Winged (PJO/MR Crossover)

By spottyandme

31.5K 1K 229

"That! Stupid! Lady!" Annabeth yelled, sobbing. Piper, Hazel and her were all sitting together, knowing that... More

Intro, disclaimer and stuff
Taken to School
Poison is fun!
A brand new history
NO UPDATE FOR A FEW.....weeks? Months?
Learning how to fly
That stupid man
A bit of teamwork is good
Fighting amongst themselves
The impending end of the world...again
A three-minute rescue plan
Tagging along


2.1K 79 18
By spottyandme



Angel studied the boys as they were dragged into the room, unconscious and shirtless. They had huge wings extending out of their back, much bigger than Max's or even Fang's, and it hung limply behind them.

"Put them on the floor, since the cages are too small with their wings out and Nigel doesn't want them damaged." Esan instructed the Erasers. One of them harshly dropped Jason face first on the floor, and Esan jumped. "Gently! They're alive, you know! I mean, they are valuable."

The other Erasers arranged them around on the floor, so that they were on their chest or side. The Erasers then walked out, leaving Esan frowning over the arrangement.

I'm sure Nigel won't mind me bringing blankets, they must be cold on the floor. Along with their shirts. I'm sure they finished with cutting the wing-holes and cleaned them. Esan thought, and Angel marveled and how he was thinking about how comfortable they were instead of how hilarious they look or something.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked Max and the Flock suddenly. "I'll go make you something. Harsh day today. There is noodles, pasta, rice, egg, and I think some sausages."

"Um..." Max replied, looking back at everyone.

"Oh stupid question. You need to eat a lot right? I'll try and get you everything." Esan smiled kindly, before leaving the room.

"I think this might be a plot to make us soft or something." The Gasman said. "He's too nice."

"If it's a plot, he would be thinking about how to be nice and how to treat us well, and when he can stop being nice as he hates us, instead of thinking that we need to eat and that Percy, Jason and Nico need blankets."

"He was thinking that?" Max said, and Angel nodded. "Talking about thoughts, are you getting anything from the boys?"

"No, it's weird. Like, when I try, it's blank and empty, like...Jeb." Angel shook her head. "But they are nothing like Jeb. I think it's maybe they know a way to stop mind-reading, and is doing it as a precaution, or they just have a really high guard, constantly alert even when sleeping. But we are constantly on guard, and yet I can read your minds. Who can be more alert than us?"

Max frowned. "Where is Jeb anyway?"

"Let's hope he died." Fang muttered.

"Shush. I can hear Jason waking." Iggy said, and they turned their heads to see if it's true. It was. Jason was sitting up, rubbing his face and groaning.

"My face feels dead." He mumbled, shifting into a more comfortable position.

"The Eraser dropped you on your face." Nudge said helpfully.

"What? Oh. No wonder."

Angel tried to read his mind again, but frustratingly came up with blank. What was it with these people? The story about their past seemed doubtful to her, and she can't check to see if they were lying or not.

"Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow..." Percy muttered, rolling over on his back. "OW! Gosh, I forgot about the wings." He sat up, mumbling and shooting glances at the wings behind him.

Esan hurried in, pushing a trolley piled with food. "Oh! You're awake. Lunch is served." He handed out plates of sweet-smelling food, and, like he said, it was plied with eggs, rice, some chicken, sausages, pasta, noodles, and others. Esan also handed out forks and spoons, and everyone started eating. Nico was already up and sitting on top of his cage, eating from his plate slowly. Angel tried to read his mind again, along with the other two boys, but still no success.

"Here's your shirts. There is a slit in the back for the wings. Since you're up, no need for blankets then." Esan laughed, pulling out three fluffy blankets. "Still want them?"

"Cof quase." Percy said through a mouthful of food. Do they always do that?

"Pardon?" Esan smiled.

"Of course! They look nice." Percy corrected, and accepted the blanket, putting it on a nearby cage and sitting on top. Esan handed out the other two, before turning to them. "I'll get you six some too. Nigel said he doesn't mind." He rushed out again, and Angel looked at Gazzy. "See? He was thinking that too. I think he's genuinely nice."

"Then why is he working here?" He replied.

"Maybe to give comfort. Dunno." Angel glanced at the boys again, trying to read their minds. It was blank, again.

"Here." Esan came back and opened the individual cages, throwing a blanket in and quickly closing the cage before they can run out.

"Thanks Esan." Max said, and the man nodded before rushing out again on another errand.


After eating, they pushed the plates and forks out of the cage, and Jason took them and placed it in a pile near the door, before resuming his seat on his cage.

"How many people were at your camp?" Angel asked him, wanting to know more and test if they were telling the truth.

"Uh, around two hundred, I think." Angel was taken aback by the answer.

"Two hundred?"

"Yeah. Like, you get these random powers through this injection, and so you just need to make it and put it in some kid." Jason shrugged. "I think it was really fun for the white-coats to see their experiments working, so they decided they might as well have a few hundred. First mistake."

"What powers are there?" The Gasman asked eagerly. "Is there like explosives and awesome things?"

"Uh...You can explain it." Jason gestured to Percy.

"Well, you know Pokemon?"

"That show with Dash?" Nudge said.

"It's Ash, I think." Percy said. "Anyway, you know how there is like elements? Like...dunno...plant and lightning and water and all that?"

