Naruto Magazine: Issue #10

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☪Finally Fessing Up☪
❦Oneshot: Red Thread❦
☯Advice: School Stress.☯
✲Undiscovered Gems✲
☢Rapid Rant: Mispronunciation☢
✐Fanfic Review: "Mori No Ko"✐
✬Oneshot: Shikamaru: Lazy Ass Ninja✬
❉Undiscovered Gems❉
✿Finally Fessing Up!✿
☠Rapid Rant: Originality!☠
♦Fangirl Mania: Sakura Haruno♦
☾Fanfic Review: "Never Too Late"☽
►That One Character: ~Deidara~◄
❀Cosplay: Hinata & Kakashi (from experience)❀
♛Poll Results/Monthly Poll!♛

☂Oneshot: Endless Rain☂

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{Co-admin message: Holy fu— this mother is long. That is because I (apparently) was supposed to publish one half of this oneshot on the last issue and post the other half on this one. But of course I didn’t, so now it’s super long, I’m sorry. However do not be discouraged by the length; for it’s a very good oneshot!}


By @Nakiami

Seven years have passed since that day… The day that I lost the place I belonged for the second time. There have been many times that I have wondered how my life would have turned out if things would have just remained like that. I wonder how you are. Although so many years have passed by, I want you to know that I haven't forgotten. There is no way I could possibly forget you and that pair of wonderful chocolate brown eyes, that mirrored your every single thought and your every single ideal.

Back when I was a newcomer to their little group, I had a hard time facing my true feelings. Things happened so fast that I wasn't really given the chance to get accustomed to my new lifestyle or the fact that I could no longer be able to see my family.

I belonged to the head family of the powerful clan known as The Kai clan. It was a peaceful, united clan which held pride in its strength and its abilities. But someone close to the head of the clan, my father, started a riot believing that he was more than capable of replacing my father, and therefore became the one to exercise control over us.

Tragic events followed after this, as I watched my family get wiped out one by one without even knowing what to do. My mother sacrificed herself, telling me to run at very end—doing what she felt was right. She wanted to save her precious remaining child. That's right, I also had a brother but that man had abducted him and the only thing that we were told was that he was cruelly tortured to death.

Thus, I ended up "shutting off" those very feelings and did my best to ignore the pain as much as I could. I wanted a fresh start and I thought that I shouldn't stay like this forever, dwelling into the past—trapped alone. But the more I avoided those feelings, the more I felt like I would never be able to escape.

The first month I started living with Konan and Yahiko, I caught a cold and resulted having Yahiko babysitting me. Even to this day, I remember everything about it crystal clear.

"Shhh, I was left here to take care of you while Konan is looking for food. All you have to do is let me do so," Yahiko whispered gently, signaling me to stop refusing to rest, his eyes full of concern and a smile which could successfully take your breath away in a blink of an eye.

"Geez, fine."

After a small pause, Yahiko began speaking once again.

"I've been meaning to tell you but it's not good for you, you know."

"What is not good for me?"

"You know, don't you?"

"What are you saying Yahiko? I'm okay."

"No you're no-"

"I said I'm fine!"

"Are you? Then what's with this face?"

"None of your business."

"Yes it is! Both Konan and I are worried for you; you can't keep going like this! You have to stop pressuring yourself like this!"

"It's okay for you to cry, to hate, to despise the ones that caused you all this misery.  No one is forcing you to get over it so quickly! You just have to take it slow, take as much time to recover as needed!"

His warm words instantly made all the pain and all the feelings ease, that with so much effort I had succeeded in locking up inside of me and finally begun to surface. My eyes watered, and I felt countless teardrops roll down my cheeks.

Seeing me like that, Yahiko, on the spur of the moment, brought himself closer to me and gently braced his arms around my waist, holding me in a comforting yet loving manner. My head comfortably rested on his chest while I was crying non-stop. To me his tight embrace was something which could never be bought with any material good. It was something which reminded me of the affection that my family gifted me, and it was something which I needed the most. If possible, I wished that this moment never lasted.

"I want you to know that you can count on me when you have a problem! There is no need to act the part of the strong and independent around me, because doing so will just cause more trouble stupid!" 

"Cocky Idiot," I yelled, giving him a peaceful yet relieved smile which contrasted to my foul mouth.

After our separation, countless moments of endless pain and despair had been striking me day after day until I thought I could no longer endure it. Even selling my soul to devil would be a more preferable choice than being on his hands.

