This One is For You

By pbwrites220

136K 3.4K 1.3K

Josie has spent her entire life following the path her parents paved for her: Do good in school, stay out of... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Nineteen

5.1K 123 94
By pbwrites220


Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I'm packing to spend it with Josie's family. Rylie is spending hers with the Rossi's, and basically told me she'd punch me if I didn't accept Josie's invitation to meet her parents. She said this is a big step for us, whatever that means. I'm not taking relationship advice from my baby sister.

Josie and I have been spending every second we can together, and she's even spent the night at my apartment with me most nights this past week. Neither of us has addressed if we're a couple or not, but I assume meeting her parents means she's planning on keeping me around a while. I hope that's what it means.

After what happened a few weeks ago, Josie wasn't sure she wanted to go see her family for the holiday at all. But her aunt Sadie is coming down from New York, and Josie thinks that woman hung the moon and the stars. So, we're going.

I'm nervous to meet Josie's parents. To me, they seem like assholes who don't give a shit about their daughter. I shouldn't care if they like me or not. And even so, I still want to make a good impression.

Compared to Trey, whose parents have as much money as Josie's parents do, and who is supposed to be the guy she marries, I look like scum.

I come from nothing, I have tattoos all over my body, and I sing for a living. Granted, that path is looking more and more successful every day, I doubt Josie's family will think I'm worthy of her.

I guess I could argue that I don't think they're worthy of her either. It depends on where you're looking from. The view of money, success and notoriety. Or the view of happiness, mental stability and love.

Geez. Love? I internally fuss at myself. When did I become so fucking sappy? She's ruining me. Really.

And compared to Trey, I hope they at least know I'd never assault their daughter. I mean, for fucks sake, that should be the bare minimum. The only way I'm ever putting my hands on Josie is in the ways she asks for. Rough, gentle, somewhere in between. But never violently. That's for cowards.

I lock up my apartment and drive over to Josie's, trying to mentally prepare for whatever this weekend will hold.

If Trey is there, I'm going to have a hard time keeping my mouth shut. And if they start talking shit to Josie, I'm also going to have a hard time not putting them all in their places.

But it doesn't matter what they say. I hate that it hurts Josie, but their words have no weight.

If I'm around and have anything to do with it, I'll make sure my girl proves them all wrong.

My girl. I've been referring to her as that. In my head, at least. Not out loud. I don't want to freak her out. I never thought I was possessive. I never had someone to be possessive over, other than Rylie. But it's a different type of possessive.

I feel like I need to mark my territory or some shit. Like I want to entire world to know Josie is mine, and I don't even know if she is mine.

Fuck it. I'm going to find out.

As usual, Josie is waltzing down the stairs before I can even go up and get her. I help her throw her bags into the back, and sneak glances at her while I do.

She looks prim and proper. It's not her usual jeans and sweater. Today, her blonde hair is swept into a clean bun. She's in gray tights, a green and gray plaid skirt, and a green sweater. She looks like she's about to go to private school, not her family Thanksgiving.

Not that I'm complaining. She looks sexy in it.

I also notice a strand of pearls and matching earrings. She looks every bit the part of rich, good little daughter, and I don't know why I get the strong urge to ruin the look.

I won't, but the idea of ripping her tights and pulling her hair down makes me excited.

"How are you feeling?"

"Nervous." She answers as we climb inside the cab. "I'm nervous for them to meet you. Not that you aren't great. They should love you. I mean, anyone would." I smirk at her, and her eyes widen, realizing what she just said. Does she love me? "I mean... I just—I don't know." She side-steps over the subject completely, and I find it amusing. "My parents are judgmental. They don't even like me. I don't want them to make things harder on you than they have to be."

"I can hold my own, princess."

"I know you can. I just don't want things to get messy."

"I'll be right there beside you the whole time. We got this."

Keeping the truck in park, I grab her wrist and slide her over to my side.

"What are you doing?" She giggles, adjusting in the seat to face me.

"I should probably make this special, or whatever. But I want to know before we spend the whole weekend with your family." I run my pinky finger over her cheek, then tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. "I want you to be all mine, Josie. I want to call you my girlfriend."

