The Halaal Way

By herphcerh9600

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She was an average muslimah but she had a weakness. She had a strong desire, yet her heart was weak. She fo... More



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By herphcerh9600

It was narrated from Anas ibn Maalik (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whomever Allaah has blessed with a righteous wife, He has helped him with half of his religion, so let him fear Allaah with regard to the other half".
Narrated by al-Bayhaqi in Shu’ab al-Eemaan (4/382). 


“When will I be expecting my cuties?” She smiled as she spoke into the mouthpiece.

“In two weeks time” A lady's voice said from the other end.

“Two weeks?! That is far Aaliyah. I can't wait to have them"

Aaliyah chuckled.

“Okay Nihlah. Let's see what happens in ten days time”

“Ten days?”

“Yeah, hopefully in shaa Allah”

“Aaliyah please don't disappoint me”

“I don't plan on doing that” Aaliyah chuckled when she said that.

“If you do I swear I'll fly down to Dubai, bite off your ears and take cute Aslam away from you”

Aaliyah chuckled again.

“You won't need to do that girl, you can count on me”

“It's okay then. Send my regards to cute Aslam and his dad”

“I will. Take care” and the call ended.

Nihlah smiled as she relaxed in her swivel chair. Aaliyah was her colleague in school who later turned out to be her Abaya supplier. Aaliyah was based in Dubai with her husband and three year old cute Aslam, as Nihlah called him. She had suppliers both within and outside Dubai so she would inform Nihlah whenever there were new supplies, Nihlah would have a look via social media, and then place her own orders. Nihlah was Aaliyah’s main customer and because she always paid in full, Aaliyah enjoyed doing business with her.

Just three days ago, Nihlah received a message from Aaliyah informing her that there was a new design of Abaya she saw, but it was out of stock. Nihlah demanded for a picture and when she saw it, she fell in love with it immediately. It looked unique, cool and beautiful. She immediately placed an order worth six hundred thousand Naira. Now Aaliyah just assured her of their arrival in ten days time. She couldn't wait, she was eager to see herself in one of those abayas.

The soft knock that came on the door made Nihlah move her eyes towards that direction. Seconds later, the door opened revealing a young lady, probably in her early twenties.

“Assalam alaikum” The lady said once she was inside the office.

“Wa alaikum salam Saleemah” Nihlah responded, now sitting up from her relaxed position.

“Ma you have a visitor” Saleemah, her secretary said.
She briefly glanced at her wall clock. 11:15am.

“Let her in”

“It's a he Ma”

“A he?” Nihlah knitted her brows. Not that she never got male visitors, she did, but they were strictly based on appointments and she wasn't expecting any male visitor today. She looked at her wall clock again.

“I thought I don't have any male visitor today”

“Yes Ma. He says his name is Kamal” Saleemah said and Nihlah felt her heart flutter at the mention of his name. Kamal? What was he doing here?

“Let him in” Nihlah said and Saleemah acknowledged it with a nod. Then she took her leave.

A minute later, there was another knock on the door. Some few seconds elapsed and the door was pushed open. Kamal muttered a salam while his hand still held the door knob. His strong cologne hit her nostrils and it was just a matter of few seconds before the air in the office scented like him. She couldn't help but look.
He was dressed in a washed blue denim shirt paired with a black jeans trouser and black sneakers. His smart watch was well fitted on his wrist that held the door knob and his middle finger was adorned with a silver ring. He wore a radiant smile and that smile was doing something to Nihlah. It was awakening those feelings that had long been buried in her.

'Lower your gaze'. 

A voice said in her and she looked down responding to his salam.

“May I come in?” He asked and she nodded.

“Sure. Have a seat” She said as she gestured him to sit with her hands.

Kamal sat on one of the two wooden chairs in front of her L-shaped office desk and his eyes travelled round the office. A laptop sat on the office desk while a few files lay by the side of the laptop. There was a huge bouquet of flowers neatly arranged in a vase that was placed at the mid point of her L-shaped desk, giving the office that bright and cheerful appearance. There was a tag with N. N Bature inscribed on it and below her name, CEO was boldly written. The tag sat a few centimeters behind her laptop.
A huge window stood on the wall behind her, which he guessed would give a beautiful view of the city. There was a refrigerator at one corner of the office.
Kamal fell in love with the place, right from the variety of abayas that greeted him when he stepped into the building, to the small secretary’s office that was adjoined to the CEO's office, the way she organized everything, the serenity and coolness of the place, he loved it.

