Missing Piece

By likeahorribledream

42.9K 1.2K 385

Requested on Tumblr: okay I send a mini request? Can it be please like in a new relationship with Bucky Barne... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen

Part Six

2.6K 81 10
By likeahorribledream

The team had noticed the way you and Bucky acted with each other. You weren't as subtle as you thought you were but no one ever said anything because clearly whatever was happening between the two of you, you weren't ready to talk about it with everyone.

At first, no one really noticed because they kind of left Bucky alone. Sam was the first to notice. He saw you grab Bucky's hand once when he was feeling anxious. He got so excited he almost told everyone to look at you but his eyes shifted to Steve, the death stare coming from the blonde was enough to make him decide to keep his mouth shut. Then slowly, more and more people noticed until the entire team knew about it.

It was so obvious, even when you weren't with them because the two of you were always missing at the same time and reappearing at the same time. Bucky always chose to sit next to you instead of Steve and though Bucky was a lot more subtle in his actions, his eyes were a different story. Though some of your teammates wanted to tease you, they changed their minds when they saw how Bucky's whole being lit up when you smiled or when you laughed. His eyes were almost always on you, even when you weren't looking at him. It was hard to make fun of something so pure and innocent.

Some of the rare occasions when Bucky was alone with them, as you were busy elsewhere, he was tense and didn't know what to do with himself. The second you walked in the room his whole demeanor changed: his shoulders relaxed, his frown turned into a smile and he seemed a lot more comfortable talking with other people when he knew you weren't far.

Steve made everyone promise to not say a word to either of you, not until you were the ones who talked about it first. He wanted to know more, just as much as everyone else because he was curious and he knew as much as the others which wasn't a lot. Bucky seemed to be doing a lot better and it was enough for him to not ask questions.

The changes might have been a lot more obvious with Bucky but they still saw changes with you, too.

Your smile was much bigger and your laugh much happier whenever Bucky was around. You looked a lot more relaxed when he was in the same room than when he wasn't and when he wasn't you always gave quick looks towards the door every few seconds in case he'd walk in. Somehow, when you were in the same room, you always seemed to know where Bucky was even with your back turned to him. It was like a sixth sense.

Then things changed. They didn't really know what happened with Bucky, all they knew was that he wasn't doing very well and he never came out of his room anymore. It must have been serious because you always had a frown like you were worrying constantly and you did. You never stayed with them for too long and disappeared for hours at a time.

Some of the team members were envious, almost jealous, of you two. In different ways they all craved attention from someone, they all wished they could have someone that supported them and that was right there with them through the lows and highs. The kind of unconditional love that knew no boundaries. Whatever situation presented itself, you'd get through it together no matter what. It was hard to find someone with the kind of work they did, it was even harder to find someone who was willing to go through hell and back, no questions asked. ''Ride or die'' Natasha liked to say. They were envious because you managed to find all of it in each other and you didn't even have to leave the compound to do so.

From all of this, the one thing that truly surprised them was that you weren't together together. It was obvious to absolutely everyone around you that you belonged together, except for the two of you. It didn't make sense to any of them.

It all became even more obvious when you left on your mission and Bucky had to stay behind. Whenever someone would cross paths with Bucky, he'd be in a bad mood whether he was angry or just looked sad. He walked around with no purpose and just didn't know what to do with himself.

Tony had been very clear before you left, you couldn't use your phones. He even made the three of you leave your phones at the compound. The only way you could communicate was through the comms that worked with satellites. You couldn't risk being tracked. It drove Bucky completely insane.

He went from being able to spend every second of every day with you to not being able to see you or talk to you at all for days and he felt like an addict that tried to quit cold turkey. He hated every second of it.

He always forgot that you had left your phone in your room and texted you a couple of times a day.

Bucky, who used to keep to himself (and to you), was suddenly everywhere. He was training at the gym, eating at the dinner table and watching TV in the living room/home theater. He was constantly nagging at Tony to see if there were any updates. The only answer he had gotten was that you arrived and then, nothing.

The first night you were gone, he tried to sleep in his own bed. He ended up laying awake until morning, unable to fall asleep. It wasn't surprising, he knew this was going to happen.

