
Oleh Queen-Of-Weird

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(Creepypasta X FemReader) Some say I'm too sensitive but truth is...I just feel too much. Every word. Ever... Lebih Banyak

:Ch1: ╮(─▽─)╭
:Ch2: (~‾∇‾)~
:Ch3: \(-_______-;)/
:Ch4: <(_ _)>
:Ch5: (ノへ ̄、)
:Ch6: ('-'*)
:Ch7: ( ̄^ ̄)
:Ch8: ƪ(˘ᴗ˘)┐
:Ch9: ( ・_・)
:Ch11: 。^‿^。
:Ch12: <(。_。)>
:Ch13: \(〇_o)/
:Ch14: (゜▽゜;)
:Ch15: (^‿^✿)
:Ch16: (҂-̀_-́)
:Ch17: (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ
:Ch18: ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ)
:Ch19: ヘ( ̄  ̄;ヘ)
:Ch20: (#+_+)
:Ch21: (+_+)
:Ch22: (^///^)
:Ch23: ( ̄~ ̄)
:Ch24: (。♥‿♥。)
:Ch25: o('^`)o
:Ch26: (●__●)
:Ch27: (◎ー◎)
:Ch28: 凸(`0')凸
:Ch29: (⌒.−)=★
:Ch30: (╥_╥)
:Ch31: ╥﹏╥
:Ch32: ⊙﹏⊙
:Ch33: ( ̄へ ̄)
:Ch34: ಠ_ಠ
:Ch35: X﹏X
:Ch36: ( '△`)
:Ch37: (^///^)
:Ch38: (❤'艸`❤)
:Ch39: (ㅇㅅㅇ❀)
:Ch40: ヽ(#'Д')ノ
:Ch41: ԅ(¯﹃¯ԅ)
:Ch42: (⓿_⓿)
:Ch43: (。・ω・。)ノ♡
:Ch44: ❤️⊙﹏⊙ ❤️
:Ch45: (゜-゜)
End Scenes
:Ch46: ('・_・') (Deleted Scene)
:Ch47: ⊙︿⊙ (Deleted Scene 2)
:Ch48: (* ̄з ̄) (Deleted Scene 3, Final Scene)

:Ch10: (¬_¬)

2.8K 114 156
Oleh Queen-Of-Weird

After hours of waiting for the rain to stop, it was finally just little bits of drizzle. But it was too muddy for us to even walk through it.

I decided to just stay in the cave and let the battles find me. Smiley was checking my wounds an ej was seeing if I sprained my leg.

"Your back is fully healed and it looks like your arm is too, just some scars forming now." Smiley said

"You definitely sprained something, I just can't tell what." Ej informed

I nodded in understanding and they got away as I put my hoodie back on. I looked around an saw masky an jeff sparring or fighting because they were bored.

We then heard screaming and I got up quick.

"Thats Katrina's scream!" I said

I grabbed my bow and arrows, running out and toward the screams as I heard the others follow. I readied an arrow and found Katrina in mud.

She saw me and started crying.

"Y/N!!!" She cried relieved

A woman in a black dress and pale skin came out with a knife and I shot an arrow quickly out of panic. The arrow hit her knife an hit it out of her hand.

"You're that smart one!" She said

I readied another arrow as Katrina got up and hid behind me.

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not." I replied," I love your dress by the way, so take this sincerely when I say I'm so sorry!"

I shot into the mud and triggered a snare trap that was buried under mud. She was caught in it and I grabbed Katrina's hand and pulled her away.

I got to the cave an she dropped down onto her knee's and cried, trying to clean the mud off her.

"Y/N they killed angel! He saved me and they tore him apart like if he was paper!" She cried," WHERE WERE YOU!!"

The boys came back an she screamed as I tried to hush her.

"They're my bets, they're betting on me! Its fine!" I said," now shut up before I cut out your voice box, yes I said it before and I will definitely say it again!"

She stopped an shoved me away.

"You're a monster! You're threatening me like these psychopaths-"

"I've threatened you before we ever came into the forest! You're just being irrational and you're panicked!" I said

She complained as I sighed and sat down. I let her complain and blame me for all her troubles as the killers growled or looked upset.

"You let angel die! You let this happen! You ruined my life!" She blamed," I never wanted this, I didn't want to be here! Why do you have to just ruin everything, You're the reason angel is DEAD!"

"DID YOU KNOW ANGEL? Huh? I knew angel! Sure we weren't really friends but he was always there to pull mark away! He was always there to defend me from you! I knew his family! I knew what his favorite things were!" I snapped," I know this is my fault but you can't cry over angel when you knew nothing about him- when you know NOTHING about us!!"

