Nothing Is What It Seems

By LiveLoveDream

419 10 2

Elena is a sweet but insecure girl. One day, on a dark night, something happened that changed her whole life... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 2

67 2 1
By LiveLoveDream

Chapter 2

 This guy was just breathtakingly handsome. There are no words to describe him, but I'll do my best. He could easily be the guy of your dreams, your knight in shining armor, your prince on the white horse. You get it? Even though it only took him about three seconds to walk up to me, I remember it clearly, like my eyes took it all in in slow motion.

As I was saying, he had an arrogant walk, but not in a gangster kinda way. He just had an arrogant aura around him. His clothes were expensive brands, what I immediately noticed. He was wearing dark blue jeans, but they weren't the latest fashion. I actually just wanted to see his behind! Wait, not in that way! I mean, sure, I wouldn't mind seeing his butt, but that wasn't my reason. I wanted to check how low he wore his pants, because I simply hate pants that are too low! Jeans are supposed to be on your butt, not below it! He was wearing his jeans low, but not too low, what immediately scored him more points, if that were possible, of course.

He was wearing a light green vest and his top buttons were unbuttoned, to show off his slightly tanned chest. The light green vest complemented his figure, which he probably knew and it also complemented his eyes, making his eyes shine even more. You could also see this guy worked out, because his arms had muscles, and he wasn't even flexing them!

But now, to the important part: He had dark brown curls with beautiful green eyes. Just so you know, I have a thing for brown curls, but leaving that out of it, his hair was very shiny and he had beautiful curls. He didn't have long curls though, but his hair just stopped right above his ears.

But those eyes. They weren't light green, he had dark green eyes, like emerald eyes. That wasn't even the most beautiful thing about his eyes, it was the fact that it looked like he could see right through my soul. I know it sounds weird, but it was weird. He had the most intense eyes I had ever looked in. I couldn't look away, he had hypnotizing eyes. He had already stopped at the register, but I couldn't help it, I was still staring into those mesmerizing eyes, even though I find mesmerizing an understatement. There are simply no words for those eyes.

Then he smiled and he  completely ruined the moment. I swear, the whole thing was a moment of a lifetime, a one in a million moment, if you get what I mean. And he completely ruined it when he opened his mouth! Don't get me wrong, he had rosy, full lips and his smile was dazzling. He also had a brilliant set of white teeth that made him look like somebody from a toothpaste commercial. And it wasn't his voice that had ruined the moment, because he had a soothing, seducing voice which he probably uses to make dozens of girls fall for him. He then leaned in forward and  I thought I was going to faint. He had an extremely delicious scent, but for some strange reason I couldn't place it. I couldn't think straight, I just kept on staring.

He then whispered: ' Do you like what you see?', with this idiotic, but beautiful smile on his face.

 At first, I couldn't comprehend what he had said, because I was still staring, until I heard some other guys laughing and realized they were his friends an witnessed the whole thing. I still didn't speak, out of shock and disorientation, because this guy just made me lose time and place and to make matters worse, or in my case, humiliating, he continued: Can't you speak or are you just acting like a moron?' My mouth fell open at this, but I quickly recovered. I still didn't know what to say, even though I could feel myself getting angry at this jerk.

 Trying to keep my voice calm and smooth, instead of screaming it out like I wanted to, I said: 'Excuse me?'

I didn't know what else to say, so I went with that. Dumb, I know! I should've told him off right then and there, but I was still too shocked! He then decided to laugh some more at me, and I had to keep a firm grip on the counter, so I wouldn't slap him. What kind of guy was this? His idiotic friends were still laughing and making fun of the situation or of me. Guess what this idiot also did?

He then abruptly stopped laughing and said: 'Do you not speak English? Do you not understand these words? Or are you, like I just said, plain dumb?' in the most degrading way ever, and using this fake foreign accent.

I gripped the counter more firmly than ever and I bit my lip. What I wanted to say were just a lot of strings of insults and curses, and I would definitely get fired.

Then he said to his friends: 'Look you guys, I think she's gonna cry.'

Seriously, who was this idiot? I don't know how I did it, but I then asked him if I could please take his order. His whole look changed from taunting to surprised, when he saw I didn't yell at him. But he wasn't done.