"Oh, do you?" She bats her eyelashes, giving me the sweetest smile.

"Yes. So, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, Hudson."

Josie dives in and kisses me. It's rare that she leans in for a kiss first, so I savor the moment.

My girlfriend. A few months ago, that word would've made me feel sick. The idea of being tied down and committed.

Now, it's the opposite. The idea of having Josie, and losing her, makes me feel worse than the idea of commitment ever did.

"Yes!" I make her laugh as I fist-pump into the air.

By the time we arrive, Josie has asked me if she looks okay ten times. I can practically feel the anxiety rolling off of her.

This place is a mansion. I knew it would be, but I wasn't really prepared for it. This place looks like it came right out of a movie, complete with a fountain in the front yard and everything.

"Have I told you yet that this..." Josie looks me up and down slowly, "Is a great look on you?"

I eye my black dress pants, white button down, and gray blazer. Most of my tattoos are covered in this, and I was hoping to somewhat fit in here.

But I'll dress like this every day if Josie keeps looking at me with "fuck me" eyes.

I sling both our bags over my shoulder, and Josie takes several deep breaths before we walk up to the door.

"Sadie!" Josie chimes when a woman appears in the doorway. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you more, honey!"

They pull each other in for a hug, and I realize they resemble a lot. Sadie, who looks to be in her mid-thirties, has the same shade of blonde hair as Josie. If I didn't already know Sadie was her aunt, I might've thought she was her mother.

Behind Sadie is a woman around the same age, with dark tanned skin, and curly hair. Denise, Sadie's wife, I assume. I've heard Josie mention her.

"Hudson, these are my aunts. Sadie and Denise." Josie gestures between us, "Sadie and Denise, this is my boyfriend, Hudson."

"I've heard a lot about you, Hudson." Sadie smiles, pulling me in for a hug, too.

"Nice to meet you." Denise shakes my hand.

I hope the rest of her family will be this nice, but just as the thought crosses my mind...


We all turn our attention to the woman who's entered the foyer. She looks like Sadie and Josie, but more plastic and proper. She's wearing red lipstick, and there isn't a hair out of place on her head. It looks stiff, as does her smile.

"Mom. This is Hudson. Hudson, my mom, Elizabeth."

Her mother doesn't address me other than shooting a nasty look my direction.

"Josaleigh, you didn't tell me Hudson was coming. You know Trey will be here."

"He shouldn't be. We broke up."

I eye Denise and Sadie, who look about as uncomfortable as I feel. I'm proud Josie is standing up for me, but I don't want to cause problems before we even make it all the way in the door.

"Come. We need a word alone."

Josie gets pulled into another room by her mom, while I stand there scratching the back of my neck. Awkward.

"Come on, Hudson. I'll show you to Josie's room so you can set these bags down."

I follow Sadie through the house, and up a flight of stairs.

"And by the way, I'm sorry about my sister. She's..."

"Stuck up." I mumble louder than I mean to.

"Something like that." Sadie laughs, stopping outside of a door. "Talking to Josie over the last several weeks has felt like I'm talking to a whole new girl. She's seemed genuinely happy for the first time in a very long time. Don't let Elizabeth ruin anything for you two. If Josie wanted you here, then you are welcome here, no matter who shoots you death-looks. Denise and I are rooting for you." She leans in a little closer, now, whispering. "I never liked Trey in the first place."

A bit of relief washes over me. I'm thankful that not everyone here hates me. Sadie leaves me to put the bags away, and I open the door to Josie's childhood bedroom.

I instantly understand why her apartment is a godawful shade of pink. White walls, white comforter, white rug and even white furniture occupy the space. It's blinding.

There are hardly any personal belongings in here, and I get the sense that it's not because she doesn't stay here anymore. But more, that it's always been like that even when she did.

The only thing that stands out is a bulletin board in the corner, with neon sticky notes scattered all over it.

I step closer, reading a few of them.

Everything, in time.

Life is tough, but so are you.

Turn up the volume, close your eyes, and let the music take over your soul.

I grin. They're like affirmations. Little pieces of herself that she felt important enough to write down and put up.

She is a mess, but she's a masterpiece.

What's coming is better than what's gone.

