Misaka x Male Reader Railgun...

נכתב על ידי Razor_Fang_

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Y/N a middle schooler was playing a sport. During it, he almost loses. However, just before he could lose... עוד

Meet Kuroko
A Fateful Encounter
The Demon

'Misaka's cyborg'

685 10 2
נכתב על ידי Razor_Fang_


Hours passed and I woke up on a hospital bed.

Y/N- "Where am I?"

I was staring at an unfamiliar white ceiling.  I got up and saw a doctor with a uniform that had a badge with the name 'Zenku' on it.

Zenku- "So you're finally awake kid?"

Y/N- "Yes, but who are you?"

Zenku-"I'm Zenku, the doctor who healed you."

I then remembered what happened.  A few hours ago, my body was on fire.  Kuroko then teleported me to the hospital to get Dr. Zenku to heal me and then I passed out.  Now here I am just resting in a hospital.

Y/N- "Thank you for healing me."

Zenku- "It's fine.  Also, can I experiment with your body?"

Y/N- "Ex-experiment with my body? Isn't that dangerous."

Zenku- "Kind of."

Y/N- "Then of course not!  Why would you want to experiment on my body? Wouldn't you risk someone dying?"

Zenku- "Yes it would be a risk, but the reason we're doing it is to see what kind of powers you can unleash and how to unleash their maximum potential."

Y/N- "Hmmm whats so dangerous about that? Anyways you're a doctor.  You can't experiment on people, besides you're not a scientist."

Zenku- "Who said I can't be both?"

Y/N- "Are you?"

Zenku- "Yes."

Y/N- "You know you seem young, just how old are you?"

Zenku- "I'm 15."

Y/N- "Hmmmm... nah there's no way you're a doctor or even a scientist.  Besides, if somehow you prove you are both then maybe I'll allow you to.  But I'm pretty sure that's impossible for you."

I then looked at a few papers on a wall.  There were a few scholarships and one of them was from the hardest colleges ever, Harbert. 


Zenku smirked.

Zenku- "Hehe I told you that i'm smart enough to be both a scientist and a doctor didn't I? You shouldn't judge people's intelligence by age too much, it's such a useless thing."

Y/N- "I guess that's true, but fine... I'll allow you to experiment on my body.  So how are we going to do this?"

It's true because I'm also smart as a kid because I've won the world smartest person award from an intelligence championship.

Zenku- "I just need to see you activate your powers at your maximum power."

Y/N- "Okay."

I then got as mad as I possibly could but when I did, my body was covered in so much flames that it burnt the hospital.  However, some nearby sprinklers from the ceiling started to rain water to put the fire out.  The sprinklers stopped.

Zenku- "I want you to make it as hot as you can.  To the point where your flames can't be put out by the sprinklers."

Y/N- "But won't my body become 480 degrees again?"

Zenku- "No, because I did surgery on you and I placed a special box inside you to prevent that from happening." 

Y/N- "S-Surgery? Wait... isn't it expensive?"

Zenku- "Yeah."

Y/N- "Uh... do I have insurance?"

Zenku- "Yes."

I smiled.

Zenku- "But they won't cover for you."

My smile disappeared.

Y/N- "Huh why? WHAT KIND OF INSURANCE IS THAT? Did they not do their job properly? Oh my god!"

Flames started evaporating my body and it was so hot that when the sprinklers activated, it couldn't put out my fire.  My fire was so hot that steam started evaporating inside my body.  It felt weird for a second, but the feeling quickly disappeared.  This was because the box inside my body, opened by itself, smoke entered it, and got rid of it.  I then deactivated my fire.

Zenku- "Don't worry, insurance does do their jobs properly, but it's just that you don't have insurance anymore."

Y/N- "C-can i have a refund? Can you take the box outside my body?"

Zenku- "No, you can't have a refund, your friends, Misaka and Kuroko, already paid for you."

I then groveled on the ground.

Y/N- "Dammit! I have to owe Misaka a debt again? Just how useless a friend am I?"

Zenku- "I wouldn't call it useless if anything Kuroko seemed worried when she teleported you in here earlier, so just consider it for everything you've done for them."

I laughed maniacally.

Y/N- "Everything I've done for them? I wish this wasn't a joke, but I've only known them for two days. There's nothing I could've done for them in that short amount of time besides I'm just a useless human in a scary place full of rich nice monsters called espers."

