Heart Chords [reuploaded]

By gothiccbitch555

358 20 1

[disclaimer: this is a script for a web comic I want to develop in the near future] More

(Ep1)First verse
(Ep2) Ballad of fourth period
(Ep 3)panic at the cafeteria
(Ep 4) guilt
(Ep 5) score zero
(Ep 6) the plan
(Ep 7) a text from you
(Ep 8) illuminated faces
(Ep 9) sky-sky
(Ep 10) Say it again
(Ep 11)
(Ep 12) the arcade
(Ep 13) Coffee and records
(Ep 14) cat fight
(Ep 15) Box dye
(Ep 16) blue to brown
(Ep 17) only 17
(Ep 18) City lights
Author's note what the fuck
(Ep19) Aria
(Ep20) October Afternoon
(Ep21) Oh great
(Ep 22) Invitation
(Ep 23) Halloween I
(Ep 24) Halloween II
(Ep 25) Fix this
(Ep 26) Confessions and records
(Ep 27) Remember when
(Ep 28) no longer friends
(Ep 29) Nobody gets me Like you.
(Ep 30 Season 2) Snacks on Saturday
(Ep 31) Confrontation
(Ep 32) Gateway
(Ep 33) Called
(Ep 34) it doesn't count
(Just for fun: Character songs)
(EP 36) Face to face

(EP35) fall into place

4 1 0
By gothiccbitch555

Heart Cords season two

Key: [] actions
() thought
{} other

{sky lays in her bed and opens her eyes as she revisits the night she kiss dylan and lets out a groan and turns herself over and buries her face in her pillow}

Sky: I've gotta stop thinking about that.

{sky reaches for her phone on her night stand and notices a voicemail from gilbert and decides to listen to it}

Gilbert (on voicemail): hey cutie, sorry we haven't talked in a bit I've been super busy my mom is kinda being a bitch right now but I'll talk to you at school. Oh, by the way I sent you the link to a song I have stuck in my head. I hope you like it; love you bye love.

{sky exhales feeling unsatisfied and reluctantly checks the link gilbert sent her. The link leads her to her Spotify where "this charming man" by the skips plays she rolls her eyes}

Sky: not the skips

{she lets out a big groan and pauses the music. Meanwhile in Gilbert's room he lays in head bed with his back turned from Lydia who is sitting on his bed on her phone with her back against the wall in her bra and underwear}

Lydia: Are you going to get up anytime soon?

{Gilbert rolls his eyes and rolls over to face her}

Gilbert: don't you have a college class to get to

Lydia: And don't you have a girlfriend you just cheated on last night?

{his face becomes visibly annoyed Lydia notices and laughs}

Lydia: you never change, You can mess around with another girl who's not your girlfriend and still get mad when you're called out; you're such a fucking child

{she begins to laugh and anger shoots through Gilbert's entire body as he sits up and grabs her forcefully by the arm pulling her towards him closely}

Gilbert: if you know what's good for you, you'll shut your mouth

Lydia: Am I supposed to be scared?

{she smirks and his anger rises further as he grips her arm tighter and in a fit of rage slams her into the wall roughly, she visibly looks hurt and on her arm is a red mark from where he grabbed her she looks down at it with her hands shaking she touches it slightly and feels it ache}

Lydia: nice asshole.

Gilbert: Just get up slut.

{tears well up in her eyes but she shakes off the feeling she gets up from his bed and grabs her jeans from the floor and puts them on and looks for her shirt but can't find it}

Lydia: where the fuck is my- you know what I don't give a fuck I'll get it back when you need me again just like always

{ she grabs her jean jacket that was hung on the back of the door, and throws it on and leaves slamming his bedroom door. Back at sky's apartment she throws on her wallets hoodie and goes to brush her teeth with her mind still switching between Gilbert and Dylan she finishes and walks out of the bathroom, in the kitchen her dad sits at the counter eating cereal and she walks over}

Sky's dad: hey kiddo, good morning

Sky: morning dad, are you going to make pancakes?

{her dad stops mid chewing his cereal and they stare at each other for a second}

Sky's dad: did you want some, because I can-

Sky: No, no it's okay dad don't worry; can I join you?

Sky's dad: you don't have to ask come on

{she walks to the stool next to him and takes a seat next to him}

Sky's dad: how'd you sleep?

Sky: not the best honestly

Sky's dad: ah I knew it well what's on your mind

Sky: well, I'm fighting with my best friend and my best friend might be fighting with my boyfriend

{she lets out a big groan and lets her head fall on the counter}

Sky's dad: you know this situation sounds familiar like one me and your mom went through together

{her head shoots up and she becomes excited and interested}

Sky: you and mom really?

Sky's dad: yep, a long time ago when we were in college

Sky: well go on tell me

{sky's dad laughs}

Sky's dad: right then, back in our freshman year of college near the end of the year me and your mom had a big fight and we broke up

Sky: you two broke up!?

{her dad chuckles}

Sky's dad: yeah over a cat, but that's a story for another time. But anyways, we separated and after a month or two i was walking to to class one day with her arm wrapped around this rocker looking dude who was known for being a huge asshole, and well I wasn't necessarily moved on past your mom, she was still like a best friend to me so I tried to talk to her and you know what she did

Sky: slapped you?

Sky's dad: actually you're right she definitely did

{they both laugh}

Sky's dad: that's your mom for you, but I remember she was so livid but in the end she did realize that he was a huge asshole and things just fell into place, my point being is that if it's meant to be it'll work out kiddo. Now your mom did ever consider herself a perfect person but something she was right about was that you and Dylan have always taken care of each other and that you two have always had each other's backs so sure maybe you two are in a bit of a disagreement but just trust me when I say or well I should say believe your mom when something is meant to be it'll work out

{sky smiles softly}

Sky: she's right and you're right tok dad

Sky's dad: so what's this new boyfriend's name again? Gilbear?

{sky laughs}

Sky: it's Gilbert dad

Sky's dad: well I want to meet him, why don't you invite him over for dinner this week and why not Dylan too

Sky: I'm not so sure that's a good idea

{she laughs uncomfortably thinking about the messy outcome}

Sky's dad: well I'd still like to meet him one of these days alright

Sky: sure thing dad

Sky's dad: oh by the way, the Martinez's invited us to Janis' birthday party tomorrow and I accepted the invitation

Sky: WHAT? Dad please nononono, I'm not ready to face him

Sky: sorry kiddo, I already told Dylan's mom we'd bring sodas

{sky groans getting up from her chair and goes to her room. Meanwhile Dylan lays in his bed going through his photos and videos of him and sky with his eye still bruised and swollen. His mom opens the room to his bedroom door suddenly and he jumps up startled}

Dylan: Jesus mom, knock!

Mrs. martinez: Dylan get up! We need to go to the party store for your sister's birthday party tomorrow

Dylan: no, I'm good thanks

Mrs.Martinez: niño, That wasn't a question, get up now. And put some ice on that eye of yours I don't want your grandparents calling me a bad mom for letting you get into a fight

Dylan: mom I told you already I tripped

Mrs.Martinez: and you think I believe that, come on get dress we leave in 20 minutes

{she shuts the door and Dylan groans and he looks down at his phone where his wallpaper is a picture of him, sky, Melanie and Freddie smiling in a photo booth together}

Dylan: even if I did trip I'd do it again just to get her away from him

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