A Field Of Dandelions || Drea...

Por CrushedCookieNut

867 37 56

"It's a giant field of dandelions." George stated the obvious while picking one up and blew in it, so that th... Más

Chapter 1: The Desk Ornament
Chapter 2: Make A Wish
Chapter 3: Mark My Words
Chapter 5: Those 8 Letters
Chapter 6: How Will It End?
Chapter 7: Explain It To Me
Chapter 8: Go Touch Some Grass
Chapter 9: The Light Of Bonfire
Playlist cause I can

Chapter 4: What Are These Feelings?

68 3 3
Por CrushedCookieNut

AN: 2 chapters today. 

Dream stayed in bed for quite a long time. He couldn't get up. He was looking at the ceiling. He missed him.


Why couldn't he be real? What would Dream give to be with George?

He sighed. Looking at his ceiling was 'fun' but he had work to do.

He got up, brushed his teeth, ate his breakfast and booted up his computer.

He saw the clock which read 4AM. He didn't sleep very well. He wished he could have slept more.

Discord opened itself and he saw most everyone still offline. He closed it and decided to look for the song George sang to him in his dream. If that song even existed.

He googled up the lyrics he remembered and it turns out the song actually exists. He clicked the first link and decided to give it a listen.

It was a love song.

He really liked it. It wasn't really his taste but everything coming from George sounded good.

He put it on liked songs in his Spotify and started listening to it, multiple times.


"Dream? You okay, bud?" Sapnap was concerned for his friend.

"Huh? Uh, yeah. I'm good. Why?" Dream said. To be fair. Dream wasn't very good. He was still thinking about George.

Is this love? No, it can't be. I can't fall in love with someone from my dreams, can I?

"The last time I asked, you said the same thing and this time, I do not believe you. Tell me, what's wrong." Sapnap pressured.

Dream didn't know if he should tell him about it. He was scared, what he might think. But Sapnap was his friend. He'll support him, right?

"I-I've had these weird dreams lately." Dream said.

"What kind of dreams?"

"Well, in the dream. I wake up in the middle of a field full of dandelions..." Dream started explaining.

"And?" Sapnap knew there was something more than just flowers.

"There's this boy... called George. He's in my dreams. But I have no idea who he is."


"I think I fell in love with him." Dream said. He was scared to admit it even to himself but now that the words were out there, he was sure of it.

He loved George. He loved a man from his dreams. A man who he could never have. Because George wasn't real.

"Are you joking?" Sapnap did not believe a word his best friend told him.

"No, I'm serious. I-I knew I shouldn't have told you." Sapnap cut him off.

"No! That's not what I meant. It's just... you know that's all in your head, right?"

"You think, I'm dumb? Of course I know! That's why I don't understand it at all! How could I have fallen for someone from my own head?" Dream was desperate. He wanted this nightmare to end.

"I have no idea, dude. What are you gonna do?" Sapnap was concerned.

"I don't know. Should I go see a therapist or something? I mean, this isn't normal, right?"

"I don't think it is." Sapnap stopped for a bit. "When did you first start getting these dreams?"

"On the day of the garage sale? Why?"

"I just remembered something." Dream could hear Sapnap shuffling around his room and searching for something. After a couple of minutes he heard him come back.

"Here it is. Remember when I said, you could have bought ghosts at that garage sale?"


"Dude, it makes so much sense! That dandelion is possessed by a ghost of that George person and that's why you're always in a field of dandelions in your dreams."

"Ghosts aren't real, Nick and you know it."

"You know, I have always believed in that paranormal stuff. And it makes so much sense."

"I can't believe it. Are you making fun of me?" Dream sounded angry.

"No, of course not. I'm trying to help you."

"You're not helping with that bullshit. You know what? I'll find help by myself. I don't care about your stupid theories. Bye!" Dream angrily disconnected.

He didn't let Sapnap finish what he was saying and closed Discord.

He laid on his bed again and looked at the ceiling. All the thoughts of George flooded his mind. He was stuck.

He knew George wasn't real. So, why did it feel like he was? Why did he feel like he could somehow break George from his dream prison and kiss him for real?

But what if George didn't even like him back? What if he would break him out just to realise George never liked him like that?

Dream was thinking about it. He loved George and he would do anything to keep him happy even if that meant leaving him. Even if he would be hurt, at least they could be friends.

But he can't break him out. Because George is a part of his imagination. And how did he even manage to fall in love with his imagination?

That's impossible, right? But if it is, how did it manage to happen?

Dream's head hurt from so much thinking, so he went to the kitchen, to get himself something to drink.

He took his phone with him and started blasting his playlist, on which he also added George's special song.

He took a cup from his cupboard and filled it with tap water and went back to his room, to book a meeting with his therapist. He wasn't ok and he knew it.


And I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime

And I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine

The song was singing. Dream liked this part the most, probably. It was a confession. Maybe he could sing the song to George to see if he would remember it.

He decided it was better for his overthinking self to tell himself that George is real. Nothing was better if he kept saying to himself he isn't.

Dandelion, into the wind you go

Won't you let my darling know?

"... that I love him even if he isn't here, right next to me. And even if he isn't real, he'll always be real in my heart."

Okay, that sounded just cheesy, Clay.

Dream laughed. It did sound cheesy. But it was the truth.

Wishing on dandelions all of the time

Praying to God that one day you'll be mine

Wishing on dandelions all of the time, all of the time

Dream was always wondering what George was wishing on those flowers. He knew that he, himself, didn't wish for anything.

But now he had something to wish for. And this song was describing it perfectly.

He was smiling. Love was one of the greatest emotions he experienced. Even if he didn't know if the person who he loved liked him back.


And that's how the song ends. The next song on his playlist started playing but he was too deep in thought to notice which one it was.

He loved that song. But he loved George more. He wanted to hear George sing it again and be able to continue it because he learned the lyrics.

George would be so surprised and Dream could end the song saying that he meant every word of the song he said. And then they would get married and ride off into the sunset.

But the thought from the back of his mind came back.

He isn't real.

AN: 1219 words 

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