Chapter 01- Unexpected travel, Welcome to the Netherworld!

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(Location: Middle of the sea, in a boat)

Rimuru thinking: "Our parents sent us to work here, to preserve some fish inside their cages, making sure they don't fall out, in this turbulent sea! They really are devils. Iruma sure is having a hard time, but there is an adult there. I'm sure he will help my brote-"

Iruma pov

Yep, my parents did it again, they gave us this kind of job. It's so hard with only 3 people. I really didn't want to do this but it can't say no... This happened all the time with all the other things my parents put me and my older brother through.

Small flashback

Iruma & Rimuru's parents: Hey, you two! Can you head to the woods and cut some wood?

Iruma & Rimuru: Yes!

Our parents are scumbags that refuse to work, so they left it to us. We were such pushovers, that we complied to do something crazy like that, at a young age! But, my older brother Rimuru, slowly started to change that habit during all the requests we got from our parents, to the point where we are at right now, where he can easily say "no" and is now immune to the three words:

1. Please
2. Help
3. I beg of you

But, he still helps out, because I haven't changed at all!

Present day

Sailor guy: I will leave this to you, Iruma! Make sure the fish don't fall, or else I'll cut your pay in half!

Oh no, I really want to say no, but I can't!!!

Rimuru thinking: "Or not! What a scumbag, but there is no way Iruma will accept tha-"

Iruma: Yes!

"He is such a pushover.."

I've done it again, I'm this much of a pushover to the point even my older brother is in shock! I'm sorry!!!

Third person Pov

Both Iruma and Rimuru were in disbelief due to Iruma accepting something absurd like that, to the point they forgot about something important, when they realized what they have to go back to be doing, it was already too late.

*Fish cages opening*

Iruma and Rimuru: The fish!!!!

The fish started to fall out. Rimuru was effortlessly dodging the falling fish in his direction while also parrying at the same time (It's obvious rimuru can do something like that because of all the combat he has done in the world he reincarnated in)
While Iruma only dodging. After a bit, Iruma tripped on a fish, then another one started fall on him.

Rimuru: Iruma!!!

Rimuru was about to use body enhancement to bolt in and save him, but time suddenly stopped.

Rimuru thinking: "what the, time stopped? Ciel, was it you?"

<< I wasn't the one who did it, don't suspect me >>

"Ah, sorry. I thought it was another one of those things you did without permission. If that's the case, I'll pretend I can't move, in order to see who did this."

Iruma pov

Huh, what!? The fish are frozen in midair!? Who did this?? Wait a second, why do I have a rope tied on me!? Sold!? To him!? Who is that person!?

Third person Pov

Standing in front of both Iruma and Rimuru was a guy who looked like he was in his 80's who has 2 brownish- gold horns on both side on his bald head, while wearing a purple suit, dress pants, and a pinkish-purple feather boa with a metal raven on the center around his neck.

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