"Are you snooping?"

"Maybe." I admit, as Josie enters the room. "I like these."

"I made it my senior year. Mom didn't want me to. I'm surprised she hasn't taken it down yet."

"I like the one about music."

"Yeah. Music has always been a part of my life. Even before you, rockstar. I just didn't think it was an option for me to pursue it."

"I'm glad you found your way back to it." I turn, pulling her in for a hug. Her cotton candy perfume tickles my nose. "Everything okay with your mom?"

"Nothing is ever okay with my mom, but I'm okay, if that's what you're asking. She's convinced that I will marry Trey. I can't believe she's taking his side over mine."

"Me either, but you have other people on your side."

"I know. And I appreciate them. You." She smiles as she looks up at me. "Thanks for coming to the shit-show with me."

"I'd follow you anywhere."

And I mean it. I would.

I capture her lips in a kiss, and I wish we could stay in our own bubble up here all day, but I know we need to go downstairs and face her family.

"Come on. You still have to meet my dad."

Oh, yeah. Can't fucking wait.


My dad wasn't rude to Hudson, but he wasn't friendly, either. I guess indifferent is better than my mom, who continues to huff and puff every time he says anything.

I appreciate Hudson for letting her snide remarks roll off him. I owe him big time after this.

A knock on the door pulls us from our mundane conversation. My stomach instantly lurches. I know who that'll be.

My mother hops up and primps her hair as she heads for the door.

Moments later, proving me right, she strolls back in with Trey behind her. Hudson tenses beside me.

Trey's hair is cut shorter now than it was when we were together. I meet his piercing blue eyes and a chill runs down my spine. They look full of fury.

Then, I notice the bag slung over his shoulder.

No. Hell no.

"What's that for?" I blurt, not caring if I sound rude.

"My parents are out of town and your mom told me I could stay here for the holiday."


"Josaleigh." My mother interjects. "Enough is enough. It's time you and Trey work out whatever is going on between you."

My blood rushes hot as I stand to my feet.

"There is nothing to work out, mother. Trey and I are over."

"You will do as I say."

"He assaulted me!"

"He what?" Sadie stands now, too, glaring at my mother.

"The day after I broke up with him, he came into my apartment without my permission and gave me a speech about how women in the family business are either tools or toys. He said that he should show me how I need to be treated. After that, he pushed me up against the door and choked me."

"Elizabeth!" Sadie's eyes swarm with tears, "What the fuck is wrong with you? And Trey?" She faces him now. "You need to get out of this house, son. You have no business here."

"You can't command people out of my house!"

"When my niece's safety is involved, I can do whatever the fuck I want!"

Denise is gripping the arm rest of the couch, and Hudson has his head in his hands while his elbows rest on his knees.

I look to my dad, seeing that he's looking distressed, but trying to ignore us all by knocking back his Scotch.

"Sadie, if you're going to talk to me like that, you're the one that can leave."

"Enough!" I yell, grabbing the attention of everyone and surprising myself. "Mom, I'm not fixing things with Trey. I don't love him. Can you take a step back from this legacy you want filled, and think about what he's done to me? What you've done to me?"

"Josaleigh, you're being childish and rebellious. I'm embarrassed by your behavior."

"The only thing embarrassing about this situation is you." I choke back my emotions, keeping my voice steady. "You hate your life, don't you, mom? You hate it so much that you want to make mine miserable, too, because you can't stand the thought I might have it better than you. You're in a loveless, platonic marriage. You Botox your face to hide the years of wrinkles left behind by worry and stress. You drink more wine than you should, but you think we don't notice. And it makes you angry that I don't want to be like you. I want real. I want happiness, and messy hair. I want over-flowing laundry baskets and colorful walls. I want a life I'm proud of, and not because of my money, because of the love I've given and received. I want something real and deep. You're about as deep as a puddle, mom, and you hide it by being a bitch. You hate your life and because of that you want me to hate mine. But I won't. I refuse to be anything like you."

"Josaleigh Katelyn Meadows!" My mother gasps, looking like she might cry, but quickly turning it to rage. She closes the distance between us, bring her hand up and slapping her palm across my cheek.