The second night, Bucky tried to sleep in his bed again but around 3AM decided to go to your room and tried to sleep in your bed. It didn't really work but he felt a lot more relaxed and he drifted off to sleep a few times but he missed holding you.

On the third night, he was finally able to sleep. This time he had gone straight to your bed. He took one of the books you had told him about, the ones he couldn't find anywhere, and read in bed until he fell asleep. It happened so quickly, he fell asleep while he was still holding the book in his hands. He woke up once during the night, just long enough to put the book on the nightstand and then went straight back to sleep. When he woke up again, it was morning and while he slept he had grabbed your pillow and was holding on to it like he would usually do with you. His cheeks quickly turned red from embarrassment and he was glad that no one had been around to witness that little moment. Today was supposed to be the day you were coming back and it was the only reason he got out of bed.


The moment you had been in the air, Steve put the jet on auto pilot and came to sit with you and Natasha. You wished you could go back to sleep for a few more hours but you knew that you wouldn't be able to sleep no matter how tired you were and Steve was already setting up the files and maps to start planning. You did that the entire time until Steve had to go back to the front of the jet and take over the commands to land.

There was a little bit of tension in the air since Steve had read Fury's orders for the mission. The orders were really simple and he had read point by point until the last one.

''If the situation presented itself where any of you was taken hostage, you have to let them take Agent Nineteen and leave. She, and she only, will stay behind.''

Both Steve and Natasha had turned to look at you, very confused.

Why in the world would Fury order for you to be taken hostage and left behind? You knew the answer but you weren't allowed to say so you just avoided their gazes until Steve had no choice but to give up, running out of time.

The subject wasn't brought up again until the very end of the trip, when everything went to shit.

The first day had been taken up mostly by traveling and setting up what would serve as your base of operation for the next few days. It was some kind of abandoned warehouse close to where the jet had been hidden in case you needed to make a quick exit. You set up in a room a few stories up to be able to see all around and not be taken by surprise if you were found. One of you stood watch while the other two slept, taking turns throughout the night. You tried your hardest but sleep never found you. Sleeping on a cold hard floor with only a few blankets for a mattress and the thinnest pillow you had ever seen in your life to rest your head on. The building made loud noises every time there was a gush of wind and it made you jump every single time. Plus, you didn't have Bucky. You wondered if he had been able to sleep at all. You hoped he was ok. Not being able to see or to talk to him was killing you.

The second and third day, you mostly spent the days surveilling and trying to come up with a pattern of what they were doing. If the team wanted to leave, you had no choice but to go in and get as much information and proof as you could. Only when that was done you would be allowed to leave. Two days seemed like a very short amount of time before deciding to go in but their days went the exact same way from morning to evening. It shouldn't be hard. On the night of the third day, you were finally able to sleep. Too exhausted and eager to come home.

The fourth day was the day you had decided on going in. The plan was memorized to a T, you knew all the escape routes and you were loaded in weapons. Surprisingly, everything went very smoothly. Too smoothly. It should have raised some flags for any of you but for some reason it didn't. You were prepared so perfectly, it was probably why it was all so easy.

It wasn't.

Whoever had given Fury the information had been playing him since the very beginning. They gave him intel without going too much into details and kept a lot to themselves. Important information that would have been crucial to know before you were sent in. They knew you were coming, actually they had planned on it. That's why their days had been so identical. They wanted you to believe that was how they worked so that you would want to do it fast and quick. It all went down so quickly, you weren't even sure what had happened. All you knew is that Natasha had been locked out of the building with no way in and both you and Cap were taken.

The scientists wanted Steve. More specifically, Steve's blood. They were trying to recreate the super soldier serum but it never worked and they wanted to know why. You were just a way for them to control Steve so that he wouldn't just kill them all with his shield.

That's exactly what he had planned to do, until there was a sharp knife to your throat and a ruthless man holding you against his chest. In a second Steve had dropped his shield and raised his hands in surrender, his eyes never leaving yours. They dragged the both of you to a lab where they took all your weapons, the knife never left your throat.

