One Of Us {Luca reader insert}

By bvmfuzzle

8.9K 218 56

Y/n is a friend of Giulia since they're 4-5 years old, Massimo and Giulia found her fainted body near the wat... More

☆chapter one☆{edited}
☆chapter 2☆ {edited}
☆chapter 4☆
☆chapter 5☆
i'm so sorry
☆chapter 6☆

☆chapter 3☆

1K 28 5
By bvmfuzzle


"congratulations you'll join our team" what. The. Fu-

Your P.O.V

I cut my own thought and laugh "she race alone-" Giulia's bike got stuck on a broken path, i hop off and tried to help her get it out, the two boys help us out, the little one looked at giulia "we can be under the dogs too" i gave him a questioning look, it's as if they live under a rock, not like i wasn't.

"it's ok Luca, she rather do the whole race again, maybe she won't throw up as much as last time" i glared at him "th- hang on!" she looked at the little one who i learned was luca, and the tall boy, "you wnna be on my team huh?" she put her hand on her hips "let's see what you got" the- ahem- luca, tried to ride the bike but fails miserably, the people around us looked at luca in confusion, the tall one told luca to jump in it, what- luca fell, he tried to "be in charge" they're like me the first time I'm here- ahem- anyways, Giulia told him to look up, and he succeeded, giulia pretends to be obstacles, and then he tried to cross a plank on the fountain, yeah he fell, "*sigh* atleast can you swim?" the tall- lets just call him curly, "oh we are g-" luca punch him on the sides sofly "-badly yeah we can't swim that good" at this point i am convinced that they live in a literal rock, "you can't swim, barely can't ride a bike? Where are you even from?" curly take a step foward "we're not telling you our secret- we're run aways" he whispered the last part "run aways?!- i- we can't help you if you're run aways-" luca looks at me with pleading eyes, "please? My parents are gonna send me to a bad place, if we win this, i can be free" i look at giulia for answers, she sigh and points at herself "fine, i swim" she points at luca "you bike" and lastly curly "you eat" they cheer luca looked at me "what about you?" i shook my head "i don't do racing, and beside what can i do?" giulia suggested to eat first, but then remember she needs money to sign this two up.

Time skip

We arrived at giulias place, "let us do the talking you just- follow us" giulia opended the door, to see massimo, i greet him just like i do everytime, the boys follow us and gasp when they saw the harpoons massimo have, i make them sit, luca whispered to curly about what he hunts the harpoons, massimo answered while he chop a fish, and giulia hand them a cup of water, "y'know they used to believe in sea monsters" luca visibly gulp, he took a sip but before ha can swallow massimo stick a butcher knife on the news paper, luca spits out the water and tackles curly to the ground, i look back to see them nervous, luca fixes the cup "sliped hehe" i turn back to cooking the spaghetti.

I finnished it and pu it on a plate, giulia put the plates on the table, i sat in front of Giulia, and massimo sits, luca take the fork and laugh nervously, i use my fork to take the spaghetti, but before i can put it in my mouth, curly take a full hand of spaghetti, and stuff it inside his mouth, he seems to be pleased with my cooking, luca did the same, and they stuff all the spaghetti in their mouth like animals, i furrowed my eyebrows, "where did you boys say you were from?" giulia panicked, "uh they're my classmate from genova" i sigh and finnish my spaghetti, "why are they here?" i swallow the last bite "they're here for the race" massimo raised his eyebrows, "y'know don't worry about it" giulia take all the emty plates, massimo sighs, "giulietta, a word"


There ya go :)

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