His Home | Fillie

By milevenmiracles

15.5K 477 520

He lives on the streets with his guitar. Choosing to run from a rough home life, now music is all he has to o... More

Holiday Spirit
New Comer
Silent Kindness
AM Conversations
Popcorn Fights
Date Night
Don't Tell My Lie
Comfort in Truth
Confronting Feelings
Unexpected Call
Sober Thoughts Drunk Words
Torn Trust
Find Me Under Rain
Scars of the Past
Ounces of Grief, Flickers of Hope
Trapped In Her Own
Note + Thoughts

Familiar (Unfriendly) Faces

374 11 7
By milevenmiracles

His Home

Finn was wide awake... he was finding it difficult to fall asleep and it had nothing to do with Sadie's vegan pasta from dinner.

The clock on the wall was ticking, it seemed to be louder than usual counting down the seconds until Millie's alarm would ring and she would have to leave him and catch a flight to London.

Granted it was only two weeks, but what about next time? Would it be permanent by that point? How long until he never got to see her again?

Finn looked at the girl he loved sound asleep on his chest, the girl he loved. Admitting it to himself earlier had been like a weight lifted off his shoulders, yet a new one replaced the old one.

The thought of losing her was horrible before, but now Finn couldn't think of anything scarier in life than losing the one person you loved forever.

As if things couldn't get any worse he would lose Millie and she would be forced into a life she didn't want to live, to be with a person who didn't care about her, he wouldn't protect her, or comfort her when she needed it.

Finn had heard enough the night Millie was honest with him about her life. There was no way Jacob would treat her the way she deserved and that truth made his skin crawl with a sort of newfound anger and hatred towards the piece of shit. Without noticing his own hold around Millie tightened protectively the more he thought about everything that was coming for her.

Finn was so deep in his thoughts that when Millie's alarm sounded from her phone he jumped a bit. She woke up almost instantly to turn it off.

Finn didn't bother pretending to be asleep, she probably felt him move a few seconds ago anyway. Her tired eyes met his in the dark room and he felt a hand move a few curls away from his eyes and then rest on his cheek.

He leaned into her touch, Millie's touch was like some sort of calming spell.

"Have you been awake for awhile, you don't look like you slept much."

He didn't feel like it was any use trying to lie so he just answered simply.

"Couldn't sleep."

Even in the dark he saw her frown.


And there it was too, that goddamned nickname she usually called him when drunk, but every so often she would use it when she was sober and he loved it.

It might be cheesy or even embarrassing if she ever used it in front of their friends, but Finn had grown to love hearing it fall from her lips, but only her. If anyone else called him that, he knew he would easily become annoyed.

"What if I just don't let you go?" She had tried to hide it, but he heard Millie's small gasp. He couldn't really blame her for her surprise. Finn was shocked himself at how fragile his voice sounded just now.

He stiffened, Millie felt it.

Despite all their teasing earlier about her leaving Millie knew this time wasn't playful. Finn was really hurting now, and it was her fault.

She sat up, Finn followed her movements, and when they were sitting opposite of one another Millie held his face in both her hands.

"I'm sorry I have to go, but I'll be back. You know that right?"

Finn frowned, "This time."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't pretend Millie. We both know you have to leave eventually and you won't come back. You'll get married and I'll never see you again."

"Well right now it looks that way but I'm-"

"You're what? Trying to find a way out of it?" Finn's tone became sharp.

Millie gaped at him. She had only let Sadie know that because she didn't want to feed Finn false hope.

"Yeah I know you're trying to get out of the contract. Caleb mentioned it in conversation earlier. I'm assuming you told Sadie and she told Caleb. He must have thought I knew, but funny enough no one bothered to tell me." Finn pushed Millie's hands off his face.

"I— I just didn't want to give you any false hopes... I'm sorry."

"Well that doesn't matter because I don't have any to begin with." Finn looked down wanting to avoid her gaze.

It was quiet for a long minute, Millie decided to break the silence first.

"Well I do."

His head shot up to look at her properly, "What?"

"I have hope." Millie spoke the words as if she actually believed them, maybe she did. She took Finn's hands and held them in her own.

