Monster- Loki Laufeyson

由 alcoholicarsonist

92 11 1

Loki Laufeyson, born & raised as prince of Asgard alongside his brother. Despite having everything he could h... 更多

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 9

4 1 0
由 alcoholicarsonist

Steve sighs, placing his head into his hands. Tony, on the other hand, rushes around the lab, picking up random bits and pieces and places them into an iron man suit.

"Steve, are we sure we should listen to this guy?" Bucky whispered, crossing his arms over his chest.

"At this point," Steve sighed "I'm not sure anymore. But I will marry Amelia, make no mistake about that."

Bucky rolled his eyes, wishing his so-called best friend wasn't so blind and could see what is right in front of him.

"Listen, I just need 5 more pieces and then we'll all be able to jump through the portal to Asgard, save my daughter and kill that horrible giant." Tony said, grinning towards the two frowning men.

"Tony, I don't know if this is the best idea anymore." Steve muttered, walking slowly around the lab. Gears started turning in the head as he connected the pieces.

Light bulb.

Steve slowly turned around to face Tony, who still had that stupid grin plastered on his face. "Tony..." He started, holding his hand out. "Where is Amelia?"

"What?" Tony asked, clearly confused. "She was taken by the giant in Asgard, what's so hard to understand about that?"

Bucky and Steve exchanged a look. "Tony, did you take Amelia somewhere?" Bucky questioned, cautiously.

"Why would I take my own daughter?" Tony asked, his usual wit and tone now disappeared from his voice. "You two think I did this?"

Steve nodded at Bucky, who went around and pulled out a cell phone while Steve stepped even closer to Tony.

"Tony, we're here to help you. I promise." Steve said, as he grabbed Tony by the arm.

"You're making a big mistake, HUGE!" Tony yelled, as Steve and Bucky took him out of his house and towards the police.
"Why on earth did I think this was a good idea in the first place?" Loki muttered to himself, brushing dust off of his shoulder.

Thor smiled, and continued to help the giant get dressed. "It is a good idea! Lady Amelia will love this, I'm thrilled she agreed to it."

Loki rolled his eyes at the candle next to him. Bruce was here as well, choosing not to voice his opinions in the face of the giant.

"Well, it doesn't matter anymore why she agreed, she did. Now, you get to dance with her! Natasha was thrilled to finally have a reason to clean the ballroom. And now, you need to brush off your dancing shoes and get ready to lead Lady Amelia in a waltz!"

Loki groaned, his head falling onto the desk in front of him.

Meanwhile, Wanda, Natasha, and Peter were in Amelias room with her, helping her to get ready.

"God, do I even know how to waltz? I haven't been dancing since my senior prom and even then I think I only did the cha cha slide." Amelia muttered, brushing her hair.

Wanda smiled and continued her task of applying Amelias makeup. Nothing too much, just a bit. "You'll be fine, my dear. Now come with me, we all have a surprise for you."

Cocking an eyebrow, Amelia stood and followed her new found friends to a dressing room. There, she found a stunning, gorgeous, green ballgown. It flowed to the bottom of her feet and laid right across her shoulders. Black lace was stitched all over the bodice in such an intricate design. It was an absolutely stunning dress. A pair of black earrings, green nail polish, and black heels sat on a near by table.

A small gasp escaped Amelias lips as her eyes roamed the dress. "This is... beautiful." She whispered, taking the fabric in her hands. Wanda and Natasha smiled at each other, sharing a knowing look.

"Try it on, try it on!!" Peter yelled from his cart, almost jumping up and down with excitement. Amelia giggled, and pulled the curtain closed so she could change.

After a few minutes of figuring out the dress, she looked at herself in the mirror and didn't recognize herself. She looked like a princess, a real life princess.

Slowly, she opened the curtain and let everyone see her in the dress.

"Well, if I may so say myself, you look incredible, Amelia." Natasha said, a smile on her face. Amelia silently thanked her.

"You look amazing, Lady Amelia." Peter said, mouth agape in awe. She chuckled.

Wanda just smiled and nodded her head towards the younger girl.

