And Action [jenvid.]

By alwaysroschel

21.9K 581 202

"Jen?" "Hmm, yea sorry. Just looking through it again." "Nothing will change this okay?" - after receiving... More

One: The Table Read
Two: The Night Before
Three: Filming Part 1.
Four: Filming Part 2.
Five: Realizations
Six: Lunch
Seven: Olive Branches
Eight: Paparazzi, Playbills, and Dinner?
Nine: Waiting
Eleven: Love bubble
Twelve: Rumour Has It
13: Lies.
14: All I Want
15: Anywhere With You
16: Reality Check Part One.
17: Reality Check Part Two.
18: One Step Closer
19: Welcome To New York
20: The Moment He Knew
21: The Moment She Knew
22: This is Love
23: The Lucky One
24: Interviews to make the news
25: Meant To Be
26: i have you (always)
tow the author's note

Ten: Lobsters and 20 Dollars

1K 24 8
By alwaysroschel

A break from the drama, for now hehe enjoy <3 There's also an author's note at the end of this!

Two weeks. Two weeks of pure isolation between everything that made their lives as who they are difficult. All six of them have Marta, Kevin and David Crane to thank which they have done multiple times the day after filming. It was as if they never had the chance to relax prior to this, which is true in some sense. They have had breaks but never together and never a complete break. Someone is always reading scripts or meeting for future projects etc. But this time they are free. For two weeks.

After David and Jennifer had their dinner and ultimately the talk about wanting to give them a try it ended up being past midnight. Walking into the beach house, Courteney and Matt have passed out on the couch waiting up for them and didn't wake up when they arrived. Jennifer couldn't help but feel gratitude for them for staying up to hear how everything went. But her and David agreed that maybe they'll just let the four of them figure out how their evening went by themselves. And if they don't (which they highly doubt that outcome will happen) they'll tell them.

"I'm going up to my room now, are you staying down here?" Jennifer asked looking back at David who's opening up cabinets looking for a blanket for the two sleeping.

"Just looking for something for them in case they get cold." David replied. He saw his now girlfriend yawning while waiting up for him. "Go to sleep." He approached slowly wrapping his arms around her in the process. "I'll see you in the morning."

"Make sure you get some sleep too, I know you." She jokingly scolded him. Double checking if the two on the couch are still sleeping. "Should we wake them up?" She nodded over to Matt and Courteney.

"There's no way Matt is going to wake up." David joked which Jennifer did in fact agree with, he has always been the heaviest sleeper out of the six of them. "Go sleep, I'll see you in the morning." He smiled at her.

"Goodnight." She smiled back and turned around to walk up the stairs to their rooms when David held her back for a kiss. As their lips met Jennifer's stomach filled with butterflies. "Well, that's one goodnight kiss."

"Now you can go up." David let her go.

"You sure Schwimmer?"

"For now, Aniston."

The following morning came earlier than expected however the two newly formed lovebirds were the ones still sleeping whilst the four friends remained in the dark of the outcomes. Their friends just casually sitting around eating breakfast just expecting David and Jennifer to come down the stairs holding hands to say they're dating. But, nothing.

"Did you two catch them last night?" Matthew asked.

"We slept." Courteney answered sighing. "I tried but they were out there for so long I just gave up, Matty slept earlier than me though."

"Not my fault! I was tired and knowing them? I'm surprised they didn't fall asleep on the beach just talking." Matt spoke.

"So, are they together?" Lisa asked.

"Bet they are." Courteney raised her eyebrows taking a sip of her water.

"I bet they're not, Jen probably wants to wait until at least one more month until David is fully over Christina." Matthew said which gained laughs from everyone around the table.

"You're kidding right?" Courteney said after her laughter died down. "Matthew, I thought David told you everything about his feelings? And you still think they're not together?" Courteney pushed him.

"He does but there's just something that isn't adding up here. I mean didn't Jenny tell you guys that she's tired of waiting around but doesn't know if it's the right time for them to date? Even if it's just casually." Matthew reasoned. He has been a cautious one next to Courteney but there's just been something about this situation that makes him more cautious and worrisome for his two friends. There's more than just admitting their feelings for each other here, it's also about all the risk that come with it. Risks that he believes both David and Jen can't overlook; or so he thinks.

"I don't know man..." Matt looked at Matthew. "But it's your call."

"Who's going to wake them up?" Lisa diverted the question to be more realistic. "It's almost 10 am are they not going to eat?" Courteney, Matthew and Matt all looked at Lisa as if volunteering her to do so. "Okay fine I'll do it. But you guys are cleaning up."

"Deal." Matt said already beginning the cleanup.