“This place is... Beautiful” He looked at her with admiration.
Nihlah let a smile spread across her lips. This place was her second home and any compliment given to it made her happy.

“Thank you. Welcome to Bature's Home of Abayas” She said still smiling and Kamal moved his hand to touch the bouquet of flowers that was on the desk.

“Thank you CEO. This place is truly a home of abayas. There are like uncountable of them” He said as he picked out a single flower and brought it close to his nose. It smelled nice.

“Now you're exaggerating” She said with a small laugh.

“Let me get you something to drink” She said and stood up. She took slow steps towards the refrigerator and Kamal stared at her retreating figure. She was dressed in a full length hijab, it was flowing and there was a black niqab over her head. He watched as she opened the refrigerator, rummaged through and finally brought out a bottled water.

“I'm sorry I got only this” She said holding out the bottled water in the air as she walked back to her seat. She had no idea her soft drinks were finished. She made a mental note to get some on her way home today.

“Don't worry, it'll serve the purpose” He said as she dropped the bottle in front of him.

“Thank you” He added.

“My pleasure” She smiled.

Kamal sipped from his water while Nihlah only stared at him, wondering in her the reason for his visit.

It's been fourteen days since the day he came to see her. His parents had come three days later and everything was finalized, with the date set two months from that day. It was when her mum told her that the date had been fixed in two months time that she understood what he meant when he said his parents would want the marriage to happen real soon. She had no idea it'd be this close. She hadn't seen him again since that day and now he was seated in her office, uninvited and he came unannounced.

“So to what do I owe this visit?” She asked when she noticed he had stopped sipping from the water. He slowly lifted his head and his eyes met hers.

“Do I need a reason to visit my WIFE TO BE?” He asked holding her gaze. Nihlah didn't miss the stress he mounted on ‘wife to be'. He wanted to sound serious but a smile that forced itself out of his lips gave him away. Nihlah smiled.

“Of course you do. Especially when you didn't inform her about your visit” She said.

“Now this is where the problem lies. How do I inform her when I don't even have her digits?”

“Then you tell her parents to tell her that you'll be coming”

“Exactly what I did. I went home and she was not there so her Dad directed me here. See?” He shrugged and Nihlah shook her head smiling.

“Now I'm beginning to think whether she has changed her mind. She's reprimanding me for coming to her place of work” He folded his arms across his chest and wore a straight face with a pout.
Nihlah couldn't help but chuckle. Right now, he looked like a seven year old who was feigning hurt after being deprived of his scoop of ice-cream.

“I am not reprimanding you. I was only asking” She tried to explain, though she was still smiling.

“I never said you. We were talking about a she” He said, his facial expression still the same.

“And who is she?”


“And what is my name?”

“Kamal's wife to be” and Nihlah laughed.
Yaa Allah! What was wrong with him? He had a way of making her laugh or smile and she was beginning to like the feeling.

“You're funny” She said when her laughter died down.

“You should thank me then”


“It is said that laughter is the best medicine. It strengthens your immune system, boosts mood, diminishes pain and protects you from the damaging effects of stress. And I just made you laugh, so thank me” He said with a boyish grin and Nihlah shook her head still smiling.

“Thank you Kamal”

“Kamal?” He raised his brows and she looked a bit confused. Was he offended? Okay, she had been avoiding calling him by his name for reasons she didn't know and right now, it just slipped.

“It's your name right?” Her face still held that confused expression and Kamal didn't miss it.

“That's not my name” He forced back a smirk.


“It's Nehlah’s H to be, that's my name” He smirked and he saw a flicker of relief over her face. He chuckled.

“What were you thinking Nehlah? If you're Kamal's wife to be, then I'm definitely Nehlah’s H to be” He laughed.

“Anyway... Our wedding is just six weeks away” He said and her heart flickered at his statement. Our. Whenever he used that word, it made her have some feelings she didn't want to give in to. It made her feel like she was part of him, like she had been part of him right from the start.

“So I was instructed to get a list of all you'll need, you know that lefe stuff. I brought out my phone to dial your number and that was when I realized I didn't have it; it led me down to this place” He said and Nihlah nodded.

“I don't think there’ll be need for any list. If everything were to be done according to my wish, then I'd have said you should forget about the lefe. But who are we to argue with our parents? It's a tradition that has been kept alive since the time of our forefathers. We just have to give in”

“So what's your point?”