Zenku sighed.

Y/N- "But anyways what did you find out earlier about my powers with your so-called research?"

Zenku- "What I found out was that you can't use your maximum fire power without a trigger and the insurance thing earlier might've been considered as a small trigger.  Knowing this your powers scales between a level 4 and 5 with a trigger.  At most it's a 4.1.  Without a trigger you're just a level three at most.  However, to become a level five esper you'll also need to work on full control and mastering your abilities.  So right now you're mostly level four because of a few certain reasons."

Zenku thought- he has mastered his flames... but he still needs to work on mastering his other powers, especially because we don't know what his true powers are yet.  Earlier when he was sleeping, he was unleashing some cold icy wind and it seems like he's not aware of his ice powers yet, so I can't really experiment on that.  I'll try to experiment on him once I'm fully prepared, this time was just a practice run.

Y/N- "Awesome!"

Zenku- "if things go well then you might even become the first level six esper.  Well, anyways you'll have to be in here to rest for one more day so just make sure to sleep a lot."

Zenku then stood up and went to the door and opened it.

Zenku- "You have a visitor."

Y/N- "Who is it?"

Misaka entered.

Misaka- "Idiot, you should've been more careful."

She was referring to me pushing my flaming powers too far that it caused me to pass out.  Also, normally she'd call me Baka but by now I feel too used to Japanese that it sounds more like idiot to me now.  Yet, for some reason being called idiot by Misaka is kind of annoying and it hurts my heart. 

Y/N- "Sorry."

I then stood up and began doing sit ups.

Misaka- "Don't start working out! You've just recovered!"

Y/N- "I'm actually in here for just one more day."

Misaka- "One more day? That's even worse! Just stop already! Besides, why do you even want to get stronger?"

Y/N- "Having Powers, I want to get stronger to protect others.  Earlier you said that there's people who use their powers for evil, and knowing that this is a thing, I need to work hard to become the strongest and use it to protect those who I care about and that includes you."

Misaka looked away from me.

Misaka- "idiot! You're not strong enough to protect me! If anything I'm the one who'll be protecting you."

Y/N- "For know that is and I know that why I want to become stronger.  Stronger than you so that I can protect you.

Misaka then blushed.

Misaka- "You really are such a idiot aren't you?"

Being called an idiot because I'm proud of how smart I am.  It hurts me the same amount as if someone were to insult someone else's favorite anime or favorite anime character.

Y/N- "I don't know... but can you please stop calling me a idiot?"

Misaka- "No, idiot."

Y/N- "Geez i have a name you know!"

Misaka- "I know that, But you're still a idiot because you're annoying."

Y/N- "What have I done that was annoying?"

Misaka- "You know that prank you did on me."

Y/N- "What prank?"

I then proceeded to take out my phone and call Misaka.  She answered it.

Y/N- "Hello? This is your dad, I'm Michael Jackson, I'm going to adopt you."

Misaka- "W-w-w-Wait... Michael Jackson! Oh my god I'm such a huge fan."

I then heard the sound of electricity, but I ignored it.

Y/N- "I'll be at your dorm to give you free tickets to my concert tomorrow, so let's meet up and I'll adopt you..."

Honestly, what am I a kidnapper? That prank was kind of bad.  But at least she seems happy though.  Or so I thought.  Suddenly I looked at Misaka and saw lightning sparking from her.

Misaka- "Did you really think? That it would work on me again?"

I smirked.

Y/N- "No."

Misaka then shot lightning at me, but I countered it with my fire and black smoke evaporated. 

Y/N- "Anyways, I'll catch you later."

I then stormed to the window and jumped out of it.

Misaka- "Wait!"

However, I could hear the noise of her electricity, so I just ignored her and continued running.  I then ran into Misaka who was next to a tree wearing a black headset and stopped.

(That's 'Misaka' right now)

Y/N- "Misaka? Is that a virtual reality gear headset? Anyways..."

I started as she looked at me. 

Y/N- "How did you get here so fast? I thought you were in the doctor's room."

'Misaka'- "Virtual reality? This is just an ordinary headset Misaka replied as she looked at him with a puzzled and slightly confused face."

I thought, the way she talks... she doesn't sound like Misaka, but more of a robot... is this another side of her?