There were innumerable times that I thought of ending my painful journey of living; in fact it seemed to me like a rather legit solution. Having the memories of my true home and the heartwarming memories that you bestowed me with. Having those very memories in mind kept me alive and supplied me the strength necessary to withstand all those tortures and move ahead. Thank you, Yahiko, for showing me life's good side.

But based on what life itself has taught me, it's not a simple plaything to toy with. It's insidious and cunning and that I can definitely assure you of as it's something that I have learned first hand. It also has that "cruel" fate planting its despicable thorns that twist everything that's on their path as her faithful servants, controlling it to her heart’s content. In a way, it's like the ocean's pristine waters, having their striking beauty contrast to their hazardous danger.

I was sitting at the cliff where I first found her unconscious. All my thoughts included her—the times we had spent together all rushing through my brain. I didn't want to accept that we had lost her, but it was pointless either way. I had to let go of the past, to let go of her.

"Are you sure, Yahiko? Because there is no turning back."

"Yes. This has always been my wish. By creating this organization I will finally be able to achieve my goal."

"I will bring an end to this endless rain and create a world where peace shall only exist."

"For all of us and for her. She deserved it more than everyone else."

"Are you guys ready? It's time to leave," Nagato said just as calmly as always.

I was inside that very cell, consumed in darkness which I was so accustomed to living in. Day in and day out passed without anything ever changing. I would just lie down there doing nothing but meaninglessly staring at empty space thinking and trying to make all the boredom fade away.

"The nerve of that damn snake!" I mumbled, clenching my hands and biting my lips in anger.

"As lively as ever I see."

"Get lost, Four Eyes. You're disturbing my nap."

"Easy there, tiger."

Kabuto fixed his glasses in a troubled manner and then put on a confident smile. "If you keep this pace up, you'll end up like just like your poor clan. Mere dead meat."

Upon hearing the ridiculous words that escaped his mouth, I started laughing exactly like a madman. Each and every sound that I produced made me seem more insane by the minute. I placed my hands on my head and started scratching it manically, curving my nails with force deeper and deeper. When I finally managed to calm down a bit, I raised my gaze so as to have my eyes face his own directly.

"Laughable isn't? This phrase that is," I said, having a huge grin which promoted everything but happiness.

"That's what you'll look like when I'm fucking done with you," I said, looking him with deadpan serious eyes which contrasted to the insane expression that was on my face.

His body immediately froze at what I had just said, except from his hands and legs which were shaking in fear. It was obvious that millions of chills had run down his spine.

Then another familiar yet unpleasant face made its "grand" appearance.

"My, my …What a fierce expression you have there, Katsu," Orochimaru said, raising his hand towards Kabuto in a protecting stance.

"I am afraid you will have to stop now."

"And the O brave and handsome knight comes successfully to his princess' rescue~! So damn romantic! God I freaking give up," I said in a theatrical manner, falling desperately on the bed.

"You don't seem all that happy, why is that I wonder."

"Take a hike, will you? Old snake fart."

"How dare you talk us like that you-"

"There, there Kabuto. There is a point in what she says. If not for me the only thing that would have remained from you would be your dead corpse," Orochimaru said with a straight face.

"Aouchh. That must have hurt reeeal bad."

"Go to hell!"

"Crazy in love right?" I said in a flirtatious manner, while winking and giving him a lovely kiss from afar. God how I love getting on his nerves. He always ends up getting so pissed; his natural complex turns to intense red. I would die to know what he's thinking when he's like that.

"Then again, your manners are as rude as ever, I see. Well that is one of the things that makes you so charming."

"Gross," I whispered.

"Now then, I'm afraid playtime is over. It's high about time we went to the laboratory, don't you agree?"


It was that time of the month which I was permitted to leave my cell, under Orochimaru's surveillance of course, as we went to his laboratory. Even though that once a month I had the wonderful chance of smelling fresh air outside that shitty cell, I could certainly not say that I was fully pleased by the final "outcome" which followed. That may sound ungrateful, as I was considered lucky to even be given what small freedom I was granted, but taking into account that I would have to put up with his disgusting hands, experimenting on my body and abilities, I believe my reaction to it was pretty legit.

"This place never seizes to amaze me."

"Glad to hear it."

‘No matter which angle you look at it, it couldn't possibly be meant as praise,’ I thought but didn't dare to say out loud, as the occasion was far from being suitable for making cheeky remarks.

"Now, now, sit down if you may, my dear," Orochimaru said using that creepy smile of his, something which was never used for anything good.