"I have hope we will find a way because the alternative thought is to scary and depressing to think about so I'm choosing to have hope Finn. It's hope for us, hope that I can find a way to leave that life behind and start a new one."

She looked for any sort of reaction in his features, but Finn's eyes remained sullen looking and his stare blank.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you Finn, I know I should have considering this involves you now too."

She watched him, waiting, wanting him to say something. Finally, he did.

"You promise to be honest with me from now on? About all of it, no more fighting this alone."

Millie nodded quickly. "I promise, no more fighting it alone," and she meant it.

"You really think you can find a way?..." The sternness of his voice faded again, and Finn tried not to let her hear how scared he was, but Millie always knew. She could read him like her favorite book.

"I think we have a chance even if it's small with Lilia on our side." Millie smiled. Lilia never was one to give up on something.

Millie leaned forward and pressed her lips against his. Finn didn't kiss back right away, so she kissed him harder wanting to show him how much she cared for him, how much she would rather stay here instead of going to London.

Eventually Finn did respond with equal force, this kiss between them was passion driven and gentle at the same time. He wanted to show her how much he loved her, to make her understand he really did love her.

Millie pulled away first, Finn's forehead fell against hers. "If I don't get up now then I will never be ready to go."

"I have to tell you something first..."

Her eyes found his, Finn could see the questioning look in them. Was he really about to tell her now?

"Millie I..."

No. Now wasn't the right time to say it, not when she would have to leave right after he told her.

"I— just hope everything goes okay, in London I mean."

She smiled small, "Don't worry about me. Like I said Lilia will be there. She always makes stuff like this better."

Finn nodded and cupped her face with both hands. He pressed a quick kiss to her head and then reluctantly let her get up. When he heard the shower start he let out a breathe he didn't know he was holding and fell back down in bed.

He must have finally dozed off for a bit because next time he opened his eyes Millie was rushing around her room with the lights on. Finn lifted a brow when sleep wore off and really got a good look of her.

Millie looked like she was wearing something like a pantsuit, it was plaid colored in mostly grey with white and black lines. One side didn't cover her shoulder, Finn noticed how the outfit conveniently covered most of her neck, and he almost smirked.

Her long hair was held up in a tight ponytail, and was she taller? Finn found that she was wearing taller opened toe heels.

"Isn't that a little fancy for the airport?" He heard the tiredness in his own voice, Millie turned around to face him causing her ponytail to fly up a bit. Now he could see that she was also wearing way more makeup than usual. Had she even been wearing any at all? It was rare if she did.

She flashed him a smile, "For the airport yes, but not for my parents. I must look presentable. Showing up in a hoodie and sweats is basically considered one of the seven deadly sins in their books. It shows laziness in one's appearance. It is uncouth as my mother always says."

Finn watched her walk across the bedroom. There was a certain grace to her walk he hadn't seen before. Her voice as well, seemed more confident and determined, even her accent seemed to sound stronger. She was like a different person...

"The Brown family name is big in London. Of course my parents are known here too since this is my father's complex and all that, but not as well know. There is a bigger chance of paparazzi swarming me when I get there then here. Especially since I've been gone, it will be a competition to see who can post pictures of the rebel child first."

Finn nodded, trying to take all her words in."What time is it?"

"Almost three thirty, Sadie offered to drive me to the airport. I know it's super early but you can come... if you want?"

There, he heard his Millie in her small plea of hope that he would go to see her off. She was still there under all the makeup and fancy mask she puts on for her parents.

"I'll go get dressed then, I don't have to wear a suit do I?" Finn joked, successful in pulling a smile from Millie. She shook her head and he left her room to get ready.

Being in the airport at four thirty in the morning was definitely not a favored activity, but there the three of them were. Sadie was wishing Millie a good trip even under the circumstances and the two stood wrapped in a hug.

"You tell Lilia she better come back here soon. It's enough missing her, now I have to miss you too."

"I'll tell her. See you in two weeks Sads." The girls separated and Millie moved to Finn. He didn't hesitate to lean in first so their lips met. Even with her heels she was still shorter than him.