You kept your cool, so much so that it was disturbing to both your captors and Steve. He couldn't understand why you weren't freaking out. You could die, he could die and yet you hadn't even flinched once.

The men that had taken you were in charge of security from what you understood. They didn't really do a good job. When they managed to have Steve comply with their orders, they got so cocky and smug that they forgot to take away your comm.


Bucky spent the better part of the morning laying in bed, your bed, not wanting to get up. He was eager to know if you were coming back or if the mission had been prolonged. When he finally decided to get up and get dressed, he went straight to the conference room where he knew Tony was working and keeping in touch with your team while you were away. He walked in, not bothering to knock and Tony seemed frantic. Something was definitely wrong.

Before he could even ask what was happening, Nick Fury was walking in and going straight to the screens, watching over Tony's shoulder. Bucky's heart dropped in his chest and he began to feel sick. If Fury was here, then it was really, really bad. He wanted to ask if you were ok but he was too scared of the answer. Neither man seemed to notice that he was there and they just started talking about the situation as if they were alone.

''How long ago did Romanoff call it in?'' Fury asked, his eyes never leaving the screen in front of him.

''About 20 minutes.'' Tony answered.

''And how long ago were they taken?''

''25-30 minutes.''

Bucky almost stopped breathing. Who's they?

''Shit. Any way we can get eyes in there?''

''Nat is completely locked out, she's been trying to get back in from the moment they got them but so far she hasn't found a way. She's trying to find a vent or any kind of opening to get my nano cams in there.''

Natasha was outside. They had been taken. You. You were "they". But you were with Steve, you'd be okay. Of course you'd be okay. You promised.

It took Natasha almost 10 more minutes but she finally found a way to get Tony's cameras in the building. They were tiny little cameras built on legs of some sort. Bucky wasn't really listening; he just wanted to know if you were ok. He walked around the table and stood behind Tony and Fury as soon as they had eyes on you and Steve. His heart was beating so fast, he could barely hear what was said over the sound of his blood thumping in his ears.

He finally saw you, you were ok and alive but Bucky's jaw clenched when he saw that a man had a knife against your throat. Why was Steve just standing there? He could take them all. But then you would be in even more danger, Steve was quick but he didn't know if he was quick enough to get to you before the man could cut you open and he wasn't willing to find out.

Bucky was terrified and angry. ''Why did you even send her there? She didn't need to be there.'' He said out loud, without realizing it.

''She's doing her job.'' Fury answered, his tone was harsh and emotionless.

When the audio finally came in through the speaker, Bucky thought he was going to throw up.

''You have a choice, Captain Rogers. Either you let us take your blood or she dies.''

Steve was about to say he was going to give his blood only if they let you go first but you cut him off quickly.

''Remember Fury's orders.'' You winced as more pressure was applied to the blade.

''Shut up, princess. No one's talking to you.'' The man who you thought was the leader hissed at you.

Then, he turned his attention back to Steve.

''If you don't give us your blood she dies. If you still don't want to give us your blood after she's dead, we're going after the asset. I'm sure the soldat would be happy to come home.''

You stiffened at that, slowly starting to lose your cool. ''Over my dead fucking body.''

Your voice was so low, it almost sounded like a growl. The leader's head snapped towards you and he narrowed his eyes, looking you over.

''What did you just say?'' He takes a step forward.

''The only way you're touching even a single hair on the soldat's head is over. my. dead. fucking. body.'' You repeated, your attitude was chilling. Steve had never seen you like that.

Bucky was looking at the scene, frozen in place. If it weren't for the fact that you were in danger, his heart would have melted in his chest at how protective of him you were being but right now he was just angry at you for putting your life in danger for standing up for him.

''Baby, please stop.'' He whispered, as if maybe you could hear him and he could save you from the dangerous situation you were in with these 3 simple words.

The leader laughed in your face, an evil grin on his face. ''Be careful what you wish for, princess.''

Princess. The word made your blood boil every time it came out of his mouth.

Suddenly, a barely audible voice spoke up in your ear.

''I'm in. I'm almost to you guys.'' Natasha whispered, making sure that anyone who didn't have an ear piece wouldn't be able to hear.