"How do you know this?" Jason said to Percy, surprised.

"Uh, at one of my schools, there is this kid that's obsessed with it. Talks about it everyday."

"You go to school?" Angel asked. "But didn't you stay at camp?"

"Some of us were less hateful of humans, and went around doing random stuff. But that's not the point. Thing is, I think the white-coats got the inspiration from that show, because we're kind of like that. But it's a mixture. Like, Jason is lightning, and sky, and rain, and clouds, and also wind. I'm like, water, and the ocean, and earthquakes, and other stuff, and Nico is shadows and death and fear. Is there fear?" He asked Nico, who shrugged. "Hade-No, like the helm of darkness has fear right? Yeah? OK, anyway, we're all a mixture of random stuff. Back at camp, there is a lot more, like metal, fire and craft, creativity and wisdom, war and blood, plants and crops, music and archery, thieves and roads, and so on. There is a lot of different powers."

Percy paused, allowing time for that to sink in. The white-coats must have been really busy. Angel thought. How can you even have those powers?

"Oh." Percy said, looking like something had stuck his head. "Jason, would flying around be the same as being in an airplane?"

"Ohhhh. Great." Jason said, also looking like something had stuck his head. "Zeu-This is bad. You'll get blasted out of the sky by his-You're doomed."

"What? What are you talking about?" Angel asked, wondering at their odd behavior. Jason almost mentioned something. What was it?

"We aren't allowed in each others element." Jason explained. "Like, I can take a shower, but I can't go around jumping into the ocean or a lake as I will definitely drown, able to swim or not. Nico can perhaps can go up to a mountain, but if he's any higher or in a plane or something he'll be killed. Percy can't go around jumping into shadows or going to the place where souls of dead people go as he will die. Thing is, we can't go into each others element too deeply. The element will fight back and kill you."

"How do you know?"

"The white-coats never told us, so we found out the hard way. Like, this girl with the plant element went into the sea, and this other boy saw here drown. There was this other incident where someone from the war element thing burnt down a bookshelf."


"The wisdom thing. Anyway, he died. And another war element person tried to steal, and she failed as you know, thieving is another element. And you can guess what happened. Percy and Nico are different elements, and so having wings might kill them."

There was a grunt and Angel saw that Percy was trying to stifle his laughter by putting his head down and using his forearm to cover his mouth. It didn't work, and soon he was laughing loudly. Jason grinned, but quickly wiped it away.

"I know you think the people from the war element are dumb, but I'm talking about your upcoming death here and you need to look serious and sad." Jason suggested, and Percy nodded, trying to stop giggling.

"How many people are there in an element?" Angel asked, curious about both their story and why Percy was laughing. She was sure it wasn't because of what the people did.

"It depends. There is less people in our elements, as it is the hardest to make, because, you know, the sky and sea and the world of the dead is really large, which made the person in those elements stronger than the others."

"So you are the strongest in your camp?"

"Generally, yes."

Something was bugging Angel, and she tried to put it in words. "If the scientists like the elements so much, why didn't the white-coats here take everyone from your camp?"

"Well, you know, two hundred plus people is a bit hard to feed and store." Percy said, grinning. "And plus, if you want the best results, you'll take the best people."

"But the other people have different powers, can't you just get one of each?"

"Well, Nigel and Anne said they can only make three wings and graft them, as it had to be prefect and costs a lot. The ones Erasers were second grade, or at least that's what they said."

"So they left them?"

"Oh, not really. I think they are patrolling camp and making sure they don't send a rescue party or something."

"Everyone sat in silence for a while. Then Angel remembered someone mentioning a sword.

"Do you have swords? You said you train in the memory of Thalia."

"Oh, well, later. Can you see this pen?" Percy took out the pen he was holding earlier when Nigel was talking about poison. He took off the cap, looking at us.

"It's just a pen." Gazzy said, confused.

"Oh wow, look, it's a lazer which I can totally see." Iggy said drily. "Do tell me what you are doing, Percy."

"Oh, it's nothing." he said, swinging the pen around. Jason ducked as the pen passed his head, like as if it was a stick or pole.

"Careful!" He hissed, rubbing his hair. "I think my hair is flatter."

"Oh, sorry." Percy placed the cap back on, before turning back to the Flock. "My sword is still at the labs, along with Jason's. It had to be kept away in case we stab ourselves or something by rolling around. Nico hides his somewhere."

"Oh, Iggy," Esan said as be burst in the room. "Nigel wants you to teach Experiment Half-Bloods how to like, control their wings, as it is too big and they need to learn to tuck it in and glide and all that, as he's going to throw them over this nearby cliff in about an hour. The cliff is really, really high, so please teach them well. Also, there is cameras everywhere and if you try to free your friends one of them will die." He looked down at a list he was holding. "Oh great. I have to go to the other side of this building." He unlocked Iggy's cage before running out, leaving us in silence.

"He's kinda like Nigel's personal slave." Fang muttered with distaste.

"This is so unfair." Percy grumbled. "Jason can fly so he can just like, survive the cliff thing. Nico can just shadow travel away. How about me?"

"I think he's going to throw us in daylight, so there is going to be no shadows. Who throws people in darkness?" Nico reminded. "And plus, there might be water at the base of the cliff. And Jason might crash before he can get help from the wind. We all have the same chance."

"Whatever! We're wasting time!"


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