Although I had this urge to punch him in the face with all my strength, I decided to resist it and act with my head. He knew my fighting and combat style, my techniques, my strategy, my trump card as well as every single one of my weaknesses. He was the one that taught me after all. It wouldn't be all that smart to fight against him now, would it?

Then I bit my lower lip, and silently did as I was told. What came after was an unbearable amount of screaming which emanated from me, because of inhuman torture I was exposed to. It felt like my bones were being forcefully crushed together all at once, and my skin felt like it was set on fire, having its flames progress painfully slow throughout my entire body.

Right after he was done experimenting on me for the day, he held my body on his hands in order for me to return to my so "comfortable chamber" because I didn't have even the strength to even stay upright.

After we arrived at the cell he put me on my bed in order to sleep.

"You should show your venerable side more often," Orochimaru said as a goodbye, before leaving me by myself.

But knowing me, I couldn't leave it like that. I always have the last word; therefore, I mustered all my remaining strength to utter something.

"Drop dead, bitch."

Before all the exhaustion (which had piled up) caught up on my sleep, I overheard "master" freak whispering to Four Eyes something about an extremely important mission. Unfortunately, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't do anything to force my eyes open in order to hear the rest of the story properly. Hell I didn't even care; I had already heard everything I actually wanted.

I abruptly gained consciousness several hours later, remembering that I had something of great importance to do, like finally escaping or so. But unfortunately, Orochimaru wouldn't make it so easy for me. He had put one of his strongest and most loyal servants to guarantee that I wouldn't do as I pleased at his absence. But on the other hand this was a rare chance that I couldn't possibly let go without me doing anything. This time, I am going to escape no matter what, even if I have to fatally harm myself in the process. That is how important freedom was and still remains in my eyes.

Then I got up from my bed, stretched a bit and loudly yawned so as to make myself noticeable on purpose.

"Seems you have finally woken up."

"Yes I have."

"Let me guess, new plaything?"

"I am no toy, I chose this path myself."

"Did you?" I chuckled at his response.

"Now little doggie, where are your owners?" I asked trying to provoke him even more.

"Not telling."

"What a loyal puppy, how admirable. But you just ascertained me that he is not here," I said taking several steps forward, wanting me to properly face the guy who I was talking to.

To our surprise, he heard an excessively loud sound and next thing we knew the wall that was separating us from the outside world had disappeared in matter of seconds.

"Hello there, sorry to disturb your little chat, but I am taking her with me!" said the mystery guy responsible for the explosion.

"Just a moment... YAHIKO?!" I shouted in awe, as it certainly wasn't the most normal thing to see your long lost childhood friend appear out of nowhere, breaking the wall of the room that you have been confined in for many years.

"Hello there, missed me?" he asked with that cheeky grin of his.

"How on earth did you find me?”

"I'll tell you later, after we leave this boring place."

"Well for one thing, you are not going anywhere."

"Is that so? Because I think I'll have to disagree on that."

"Idiot! You are too reckless!"

After that, Orochimaru's henchman aggressively ran towards Yahiko, aiming to kill him with his spear.

"Water Release: Pillar Encirclement," Yahiko used before his enemy's spear could inflict fatal damage to his body, making a ridiculous amount of water abruptly rise from the ground taking the shape of a cage so as to protect himself from any potential harm. Then, Yahiko used another water-type technique, which made an equally excessive amount of water rip the ground in two so as to let itself out and make its way to the enemy. Sadly, Yahiko's foe avoided that move by swiftly jumping high before the water could sway him away. Then once again Yahiko rapidly used a wind and water technique to throw talon sharp blades of the same natures to his opponent, a successful attempt as many of them were buried into his body. Then, before his enemy could even have the chance of being on the offence, Yahiko went up close to him in order to have their weapons meet, clearly having the intention of vigorously cutting him in half.

‘He has really grown so much, being able to master such complex techniques like those,’ I thought being impressed, happy and proud at the same time from what my eyes were seeing.

‘But it's time to do my own part!’ I also thought to myself in a determined manner.

"Kekei Genkai: Stroke of Death!" I shouted making the proper hand seals, before touching the specific place of his back which is phenomenically closest to his heart's location.

That's right… this is the reason why I was confined by that creepy bastard in the first place. I was the last and only owner of this unique kekei genkai, which could bring anyone to the verge of death with a simple touch.

"Just rot away already."

"What?!" He shouted in a surprised manner. "W-when did you escape?" He shook, completely traumatized as he was clearly informed of what my kekei genkai could do.