Steve looked at you. He needed to find a way to stall until she got to you.

''I'm getting the both you out of there.''

On another screen, Bucky, Fury and Tony could see Natasha walking down corridors and knocking out every guard that came at her.

Bucky let himself breathe again. You were almost safe.

''Romanoff, you are getting Cap out of there. Agent Nineteen is staying behind.'' Fury said in the comm.

Bucky's head quickly wiped to the side to look at Fury. His eyes wide.

''What the hell are you doing? Get her out of there!'' Bucky was shaking from anger, almost screaming at Nick Fury.

Even Natasha had stopped moving at what Fury said. ''I can get them both at the same time, Fury.''

Bucky was fuming, his fists clenched by his sides.

''Rogers, Romanoff is going to get you out of there. No one is going back for Agent Nineteen until I say so.''

''But Nick-'' Natasha started but was cut off by the man.

''It's an order.'' His tone was harsh, this was not a negotiation.

Bucky saw Natasha nod on the screen and she started running again.

''I'm in position.''

Bucky started to panic. Fury was going to get you killed without giving it a second thought.

''No, no, no!'' Bucky was screaming. ''What is wrong with you? You're gonna get her killed! Get her out of there.'' He pleaded, tears were blurring his vision.

He quickly blinked the tears away to be able to see you.

A lump formed in your throat. You could hear Bucky screaming at Fury. You could hear the panic, the anger and the sadness in his voice. There were so many emotions that could be heard when he screamed that it almost made you lose your composure.

You straightened your back and looked directly into Steve's eyes. You give him a quick nod to let him know you were ready.

Fury completely ignored Bucky. A second after your nod, Nick spoke again. ''Now, Romanoff.''

It all happened so quickly, most of the men hadn't even had the time to react. Natasha grabbed Steve and got him out, closing the steel door behind her, locking you inside with the 5 men that had been holding you.

''Cap, Natasha get the hell out, now.'' Fury ordered.

They both hesitated, they didn't want to leave you there.

''I said now.'' He repeated, this time screaming.

Both of them started to run, leaving you behind.

You quickly assessed the situation, where each man was and what weapon was laying around. You also made a mental note of which one had been the one to threaten Bucky and to call you princess.

The men looked at each other, still in shock of what just happened.

''Well, looks like you aren't needed anymore.'' He gestured to the man behind you.

Soon after you felt the cold blade slide across your neck. Gurgling sounds could be heard from choking on blood. Bucky's scream as it happened chilled you to the bone.

Bucky looked at the screen, powerless as the man's knife moved from ear to ear. He hadn't even realized that he had screamed.

Blood splattered all over the floor. There was no way he could save you.

Except the blood wasn't yours. The gurgling sounds weren't coming from you. The skin on your throat was untouched.

It was the man who had been holding the knife to you that was dying.

Bucky's knees almost gave out under his weight, relief washing over him.

As the man behind you fell, you quickly grabbed his knife and started moving around the room, fighting the men that were locked inside with you. One by one they fell, some of them you hadn't even touched but, they were all dead. All dead except one.

You slowly walked over to the man who had threatened to go after Bucky. He was crawling on the floor, trying to get to the door; a bullet hole in his thigh kept him from walking. With your foot under his chest, you lifted him and pushed him over so that he was laying on his back. You crouched down next to his head and tilted your head.

''The Winter Soldier's dead. You lost him and you're never getting him back. You're the disgusting heartless monsters, not him. Good won over evil. That's what you get for trying to break one of the kindest men on this damn planet.'' You whispered to him, though your comm picked up every single word.

''Like I said,'' You stood up, looking down at him. ''The only way you're getting to him is over my dead body and as you can see, that's not gonna happen.''

Before he could say anything, a gunshot was heard and finally you were the only one still breathing in the room.

Bucky's mind was going wild. Thoughts were racing through his brain at phenomenal speed. All he could focus on was that you were safe. You were safe and okay and you'll be coming back to him. Like you promised. Now he understood why you were so confident when you made that promise to him.

Tony was just as shocked as Bucky. They both stared at the screen, watching you wipe the blood off your hands.

