Learning to cope

By Greys_anatomy_22

23.5K 510 34

Meredith is learning to cope with Derek's tragic death but it was still yet to sink in. Meredith left out of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 24

471 11 1
By Greys_anatomy_22

*1 week passed*

Meredith's POV:

Everything in my life is going is well at the moment, I'm just so blessed. Urgh even I want to slap myself in the face for being so shiny but it's true I'm just so blessed my husband is back and I've got my three wonderful kids and I've got a wonderful job to come back to once I get released I'm just so blessed.

"Mer, you ready to head home I've got Ellis in her car seat, so we are just waiting for you now."

"I'm more than ready, you know Derek the last time I left this hospital I had two kids and a dead husband, now I have everything I've ever needed and I've become so blessed."

Cristina- "Someone seems all bright and shiny, good thing I'm staying for a while to knock all the shininess out of you, no offense but you suit dark and twisty more."

"Wow, thank Cristina that's so nice of you to say"

"Ahh, there's the sarcastic Mer I know, anyway I'm here to give your discharge papers. I'm coming round after my shift it that alright cause I kinda have nowhere to stay besides a motel and well your home name so I was wondering if I could crash for a while."

"Sure, you can stay in your own room, remember we built you your own room and you have your own key."

"Right, well I'll see you after my shift, McDreamy don't crash again I don't want to go to another one of your funerals,"

Derek- "Very funny Yang, and for your information I got crashed into I did not do the crashing."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."


Derek's POV:

It felt nice to finally be home again, in the dream house with my perfect family if only Mark and Lexie were here then it would be like old times, god I miss them but I know they would be proud of us and proud for what Mer and I have accomplished together despite out fighting.

Everyday since I've left the white house it's made me realize how much I took Mer for granted and I how I took my life for granted so I'm going to make damn sure jay I repair shag I broke in mine and Mer's relationship.

"Derek I told you I don't need a wheelchair I can walk!"

"Mer it's doctors orders now please get into chair and then I'll give you Ellis."

"Fine but know I'm not doing this willingly, now please hand me my daughter."

"Yes, dear now what are we in the mood for dinner tonight?"

" anything really, we own this hospital we should atleast make the food taste some what decent."

This is the first night Mer and I will spend together for a long time, I need to make this special and romantic and I need to apologise for all my wrong doing in the past not just d.c everything that I never really apologised for in the past.


I had finally finished cooking dinner it consisted of a nice steak with a salad and red wine, and to follow up dessert of course I also had to make the kids dinner so I made them mini "steaks" which really was burgers but they don't need to know that.

" Derek, this looks really nice what's the occasion?"

" No occasion expect that I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything for not telling you I have a wife, for calling you a whore, to dumping you for Rose, for everything. Mer I'm sorry and I know that I have lots to apologise for and I know it's taken us a long time to get to where we are today but I needed you to know how truly sorry I am for all the times I was a right jerk to you, and how much I appreciate that you stayed with me and how we now have a beautiful family together, I love you Meredith and I never want to leave you again."

"Derek as much as I love those apologises that all happened years ago, I've grown you know and I've moved passed it, I married you didn't I but I'm glad to know that you knew how much of an ass you were to me and I guess I love you too. Now can we eat hospital food sucks!"

Chapter 24 done! Woah 24 already I'm kind running out of ideas whether I should continue the story or write and epilogue I don't really know so if have any idea on what I could do next it would be very helpful and appreciated.
I hope you like this chapter kind of a filler I didn't really want them to spend much longer in the hospital if that makes sense.
Don't forget to comment or vote any advice or ideas are very much welcomed 🙂
Also sorry if there is any grammar or spelling mistakes
Have a great day

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