I walked around her and studied her body features closely.  She looked exactly like Misaka apart from her poker face and a headset.

Y/N- "Wow... Are you a cyborg? That's so cool!"

'Misaka'- "No, I'm Misaka 10284 Misaka responds as she informs him while being confused about the cyborg part."

Y/N- "HUH? There's 10,284 different Misaka's?"

Misaka 10284- "No, but there's actually 20,000 of us, but we're..."

Y/N- "Crap! The thought of being called idiot by all of them just makes my heart feel bad."

Misaka 10284- "We're actually clones of Misaka, Misaka 10284 informes him as she continues after his disruption."

Y/N- "Sorry."

Misaka 10284- "It's fine Misaka 10284 tells him."

Y/N- "So you're a clone? But not a cyborg? That sounds exactly like a cyborg! That's awesome!"

Misaka 10284 then looked up.  Another, Misaka who had just come out of the hospital and was panting with sweat, she was touching both of her knees with her hands.

Misaka- "Y/N! Why didn't you... wait for me... when I told you too?"

She unleashed a lightning aura as I closed my eyes in fear.  Misaka then stared at Misaka 10284. 

Misaka- "Who are you?"

She then deactivated her lightning. 

Misaka 10284- "Hi sister, Misaka, Misaka 10284 greeted as she shows an expression of gratitude for meeting the original."

Y/N- "Hold on, if you're Misaka 10284 then what's the other Misaka or does she not have a number?"

Misaka- "A number? A-are you asking for my phone number? How did you lose it so fast?"

Misaka gave me an intense look.  I shook my head.

Y/N- "Don't worry I didn't lose it."

Misaka 10284- "The original Misaka doesn't have a number at the end of her name, Misaka 10284 informs Y/N as she gives a smirk at his idiot-ness." 

She was getting back at Y/N's question.

Y/N- "Whatever, but Misaka... 10284... where can I find the other clon-"(es)

Misaka 10284 then covered my mouth with her hand.

Misaka 10284- "Don't tell her about the existence of other clones, Misaka 10284 commanded Y/N while whispering to him."   

Y/N- "On second thought, never mind about my question."

Y/N thoughts- I can always tell Misaka later but i'm not sure if I'll have to or not.  But why are there clones of her?

Misaka 10284- "Anyways when are we going to save the cat? Misaka 10284 questions and looks up at a tree with the cat on it."

Misaka and I looked up at the tree that was about four meters high.  I leaped up, reached the tree, grabbed the cat, and touched the ground. 

Y/N- "Well that was easier than I thought."

Misaka- "Anyways what were you both hiding from me earlier when you, Misaka 10,000 something was covering Y/N's mouth?"

Misaka 10284- "I was hiding some classified information and it's totally not about your clones... Misaka 10284 answered as if she was trying to hide something."

Y/N thought- huh? Why the hell would she just blurt that out of nowhere? I thought this was supposed to be a secret?

Misaka- "What clones? Tell me more."

Misaka 10284- "No, I cannot do that because it's classified information Misaka declines to answer."

Misaka sighed.

Misaka- "Fine I guess I'll go and stalk you to where you originally came from.  Sometime later you'll probably have to go back to the laboratory where you were created, won't you?"

Y/N- "Isn't stalking creepy? Y/N questioned as he tried to copy Misaka 10284."

We began walking.

Misaka- "Why are you trying to copy her?" Misaka asked.

Y/N- "Why not? It seems fun."

Misaka- "The way she talks is weird!"

Misaka 10284- "My way of talking isn't weird, Misaka 10284 argues and yells back."

Misaka 10284 and Misaka stared at each other and argued back and forth.

But in my mind all I could hear was dogs barking and cats meowing.  They were arguing in Japanese so fast that it sounded like a rap and it made no sense to a English speaker like me who had just recently learned Japanese.  At one point, Misaka looked at me.

Misaka- "Y/N, am I a Baka?"

Y/N- "I don't know are you?"

Misaka- "No."

Y/N- "Okay that means you are one then."

Misaka then looked away from me in hatred and Misaka 10,284 for some reason laughed.  They proceeded to continue arguing like cats and dogs.

Suddenly, an ice cream truck that was driving nearby stopped as a man opened the door. 

(He's Bokuto from Haikyuu)

Bokuto- "HEY! HEY! HEY! Siblings shouldn't fight!"