As much as they say in interviews with the press just how they're different from their characters on screen as a group it's different. When it comes to all six of them together they might not be the "friends gang" but it's definitely the same aura. Which also contributed to the chemistry and the magic of the show. Lisa has always taken on the motherly role above the three girls and Matt being the most protective of the girls. When it came to Courteney she was the one protective of the three guys. It had always been this natural which is why they are also not wanting to be the ones to get David and Jennifer, volunteering Lisa to do so.

Waking up felt like everything that happened the night before was a dream. A really really good dream in Jennifer's eyes that she couldn't stop herself from being giddy right when she opened her eyes. Ultimately to most it would seem as if it's all down to David and how they are now in a relationship. One that has been in the "will they or won't they" realm of things. However, that is only part of it. Jennifer is happy, because she is grateful she has everything she could want. She is blessed in this moment in time. Her fresh relationship just happens to add onto that feeling of gratitude.

Turning over she grabbed her robe and went to open the curtains right when her door opened.

"Good morning," David said knocking on the door even though he had it opened already. The small gesture made Jennifer shake her head and smile at him.

"Good morning to you too."

"Good sleep?" He approached her reaching for her hands playing with them in his.

"Amazing sleep." Jennifer replied as David continued to act playfully. "Did you just wake up?"

"Yea, didn't realize I was that tired honestly."

"Heavy conversations do really do that."

Jennifer noticed how they just fell into a silence. A silence that was comfortable and nothing more than just them holding hands and not talking. It was something they used to do as friends except for the physical touch they're doing now but it showed her just how easy it was. It was easy with David to just switch that easily.

"Second thoughts already?" David saw Jennifer just zoned out for a minute.

She shook her head. "You think so?"

"You zoned out there for a minute." David suddenly put up his shy front that he had the other night.

"Hey, shy guy I'm just realizing the jump we made yesterday. You really think I would be having second thoughts now? This soon?"

"Call me scared."

"Trust me honey there's no need to be scared. I like you already." She smiled at him and went on her tip toes to give him a quick kiss. "Seriously David, I like you already. It's been years."

David's insecurities went to an alltime high last night after saying goodnight to Jennifer. It was reality for him now, for the both of them. His main fear was never being good enough for someone like Jennifer Aniston. Now his fear was letting close to four years of feelings go to waste over his fears.

"I already like you too." He replied.

"That's good to hear." Jennifer wrapped her arms around his neck, and he was the one to initiate the kiss this time leaning in first. It was a softer one and his fears subsided for that moment because she was everything.

What broke them apart was someone clearing her throat by Jennifer's door.

"Well good morning lobsters." Lisa stood there smiling from ear to ear. "I see something happened last night."

Jennifer took one look at Lisa and started to flush so she put her forehead on David's chest. David on the other hand cradled Jennifer and kissed to top of her head noting that she wanted to keep things quiet from the other four. Not because she didn't want to tell them, but because she wanted to get him alone for as long as possible. Which is inevitable.

"So are both of you just going to stare at me or answer me." Lisa laughed pointing at Jennifer.

"Clearly we don't need to tell you anything since you just saw us just now..." David trailed off.

"I was just messing with you two. Jen, are you alright?" Lisa asked beginning to get concerned.

"Yea, yea I'm good just a bit red but good." Her head still being covered by David.

"Well breakfast is downstairs, whenever you're ready." Lisa informed them before turning around. "Happy for you two, finally I can stop seeing you two stare at each other longingly. At least now it'll be controlled, I hope..."

"No promises when it comes to set." Jennifer replied her voice being muffled.

"Noted. Just hurry up and calm down the other three want to know about this. And so do I." Lisa pointed at them giving them the time alone closing the door on her way out.

The four actors finding out was the least of their worries. Especially when the time comes if they want to go public eventually. It was just the mere thought that Lisa found out in that way which might have embarrassed Jen just a bit. Noticing this David tried to make things easier for her.



"Look at me." He said but Jennifer just shook her head. "Come on look up."

"What." Jennifer said.

"They were about to find eventually in these two weeks you know. It's not like we kept it subtle beforehand either." David joked to make her feel better about her slight embarrassment. "Besides at least know we can show it without them teasing us."

"Oh Matty will tease us still." Jennifer butted in.

"It'll be fine. The four of them have always been in our corner anyways." David reassured her.

"Okay." Jennifer replied hesitantly.

"Okay." David repeating her word to remind her that he is with her, always.

Just like that David and Jennifer went down for their breakfast hand in hand ready to face whatever teasing or questions the other four might have for them. Unknown to them that their four friends have nothing but adoration and want them to be a couple. Always have been and always will be.

