Twice Upon Qadr - A Shot At L...

By sajmra

2.5M 193K 33.6K

Houssam Shaykh is living the dream. He is a big sought after basketball star who has his pick of teams, is re... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Finding Qadr Sneak Peek

Chapter 64

36.3K 2.6K 382
By sajmra

"Everybody! Attention! ATTENTION!"

Hana stifled a smile as the room fell silent at Harold's outburst, and as all eyes turned towards the two of them, she reddened slightly at the attention. Especially since Houssam was perched on a seat in front of her, his eyes never leaving her.

"This is Hana Ismail. She is a big time writer and photographer for The New York Times, and she has agreed to do the photos that we need for these layouts. Now, OK magazine, US Weekly, Sports Illustrated, and ESPN all are clamoring for these photos, so whatever happens today in this room is to remain in this room. Complete secrecy until it is released! I expect everyone to have full cooperation with Miss Ismail. Got it you two?" he asked looking at Freddy and Houssam.

"I am INSULTED you would even imply that we wouldn't cooperate!" Freddy exclaimed, putting a hand over his heart for added effect, and Harold rolled his eyes.

"Yes, you guys are angels." He turned towards Hana. "Alright, I leave them in your capable hands. I have some things to do, but I will just be a call away if you need me."

Hana nodded and smiled, stepping forward, her camera strapped around her neck.

"Sounds good." She turned towards Freddy and Houssam, who were sitting side by side, and both grinning like little boys. "Okay, so I want to get a few shots of the two of you playing basketball against each other. Nothing serious just a fun one on one game."

Houssam nodded, and slid off the bench, towering over her as he pulled himself to his full height.

"Sounds good. Ready Freddy?"

"Yes I am Houssam!" he grinned at Hana. "See how we rhyme?"

"Ignore him," Houssam said with an eye roll, "he's a weirdo."

Hana laughed as Freddy stuck his tongue at Houssam, and she followed them as they went up to the basketball net. There had been multiple lights set up around so she the pictures wouldn't be too dark, and she began to adjust the settings on her camera as the men began to pass the ball back and forth.

"You ready Hana?" Houssam called, and Hana tried to ignore the spark in her heart at hearing her name from him.

"Yup. Now I know how you guys get into your games, but I want to get some still shots in addition to action shots. So when I tell you to pose, I want you to pause in whatever you are doing, and just stand still. Other than that, play like you usually would. Sound good?"

"Yes Ma'am!" they both cried in unison. "Jinx! Double Jinx!"

Hana laughed as the two men kept talking louder and louder trying to best the other.

"Alright! Come on! Start playing!" she ordered, and as Houssam passed the ball to Freddy, she started clicking away, following them around the court as they started to play. At first they were stiff, aware that she was there, but soon they began to get into their game, so when she yelled 'freeze' for the first time, they both came to a halt immediately, and she snapped the picture of the ball leaving Freddy's hands, and Houssam reaching towards it, and another of Houssam midair, Freddy a blur behind him.

After an hour, Harold came back with some lunch, and to check the progress, whistling approvingly over the pictures as he bit into a turkey sandwich.

"Hana these are incredible! You are so talented!"

Hana blushed, taking a bite of her own sandwich, and when she caught Houssam's eye, he winked at her, causing a shiver to go up her spine. Once they had finished eating, the boys changed into the uniforms they wore when they were playing, and they sat side by side, waiting for Hana's instructions.

"Okay," she said a bit thoughtfully, "now I want to capture how you guys can be professional, but at the same time still have that childish friendship."

"Childish?!" Houssam protested.

"Yeah! We aren't childish!"

Hana laughed.

"Okay, fine you aren't. I just meant that you guys have such an amazing friendship that is strong and obviously meaningful, but you guys also have fun with each other. So I want to capture the essence of your relationship."

Freddy nodded.

"Okay, like how Houssam makes smiley face chocolate chip pancakes every Sunday?" he asked, and Hana laughed.


"Or how Freddy is always at my house eating my pancakes!?" Houssam exclaimed, and all three of them laughed.

"Exactly. Show me something that defines your friendship."