I got up and went deeper into the cave and sat down next to smiles, tears now forming in my eyes. I tried not to cry but knowing that angel was dead...

'I'm so sorry angel, I'm so so so sorry! We should have never split up! Never never never! You died cause of me and I can never make this up to you, its my fault and I hope you know I'm sorry...'

Smiles whimpered at me as I used the sleeves to clean my eyes an cover my face.

"Wow, you are one horrible person." A new voice said

I looked up an saw it was the yellow hooded man from before.

"I just might switch to her team now after that." He continued

"Hoodie!" Masky an toby said

"Sup guys." Hoodie greeted

"You're betting on her?" Jeff asked

"Its a pity bet." Hoodie shrugged," plus I was betting on point wings till jane fucked him up, so I had to switch to the closes point."

"Okay good, I was already questioning your judgment for a second there." Jeff smirked

"Hey!" Katrina complained

"Oh stick a can in it shit pile!" Lj said

"Wait what is her point called?" Ej asked

"Point Bitch." Hoodie said," well its point slick, but amongst the hunters, bets, and allies its point bitch."

"Good." Offender said, sounding upset

"Fuck you all!" Katrina whined

I shook my head an got up.

"Are you hurt?" I asked as I grabbed my backpack

"Brainy, you aren't seriously gonna help her-"

"Whoa whoa! Shortie she's been blaming you and making you feel like shit! Why the fuck-"

"Lets clean the mud off you, incase it has poison ivy." I said, ignoring them," if you're hurt tell me so I can treat the wound, c'mon."

I helped her up and she just shot me a glare an went out.

'I owe her, I put her through this! I can't let them die anymore, angel was never supposed to die!'

"Hey point brainy." The woman said

I looked at her an she was coming over.

"I'm on your team now." She said," and I saw whats happened."

She walked past me and I looked back to see her continuing in.

"If you think you owe this bitch anything then stop right now and sit your happy ass down." She said," if anything, she owes you her life and freedom!"

"She's toxic brainy, don't help her!" Lj said

"I've been following this girl since I killed point wings, shes done nothing but scream and run while wings fought hard and well to survive!" She said," don't end up like wings, brainy."

"Its like ya said, hot shot." Offender said," she knew nothing about you or your friends, what gives her the right to ask or take your help when she's done nothing for you all."

I stood there for a minute and thought about angel. His stupid cocky smile and bright laughter when he made fun of mark got stuck in my head and I frowned.

'They're right...'

I went into the cave and sat down with them.

"I knew it!" Katrina said," you're betraying us to save your own skin! You sick ungrateful whore! I tried to be your friend and this is what I get-"

"You better leave before we break the rules and come kill you ourselves!" Jeff growled, threatening her

Katrina gulped as I looked at her.

"You're gonna regret this, slut!" She hissed

She ran off and I turned my head forward an sighed. I still regret it.

"Oh right!" The woman said," brainy, before I killed wings he told me to give you a message."

I looked at her and she gave me a smile.

"He said its not your fault." She said gently," that you were never blamed for putting them here."

My eyes flooded with tears and I started crying. I put my sleeved over my face and cried as that hit home, that crossed my breaking point.

I felt a few hands pat me or try to comfort me as I cried and it felt a bit weird to have killers try comforting you.

After awhile I was calm again but my eyes burned and I was exhausted again.

"Get s-some re-r-rest." Toby said

I listened to them and was gonna lay back till Seedeater laid down an I laid on him. He seemed to have done it on purpose too as he got up when I got up.

I laid back down on him and just accepted it as it was probably for a reason. It was comfortable actually as I closed my eyes and let myself rest...

Offender POV

'Damn, it didn't take long for her friends last words to break her.'

Jane didn't even look regretful saying that, she still looked proud as ever. But I know, and lj knows, she regrets it.

'Poor thing, she's such a strong girl with a fragile mind...' Jane thought

"So who wants to up the bounty for point bitch's head?" Jeff asked

"I'm giving whoever kills her 300, its no longer just cause she's annoying- she kept going way over the line!" Ej said

"400." Toby said," s-sh-e needs t-o pa-pay!"

"I'm gonna offer them a months worth of fallback." Jeff said," if they kill her, I will take the blame for any stupid shit they did."

"Ayo- can I play again?" Kage asked

"2,000." Smiley said," they can take it or leave it."