He said: 'I see, you're still daydreaming about me.'

Then he got in my face and said on a louder tone than necessary, since we were so close: 'Snap out of it!'

I finally answered him: 'Look, you're standing way too close to me and you're kinda creeping me out. Oh, and I wasn't daydreaming about you, so get out of my face. May I please take your order now?' He was so shocked of the fact that I was talking back, so he just stood there with a surprised face. I quickly glanced at the clock, because this guy was still staring at me and it was getting awkward. Don't get me wrong, I would've loved looking at him, if he weren't such a complete jerk! Gosh, why did someone with such an angel like face had to be so arrogant!  Then, I suddenly realized my shift was over.

I quickly told him my colleague would be taking his order and left.  I quickly grabbed  a burger and a coke, because one of the very few perks of working at a fast food restaurant is having the ability to take a meal with you. I was hungry and I wanted to eat. My mom always told me: A hungry man is an angry man and I'll tell you, she's very right! I was hungry and this guy had really pissed me off. I called my colleague, saying there were some customers for her and that he should look out, because they were complete jerks. Then I went into the back. I changed into my normal clothes and  waved my colleagues goodbye. I proceeded towards the exit, till Mr. Jerk suddenly called me.

He yelled: 'Countergirl, aren't you gonna ask my number? You were practically drewling over me. Or is that too hard to ask for someone as dumb as you?'

He had done it. He couldn't have just left me alone. Well, to hell with this! My shift is over and this jerk is gonna get it! No one messes with me! All these angry thoughts were going through  my head as I walked towards him. I yelled: 'Don't you have anything better to do than to insult girls at their work! What is your problem, you stupid jerk? Do you think it's okay to just barge in somewhere and make fun of people! If I were some psycho, I would've stabbed you right then and there in the abdomen, making sure you wouldn't die, but just bled very painfully!'

He then looked at me very scared and if it were any other guy, I would've explained myself and told him I wasn't a psycho, I just watch a lot of Criminal Minds. But now, to hell with it! I want this guy to think I'm a complete psycho!

 ' You are the most arrogant guy I have ever met, and I've met you for about 5 minutes. How would it be for the people around you? Regular persons aren't around so you can mess with them, you should respect them!' And, you're comments weren't even that good, they were just very immature and very kindergarten! But I can see you still haven't outgrown that phase, have you, you inconsiderate jerk! So next time you try to insult me, come up with something better or just shut the hell up!'

 I then turned around and walked of, pleased with myself that I didn't make a big scene and just yelled at him, not even throwing some profanities in this whole story. Until he, like just before, ruined it.

He said: ' I didn't realize you would get so upset because it was clear I wasn't interested in you.'

 Oh no, he didn't. Oh no, he didn't! I walked back, with the angriest face I had ever had and said: You stupid, inconsiderate asshole! Don't you dare ever speak to me like that again! Who the hell do you think you are? Do you even know who I am? I'll tell you who I am! I'm somebody you can't mess with! If you ever insult me again, I'll make sure you'll be eating your burgers through a straw, you get that?'

He just kept on smiling, not even getting scared of my threats and it made me feel so useless. I couldn't think of anything else to say or anything else to do, so I did the first thing that came to mind. I took the lid of my cup and threw my whole coke into the face of that stupid jerk. The moment the coke hit him in the face, he stumbled backwards and I saw his back hitting the register. He probably couldn't see a thing because of all the coke that was in his eyes and he started to swing his arms around him wildly. You should have seen the surprised look he had on his face! He probably never saw it coming, because you could tell he was the kind of guy no one ever talked back to, let alone throw a drink in his face. You don't know how relieved I felt throwing the coke in his face!

 I then walked towards the exit and I could hear him yelling: 'I can't believe she did that! I can't believe she threw a drink in MY face! I'm gonna make her pay, I swear I will!'

Well, mission accomplished. That jerk has finally lost a battle, and I had won one. I had a huge smile on my face when I walked out of the Burger King. I walked home with the biggest smile I had in ages and I was humming to a very happy song. I couldn't wait to see that jerk again. Game On!

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