To her astonishment Houssam pounced on Freddy and put him in a headlock, and once she had gotten over her surprise, she laughed, and began to take pictures. They wrestled for another few minutes before sitting up, both of them laughing their heads off. Hana couldn't click fast enough, smiling at how happy they looked in the frames.

"Okay do you guys have any special handshakes?"

Houssam grinned.

"Like middle school secret handshakes?"

"Something like that."

"Well we don't have an official handshake, but before every game, we do a sort of mini dance number,"

Hana's eyebrows raised in amusement.

"A dance number?"

Freddy laughed.

"Yeah! It's pretty cool! Come on let's show her!"

Houssam groaned.

"I don't want to."

"Come on! Please!" she pleaded, and eventually he nodded.

"Okay." He stood up, Freddy jumping up excitedly next to him, and they quickly did a series of movements and handshakes and little dance moves, and by the end, Hana was tearing up she was laughing so hard.

"That was great!" she exclaimed, rolling back through the pictures she had taken, still giggling.

"Are you laughing at us!?" Houssam demanded, and she shook her head.

"I'm laughing with you!"

Freddy laughed and turned towards Houssam.

"I like her! I like her a lot!"

Houssam didn't say anything but the way he was looking at Hana sent a clear message, and she felt herself blush again.

They continued to take pictures for another hour before Harold returned.

"Alright! I think that's enough for today! Tomorrow we can go on location to Central Park and get some shots!" he exclaimed, and both Freddy and Houssam groaned.

"Central Park!? What are we supposed to ride the carousal together?! Come on Harold!"

"Fine, fine what do you suggest Hana?"

"I think we should go to the place where they practice for their games."

Houssam's eyes lit up.

"That's brilliant! You can take pictures of how Freddy and I help each other train!"

Harold nodded.

"That is brilliant." He grinned at Hana. "You're good kid. What are you doing for dinner tonight? Come join us!"

"Oh yes Hana come!" Houssam exclaimed pleadingly, and Freddy made a teasing face at his friend behind Hana's back.

"Oh that's very sweet, but I'm supposed to have dinner with my roommate." She said, and Harold waved a hand dismissively.

"Bring her with you. I'll send the limo for you two at eight o'clock! Here is the restaurant card just in case." He said handing Hana a business card for a restaurant that Hana knew was really expensive, and she tucked it into her purse. "And text Houssam your address, and he will give it to me.

"Thank you." She said packing up her camera, and once she had finished, she turned towards Houssam.

"I'll see you later then?"

He grinned.



As they stared at each other for another few seconds, Freddy loudly cleared his throat.

"And I'll see you later too Hana!"

Hana laughed, and nodded her head.

"Yes. I will see you later Freddy."


"I can't believe I am going to have dinner with two NBA players. I can't believe I am going to the restaurant in a limo! Oh My God!" Ayah squealed, and Hana laughed as her roommate fiddled with the control that opened the sunroof again.

"Ayah, stop before you break the car."

Ayah let go of the button, and clasped her hands into her lap.

"Sorry, sorry I'm just so excited! And I get to meet the famous Houssam!" she squealed again, bouncing in her seat, and Hana rolled her eyes, though she was trying just as hard not to show how excited she was as well. When Harold had offered her the job of photographing Houssam and Freddy's shoots, she couldn't believe her luck! Here was her chance to get to spend some time with Houssam! Allah swt had planned it perfectly, and for that she was grateful.

As they pulled up to the restaurant, the limo came to a stop, and as the valet opened their door, and the two ladies stepped out, Ayah gripped Hana's arm almost painfully, her eyes and smile both wide with excitement.

"Um, yes we are here with..." Hana began as they approached the host, but he put up a hand.

"Yes with the Knicks party. Mr. Shaykh has been most anxious for you to come. Right this way please."

They followed the man through the very crowded, very fancy restaurant, up a flight of stairs, and to a private room overlooking the water. It was beautiful and cool, and for a second both ladies were struck speechless.

"Hana! Hana over here!" Houssam waved from one of the tables, and Ayah squeezed Hana's hand as they made their way over there. At their approach, Houssam stood from his chair, his smile huge.

"Salaam Houssam! This is my roommate, Ayah Abdul Ghafoor."