“Whatever you're able to lay your hands on, I'm okay with it”



“Okay. Problem one solved” He smiled.

“Would you like any event to take place? Like dinner, or mother's eve or anything?” He asked.
Nihlah gently shook her head. She's had all those events in her first marriage so what's the use repeating them? Besides, they are all innovations and they take away the blessings of the marriage so what's the point?

“Let it be simple. Just the Nikah and walimah” She said and again, he smiled. He wanted it simple too but not because they're innovations, but because he wasn't getting married to the love of his life. When he eventually finds her, then they would host all those events during their wedding. It was something he was looking forward to.

“Can you tell me your shoe size and... arrrrhhhmmm... Your... arhhmmm... I mean.... arrhhmmm your underwears size?” The last part of the statement came out with great difficulty.
When Halima, his immediate elder sister told him to get the size of her underwears, he was like,

'What? You want me to ask her?'

'Yes now. How else do you want us to know?' She had said.

'Can't we just estimate and assume?' He had said and she had smacked him lightly on the head.

'You are crazy Kamal. Just do as I say' and she had left him standing there.

Now it took him a lot of effort to ask. He even became a stammerer.

“My shoe size is 39 and the other one, I'll take care of it so no need to worry”

Kamal felt as if a heavy load was just lifted off his head. He had been thinking of how to deal with the embarrassment of a lady he just met once, telling him the size of her underwears. It would have been embarrassing for both of them but thanks to Nihlah, she just saved them.

“I'm grateful for your kind gesture Kamal's wife to be. May I have your digits please?”

Nihlah smiled.

One moment he was serious, and the next moment, he was joking. Anyway, he had a good sense of humor and she liked it.

“Sure” She said and reached for her complementary card in the drawer. She handed it to him. He scanned through it for a while, then he stood on his feet.

“Thank you Nehlah Najeebullah Bature. I hope to be your business partner in the nearest future” He said in a very formal voice and Nihlah smiled.

“You're most welcome”


Like seconds turn into minutes, minutes into hours, hours into days and days into weeks, time came to pass and it was just few days to Nihlah's wedding. Everything seemed to happen so fast that for a moment, she left like it was all a dream. The lefe was brought two days ago and well, they did a good job stuffing it with loads of everything.
She didn't want to go into details, there was too much of everything in those boxes. Even the underwears she bought, they bought almost double the quantity she bought and stashed everything in there.

Kamal had come home a day after he visited her in her office and gave her his credit card.

"Why are you giving me this?" She had asked not making an effort to collect the card from him.

“Because I'm the one doing the buying so it shouldn't come from your pocket” He had said with a smile.

“You buy, I use so it doesn't matter whose pocket the money is coming from” She had said but Kamal wouldn't hear any of it.

“I insist” He had dropped the card on the stool and texted her the pin.

Of course she didn't use his card. He had come for the undis a week later and she had given him his card but he refused to take it.

“I'll collect it after the wedding” He had said.

Now getting double the quantity of what she had bought, it felt like he knew she didn't use his credit card and he was hell bent on buying the underwears with his own money.

The soft knock that came on the door plunged her out of her thoughts. She looked towards the direction of the door and seconds later, the door was opened. Nihlah's lips curved into a smile seeing that her visitor was her best friend. Her baby bump was becoming more prominent over the months.

“You didn't even answer my salaam” Zainab complained as she walked deeper into the room settling down on the vanity stool and Nihlah paused to think. Did she even hear her salam?

Just then, Nihlah noticed that there were two boxes and a small kit standing in front of her door. Nihlah threw Zainab a curious glance and Zainab rolled her eyes.

“See for yourself” Zainab said with a sly smile.

Nihlah stood on her feet and headed for the boxes. She dragged them in and closing the door behind her, she began to open the boxes one after the other. She started with the biggest one and Nihlah was shocked at what she saw. The contents of the box were neatly arranged in two sides. She picked the topmost fabric on one side and opened it and she saw that it was a beautiful long gown. She reached for the topmost fabric on the other side and it was a beautiful short gown. She raised the fabrics one after the other and she found out that one side of the box had long gowns of different styles and colors arranged while the other side had short gowns. There were like twenty of each.

