The Russian Princess

By blanca_writez

175K 3.7K 803

~~~COMPLETED~~~ Alexia "Lexi" Smirnov is on a journey to make her mafia the strongest and most powerful mafia... More

~Character Aesthetics~
Chapter 1- The New Me
Chapter 2- who is she?
Chapter 3- Pinky Promise
Chapter 4- Its Go Time
Chapter 5- Familiar Faces
Chapter 6- We Meet Again
Chapter 7- Russo?!?
Chapter 8- Back together
Chapter 9- Home Sweet Home
Chapter 10- The Date
Chapter 11- Preparations
Chapter 12- Keep Her Happy
Chapter 13-Quiet
Chapter 14- The Ball
Chapter 15- Reunited
Chapter 16- Peace
Chapter 17- Revenge
Chapter 18- Having fun
Chapter 19- Fight
Chapter 20- Deals
Chapter 21- Almost
Chapter 22- Falling
Chapter 23-Caught
Chapter 24- Oops
Chapter 25- Rebuilding
Chapter 26- Going out with a bang
Authors Note (Not An Update)
Chapter 27- Answers
Chapter 28-  Finally
Chapter 29- Goodbye
Bonus Chapter
Thank you


3.9K 88 3
By blanca_writez

17 years later
Lexis P.O.V

Today is Adriana's 18th birthday which means she can finally watch the video I made her when she was 1.

"Are you ready?" I asked as I sat down on the couch next to Carlos

"I guess. I don't know what to expect" Adriana said and I just smiled softly and hit play

"Get comfy. This is a whirlwind"

The video

"Hey, Adriana. This week is going to be crazy so I decided might as well document it. I want to document all the major events in your life because they only happened once and I wish someone had done that for me and Carlos. First of all, you are about to turn one. I can't believe you are growing so fast"

"First of all, I wanted to say that now that you are 18 you probably already know we own the Russian-American Mafia. Well, Diego left a bunch of paperwork in his office we just recently found. It says that you have a choice of choosing to lead the mafia or if you want to let us lead it until you decide you are ready for it."

"Diego and Amelia promised me to never let you forget who they are. So this video I will tell you everything about them.
Diego and I have a rough past but he was like a father to me. He cared, he loved me, he believed in me which was something my actual dad didn't do. He loved you so much, when I saw him worrying you it was like you were the only thing that mattered. You know he was a pretty ruthless mafia leader.  He would kill women, children, anyone who got in his way but after you were born he changed slightly and he gave me and Carlos the mafia and we swore never to hurt innocents and we still don't. Your mom Amelia loved you so much. I remember the day she brought you home she left you with me and Carlos for hours because she took a shower and then fell asleep. She was always near you she couldn't stand being away from you. She made sure you were happy and taken care of and she never had any help or a nanny that your dad got for her. She never needed a helper with you because she was your mom and she wanted to do everything a mom should do. I never saw Amelia as my mom since she was just a few years older than me at the time, but I saw her as my best friend and I knew as soon as she saw you would be her whole world and it was true.

Anyways if you wanna know more about that you can just ask me whenever but about the important things. The real reason why I'm recording this is that I don't know if I'm going to make it out of what I have to do alive and I just want to make sure you knew how much your parents love you and how much I love you. I am going to avenge your parents who were killed in a plane crash which was orchestrated by the Italian and German mafia. I don't know what's going to happen but I do know that I love you so much and that you are my world. I made a promise to Diego that I would take care of you and I promise to keep that promise even after I'm dead. If I'm alive then ignore all this because I made it and the Italian mafia and the German mafia are handled."

"Since you're 18 a legal adult you are now officially a billionaire. You were a billionaire before you were one. You got a third of Diego's fortune plus you got all of Amelia's fortune and you even got the coffee shop where they met which is still up and running in perfect condition if you ever want to go see it we can take you. This money is yours you can do whatever you'd like go to college, buy cars, go shopping which I highly recommend, Or don't use it. It's there for you to use when you want to and by the end of this video it should be transferred to your name."

"Carlos and I are probably still together which means we are your parents even though we are only 17 years older than you. We both love you so much even though Carlos doesn't show it a lot he does. He still might not show it but he loves you a lot he's not here right now if you're wondering why he's not in the video he's in Italy talking to my brothers and forming a treaty with them but that's boring things mafia related things. Carlos and I have known each other all of our lives all of my life we are family, we are each other soulmates and we see you as our daughter even though we know very well that Diego and Amelia loved you and cared for you. We hope we are the closest thing you have to parents."