The three kids looked at him and then Misaka and Misaka 10284 continued arguing with each other.

Y/N- "Yes both of you siblings or should I say sisters... Can you both please stop? You're making everyone look at us weird."

There were so many people in the streets just watching us and there was also a kid watching.

Misaka- "She's not my sister!"

The kid's mom then went up to the kid to cover the kid's ears and took him some place else.

Bokuto- "Hey now don't be too rude and besides aren't you both twins?"

Misaka 10284- "Yes we are twins, Misaka 10284 explained as she hides the fact that she's a clone, so that Misaka doesn't find out."

Y/N- "Speaking about clones... Misaka... Can you sign me up? I want one too!"

Just thinking about using clones to skip school and to do my homework and to help me train by sparring with me.  It made me feel like clones could change my whole entire life.  I could even make them buy things for me without having to ever exit my hours.  I could live my days relaxing and doing whatever I wanted without worrying about anything.

I then took out a piece of paper and began drooling in happiness.

Y/N- "Misaka what address did they make clones for you?"

Misaka then punched me.

Misaka- "idiot! Having clones isn't even useful, they just stand there and be lifeless useless things."

Y/N- "Got it..."

Bokuto looked at me and a light blob appeared above Bokuto's head figuratively.

Bokuto- "I've got an idea, you guys wait here, I'll give you guys some of my ice cream."

Bokuto went back in the truck to get some.  Later, Y/N, Misaka, and Misaka 10284 were holding ice cream cones. 

The three of them- "Thanks."

Bokuto, who was in his ice cream truck gave a thumbs up and drove away.  Suddenly, Misaka, who was eyeballing somewhere else, tried to lick her ice cream, but suddenly it was gone.  Could a ghost have eaten it?

Misaka- "Who ate my ice cream?"

She unleashed a lightning aura.

Misaka 10284- "Misaka 10284 smirks as she responds, I did.  This ice cream food tastes so good."

Y/N- "Misaka, you can have mine."

I licked my ice cream and then gave her it.  Misaka, who took it, almost licked the ice cream.  During this, she skipped a hot beat, but stopped. 

Misaka- "A-an indirect kiss? No thanks, what are you trying to do to me? You perv."

She gave it back to me, but I smiled.

Y/N- "I'm not a perv if anything you almost licked it and besides it would've been an indirect kiss by you logically speaking, making you the perv."

Misaka started sparking lightning.

Misaka- "Y/N-"

I then smiled.

I thought- ice cream has too many calories, so I'll do something else with it instead. 

I shoved the ice cream into Misaka's mouth forming an indirect kiss and then Misaka's lightning disappeared.  She was now blushing. 

Y/N- "Oh? So you are a perv... you seem to be enjoying that one indirect kiss so much."

Misaka- "B-Baka... it's not like I'm enjoying it or anything..."

She then blushed more.

Y/N- "Then why are you blushing?"

Misaka- "I-I'm not blushing Baka!"

Misaka then blushed even more.

I thought, huh... I'm usually mad at her because of how she attacks me so much and she usually calls me an idiot, but in technically in Japanese terms it's, Baka.  Yet, now that I've seen this side of her, In a way she's actually kind of cute.  I might actually allow her to call me Baka because now I'm getting a fetish because of it.

Misaka- "Gosh why did you have to do something like that?"

Y/N- "Sorry i just felt bad about what happened to your Ice cream."

A moment of silence appeared and none of us talked for at least one minute.  We continued walking and I was staring at Misaka.  She was just blushing and walking while looking down.  She was actually kind of cute.  She was staring at her ice cream intensely.

Y/N- "Anyways i guess since you don't want to eat my ice cream, I can have it back?"

Misaka- "Sure you can have it."

Misaka then gave it back to me.  I proceeded to try to lick it, but for some reason she was staring at me weird. 

I then thought- wait wouldn't this be an indirect kiss with her? Eh, who cares, it's just food.  It's not anything special besides why was she even panicking about it earlier anyways. 

I then took a bite at the ice cream at the same spot where Misaka licked it.

Misaka- "how is it?"

Y/N- "It's good."

Misaka- "See I knew you were a pervert you indirect kiss enjoyer."

Misaka smirked.  For some reason I thought she was trying to act annoying, but it didn't work.

