The Men in Blue and Red

By katarinna64968

226 6 6

Willow has gone through things no girl should ever go through. Since the incident she's lived alone in the wo... More

The Lake
One Night
Boston visits
The Soldiers
Her Story
The Wanted

My Rescuer

27 1 0
By katarinna64968

I knew as soon as I looked up, I was in serious trouble.

My rescuer was about 17-18 years old, with deep blue eyes, as boundless as the sea. His hair was as black as my own, being long enough to sweep into his eyes every now and then. His face was an Angels face. Strong, yet smooth and glowing. He was dressed in black jeans and tees with some really beat up black shoes.

Glancing back up, I find him smirking at me with a triumphant smile. Obviously he had misinterpreted my gaze as adoring rather than calculating.

He made a move slowly inching his way toward me, his eyes staying locked with mine. Remember the knife that was still in my hand, I wiped it in front of me, aiming straight for his throat. Then he did something I was not expecting. He chuckled. Why was he laughing at me? I was very serious.

Glaring at him, I snapped "What's so funny!?"

Still slightly shaking from a small laugh, he said "You just look so adorable with your face scrunched up in anger and holding that knife acting like you know how to use it."

"I know how to use a dang knife! And I'm completely serious! Take another step towards me, and I'll make sure you regret it for the rest of your miserable life!"

Laughing, he faked a look of horror and says "Ohh! Kitty has claws!"

Glaring at him, I try to hold myself back from stabbing him right then and there.

"What do you want?" I ask, not even trying to hold the bitterness out of my voice.

His face fell serious. "I just want to check your ankle. You took a hard fall, it could be broken."

"I'm fine." I lied. I was not fine. My ankle felt like a dog had it in his mouth and was swinging it back and forth.

"I'll be the judge of that. Now put that knife down before you hurt yourself."

Angry, I keep my knife aimed as he gets closer. Smirking, he places the tip of his finger on the side of my knife, and softly pushes to away from him.

"It's fine. I promise I won't hurt you." He whispers, begging me with his eyes to let him see my ankle.

"How do I know I can trust you?"

"You can't," he said after a moments pause.

Sighing in defeat, I strap the knife back on my waist and watch as he slowly pulls my jeans pant leg up. A hot shot of pain flashed through me, making stars appear before my eyes. I knew I couldn't scream, because the guards weren't fully gone, but with so much pain, it was hard not to.

Biting my cheek, I held it in. A small whimper escaped me, even though I thought I had control of the pain.

"Well, you're lucky, that's for sure. You only sprained it. While its a bad sprain, it'll heal quicker and be easier to take care of."

Looking up, I find him watching me with curiosity in his eyes. Not wanting to know what he was thinking, I stared at the ground below, super aware of his eyes burning holes for me. I haven't been like this since Jake.

I pushed that thought aside, not wanting to dwell on the memories that would surely follow it.

After a few minutes, I whispered, "I think it's safe to go now."

Instead of answering me, he just jumped out the tree, landing with a graceful thud. Looking up he reached out with his arms, motioning for me to jump. I knew it was stupid, but I hated the idea of him helping me. I was fully capable of getting out of a tree, thank you very much.

Holding on to the branch I used to be sitting in, I slowly lowered myself to the ground, careful of my ankle. Once fully settled, I turned to him with a smug gleam in my eyes, barley able to hold back a smile. Holding his hands in the air as a sign of surrender, he smiled at me, clearly very amused at my action. Not exactly what the reaction I was hoping for, but I'd take it.

Caught up in my thoughts, I took a giant step, momentarily forgetting my ankle. Whimpering in pain, I quickly lifted the ankle off the ground, angry at myself for forgetting such a simple thing.

Suddenly, I found myself thrown over me rescuers shoulder, staring at the ground.

"Put me down!" I hissed, punctuating the thought with a hard hit to his back.

Chuckling, he said "No way, Princess. At least not with that ankle."

"You barbarian! Put me down right now, I can take care of myself. I don't need your help!" I yelled.

Totally ignoring my comment, he asked "So, what's your name."

Sighing in defeat, yet again in the last half hour I asked "What's it to you!"

Shaking his head, he says, "What, now I need a reason for knowing your name? If you must know, I feel that due to our close friendship, we should at least know each other's name."

After a small pause, he takes a deep breath and starts talking again. "Look, what if I tell you my name first. My name is Damon. And yours is..."

Letting out a huff of air, I stay silent, determined not to be defeated this time.

"Fine, if you won't tell me what your name is, I'm just going to make one up for you. Oh! And I have he perfect on as well. I'll just call you princess!"

Slapping his back, I hiss, "My name is NOT princess."

"Well how am I suppose to know when you won't tell me what your real name is?"

I can't believe it. I haven't even known this guy for an hour, and he was about to know me more than anyone, alive that is, knows.

Whispering under my breath, I mumble my name.

"Sorry, what was that?" He asked.

Sighing, I say my name again, barely rising my voice.

"Look, if you don't want to tell me, I have no problem keeping your nickname, even though-"

"WILLOW" I shout, interrupting him.

"Willow" he repeated, "Hmm, I like it. Well Willow, bet you I can find your house!"

Scoffing, I let him walk, knowing he would never find it. I'd spent a whole 4 years keeping that place a secret, and I was not about to give it away today.

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