"This is weird me recording myself but I have a confession or if I've already told you this which I hope I haven't because this is very cool for suspense reasons. I am a co-leader of the Russian American mafia but I'm also the red night which is at this time the number one assassin and Diego is the second-best assassin in the world."

*New video*

" hey Adriana it's me Lexi right now is the day after I buried all of my brothers. It was a sad day and I don't know how I'm going to cope with this empty feeling I have in my heart but what I do know is that I'm excited to go back to Russia because a baby girl is waiting for me to watch Disney movies and I promised her that I would watch them with her all day long and I always keep my promises.

Oh, I also wanted to let you know that I am now the leader of the Spanish mafia. If in the very future Carlos and I have a child which is very unlikely because you are everything we would ever need in our lives. They will be at the Spanish mafia and you'll get the Russian mafia but if we don't do you little lady are going to be a very powerful queen.

I hear by declare Adriana Smirnov the leader of the Russian American mafia and the leader of the Spanish mafia. You will do great things Adriana and I will be there to help you in any way you possibly need, whether it's your first period, your first heartbreak, your first hangover, or whatever it is I will always be with you not as a parent but as a friend and I hope one day in the future you will be able to call me mom and Carlos dad. If you're wondering where Carlos stays since he isn't in the last clip or this one he's sleeping here let me show you

*moves the camera to show a sleeping Carlos*

" he is always busy and sleeping, but I love him he's my soulmate and I don't know where I would be without him. Also, you should know that I don't know what to do I don't want to talk to Carlos about this because I feel like I'm always crying to him about everything and not a ruthless assassin as I claim to be. I miss my family. I miss having family dinner with them. I miss being in the same house as them because it was never required. You and Adriana are my new family with Carlos and I miss my family so much that it hurts a lot I miss my brothers more than I can explain but I know they are at peace and that they are watching over me over us.

I know you will never meet them but they were something else.

Alessandro the oldest one was strict code he was a leader born into the room but he always had a soft spot for me.

Then we have Antonio he was the mother figure after everything that happened he took care of all of us he loved us he cared for us, he cooked for us. He would've loved you he would've loved to see you grow up.

Then we have Xavier and Dante the twins but they are very different from each other Xavier is older by 20 minutes he's called just like Carlos he rarely shows his emotions and he was my best friend. Dante was a jokester he was what I would describe day and Xavier as a night they were very much different but they go hand-in-hand.

Then there's my twin yes I had a twin his name was Luca he was amazing. We didn't have a twin bond as many people have we talked but when we did it was short and simple but it was all I needed he left about a year ago to travel and I was happy for him he got to do what he wanted to do enjoyed his life. He was the one who set my brother straight after my birthday which is a whole different story. Which you can ask me about and I'll tell you because this is probably getting too long about your uncles.

Here I have this picture of all of us. This is the last picture that we were all in even Carlos and you.

*shows a picture of all of them*

This picture was taken the night we announced your parent's death and the night we announced you to the world. The day where you became the Russian princess. You were so cute, you had no idea what was going on but you loved the attention. The picture was from after that night everyone came back to our house and had a sleepover where we watched Princess and the frog. You fell asleep with us in the living room and it felt like a big family and the next day you woke up with a fever and that day we fell apart again.

The reason why am telling you this Adriana is that you understand the importance of family and that they are never going to be there for you forever. Yes. They will be there for you whenever they can but you have to learn how to be independent and how to take care of yourself because one day I hope this day never comes but you're going to be by yourself.

*cues to next clip*

" hey, Adriana it's Lexi with the famous Carlos. Today is our wedding day. It's been three years since my brothers have passed away and about four years since do you want Amelia past. You are now 3 1/2 and you are a flower girl. I am now a Martinez. I am very happy and I'm very excited about the future. Here is a picture of us"

*shows the picture to camera*

" Hey princess. I'm in the bathroom I took Lexi's camera. I don't know why Lexi does this but she wants you to have memories of our milestones. Lexi doesn't know I took her camera but I just want to say I love you and I know you will do wonderful things in the future and I might not show it but you and Lexi are my entire world and I don't know what I would do without you. Today I married Lexi and I feel like I'm in a dream, I thought about this day for over a decade and now it's true she has my last name."