"Two weeks." She spoke softly when he pulled away. Finn nodded trying to memorize the feel of her hands messing with his curls.

"Flight 515 to London, England now boarding."

"Well that's me... Remember you have a phone now, you can call me." Millie tried to cheer them both up. She didn't want Finn to let her go.

"Won't you be busy, what if I call at the wrong time?" The last thing Finn wanted was her parents finding out about him which would get Millie in more trouble than she already in.

"I'll call you then?" He nodded, "You better."

Millie sighed reluctantly pulling away from him and grabbing her carry on bag from Sadie.

She turned away and started to walk, Finn looked at the floor. Why did this have to be so fucking hard? It was only two weeks, they could do it.

"Finn look up."

He barely had time to register Sadie's voice beside him before another body almost knocked him off his feet. Millie's legs hooked around his waist, her arms around his neck, and her head buried in his shoulder. He felt a wetness on his neck. She was crying.

He held her close and whispered into her ear so only she could hear. "Don't cry love, you'll ruin your pretty makeup." He felt her nod, Finn made her look at him and he wiped the few stray tears away.

"Final call for flight 515 to London, England."

"Alright, alright! You two are the clingiest couple I have ever seen, let her down Finn before she misses her flight!"

At Sadie's request Finn let Millie go again. "Do not turn around, it will only be harder each time. Don't you worry your pretty little British self about him. I'll keep Finn in line, go on Millie. The sooner you leave, the sooner you come back."

"You're like a mother," Finn rolled his eyes.

"Well someone has to be and it's obviously neither of you." The two watched Millie walk away until they couldn't see her anymore.

Sadie took Finn's hand in hers, she gave it a comforting squeeze. "Come on, it's no use sulking in the airport all day. I'll make you breakfast."

"It's like five am Sadie. How are you so wide awake right now?"

"What can i say? I'm a morning person, but you on the other hand..."

Sadie began to swing their intertwined hands back and forth between them as they walked to her car.

"You look like you didn't sleep at all."

"I didn't," Finn admitted. Sadie frowned.

"I was to busy worrying about Millie."

"She'll be okay Finn, she's strong. I have a feeling she's stronger now that she has someone to fight for." She titled her head up to smile at him.

"Don't discredit yourself Sadie, you're her best friend. She loves you."

"Mhm I know that Finn, but you... you're her person. You two found each other you know? Don't you think it's like fate?"

"Fate?" Finn was looking out the window as Sadie drove them home.

"Think about it, you ran away from home and ended up in Hawkins. In a way she did the same and you two found each other. It's like the universe pushed you together."

"Great, so the universe as you say... pushed us together just so it could force us apart in the end? Seems kind of cruel if you ask me."

"I just feel like things will work out... I'm choosing to have hope for you two."

"You sound a lot like Millie right now."

"I'm also choosing to take that as a compliment." Sadie laughed.

"Your enthusiasm is terrific Sads, but it's not helping this headache much."

"Headache? Am I that much of a bother?"

Finn laughed this time, "No of course not. It just started as we were leaving the airport."

"You're probably just tired and hungry. That's what happens when you don't sleep. Lucky you, we're almost home. Nothing some Advil and a good breakfast can't fix. And perhaps a nap would help."

Finn rolled his eyes at her motherly nature kicking in, but it turned out Sadie was right, as always.

Ten hours later Millie pulled her earbuds out to the voice of a flight attendant telling them they were landing. She looked at her phone, it was about eight pm London time.

She groaned, her head hurt from the tight ponytail, she felt stiff from sitting all day, her feet felt cramped in the stupid heels. She hadn't even faced her parents yet.

Millie took out a compact mirror and began to fix her makeup and hair. Her mother's words from when she was little rang through her head.

"A woman must always be dressed to impress Millie. If you are not then people will not take you seriously. You wouldn't want to be mistaken for lazy and uncouth would you?"

"No Mum..."

"Of course not Mum." Millie muttered in a mocking voice and rolled her eyes. She had only been six at the time.