After the initial shock and Courteney asking Matthew for the twenty dollars they had bet a few hours before David and Jennifer came down everything died down back to normal. Jennifer had nothing to worry about because David was right, the four of them have already accustomed to seeing the physical touches and the closeness between the two of them. All of this is also stemming for Jennifer's own thoughts in the back of her head that she doesn't want to screw this up. It was as if this good thing can go to waste that her immediate resolution would be to hide it. When she wants to scream it to the rooftops just at how happy she is. Just by seeing her smile Lisa and Courteney could see how happy she is. Even if it's only been one day.

The six of them now spending their day on the beach. Matt, Matthew, and David in the water while the three girls tanned back on the sand. Leaving time for the girls and the guys to ask their own questions specifically to Jennifer and David separately.

"You and David huh?" Courteney broke the ice first. "Happy?" She then asked Jennifer.

"Like you wouldn't believe." Jennifer looked at the guys in the water specifically keeping her vision narrowed at her boyfriend. "Butterflies like you wouldn't believe either."

"You seriously keep looking at him like you want to jump on him." Lisa joked with Jennifer.

"Four years of that look in the making, at least she can show it more obviously." Courteney spoke.

"And here you guys go in with the teasing, as if Matty didn't do that enough while we ate breakfast." Jennifer shook her head.

"We're just doing it now because we can." Lisa reasoned then took off her sunglasses. "And because you look at him like that without any painful look following it. Because it's you and him now." She finished.

Courteney took one look at Jennifer and noticed something different. She had stopped talking but her eyes glazed over as if she's thinking more deeply about something else.

"Jen, what are you thinking about now?" Courteney nudged her.

"Just how lucky I feel." She shrugged. "I got a good one. Someone who I know is good but more importantly my best friend. I can trust that man with my life."

"Four years of pent up feelings makes you think doesn't it?" Courteney followed up.

"It really does. But, all of the thoughts just make me realize that at least it led us down this path." Jennifer smiled noticing David pointing at her from a distance to which she pointed back at him.

"Honestly if you two didn't get together soon I was just going to plan a fake blind date." Lisa admitted. "Michael was on board with it (her husband)." The joke made the three ladies laugh as they continued conversation over lighter topics. Jennifer and David's relationship feeling as natural as ever before.

"You and Jenny just lost me twenty dollars Schwimmer." Matthew joked around with David as they were just coming up from the water.

"Not his problem you thought against them not being together after last night." Matt defended David. "You're happier than I've seen you in a year." Matt continued.

"Matty makes a point, at least your happiness only cost me twenty dollars." David couldn't help but laugh at Matthew's joke. "I'm just looking out for you two, you know?"

"I know. But, this is something that'll just be me and Jen." David reassured Matthew.

"She's all smiling too David, so you did something right." Matthew responded.

"Are you nervous though? I mean after this vacation it becomes reality for you two, not that this isn't reality all ready, but this is an isolated one." Matt asked.

"We haven't talked about it. Honestly, we haven't talked much at all it's only been a day. At the end of this though I think we're both just happy. And I'll take it."

"It's been a day but something that's been four years in the making, you two are just too slow." Matthew joked. "I am happy for you two though. As much as we joke about it now and eyed you two before." He put his hand on David's shoulder. "Even if we bet on it too." David laughed.

"Do we need to give you a whole speech about not hurting Jen because I am ready to." Matt raised an eyebrow towards David. "Not to be angry David but you have already made her cry on more occasions that she wants to admit." David looked over at the girls now just talking and laughing back on shore. Something that he forgets to analyze was how much pain both went through just to get to this point in their partnership. The relationships that got broken up. The thoughts never said. Leading up to the long wait for the admittance of feelings.

"Just don't make her cry unintentionally. We know you care about her." Matthew spoke for Matt. "We hate to see something this special go to waste you know?"

"It won't. I'll make sure of it." David reassured the two but also a nod at himself because he knows that this won't be easy. But has easy always been the right path in life? David doesn't think so.

"Good." Matt noticed how David was staring at the girls. "If you want to go to them you can you know? It's no longer a secret now it's official. Also something you two have to get used to."

The rest of the days after that initial one flew by quicker than expected. Six actors turned friends all were just enjoying their time together things that are normal for them already but they didn't have the paparazzi breathing down their necks. A routine of cooking was established then relaxation. David and Jennifer leaving the group for periods at a time to enjoy their new relationship which was nothing but bliss.

"You two are so sweet my face hurts from just smiling at you both." Lisa pointed out as the couple walked through the doors arms around each other just talking animatedly about something random.

"We're just talking Lisa." Jennifer laughed.

"But your arms are around each other!" Lisa squealed then laughed. "Are you two joining us for lunch or having plans?"

