Happier and Prettier - a DNF...

נכתב על ידי killmedreamy

21.9K 714 1.4K

After Dream finds a new boyfriend, George can't help but feel inferior in every possible way. Will jealousy c... עוד

Symbolism, Easter Eggs + Announcement


2.1K 87 82
נכתב על ידי killmedreamy

It was around exam season when George should've noticed the signs.

Everyone had been busy with studying for an entirety of three months, huddled in small study groups in the college library or in their dorm rooms, listening to meditation music whilst rubbing their head in circles whilst trying to remember two years worth of material in one sitting.

George was one of those busy students, taking a secluded corner in the library to himself - headphones in and nose in his books, slightly red from the odd weather that spring had brought around this year. He sniffled occasionally, eyes never leaving his textbooks, even when he felt something knock into the table across from him.

He simply took one headphone out, turning a page before speaking. "What did you get?" he asked the blonde, not even having to look up to know that Dream was grinning his face off.

"Coca-Cola and a fine selection of chocolates!" His friend announced proudly, earning a raised brow from George. "What? It's brain food!" the blonde defended himself, taking a seat across from George and pushing a can over, which the brunette gladly took, popping the seal and taking a long swig, downing almost half the can in five seconds.

Dream whistled, reaching into his backpack to grab the things he had brought for the study session. "Thirsty, are ya?"

George spluttered, having to crane his neck to catch the juice he had almost let spill out. "I'm not - just need the caffeine right now. I'm damn near passing out." The boy muttered, making Dream chuckle in response.

Or at least, George thought that was in response to him, that is until he finally looked up at his friend.

The freckled boy was on his phone, grinning widely at the screen as his thumbs scattered to type what George assumed was a reply to someone. He would usually just brush off the fact that Dream was on his phone, but something about the blondes smile unsettled George.

It was a grin that was usually only ever aimed at George, so it was odd to see it aimed at someone else he didn't know.

The brunette raised one of his hands which held a pen, pressing the lid to the corner of his mouth in thought. "Who you texting?" He enquired, finally catching a glimpse of the green eyes across from him.

Dream only shook his head, placing the phone face down next to his books. "It's nobody - just someone from Media Studies asking about the homework." he brushed the elders question off, waving a dismissive hand before finally opening his textbooks.

George's brows furrowed, lips pressing into a fine line as he shook off the weird feeling that irked his spine. He guessed he was just anxious about not hanging out with Dream as much if he made a new friend, and the brunette told himself that he shouldn't be weird about it. They are just friends, and he didn't want to seem controlling over him.

No, he definitely didn't want to be controlling. He knew it would upset Dream, and that's the last thing he wanted to do.

And so - George simply smiled, calmed to see the blonde reciprocate it - the same, heartfelt grin he had grown used to.

George was sure that an additional friend wouldn't change much, nothing would change his and Dreams relationship.


A few weeks later, George was sat in their dorm room, waiting for Dream to come back with a take-out (something that had become an unspoken tradition for them every Friday). He busied himself with tidying up the small room, setting up a quaint bed of blankets, pillows and cuddly toys in front of their tv for when Dream got back. He also made sure to wash his face and take a shower, being careful about his sore nose which had been non-stop sniffling the past month.

Stupid spring fever.

Fridays were the one night of the week where neither of them would be studying for exams, able to take a break and watch a movie together, without having to stress about whether or not they were going to pass their tests. Because of this, George would always put in extra effort to make sure the night was perfect - pulling up an old movie from the 1980's and eat whatever food the blonde brought back as a way to rejuvenate their decaying mental health.

However, Dream seemed to be a little late tonight.

Usually he would be here by 8pm, ready to stay up for the mini party they threw for themselves every week. Maybe he would be half an hour late at most if the traffic was bad.

But no, this seemed different.

It was half 9 now, and still no sign of Dream - George couldn't help but worry.

He pulled out his phone, texting his friend whilst chewing the nail on his thumb with rising anxiety.

Dream? Where are you?

Ten minutes passed, and no reply.

The movie George had picked out for tonight, Weird Science, was discarded on the bed next to him - case open and the disc seemingly staring back at him in a mocking way. It made the brunette feel uncomfortable, smoothing a hand over the cover to close the DVD with a sigh.

George picked up his phone, about to text Dream again when the door finally opened, making the brunette jump as he didn't expect the loud creak of the hinges to sound so suddenly throughout the room.

Surely enough, the culprit of the squeaky door was Dream, his hands holding no bags of food. Empty.

George's brows furrowed, blue and brown eyes trailing back to his friends face, who didn't seem too bothered by the situation - as if he had forgotten about the whole unspoken tradition they share.

"Where were you?" George spoke up first, eyes drifting to the blanket fort he had made for them 2 hours ago, which was now going to be pitifully abandoned for the night.

Dream only scratched the back of his neck, kicking off his shoes before making his way to his bed, flopping onto the mattress with a huff. "Teacher held me back late, couldn't get to any fast food place before they shut for the night."

Now that was a lie, George knew. 

Most places around here were open until 11pm, it was only nearing 10 now. He hated how quickly he had read into his friends statement, but he just couldn't help it - George knows when Dream is lying, and he doesn't like the fact that the blonde is lying to cover up the real reason as to why he didn't come to the dorm at the usual time.

Maybe George was being paranoid, but he couldn't help but get a bad feeling about his friends new and strange behaviour.

"Dream... Is there something you're not telling me?" He asked quietly, eyes never leaving Dreams, even when the blonde turned his head away to pull out his phone, once again texting someone. George was patient, let his friend text whoever this person was before getting a reply... Except, he never received one.

The blonde made a sound, indicating that he was about to answer, and George had sat up, corrected his posture in case his friend wanted to talk about something serious and needed comfort, but the boy never answered.

"I'm going to sleep."

Was all he said.


Was all George replied.

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