Y/N- "What do you mean? I was talking about the ice cream, but sure that too was good too I guess, but mostly because it's in the ice cream.  Did you want me to enjoy your kiss with me or something?"

Misaka then looked away and blushed.

Misaka- "No, Baka."

Hours passed as Y/N and Misaka were still following her. 

Y/N- "How long are we going to follow her? You know stalking your sister is a bit weird..."

Misaka- "Again, she's not my sister!"

Y/N- "Yeah yeah whatever, but isn't it getting late?"

I stared at the night sky filled with stars.

Misaka- "Not really, But you can go home now if you want."

Y/N- "Hmmm..."

I crossed my arms.

Y/N- "You know, we've been out here for a couple hours. 

Y/N- "Are you hungry?"

Misaka's stomach grumbled. 

Y/N- "Of course you are... I'll be right back, I'll go get some food." 
No one's POV

Misaka turned to Misaka 10284, but Misaka 10,284 had somehow disappeared. 

Misaka- "Huh? Where is she? Gosh I wonder where she is..."

Misaka started to walk around looking for the clone. 

Misaka- "She shouldn't have gone off too far..."

Misaka ran while turning her face left and right.

Meanwhile, the clone was walking in a parking lot and in front of her was a boy with white spiky hair standing on top of a car. 

(He looked like that)

Misaka 10284- "Shall we begin the experiment? Misaka 10284 asks for permission as she gets her gun out." 

Boy- "Hahaha! Finally! Another clone! You'll be the 4,908th one I've killed so far.  You better not bore me!"

Misaka 10284 looks at him, took out a gun, load it, and got ready for action as the boy just stands there patiently waiting for her to attack him.  She then raised her gun and shot a bullet, But instantly, the bullet came firing back at her.  She dodged.  She shot more and more as he walked towards her.  She then dodged to the left, but he ran up to her and instantly grabbed her leg.  She tried to pull it out of his hand, but he decided to ripped it out of her body.

Suddenly, the sound of electricity was heard.  He turned around and saw Misaka. 

Misaka- "What are you doing to her?"

The boy smiled.

The boy- "Haha! What a coincidence if it isn't it the original? This means that if I kill you then I can finish the experiment faster!"

Misaka- "What do you mean by experiment? Who are you?"

The boy- "I'm the accelerator."

Misaka's eyes widened. 

Misaka- "The strongest level five?" 

Misaka shot 3 balls made out of electricity at Accelerator. Yet, he dodged one of them and touched the other two. The other two was reflected back at Misaka, but Misaka touched the ground and the lightning balls fell into the ground. They had disappeared.

Misaka then took out her trump card, the railgun and shot it.  However, Accelerator stood there and Misaka's attack was reflected. 

Accelerator- "Hahaha is that the best you can do!"

Misaka's knees started trembling.

Accelerator- "Anyways I'll answer your other stupid question.  The experiment that I'm taking part in is, if I kill enough of your clones then I'll become the first ever level six."

Misaka then closed her eyes and in fear, she started groveling on the ground. 
Misaka's Flashback and her POV

When all hope was lost I felt fear, i was scared. Am I going to die? I knew that I couldn't win, but that was when I remembered the words Y/N once said to me.

Y/N- "If you die because someone attacked you then I'll cry, I think and I won't be able to live with myself because I'd feel that I was guilty for not being there to protect you. Besides, you're my friend and I care about you. I'll attack anyone who poses a threat towards you even if I have to die to win."
Flashback end still Misaka POV

I looked up and saw my annoying Baka friend, Y/N, he was unleashing flames from his body while walking and he was leaving a trail of flames.

That something that stood out to me it shock me. No matter who he'll face against, no matter if they're strong or even a god. His words that he once told me it wasn't a lie, but it was the truth. He was my hero.

Accelerator- "The experiment that I'm taking part in is, if I kill enough of Misaka's clones then I'll become the first ever level six."

Y/N- "Hmph, first ever level six you? What a joke."

I playfully laughed.

Y/N- "Sorry pal, but the first ever level six will be no one other than me."

I pointed at myself.

Y/N- "And if you dare pose a threat towards my friends, Misaka or Misaka 10284, then I shall have no choice but to kill you."
Misaka POV

At that moment, I noticed just how cool he was and I fell in love with him.

To be continued

המשך קריאה

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