"We're about to do some paddle boarding then jet ski." David looked down at Jennifer who was looking up at him. "But we can push that back to have some lunch!"

"No no. You two go." Matt encouraged. "We have this day left before we go back. Enjoy the time alone. But join us for dinner." He added at the end. "I'm doing barbeque and burgers."

"You guys sure?" Jennifer asked. She was just talking about David earlier on their walk about her impending guilt that this vacation was supposed to be for the six of them yet they've just been spending time with each other 90% of the time.

"We're sure." Courteney answered. Jennifer looked at Courteney that pretty much said seriously court to which Courteney just gave a quick nod at her friend. "We're all in relationships you two know that right?" She made a joke. "Alone time is needed and something you two have missed out on. So we get it, but agreed with LeBlanc... Come for dinner."

Jennifer then turned back to looking at her boyfriend. "Go up to change then honey." She smiled at him.

"Five minutes." David kissed her cheek then went up to his room.

"Now." Matthew came through the door carrying what would be their lunch takeout.

"Yes Matty P?" Lisa looked at the man.

"Who's car are the love birds sitting in on the drive home?" Matthew said causing Jennifer to face palm.

"I'll take this one since you lost twenty dollars." Courteney replied laughing.

"Come on we aren't that bad." Jennifer said.

"You two aren't. It's just us teasing you, because of the reactions you two give." Matthew reasoned. "You really think we pushed you two together all this time then be annoyed?"

"Good point." Jennifer said crossing her arms. "But if we ever become THAT couple... Tell us."

"Oh, you won't hear the end of it from me if you two do." Matthew confirmed.

Everything feels like one big dream to Jennifer even though it's now been two weeks of pure bliss. She feels as if at any point she'll just wake up and this will just be one big joke. One big cruel life practical joke but in reality, the man she likes and has liked for years is looking at her as if she's the only woman in the world. Her stomach filling with butterflies.

"Hey." David tilted Jennifer's neck so her eyes can meet his. Both now just lying in the sand taking in the few hours before the group dinner.


"Suddenly you've changed into the shy one lately I noticed." David just looking into Jennifer's eyes for some sign or an unspoken answer of sorts.

"It's just a lot all at once you know. This. Us." Jennifer motioned in between them. "Something that I'm having trouble wrapping my head around still. It's like at any point things can just go wrong." Her voice faded at the end thinking about the worst scenario. "I'm sorry. I'm not having second thoughts it's that this. You." She pointed at his chest. "You're too real. Too good."

David couldn't help but smile at how Jennifer compliments him. But it also pains him to think that all of this is just too good to be true for her and for them. "Is Jennifer Aniston really admitting to falling for me that bad?" Trying to make the conversation light.

"I just never thought that what I would feel is this real. This heavy." Jennifer sighed. "The tables have turned these were your thoughts two weeks ago."

"It's valid honey." David reassured her. "Just because I stopped telling those things to you about how all of this is scaring me doesn't mean I stopped feeling it. You're everything. That's what scares me. It's about what will happen past this." He looks around. "Which is something we haven't talked about. I don't want what the media, the paparazzi... influence what we think and how our relationship is." Jennifer appreciated his honesty. "But you are not the only one feeling like it's too much all at once. I think it's the built-up feelings. You know one thing though?"


"As long as we have each other. Even when we go back to the normal world out of this vacation, it will be fine. Because before we were a couple, we had each other then. I knew then that I could call you within an arm's reach and you'd be there—"

"It's just this time you'll be with me more often than not." Jennifer finished his sentence.

"Exactly. So, clear the thoughts, because I will try my best to protect you from all of them." He kissed her forehead.

Their reality of being David Schwimmer and Jennifer Aniston is something that is catching up to them quickly as it's the last night. But one thing is certain... they have spent almost four years not acting on this so they will do their best to make this work. David promising to protect her. Jennifer promising to show that her feelings from him will not be shaken. That's all that they can do. Something the paparazzi will never understand they had each other before it's just now they're bonded.

THANK YOU FOR LIKING THIS STORY SO FAR. It means so much to me that this story is reaching more people than I thought. I have been getting PM's about mixed reviews on this story since it's nothing like the show/what we know from the reunion. This is just a story! I do not know anything aside from interviews ahah. Apologies if I made it seem like I know more than I do, I just had this idea and I went with it. For other messages about what the end will be... there's still a few more plot points I have planned so this will go longer than I planned (which was only 5 chapters ahah). If multi chapter fics are your thing well this will be it!

Lastly, I posted a roschel AU! If you want to have a read it's called "It's a Match."

Until next time readers, thank you once again for the support on this (:

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