"The moment when he threw those blades, Yahiko did not only aim for you but also for the prison bars. Then he kept distracting you until I could find the right moment to strike," I explained while coughing a little bit.

He then started screaming maniacally, desperately asking for help. Although he knew that there was no saving him, he continued with that humiliating farce of his until the end. But of course, I don't criticize him for sodng so, as death is not something which is accepted that easily.

"Bye-bye~ See you in hell!" I waved cheerfully, right before his body was diminished to mere ashes. Then I looked at Yahiko and immediately started running towards him.

"Yahi-" Before I could bring myself to say his name, he quickly embraced me with his now grown and strong arms, encaging me with his long and strong arms, making his wonderfully well-toned body making direct contact with mine.

"Shhhhh," he said playfully, placing his index finger at my mouth. Then he quickly held me in a princess like manner.

"What are you doing?"

"We are taking a small detour!"

"Let go of me! It's humanly possible for me to execute such task on my own!" I said sarcastically while blushing.

"Now that wouldn't be any fun, would it?"

"Whatever," I said averting my gaze from him, not resisting any longer.

"We are finally here," Yahiko said after a couple of minutes, looking at me with his enchanting chocolate brown eyes of his.

I was utterly surprised. The place which he had taken me was none other than the place which we first met, the place which he had found my lying body and saved me. It had turned out to be quite alluring, as many kinds of different flowers of unique colors had grown, decorating the already incredible scenery.

"Remember this place?"

"You are full of pleasant surprises today."

"How could I ever forget? Of course it had changed a bit over the years but it has been carved on my mind," I added softly, letting out a kind smile.

Then we remained silent for a little bit looking at each other as well as the brilliant scenery.

"How is Konan?” I asked breaking the silence. “I've missed her so much!”

"She's fine, same old worrywart Konan."

"What about me?"

"Well, I wouldn't exactly say that."

"Come on! This is the first time meeting after all this time and you're teasing me like that?"

"I am so glad you are safe. After how much time I spend searching for you."

"You have been searching me all this time?"

"To tell you the truth I had almost given up on the idea, when I saw by chance one of Orochimaru's toys talking about someone of the Kai clan.

"How smart of you?"

"Yes, this is one of the qualities I have acquired with very much effort over the years."

"You may seem mature and way more handsome, but you are the same old Yahiko that I knew with the same spiritual level."

"So you think I'm handsome? Well I don't really blame you, just look at me."

"You're ignoring something important here~"

"Am I?" He questioned once more, starting to endlessly tickle me all over my body, causing me to laugh uncontrollably like there was no tomorow.

"I give up! I give up! Just stop!!" I shouted in defeat, having my face take the color of crimson red.

"I won!" he said childishly, having a beautiful broad smile appear on his face. Then, his cute happy expression changed completely and another one that was more serious.

"Orochimaru's foolish behavior could prove to be useful in the future." 

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you are well aware of my dream, aren't you? At last I am starting to give life into consideration… By forming this group, be it from the "bad" or "good" people, I can finally put my dream in action."

"Sounds good."

"And it really is. Katsu, won't you join this organization and help me? Now that I have tested your abilities, you could certainly be of use to us."

"You know the answer to that already, don't you?"

"I want to hear what you desire from you alone," he said having an overwhelmingly intense expression on his face.

"Aren't you demanding?"

"Yahiko, I would gladly join this organization. Your words have always inspired me, and I want to do anything in my power

"Satisfied?" I asked having a rose colored face.

"Yes," Yahiko answered in return, giving me a warm, beautiful smile which I would have traded my whole world to see it.

"We have to get going, they are waiting for us."

"They?" I questioned raising my eyebrows curiously.

"Ohh that's right, you haven't met Nagato! He is a great guy, although a little bit of emo sometimes, but you'll surely like him when you get to meet him!" Yahiko said full of excitement.

"Wait, Yahiko!" I said getting a hold of his hand before leaving.

"What is it, Katsu?"

I felt like it was about time I informed him of my feelings. I have been holding them to myself for so long, that I have gotten so sick and tired of all that waiting. This time I'll tell him properly and will not have any regrets whatsoever. Even if they are just one sided selfish feelings, I'll at least be able to stay by his side, see him accomplishing his dream. But on the other hand, I also do not intend to lie to myself. That much will never be enough for me, I will always want more and more, his everything.

But whatever, I think I'll manage somehow.

Okumaya devam et

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