She moved to the next box and a tear almost slipped from her eyes. It contained all sorts of mini skirts, bum shorts, leggings, crop tops and all sorts of clothing that reveal too much skin. She opened the kit and it was filled with sexy lingeries of different designs and colours. Nihlah ran to Zainab and gave her a bone crushing hug. She let the tears flow. How can someone show her so much love? How can someone actualize her dreams when she herself had let go of that dream?

As teenagers, Zainab and Nihlah had always fantasized about their future husbands, how they'll pamper him with love, how they'll dress to KILL him as they called it. And then, Nihlah had said,

“You know what I'll do? I'll buy long gowns, short gowns, all those skimpy clothes and sexy sexy lingeries...” And she and Zainab had laughed because of the way she had stressed ‘sexy'.

“... Early in the mornings I'll wear the skimpy clothes, then in the mornings I'll wear the long gowns, then in the evening I'll wear the short gowns and then at night... Hahha” Nihlah had smirked and Zainab had smacked her on the thighs.

“Bad girl” Zainab had said and they had both laughed it off.

When Nihlah said these words, she really meant it even though she made it sound like a joke. She had the intention of getting the money from her parents and buying all the stuffs she intended to buy. But then, they didn't agree to get her married at that time and everything went down the drain. She didn't get to actualize that dream of hers and she was forced to let it go.

After Zainab's marriage, there was that distance between them and things never became like before. But despite the fact that they were getting farther away from each other, Zainab promised herself to make this dream of Nihlah come true. She made up her mind then, to surprise her with it as a wedding gift from her. But it was so unfortunate that Zainab didn't even get to know about Nihlah's first marriage until several months after the marriage. Even then, she never forgot her promise and had been hoping for an opportunity to present itself so that she could fulfil her promise. Allah sent Kamal to Nihlah and gave her that opportunity.

“Thank you Zainab” Nihlah's voice pierced her thoughts and she felt some tears dropping on her shoulder.

“Sssshhhh... What are sisters for?” Zainab said and Nihlah hugged her tighter.
For all she knew, Zainab was an angel in human form. She just made her dream come true.

Just few days ago, the thought of how her teenage self fantasized on how she'll treat her husband, crossed her mind. She remembered all she said she was going to buy. She had the money to buy it now without even asking her parents, but she couldn't find the zeal, the push to make her buy it. This was a marriage not based on love, an arranged marriage and she wasn't even sure if she was going to find love in this marriage. In fact, she couldn't even guarantee whether it'd last long. It all depends on him and how he’ll decide to deal with her past when he eventually finds out. So these thoughts discouraged her and she gave up on that dream. But here was someone, her best friend who had turned to her sister, taking some silly things she had said as teenager to heart and making it come true without even knowing that when she had said it then, she really meant it. She still did it even after being a beast to her.
Nihlah cried.

“Are these tears of joy?” Zainab teased smiling.

“I'm still finding it hard to believe that you take me in high regards despite how awful I've been”

“Sssshhhh... Don't go there Nihlah. You know I hate it when you talk like this” Zainab said softly rubbing her hands on Nihlah's back gently.

“I'm sorry Zainab” Nihlah said a little above a whisper. Zainab gently pulled out of the hug and held her shoulders tenderly.

“Okay. How about we forget about that sorry and talk about how you're going to KILL Kamal with these” Zainab giggled and Nihlah hit her arm playfully.

“You're impossible. He doesn't even love me”

“You’re gonna make that happen in shaa Allah” Zainab gave Nihlah an encouraging smile and Nihlah smiled back.
She suddenly felt the zeal to make him hers and well, she just got a stepping stone.


The house of Alhaji Najeebullah Bature was filled with guests, each one of them rejoicing with him on the wedding of his daughter. There was a lot for people to eat and drink and all the happy faces looked like they were attending Nihlah's wedding for the first time. Most of the people there were family, very few were friends.

It was around 4:15pm in the evening and the knot was tied two hours ago. Thanks to Zainab who had taken the burden of getting her friend all she needed to wear on her wedding. Nihlah was dressed in an exquisite ash coloured attire that was sewn into a skirt and blouse. She complimented her looks with silver accessories and with a very light make up on her face, she looked ravishing like a bride. Well, she was one.

“Now give me a smile” Zainab said as she positioned her phone camera to capture the beauty before her. Nihlah smiled and she clicked the picture. Zainab stared at the image with a wide smile on her lips. Her friend was a pretty damsel, there was no doubt about that.