The airport was crowded as usual, Millie walked to baggage claim. Even over all the noise she could still hear her own heels clicking on the hard floor. Deciding to look at her phone while waiting for her luggage was probably her best decision all day.

I took these, this morning.
Thought they might make
you smile when you landed.
2 images attached
Sent 10:45am

Millie opened the pictures and felt her face flush, but she couldn't stop her smile either. They were both of her and Finn hugging, the hug she practically tackled him for and wrapped her legs around him. In the first picture neither of their faces were visible because they were hid in each other's shoulders.

The second was of them looking at one another after he wiped the tears off her face. Maybe they were clingy but Millie couldn't find it in herself to care. She loved Finn's hugs more than anything, she thought maybe it was because her parents had never really given many.

I know you won't see this
till you land, but I miss
you already. Sadie is
trying to feed me some new
green shit she discovered.
Come save me.
Sent 11:11am

Oh my poor baby. Are you still
alive or was it to much to bear?🥺
Read 7:40pm

What the fuck is that thing?
Read 7:41pm

The emoji? It's a cute little face like
yours. They make your texts more fun.
🤪You should try them sometime.
Read 7:41pm

First of all, my face does NOT
look like that. That thing looks
like it's begging or something.
Read 7:42pm
Please sir🥺🥺🥺
Read 7:42pm

Millie laughed aloud not caring if anyone stopped to stare at her.

Sorry Mills, I don't think
emojis are my thing.
Read 7:43pm

Fine Mr. sophisticated🙄 Just
wanted to let you know I got here.
Read 7:43pm

Good. Call me when
you can?
Read 7:44pm

Read 7:44pm

Read 7:45pm

Millie smiled. She was so concentrated on the screen, she almost didn't hear the voice behind her.

"Well if it isn't Miss Millie Bobby Brown herself. Welcome back Madam." She turned around at the familiar playful tone.

"Charlie! How are you?"

"Doing well Miss Brown thank you. Allow me to help you with your luggage."

"Thank you." Charlie Heaton was Millie's personal driver. He was in his late twenties, but seeing as she hadn't had to many friends growing up she had managed to form a fond friendship with Charlie when he came to work for her.

Sure enough the minute they walked outside, the flashes from cameras caused Millie to be blinded for a few seconds. She heard their shouts perfectly.

"Millie Bobby Brown! Is it true you've been in America this whole time?"

"Miss Brown! Tell us are the rumors true? Your parents are trying to keep your reckless actions quiet?"

"Millie you will still be married to Mr. Jacob Statorius come next year correct?"

"Is it true you want to abandon your family after everything they've done for you?!"

A camera was shoved in her face, Millie wanted to roll her eyes at their stupid questions. To bad, this was the public of London. She took a deep breathe, ready to put the mask on. The version of herself she hated, the one her parents wanted and praised.

"GET THAT THING OUT OF MY FACE!" Millie shoved the camera away so hard she caused the man holding it to stumble back a few steps. She felt the pang of guilt in her stomach. They may be annoying, but they were still people.

"Don't you prats know who you are speaking to?! If I want you to know answers to such ridiculous questions then I would give them to you! Get away from me before I call my father and tell him to have you fired!"

They didn't disappear, but they did back up a few steps, terrified of losing their job at the hands of the Robert Brown. She heard the words of her father ring loud in her head.

"If someone is in your path or not cooperating your way, then it's as easy to threaten them Millie. Threatening the job is always best, no job means no money, no money means no food on the table... You have power Millie, use it."

"FOR GOD'S SAKE CHARLIE HURRY IT UP! You think I have all night to wait around?!"

She stood stick straight, Charlie rushed to finish shoving her luggage in the back of the car, then made his way quick to open the door for her.

"Of course not Miss Brown, forgive me."

When the door closed she let the facade fall behind the tinted windows. Millie felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes, but she wouldn't let them fall.

"I'm so sorry Charlie..."

She spoke the words as soon as he had gotten in the drivers seat and closed his own door.