''What- What the hell just happened?'' Bucky finally found his voice again.

''Captain Rogers, you can go back in to let Agent Nineteen out.'' Fury spoke one last time in the comm. He waited until Steve started moving before turning towards Bucky.

''I recruited Agent Nineteen after I found old documents about experiments that had been done on her as a baby. Her parents had signed her up for human trials on a medical research they knew nothing about. She was 9 months old. Her parents just wanted to be paid, they gave her away, took the money and they just walked away and never looked for her again. She was injected with a serum that to this day is still unknown. We don't know if there are more like her out there but what the serum did is to make her... Unkillable. If someone tries to kill her, what they try to do to her happens to them. Like when he tried to cut her open. That's why she was tasked to stay behind. She's the only one that can survive anything. Her job is to protect the other Avengers. Before today only her and I knew about her abilities. There aren't any written records anywhere. She wasn't allowed to tell anyone. Not even you. She really wanted to tell you Sergeant Barnes. She asked me on multiple occasions for permission to tell you. She was under strict orders not to, for her own safety.'' Fury started to walk away. ''Don't be mad at her for doing her job. She just saved the lives of her teammates and the lives of who knows how many more innocent people. I'll be back tomorrow after they have landed for debriefing.''

And just like that, Nick Fury was gone.

Bucky tried to assimilate all the information that had just been dumped on him. You were immortal. You couldn't get hurt. You had been experimented on, just like him. You had wanted to share your secret with him, even if it meant putting yourself in danger. You were coming back.

Everything started to fall into place in his mind.


You had to wait until Steve opened the door to be able to leave and you were relieved when you saw his face, you needed to get the hell out of here and go home. You needed to be with Bucky, you needed to apologize to him for scaring him and making him believe you were going to die. You felt so guilty. You were scared he would see it as a betrayal and that he wouldn't want you around anymore. Your heart broke just at the thought of losing Bucky.

Steve looked shocked to see you standing and unharmed.

''How...?'' Was all that came out of his mouth.

You shook your head. ''Not here. Fury will explain everything. Can we go home?''

He nodded and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you close as you walked to the exit.

''Didn't know you were some kind of badass, toots.''

''What do you mean you didn't know? Of course I'm a badass, what made you think otherwise?'' You looked at him, almost offended that he had doubted your ''badassness''.


After hours that felt like days, you were finally preparing to land on the roof of the compound. You had managed to take a shower and changed your clothes, though your hair was still wet, you felt a lot better and looked a lot better.

As you looked outside, you could see the compound and your heart started pounding against your chest. You felt nauseous.

When the jet finally landed, you were frozen into your seat. Bucky's screams were playing over and over again in your head. There was no way he could forgive something like this. You betrayed him, after you promised you would never hurt him.

You finally got up and slowly walked out of the jet, holding your bag so tightly that your knuckles were white from the tension. You looked around and your heart sank in your chest. Bucky wasn't there to greet you. That wasn't good. You walked in the elevator, standing between Natasha and Steve. You kept your head down, looking at your boots.

When the door opened on your floor, another wave of disappointment washed over you. You had hoped that if Bucky hadn't been on the roof it was because he was waiting for you inside. You wished a good night to Nat and Steve and walked towards your room, trying to not make too much noise.

It was almost 1 am and you were exhausted, your entire body ached and your heart was broken.

You opened the door to your room and took off your boots. You closed the door and turned on the light, turning around to face your bed and you almost screamed from fear. Your hand flew up to cover your mouth while the other one rested on your chest, feeling your heart trying to beat all the way out of your chest.

You stood frozen as you looked at Bucky. He had been sitting on the edge of your bed, waiting for you to get back.

You had been so lost in your thoughts that you never saw him or felt him there.

Without a word, Bucky stood up and walked over to you. You followed his movements, your eyes never leaving his, until he was so close you had to tilt your head back to still be able to look at him. He grabbed your face in his hands, he was still gentle but rougher than usual. His eyes traveled all over your body, like he was making sure you really were okay. Then his eyes met yours again.

''We need to talk.'' Was all he said as he let go of your face and took a few steps back.

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