I look up at this beautiful man before me. "Well you can come in and sit. I just have to sort out something quickly and I'll be right back." he says. "O-okay." I stutter. I then walk in to this big and beautiful office. There was a desk there and behind his chair was a beautiful view of the city.

I then sit in front of his desk and take in his office. I see a door to my left. I wonder what's there. Probably another office. I look to my right and see another door. Wow. Is it another office? I then look around and land my eyes on a fish tank. It's so nice with all the different fish.

One was just there looking at me. It started to creep me out so I just faced forward. I then hear the same man from earlier come in. "Well Good Morning Miss... Dilamini?" he said looking at my resume.

"Dlamini." I correct him. "Oh." he says he then starts with the questions and each time I would mentally tell my self 'I got this' and would answer.

After all that, he looked me in the eyes. Damn those ocean eyes. I cross my legs as I felt my pearl throb a bit. "Well Miss Dlamini, I think it's safe to say that you got the job." he says. "Really?" "Yes. You start tomorrow" he says. "Yes sir. Thank you so much." "Mm. Job pays 30 dollars per hour." my eyes widen as he says that.

"I want to see you tomorrow 8 am sharp and my coffee ready. I like black with no sugar. This is the card you will use to buy everything I need." he says as he gives me a black card. I then take it.

"Any questions?" he asks. "N-no sir." Damn this man is making me stutter. "Great. You may leave now." he says. "Thank you sir. You won't regret this." I say but he simply hummed and turned to look at the view.

I just got out there and I was so happy.

I go into elevator I came here in and went down to the first floor. I go towards the reception desk. "Soo??" Jade asked me beaming. "I got the job." I said happily.

"Suuree. I knew you were going to get it. You starting tomorrow or today?" "Tomorrow." I answer her. "Oh okay. I'll finally have a black friend around here." she says as she laugh. I then join her and laugh.

After that I then head back home with a happy heart. I don't really have friends around here. I don't get well with people for some reason. So meeting Jade really does have an effect on me.

Now let's not start on hunk boss. He makes me so nervous. The way he looked into my eyes made me soak my panties a bit. Damn. This may be one interesting job experience.

After a while my eyes started to want to shut. I then got ready for bed, said my prayers and went to sleep.

I groan as a ray of light hits my eyelids. Why is the sun so bright in the morning? I then wake up and look at the time. 5:43.

I got ready for my first day. I'm so excited! After I washed up, I then dress up and made sure I looked pleasing. I then looked at the time and it was 6:48. I need to go now.

I quickly grab my things and caught the usual bus. After a while I get there and it's 7:23. I went into the buildings. There's something I'm missing but I just can't put my hand on it.

A woman then passes me with coffee in her hands. Oh shoot! His coffee! I quickly walked to the nearest coffee shop. What coffee did he like again?

I then go on my phone to remember it was black coffee with no sugar. I then go up to the counter and order his coffee. My name was then called and I grab his coffee.

I checked the time. 7:52. I then quickly go back to the company. I see Jade at the front. "Hey. Is he here yet?" I ask. "No but he will be. Go on. We'll talk later." "Okay." I say and head to the elevator.

I press the last button. As soon as the door opens I then go to his office and place his still hot coffee on his desk. So what do I do now? I just stood there, looking at the different art paintings on his wall.

I was deep in finding out the meaning of one of the artworks when I hear the door open. I look to see Mr Augero coming in.

He takes a sip of his coffee and motions for me to follow him. I follow him to one of the doors inside. I was right. It was an office. It's my office. It looked so nice with its gray walls. It was a nice minimalist office.

He then gives me papers to copy and to put into his and my file. I then was busy doing that. After a while 11:22 hit and I got a message saying what I should get Mr Augero for his lunch.

Update on Mr Hunk, well he ain't Mr Hunk anymore. More of Mr Grumpy ass. I ask simple innocent questions and he answers me like I should know the answer, sometimes he just ignores me. Sometimes he just snaps at me for no damn reason.

Let me not even get started on his remarks on my outfit. Saying that my pencil skirt tight and short. For your information my skirt stopped 4 fingers above my knee and every other woman here either has a full blown cleavage out or their skirt stops right after their bum and he has the audacity to talk about mine. The nerve, the gull, the gumption!

I then phone the resturant he wanted his food from. 30 minutes go by and I get a message that the delivery is here. I then go take it and go back to the office to not see him there. I then put his food on his desk when the door opens.

"Liam- wait. Who the fuck are you?" a blonde woman asks me. "Oh um I'm just-" "You the bitch he left me for?" wait a damn minute, did she just call me a female dog? Is this Augero's ex or what?

"Um I don't know what you talking about ma'am." I say in a calm manner. "Don't act stupid. So you think you can just waltz into my mans life and steal him from me." What? Im so confused.

"E-Excuse me?" just then the door opens and in comes Mr Augero himself. "Kayla? What are you doing here?" he asks the woman. "So what. You telling me that you left me for this bitch." Okay! She called me it again. But you know what, I ain't tryna get fired on my first day. So imma compose myself and keep quiet.

"Kayla, what are you talking about?" "What am I talking about? I am asking if you left me for this pathetic slut."

Yeah okay, I don't care no more. I'm getting fired today. "Excuse me. What did you just say!" I said angrily. "Marii-" Mr Augero started but I stopped him talking anymore.

We then start arguing back and forth. "You two, stop it!" Mr Augero says. "You Kayla need to leave." "Oh I see, you standing up for your little ghetto ass hoe of a nigga." That's it. I'm going to jail.

I then lunge towards her and beat the hell out of her. I then see a man come through the doors and I feel hands wrapping around my waist pulling me away. But did that stop me? NO. But was he strong enough to keep me from the blonde bitch? Well... Yeah.

The man who came through the doors came out with a bloody Kayla. I was so mad. I just burst into tears. Damn. Where did that come from? I then feel my face being squashed into a strong chest.

I hear the door open. "Yooo I see Kayla all bust up, what happened in- OH." I hear Jade's voice say followed by a laugh. I let go of Liam and looked at Jade who was trying to keep in her laugh with her hand covering her mouth.

"I'm sorry but I needed someone to do that to Kayla for a long time." she says laughing. I crept in a small smile. "No. You know what, Jade get out of here." "But I want to take Marii out for lunch." Jade says. "No. Now get out." Jade scoffs and gets out.

Yeah, I'm getting fired today. Imma get home and start a business at this point. "Sit down." Mr Augero commanded. I do as he says. "You know I should've seen this coming, knowing why you were fired from your last job."

"I'm s-" I start. "No. Why can't you be a normal person and react by just ignoring." Did he just say I must just ignore somebody who just called me a 'Ghetto ass hoe of a nigga'. No I will not sir. Wait a damn minute did he just say I ain't normal. Well yeah I know I ain't but I don't like it when people point it out.

"Excuse me. You think I should just ignore what she called me. No I don't think so. I can't ignore what I have heard my whole life in America-" he then interrupts me. "Look I understand-" I interrupt him back. "No you don't! You don't understand anything!"

It was then just quiet. It was then when she knew, she fucked up. "So you gonna fire me or what?" I ask breaking the awkward silence. "No I'm not going to fire you." Oh. Maybe not. "But this is your first strike." I just nod. "You're dismissed for lunch. Go cool yourselves." I then turn around, go to my office and fetched my bag.

I then go down to Jade and we went out. I told her everything that happened. After lunch with Jade we went back and carried on with working my ass off.

I got home so tired, I watched my daily happiness, SpongeBob. I then fell into one deep sleep.

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