"Amateurs!" Kage scoffed," 10,000! That'll really make it worth the hunt, the screams and her bitchiness!"

"And I'm sold! Kage where is point bitch!" Bloody painter asked

"Really Helen?" Judge angel asked

"Its 10,000, plus we're in debt to stupid over there too." Painter said

"Kage go ahead an send 500 to me if they do get the bounty." Jeff smirked

The duo went the direction masky said she went and were gone in a flash.

"They were definitely here to fight brainy." Lj said," but the bounty was more worth their time I guess."

"They were gonna get their asses handed to them either way, she's asleep and any of us can jump in to fight for her." Masky said

"Whats the other way their asses would be handed to them?" I asked

"She woke up and went to fight puppeteer after a few seconds. She came back a winner." Masky said," puppeteer's strings are impossible to break free from, not to mention painful."

"She had to be really careful and agile to avoid him using his strings or she distracted him somehow to make him forget to use them." Smiley said, catching on

"Exactly." Masky said

"She distracted me alright." Puppeteer said

We looked at him an he came floating in.

"She was hiding in the tree's and I had no clue for a solid minute till she shot me with an arrow and I saw her stealthy little ass climb one." He explained," I wanted to cut something through her skin as revenge an shoved her out the tree an blah blah blah!"

"I saw you in the infirmary." Jane snickered," she broke your jaw."

"What!?" The others asked shocked

"She didn't mention that!!" Jeff said

"I don't wanna fight her now." I teased

"Yeah, she broke my jaw." Puppeteer said," she elbowed me in my jaw and it pushed me off her but I didn't know it was broken till she slapped me and I was blinded and in pain."

Jeff started laughing his ass off while smiley wanted to double check if he was healed correctly.

"She has a hard fucking elbow." Puppeteer complained

"Really? We didn't know!" Jeff mocked

"Well at least I'm finally not the only one she physically took down." Smiley said

"She took down clock works before puppeteer though." Hoodie said," I heard she did last night."

"Yeah but the only thing she got was shoved, pinned down and a smack to her forehead!" Smiley said

"Ouch." Puppeteer said

"Nina surrendered right? She forfeit and didn't want the same thing?" Jane asked

"Yep!" Ej answered

'Wow, is everyone only talking about hot shot? What about the other points?'

"Hey yeah, whats that points name? The blonde boy?" Lj asked

"Point brute." Jane answered," he's taken down pinky, BEN, candy pop, Jason and sally with charlie's help and supervision of course."

"Oh damn!" Lj said

"Pft- he's got all the lighter killers!" Jeff scoffed," weak!!"

"Pinky isn't light, she's on the same level as kage." Ej said

"Did she get stuck in traps?" Kage asked," it would really make me look better if she did!"

"Yea, point brute used her own trap against her." Jane said," she got stuck in so many ropes, it wasn't even funny."

"Oh thank zalgo!" Kage said relieved

"Looks like point brute's got some brain in him too." Masky said

"Shortie has allies tho, does brute boy got any allies?" Jeff asked, trying to brag about Y/N

"He has BRVR." Jane said," I don't know why he's counted as a pet but he is. Sonic and tails were with wings but after he died they had to go back to their ally spots an wait to be found."

"I thought they were able to choose who to ally with?" Puppeteer asked

"Well they were till slender man noticed them all wanting to check out brainy." Jane said," seedeater an smile dog are lucky to have stuck with her."

"Yes!" Smiles whispered victorious

"What about grinny cat or neon?" Hoodie asked

"Grinny was given the privilege to choose his own since he stayed at the mansion to evaluate the points." Jane said," to see which benefited him."

"Of course he did." Smiley teased

"Neon, I haven't heard from at all." Jane said

"Hey do you know if splendor or slender man will join last minute or as a final boss?" I asked," cause I'm already out and if I'm playing then they might too!"

"Splendor is playing." Jane said," he's just...distracted."

"Of course." I replied

"Have you seen ann?" Smiley asked

"Yeah, Wheres nurse ann?" Ej asked

"I was told she was busy with her human job and couldn't play." Jane said," but her bet is on no one."

"What? She really didn't bet on anyone?" Ej asked

"She looked upset, said she didn't want to bet on a dead man walking." Puppeteer said," I only know because she treated me and I asked her who I should bet on."

"Upset?" Masky asked

"Thats th-t-th-e firs-fi-first." Toby said

"Hm?" Hoodie hummed in thought

'What was ann's human job again?'

Before I could question the same thing, we heard a girl screaming bloody murder.

'Karma's a bitch...'


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