Slowly, Amelia made her way down the hallway towards the ballroom, her hands slightly shaking. When Loki had accepted her offer for a dance, she was truly shocked. And even more surprised when he suggested the next night.

Smiling, she made her way to the staircase that would lead her to the ballroom. Taking in a shaky breath, she headed down and locked eyes with Loki.
Once she had him in her sights, all her nerves seemed to disappear. He looked so regal, standing in the middle of the ballroom, his black suit making him look dashing in the moonlight.

Loki, on the other hand couldn't tear his off of her. To him, she was the most beautiful girl in the entire world. And she was here, dancing with him. He couldn't stop the guilt that crept into his gut. She deserves so much more than him. But yet, here she was.

Amelia gilded into the ballroom, and bowed before Loki. He chucked, silently holding out his hand for her. She gently took it, and the music swelled beneath them. Slowly, they started swaying, never once their eyes leaving the others.

The music started picking up, and they got more comfortable in each other's arms. Before either one could blink, they were spinning around the ballroom at full speed. They were dancing and laughing and smiling and blushing. Even Loki, in frost giant form had a light pink dust on his cheeks.

The music swelled beneath them, as their emotions took control. Loki suddenly lifted up Amelia by her waist, spinning her around as the light glistened and the music slower. He slowly brought her down, his eyes never leaving her face.

And it was then when he realized how deeply in love he was with her. He just had to pray she loved him back.

They came to a slowed stop in the dance, both parties bowing to one another. Loki silently offered his hand, with Amelia graciously accepted. The couple headed out to the balcony.

Standing there together in the snow, they locked eyes once more. Loki, saw his beauty while Amelia saw the beautiful, misunderstood man underneath the giant.

"Are you happy here?" Loki questioned, his eyes never leaving her face. Amelia smiled up at him.

"Absolutely. Everyone is so welcoming and nice, Wanda, Thor, Bruce, Peter..."

"With me?" He asked. Amelia looked at him once more and took in his whole face, memorizing it as if she'll never see it again. He looked so innocent, asking the question, it made Amelia heart swell with an emotion she couldn't quite place.

"Yes." She whispered, sliding her fingers and intertwining them with his, ignoring the cold feeling.

Then she sighed. "I just, miss my dad."

Loki hearts ached, knowing that he was responsible for her suffering. Then it hit him.

"I can show him to you. An old friend of mine showed me enchantment, and I can show you what he's doing right now."

A smile grew on Amelias face and she nodded. Loki took his hands away, and placed them onto her temples.

She quickly saw her father, but not at all where she expected. He was sitting in a court room, handcuffed. There was a judge yelling at him, saying something Amelia couldn't quite hear. And then she heard her father speak.

"I didn't kidnap my daughter!"

Amelia gasped, and then enchantment fell away, Loki catching the woman in his arms. "Amelia?" He questioned, not even bothering to hide the surprise and concern in his voice. She quickly found her footing.

"It's my dad, he's in trouble. People think he kidnapped me, or killed me!" She yelled, tears glazing over her eyes.

"You need to help him, you need to go to him." Loki decried, pulling his eyes away from her and rushing back into the ballroom. He rushed over to the side and pulled out a mirror.

"Here, take this. I was going to give it to you after tonight, but you need to go help your father. This mirror will always allow you to look back on me. To remember." He quickly handed it to her, as a single tear feel down his cheek.

(jeez author, what a cliché)

She smiled and brought her hand to his face, swiping the tears away. "I could never forget you."

With that, she took the mirror and rushed out the castle, determined to save her father.

Loki watched as the woman who owned his heart ran even further away from him. And while he should feel sad, he smiled.

"Loki? Where is Lady Amelia going?" Thor asked, heading into the ballroom, the servants following after him.

"I let her go." He stated, simply. He let go the one chance he had to return to normal.

"He finally learned to love." Wanda whispered. "So he let her go."

"If I cant love her, then I will love no one. I'm sorry I let you all down." He said, taking the crown off his head and pushing it away. Retreating to his room.

"I'm proud of him." Thor whispered, smiling.

"Me too." Wanda said, tearing up just a little bit.


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