"It's okay Millie, I know you don't mean it." He smiled a genuine smile in the mirror for her. Now that they were out of public eye he could drop the formalities. If her parents ever knew she allowed some of the employees to call her by her first name, let alone make friends with them, they would probably end up fired, and Millie would be in more trouble than she already was.

"It always has amazed me how quickly you can turn the act on and off."

"Well I've had years of practice unfortunately."

"Maybe it will come in use for something good one day."

"I doubt it, but thanks for the encouragement Charlie." He smiled at her again.

"Before we get you home Millie, you should know that your brother Charlie and sister Paige have already arrived with their spouses as well. Ava is due home within the next two days."

Millie nodded trying to mentally prepare herself to face them all. Charlie pulled through the gates and up the long driveway of the Brown mansion. She took a breathe as they pulled in front of the front door. One of the staff members she didn't know by name opened her car door.

"You're luggage will be waiting for you in your room Miss Brown." She gave a short nod, Charlie winked at her in the rear view mirror as if to say good luck. After brushing imaginary dirt from her clothes the front door opened.

Millie stood straight and held her head high. Her heels clicked on the tiled floor of the Brown family home. The noise echoed off the walls, yet she walked as if she heard nothing.

Walk straight, one foot then the other, breathe, that's right Millie everything is under control.

She passed the familiar spiral staircase that would lead her to her bedroom. It took all her strength not to run up there, get comfortable in bed, and call Finn.

Staff members and maids passed her. She didn't miss the stares, but Millie simply narrowed her eyes and sneered at them. They practically fled like she carried some sort of unknown disease. She buried the guilt and kept walking.

Finally, Millie reached the main dining room. She ignored her sore feet and focused on the doors being opened for her. Whatever conversation the people inside were having stopped immediately when Millie was seen standing in the doorway.

Her eyes scanned the room discreetly. Kelly was the only one to stand, Robert had folded his hands together tightly, Charlie looked down at the table, Paige sent a glare her way. Her husband and Charlie's wife were not present.

"Millie, welcome home."

"Mother," Millie nodded in acknowledgment and Kelly sat down again. The tension could be felt by anyone within a ten mile radius, of course they would all ignore it including her.

"Millie, come sit."

Her father spoke and she listened. She took the empty chair next to her brother, and across from her sister. Both of their parents occupied an end.

"What? No welcome party for me then? Pity." She pushed her bottom lip out in a fake pout.

"Don't act like you deserve to be here, you ungrateful bitch." Paige spit venom. Millie titled her head slightly and flashed a small smirk. She clicked her tongue.

"Shut your mouth Paige, now is not the time."

"Yes Father you're right, sorry."

Millie couldn't help herself. "Yes Paige, better listen to Daddy. It's all you've ever been good at after all. Been a good little girl for the husband you were assigned to as well then?"

"Why you little-"


It was Kelly this time, Paige flinched a bit. Millie didn't. She just smiled at her older sister who looked ready to lunge across the table and scratch Millie's eyes out with her nails.

It was satisfaction enough. It was just to easy to get a reactions out of Paige, even better when she was angered more because Millie never showed any sort of reaction to her sister's insults.

Nevertheless it was a long night before Millie was set free to go to bed. She still called Finn, but no matter how hard she tried hiding it he saw how tired she was and told her to get some sleep.

Both found themselves not able to sleep as peacefully as usual though. Millie woke up in the morning holding a pillow and when Finn's eyes opened the next day he found his arm spread across the other side of the bed like he had been reaching out trying to grasp something... or someone the night before.

Author's Note: This was kind of a filler chapter, but also not? These two have never really been separated for a long period of time since they met. I'm excited to write it.

Yes, they are clingy as we know, but they are supposed to be. Considering both their pasts, they are probably touch deprived as well which is why Millie loves Finn's hugs so much. Two weeks may not be long for some people, but to them it is. (🥺)

The text came from me finding out that if you type "please sir" in the emoji search bar then that one comes up lmao.🤨

I'm playing catch up with reading as well as writing. I haven't read all the Fillie fics in awhile so plenty to read.

Much love, see you soon!❤️

Bonus: If you like visuals like me here's the outfit Millie was wearing. It's one of my favorite looks.

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