Chapter 10

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"Dad!" Amelia cried out upon seeing Tony. He was in a holding cell and should be released any minute now that Amelia was back. He stood up and quickly meet his daughter, holding her hand through the cell door.

"Kid, how the hell did you get here?" He asked. "He shouldn't have let you go that easily, is he here?"

Amelia shook her head. "He let me go, I had to come find you." She smiled, and moved out of the way as a guard came to get him out of the cell. Once free, he wrapped his daughter up in the tightest hug.

"You had no idea how worried about you I was. I already lost your mother, I can't have lost you too." He whispered, his arms still wrapped around his daughter. Amelia smiled into the embrace.

"I'm okay, dad. Truly, I am." She smiled and let go of the hug. Tony then truly looked at his daughter. "What in the world are you wearing?" He asked, looking down at the ballgown she had shown up in. She chuckled. "Long story, I'll tell you once we're home."

Tony smiled and wrapped his arm around her shoulders as they started walking out of the police station. But right before they could open the doors, Steve and his best friend Bucky slipped in front of them, locking the door.

"Steve." Amelia said blankly. He gave her that award winning smile, reaching for her head which she pulled away. "Don't touch me."

Steve crossed his arms over his chest. "Come on, Amelia! That's no way to talk to your fiancé." He said, grinning like the cheshire cat.

"Fiancé?!" Tony yelled, looking back and forth between the two in front of him. "You must be joking." He laughed, but there was no joy in his voice.

"We're not engaged, Steve. Now if you'll excuse me, my dad and I are going to head back home." Amelia stated, moving towards the door only for Bucky to block the way, once again.

"You will marry me, Amelia." Her name coming out of his mouth with venom dripping from it. "Unless you want your father to rot in prison for the rest of his life."

Amelias mouth dropped open in horror, and she stepped in front of her father, trying to shield him.

"I found out that your father has a big secret. Something that could ruin his life. Iron Man? Keeping his identity a secret from the world while withholding a portal from the government? Tisk Tisk. If I were to turn him into a close friend of mine, he would never see the light of day again. But I don't have to. If, you'll marry me."

He quickly dropped to one knee, holding Amelias hand in his. She quickly looked back to her father and shook his head. "It's not worth it, Amelia." He whispered.

That's when it hit her.

"I cant marry you Steve. I'm already engaged to someone else."

He stood up, looking back to Bucky who gave him a simple shrug in return.

"Is this the same man who gave you this dress, dear?" He asked, his eyes roaming her body.

She smiled. "Yes it is. Would you like to see him?"

Both men nodded and she pulled out the mirror.

"Show me him!"

Loki appeared in the mirror, sitting in the west wing, staring at the rose which only had a singular petal left. Steve and Bucky drew back in shock.

"Tony wasn't lying." Bucky whispered, staring at the frost giant in front of him.

Steve's eyes widened. "Not at all." Amelia could see the gears turning in his mind, coming up with a plan. She looked back at her father and winked. If Steve's manners still remained, he would back down and leave her alone.

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