It stings, but not as much as the sting that she'd choose Trey over me. Or the sting that she took music away all those years ago.

Physical pain is never as bad as emotional pain. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Yeah, that's bullshit. Whoever said that first was either an idiot, or in denial. Physical wounds heal. Emotional ones? I'm not sure they do.

As I rush out, the room erupts in noise. Sadie starts yelling at my mother, Denise hops in the middle trying to calm everyone down. Hudson runs after me, calling my name. And I hear my dad pour himself another drink.

I rush up the stairs and to my old bedroom, barely making it inside before Hudson catches up and engulfs me in a hug.

"Baby, are you okay? She got you good." I sob into his chest, taking in his scent. The mint from the gum he chews after every meal. His cologne that smells the same as the outdoors when autumn starts breaking through the summer heat, and the crisp leaves begin to fall. "Talk to me." He adds a moment later when I haven't replied.

"I'm okay. I can't believe I said those things."

"They were justified. I'm proud of you."


I focus on my breathing, trying to get my emotions under control. I just want to leave. I want to go back to Hudson's apartment and get lost in him. I don't want to worry about any of this. If they're going to disown me, so be it. I'm tired of fighting for myself.

A soft tap against my bedroom door pulls me out of my thoughts.

"Come in." I say, praying it's Sadie or Denise and not my mom.

"Hey, honey." Sadie comes in, looking like she's been crying herself. Followed by Denise, who still looks like she's fuming. "Are you okay?"

"I am. Are you?"

"Don't worry about me." She chuckles, "My sister and I have never gotten along."

"Hudson and I are going to leave."

"I don't blame you. If you're leaving, we are, too. We came to see you."

My heart swells at my aunt Sadie's support.

"I just bought an apartment. There's an extra bedroom. If you two would like to stay with us, you're welcome to."

"Really?" I beam at Hudson, feeling so thankful for him.

"Of course."

"Hudson, that's so sweet. What do you say, Denise?"

"I'd love to. Anything is better than this place. No offense, babe."

"None taken." Sadie laughs, and then turns on her heel. "We will get our stuff ready then."

"I'll text you the address."

"See you there."

Hudson grabs our bags as they go across the hall to get theirs.

With a reassuring look, Hudson leads the way down the stairs.

I deflate when I see Trey at the bottom.

"Josie." He grasps for me, but Hudson blocks him with a cold look. "Hey, man. Fuck off. Let me talk to her."

"No. She doesn't want to talk to you. Leave her the fuck alone."

"You've got a lot of nerve to talk to me like that being white trash. Do you know who my family is? We could ruin you."

"Go ahead, but you're still not getting anywhere near Josie."

"You know, what?" Trey throws his hands up, laughing and looking psychotic. "You can have her, man. She'll come back to me when she realizes you can't give her what I can. Josie is promised to me. It doesn't matter that she gets off fucking the lowlife whose mother was a druggie whore. She can have her fun, but once she's bored of you, she's mine."

I wince. That's the furthest thing from the truth.

In a flash, the bags are dropped to the floor and Hudson's pushing Trey against the wall.

"Hudson! Let's just go." I plead, but it goes unheard.

"Come on, Trey. You want to push women around, why not fight a man? Don't be a pussy."

"Hit me, trailer trash!" Trey's sinister smile and animalistic wild eyes make me nervous. "My family will sue you for everything you're worth. Your grandchildren will still be paying your debt." When Hudson doesn't hit him, Trey digs deeper. "Or how about that pretty little sister of yours. She could use some breaking in."

Hudson's fist flies through the air, connecting with Trey's jaw. Then, another to his nose. Trey pushes back, swinging at Hudson but missing.

Hudson lands another, knocking Trey to the ground. He hovers over him, shaking the blood off his hand.

"You leave both of my girls alone." He sneers in a low voice that makes me shiver. I've never seen Hudson so lethal. "You can take whatever you want from me, but if you come near Josie or my sister, I will fucking kill you."

And with that, Hudson stands, picking up our bags and storming out of the house. I scramble after him, still in shock.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." He bites out, slinging our bags into the truck.

I buckle up as I notice Hudson's knuckles already bruising.

"Why don't you wait until you're calmer to drive?"

