One Night

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I couldn't believe my eyes.

Damon set me down softly and turned me so I could get a full view of my home.

"How the heck did you find it!?!" I asked.

This couldn't be, I had take every precaution to make sure this one place was safe. In a matter of hours, he had found it. Impossible...

"I told you before, I know this area like the back of my hand. I only guessed that you would be the one living here." He said.

Mumbling under my breath, I make my way to the opening and go into my small little home. Damon followed me, keeping an arm stretched out just incase I fell or something. Hobbling to the middle of the room, I heavily sat down near the old fire pit, just glaring at it.

Damon quietly sat down across from me on the other side of the fire pit. We sat in silence for a while, just staring at the black ashes. Soon, the room started to get dark, signaling that night was coming quickly.

Going to stand, Damon quickly ran over to me and pushed me back down.

"Oh no Princess, you're not getting up on that ankle."

Glaring at him I hiss, "My name is not Princess. And I'll decide what I can and can't do. Anyway, we need dinner sometime soon, and it's not like your gonna cook, sitting over there."

Chuckling, he pushes me back down as I attempt to stand. Huffing, I glare at him. He may be the hottest guy around, but I wasn't going to let him push me around like this, literally and figuratively.

"I have an idea! Why don't you take your pretty little self and go jump of a cliff!" I say in a high pitched sarcastic voice.

"You think I'm pretty huh?" He chuckles, raising one eyebrow.

"That's not what I meant."

"Why don't we do this instead. You sit here, get a fire going, while I go hunt for some meat."

Laughing I say "Oh yeah! How you going to hunt without a knife?"

"I'll have a knife. Your knife in fact."

Now he had to be joking. Did he really think I was just going to give him my knife!

"Yeah sure! Cause I can trust you with a knife."

"Well do you want food or not. It's your choice."

Smirking I say "We'll have food all right. Tonight we're eating mushroom soup!"

He chuckled beside me. "You really think a man my size is going to get anything out of mushroom soup?"

"How old are you?"

This time, he's not laughing, but looking really confused. I hold back a small smile. He kinda looks adorable with his eyebrows all furrowed together. Snap out of it! He is not cute, he is dangerous.

After a moments hesitation, he replies "17."

"Well Damon, in my book, your still just a child. So why don't you sit down while I make some soup."

Struggling to sit up, I once again am pushed down. "Would you quite that!!!" I shout at him.

Smiling he shakes his head. "Why don't you sit down, and tell me how to make the soup. That way, we both win."

He had a point there, but I wasn't going to let him see that he was smart. Feeding the boys who would only cause his head to explode. Sighing, I nod and start giving him instructions.

After about a half an hour or so, with a lot of swearing and laughing, we sit down next to a warm fire with some crappy mushroom soup.

"Maybe next time, I should make the soup." I say.

He grimaces as he spoons another mouth full into his mouth, trying not to gag. "Yeah, that might be a good idea."

We both laugh for a moment and finish up the horrible tasting soup. Leaning back, we just stare at the fire for a few moments.

"So, you live here alone?" Damon asks.

Raising an eyebrow at him, I frown.

"That's not what I meant. I'm just supposed that a girl like you is out here by her self. Ugh, that sounds even worse. You know what, forget I even said anything."

Giggling, I watch as his cheeks slowly turn cherry red, as he stumbles over the words. After sobering up I stare back at the fire.

"I wasn't alone at first." I whisper, mostly to myself.

He looks up at me, clearly wanting to know more. What's the harm if I tell him. It's not like he can use it against me or anything.

"My boyfriend, Boston. He was the one that found this place. We lived here together for probably a couple of months before he decided that it still wasn't safe enough. At the time, I wasn't the strongest or beat thinker. I actually had a problem with impulse control. Anyway, he wanted to go find somewhere safer, but he said that I was to much of a danger to bring along. He set out and said that he would be back after a few weeks. It's been two years since then."

The last part is barely a whisper. It hurt for me to say it. Boston wasn't only my boyfriend, but my best friend. When he said those things to me and left like that, it hurt me.

Damon was quiet the whole time I talked, keeping an expressionless look across his face as he stared at the fire. Glancing down, I wonder if maybe I shouldn't have told him that.

"I don't know why he would leave. Your obviously such a joy to be around" he says, trying to lighten up the mood. I smile slightly.

"Maybe we should get some sleep." I say, wanting the tension in the room to go away. Nodding, he grabs a ragged old blanket I had given him earlier, and spreads it out on the floor. I grab mine and do the same, and in no time we're both lying down, listening to the soft crackle of the fire.

Just as I was about to doze off, I hear Damon say "He's a stupid man for leaving such an incredible women like you behind Willow."

I smile at it, falling into the peaceful blackness of sleep, letting those words go over in my head. The last thing I remember, is the soft glow of the embers, as Damon and I both fall asleep.

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