Traveling To The Mysterious B...

Por SalmaanAli4

4.1K 178 76

This is a fanfiction, I do not own any of the characters in the story. Centuries after the battle with Yuuki... Más

Chapter 01- Unexpected travel, Welcome to the Netherworld!
Chapter 02 Part 1- First day preparations, To Babyls!
The story's discontinuation

Prologue- The End Of One's Boredom

1.2K 44 3
Por SalmaanAli4

(Location: Rimuru's Imaginary space)

Rimuru Pov

Rimuru thinking: "Welp, I ran out of things to do again... Ugh, Everything has been boring lately. There is nothing interesting happening at all! After the battle with Yuuki, the only thing that has been left for me is paperwork. Not anymore though, since I retired from being the king of tempest years ago. The only things that kept me at least entertained until now is visiting other worlds with gods in them, but they are so weak!!!! It got boring quickly after a few hundred years, it did get me a bit stronger, however, that isn't what I want. Should I just avoid the world's that only have combat as it's main interest?"

<< Yes, it's definitely the best course of action. You are the strongest in all of the multiverse. Fighting small fry won't relive any boredom at all. I would recommend to go back to earth, and start a life there. >>

"Hoh, that's quite interesting. I agree, let's go back to my old world, Ciel."

<< As you wish, Rimuru-sama >>

"Now then, I wonder what will await us. Ciel, you have the coordinates ready?"

<< Yes, they are ready. >>

"Let's go!"

Third person Pov

As rimuru gets transported back to earth, time starts to move backwards (since rimuru thought that it will be interesting that way).

(Location: Docks)

As Rimuru opened his eyes,he looked around and saw he was at the docks, then he noticed someone is tapping on his shoulder.

???: Older brother!

Rimuru was somewhat shocked and confused about the person who's there. Thanks to the help of Ciel, he soon realized that this boy is probably his little brother named Iruma Suzuki. So, just to make sure he doesn't make him worried, Rimuru started to speak .

Rimuru: I'm okay. Don't worry, Iruma. Anyway, what were we doing?

Iruma: We were getting ready to head on a boat to do our job of preserve the fish inside their cages.

Rimuru was confused, he looked at Iruma, seeing how young he is. Then, he looked at himself. His body was now around the age of 14.

Rimuru thinking: "Jobs? at an age like this? What kind of devils are our parents!? Ciel, check the past of both me and Iruma in this world."

<< As you wish. >>

Rimuru started to see the past, and the hard labor both himself and Iruma went through by their parents. That is when he started to feel disgusted.

Rimuru thinking: "Our parents really are devils! I'd rather run away from them right away, but that'll mean I will have to abandon my duties as an older brother to this kid. There is definitely something wrong with him, never saying no to everything our parents ask him to do. I will have to get him out of that habit, or else he won't survive living on his own. That is why I will stay and help him, so that I can guide him myself in the near future."

Rimuru is determined of fulfilling his new goal, that is why he will stay with Iruma.

Rimuru: Okay, I'm ready to go. Iruma, are you still preparing?

Iruma: No, I'm ready.

Rimuru: Alright, let's go!

Iruma: Yeah!

Rimuru and Iruma went inside the boat, not knowing the events that will happen inside of it.

Prologue: End!

Thank you for reading! This is my first story so, please give me some feedback to make the experience better. I'll probably continue the story in 2 weeks, just stay tuned!

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