"I said I'm fine."

He peels out of the driveway, barreling through the neighborhood.

His face is hard as stone. My mind is racing. What the hell just happened?

He threatened to kill Trey!

I believe he would, too. Maybe I should be scared, but I'm not. I feel safe. Turned on, even, after seeing Hudson stand up for me.

We pull onto the long, nearly deserted road between my parent's neighborhood and the next town.

"Hudson, pull over."

He doesn't spare me a glance, but a few seconds later he does as I asked.

Hudson pulls the truck off the side of the road, down a dirt road that goes a little into the woods before being blocked off by a gate.

It's almost pitch black as he cuts the engine, and the only noise is from his rapid breathing.

I feel that maybe I should stay out of Hudson's way while he's all pissed off like this, but the urge to get closer is too strong. I slide towards the middle.

Touching his arm, I don't speak.

What am I supposed to say? Thank you? That was hot? I didn't know you could fight like that?

But Hudson does the talking for me.

"Trey doesn't get to speak to you like that. He's a sick fuck."

"I know, but I'm okay. I don't want Trey." My voice is barely audible. "You're the only one I want."

Hudson finally looks at me, and even in the darkness, I can feel the smolder of his stare. He leans back his seat and pulls me on top of him. I sit in his lap, straddling him.

"Am I your dirty little fling?" He murmurs against my lips. "Hmmm?"

"You're more than that."

"I am?" His fingers bite into my thighs. "But you just want me because I can get you off good, right? Then you'll run back to the money, and the pristine life and frat boy who doesn't love you, but can give you the mansion."

"Hudson, I—"

I get cut off when he brings his hand to my neck. He doesn't squeeze me hard, but enough to apply pressure. I whimper as lust pools in my belly.

"That's okay, Josaleigh." His husky voice is hot against my skin. "When you go back to Trey, make sure to tell him how good I fucked you."

I gasp as his other hand rips at my tights, creating a hole all the way down my thigh. He rips until he gets access where he needs, then he fists my panties and rips them off as well.

"You can tell him how fucking wet you get for me." He thrusts two fingers inside and I arch my back. His teeth sink into the skin of my shoulder. "Tell him that nothing he will ever do could make you feel the way I make you feel."

Longing and desire cause my head to swirl. Hudson's working his fingers inside of me, and still gripping my neck.

"Tell him that I made you mine in every way. That you will never be his again because I made sure of it."

"Hudson." I drop my head to his shoulder as my climax builds. "I'm all yours."

"Tell me again."

"I'm all yours." I pant, reaching my orgasm. "You're the only one I want."

"Yeah, baby. Fuck, I want to be inside of you."

I fumble for his belt, but his hand covers mine.

"I don't have a condom."

"I'm on birth control."

"You want..."

"Yes." I sound needy, but I don't care. I want all of him right now.

"You're sure?"

"I've been taking birth control religiously for three years. I'm sure."

"Holy shit. I've never—without one... I haven't."

"I just want to feel all of you." I kiss him, managing to get his belt undone finally.

He slides his pants and boxers down enough to give mobility, and then he presses me down on top of him.

I moan when he slides into me, and he curses under his breath.

I circle my hips, going in an up and down motion on top of him. He meets my rhythm with thrusts of his own.

"You feel fucking amazing." He grunts, "All mine."

He fills me up to the hilt every time, and the pleasure is almost too much. It's rough and needy, but it's passionate.

My mind flashes back to that first day when he gave me the whole speech about passion. I told him he was talking about lust, but I get it now. I know what he meant.

"I bet you don't think I'm lacking passion now."

"Hell, no." He tangles a hand in my hair, kissing my lips. "We've got passion, and good. So you better not be planning to leave anytime soon. This is more than lust and I think we both know it."

And with those growled words, I ride out my second orgasm. Hudson pumps in and out a few more times, before he spills into me. He grips me tightly as our motions still and only our shaky breaths fill the truck.

Hudson is right. Our connection is deep. It's more than shallow dates and hookups. I can feel him in my soul.

When we finally pull apart, the windows are foggy and my tights are ruined. Yet somehow, this shitty night has turned into a pretty great one.

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