Houssam nodded.

"AsalamuAlaikum Ayah! Glad you could make it."

Ayah smiled, her face showing how totally star struck she was.

"Walaikumasalaam. Thank you for including me."

"That was my manager actually. Harold, this is Hana's roommate Ayah."

"Hello Ayah. Nice to meet you." Harold said from his side of the table. "Hi Hana." He said nodding at her before turning back to talking with the lighting guy, Joe.

"Please sit down." Houssam said pulling out a seat for Ayah, and one for Hana. Hana blushed as she realized hers was next to Houssam, though he wisely pulled his seat a few inches away from her before sitting back down.

"So Ayah, you go to NYU?" Houssam asked, leaning over Hana, and she blushed at his proximity.

"Yes Alhamdulillah."

"MashaAllah that's great. What are you studying?"

"I'm working on toxic leadership."

Houssam's nose wrinkled.

"What's that?"

"Basically bosses who are horrible." She said with a laugh, and Houssam laughed as well.

"Well Alhamdulillah I've had nothing but awesome Coaches, but Freddy used to work in food service before he got drafted, I'm sure he has some amazing stories for you! Oh there he is now! Hey Freddy!"

"Hey man." Freddy said as he came over. "Hey Hana. Sorry I'm late I was just..." he trailed off as his eyes rested on Ayah, and he just stood there, his mouth slightly agape.

"Um, Freddy this is my roommate Ayah. Ayah, this is..."

"Freddy Crewe. I'm a huge fan." Ayah exclaimed a bit flustered, and after a few seconds, Freddy managed a smile.

"It's nice to meet you Ayah. That's a beautiful name."

She blushed prettily.

"Thank you. I can't tell you how much my brother was freaking out that I was having dinner with you tonight!"

Freddy's grin widened, and he took the seat across from her.

"You are too kind. Hana didn't tell me she had such a kind roommate." He said in Hana's general direction, his eyes never leaving Ayah's face.

Hana laughed.

"Well she is kind and amazing and wonderful and the best roommate in the world."

"Hana, you're flattering me." Ayah said, her face reddening, and Freddy grinned.

"I bet it's all true though."

Hana debated included herself in their conversation, but as they seemed too engrossed in talking to each other, she turned to look at her menu, aware that Houssam's eyes were on her.

"What?" she asked after another few moments and he shrugged.

"I'm still having a hard time accepting that you're really here."

She smiled, though still not having the courage to look up at him.

"What do you mean?"

"We haven't spoken or seen each other in a year. Then all of a sudden you're just here. It was a surprise."

"Good or bad?"

He paused a beat of silence.


She blushed again, and realizing that the conversation was getting a little too intense, he cleared his throat, and turned towards his own menu.

Once the table had ordered, Ayah and Freddy fell back into conversation, leaving Hana and Houssam in silence.

"So it was really nice of you to accept Harold's offer." He said eventually, and she smiled.

"It was my pleasure! I'm still trying to work my way up in the ranks so I don't really get to take many pictures for the paper yet."

He wrapped his straw wrapper around his finger.

"After I saw you yesterday I went online and read all of the articles you have written."

"You did?" she asked softly, and he nodded.

"They were amazing MashaAllah. I loved the one you wrote about what's happening in Syria. You could tell it was from your heart."

"Yes well it did come from the heart. You know I can't even handle what is happening over there. I feel so guilty sometimes. I mean look at me right now sitting in this restaurant, and look at how expensive these prices are, and people don't even have food!" to her mortification she began to tear up and he handed her a napkin, resisting the urge to put an arm around her.

"Oh Hana. Dearest. It is good for us to feel sympathy and to help them because they are our brothers and sisters. But at the same time we cannot feel guilty for what we have and they don't because it is the Rizq that Allah swt has given to us. That's like questioning Allah swt's Qadr. We should feel bad when we don't use what we have for them, especially our Du'aa."

She dabbed at her eyes, and gave him a watery smile.

"You're right of course. Thank you for reminding me."

"Don't thank me." He whispered, and a small silence fell over them before their food came, and as they started to eat, they both couldn't stop thinking about the fact that he had called her dearest.

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