Nihlah glanced at her friend briefly. She looked tired and exhausted but she didn't care. She made sure everything went on smoothly. Literally, she was the only friend Nihlah had.
Since the incidence, Nihlah kept the circle of her friends small and Zainab was the only one in that circle; other people were just acquaintances. Her secretary had come and all the other ladies that fit in as kawayen amarya were her cousins.

“Nihlaaaaaaaaaaah!!!” A lady yelled barging into Nihlah's room and all eyes turned towards her, startled.

“Tasneem why the hell are you yelling my name like that?” Nihlah reprimanded.

“Guess what? They'll be coming to pick you by 5” Tasneem said.

“What?” Nihlah and Zainab exclaimed simultaneously.

“That was not the agreement. They were supposed to come by 7” Zainab said placing her hands on her waist.

“Exactly. Uncle Najeeb just called me and told me to inform all of you that they'll be coming by 5”

“Didn't you tell him it was supposed to be by 7?” Nihlah asked almost crying.

“Trust me now. I did and he was like,

‘They called me and requested for a change of time and I agreed. Besides, tunda an daura she has become their property. Oya go and tell them’.

“Their property? Dad said that?” Nihlah asked now feeling a fresh set of tears tickling her.

“Okay don't make me feel like a bad egg here. I know you and Uncle Najeeb are 5 and 6...”

“Did he say that Tasneem?” Nihlah cut her short and Tasneem slowly puffed out air.

“I was only narrating what happened...” Tasneem said now feeling bad because she didn't want the daughter to be angry with the father on her wedding day.
Nihlah glared at her and she was quick to say,


Nihlah reached for her phone and dialed her father’s number. It rang continuously and he didn't pick. She dialed it for the second time and as it rang, a knock came on the door. Tasneem went for the door and Nihlah's dad was standing there.

“The bride is calling me” He waved his phone over Tasneem's face and she gestured him to go in and that was after whispering “she's mad at you” in his ears.
He smiled and walked in.

“Good evening Dad” Zainab greeted.

“Zainab how are you?” Dad smiled.

“I'm fine alhamdulillah”

“Why is the bride looking gloomy?” He asked glancing at Nihlah who was on the verge of tears.

“She doesn't want to be addressed as someone else's property. And the truth is now, she is” Zainab smirked and Nihlah glared at her.
She chuckled before finding her way out of the room.

Nihlah's father smiled. He now understood the reason for the call.

“My dear...” He started but stopped when she looked up at him and tears rolled down her cheeks.

“You said I'm their property. So you're eager to send me off koh? You're tired of seeing me around...” and she broke into tears. Her father hugged her and consoled her, surprised as to why she was offended by his words.

The truth was, she was not offended, but she suddenly did not want to leave home. She wanted to stay with her parents.  She wanted everything to be a dream so she could wake up and realize that she still had the chance to live with her parents.

“You know that's not what I mean. I only said that because now, they'll be taking care of you. They'll be responsible for your food, your clothing, your shelter and everything I used to do for you. You can't even come here without his permission. But that doesn't change the fact that you're my only one, and you'll always be mine”

“I'll miss you Dad” She managed to say amid sobs. Her father drew soothing circles on her back, in a bit to calm her down. Even if he didn't say it, he knew he was going to miss her. Badly.

“Am I missing something?” A voice said from the door and Nihlah and her father slowly looked in the direction of the voice. It was her mum. She took slow steps towards them and joined in the hug.

Nihlah felt a fresh tickle of tears and she let them flow. What happened in her first marriage was a facade. She feigned to feel bad for leaving home but she was actually happy then. But now, the real feeling hurt her and she didn't want to leave home. She wanted to be with her parents, but again, that was impossible. The knot had been tied, and sooner or later, she'll be taken to her matrimonial home.

“Sssshhhh.... It's okay. I trust you and everything is going to be fine in shaa Allah. Be a good wife and make your husband proud of you. Bless you my child” Her mum said and Nihlah hugged them tighter.

Words cannot describe how she felt at the moment but she was sure about one thing, she would put in her all to make her marriage work out because if she made her husband proud of her, then her parents will be more proud of her. That, she was looking forward to do in shaa Allah.

Her parents left and Zainab came in with some of her cousins to lighten her mood. They succeeded in doing that to some extent because they were able to put a smile on her face. While they gagged, Zainab did a little touch to her soiled make up and she was back to her ravishing looking self.

Five o'clock came and against her will, she was taking to Gwarinpa, her matrimonial home.

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