*Next clip*

Hey Adriana it's Lexi today is our honeymoon. We thought about kids we talked to, but we decided you are enough you are our princess and we don't need another kid because you are our entire world. Now, I had Five brothers and I thought you deserved to have siblings just like I did. For now, you are our one and only princess and at the moment you are with Amanda in Russia and I know you miss us and are probably devastated since we left for a week. Carlos wanted to stay longer than a week but I just couldn't stand being away from you for that long. We are in Norway and this was where Amelia and Diego wanted to go to see the northern lights but they never made it so we decided to go for them"

*Next clip*

" hi, Adriana today is a big day for all of us. Carlos and I have decided to move to California. We decided that Russia isn't our home anymore, it will have a special place in our hearts but it isn't a home. So we are moving and so is a Mafia"

*New Clip*

" hola, Adriana. Today you are starting school. We have tried teaching you languages you know some Russian, some Spanish, and some Italian. You probably got my smarts but it's time for you to go and get an education. You are a very smart cookie. The smartest cookie in the jar. We almost cried leaving you at school but we decided it was time for you to grow up we couldn't baby you around forever even though I wish we could. You looked so cute, I just wanted to squeeze your cheeks. School is only for four hours but it's the longest four hours of Carlos and I's life.

I want to tell you that the mafia doing great we are number one still. I decided to leave the Spanish mafia on its own and I can't join it with the Russian American mafia because it needed its own I don't know how to explain it it just didn't feel right. The Spanish mafia is number two and the Italian mafia is number three. We never killed Faith, we tried to find her, we tried to lure her out, we tried everything we could think of and we just couldn't find her. The whole year after my brother's or your uncle's passing we decided to let it go. There's no point in holding onto a grudge of someone who can't even defend themselves because you're so scared of their death. Believe me, if I ever see them they will be dead on site."

*new clip*

" Today you are 10 years old and for your gift, you made Carlos so happy by saying you wanted a gun. I know that seems very strange for a 10-year-old to ask for a weapon, but we decided to get you a Nerf gun. Until you are 15 then we can start training you in self-defense and everything you need to know to be successful in the underworld. I have a feeling you will lead this mafia-like a leader. You have the blood of a leader in your veins, but you have the blood of a sweet coffee shop owner in your veins. Don't be forced to do something you are unhappy with. We have enough money to make you happy in whatever you choose, even if it's ballet, soccer, painting, singing, or whatever it is you choose to do with your life we will be there for you."

*new clip*

" you gave Carlos a heart attack today because you came home from fifth grade saying you had a boyfriend and I was so happy that you have a little relationship and that you found love in elementary school. But Mr. grumpy pants over here wanted you to give him his name, Address, horoscope, anything. I just want you to know that it only lasted about two days then your new obsession was painting. Carlos and I made you an art room and you spent a whole month in there painting whatever your heart desire and we were happy that you found something you were happy doing. After that, you got bored of painting and you decided to play instruments so we got you a bunch of instruments including my favorite piano and you taught yourself how to play the piano, guitar, and trumpet in three months. You were a Prodigy.  Amazing at playing because you were playing with your heart and it just made Carlos happy when he was in his office listening to the song you would be playing and singing"

*new clip*

Today was career day at your school and Carlos went with you he is a very big deal here in California you might not know yet but he is the CEO of Smirnov Inc. it is one of the most successful companies in the world as Forbes magazine would describe it not to brag or anything. I want you to know that even though he was the CEO and most of the kids in your class didn't even know what that meant The other parents were swooning over Carlos but you set them straight and said that he is happily married to your mommy who will cut them if they come near him which is very accurate I am proud that you stood up for me."

*New Clip*

"You are now in 8th grade. You came home today and for the first time, we grounded you because you got in a fight. You might have thought that we were being strict by saying you couldn't see your friends and couldn't do anything for a week but in reality, we were happy because you got in a fight to stop a bully. This made Carlos and I are very happy because we both were very aggressive teenagers who fought regularly but we didn't fight for dumb reasons we stood up for the people who couldn't stand up for themselves we had morals. And you are now getting morals to like it's not OK to bully someone, it's not OK to talk about people behind someone's back, it's not OK to be disrespectful for no reason. You are growing into a beautiful queen day by day we just see you growing and finding your path"

*new clip*

" hey Adriana it's Lexi today is your 18th birthday and it's the day or I'm gonna show you all these videos and I hope by the end of this you are crying as I will probably be. Carlos and I love you so much and today is a very important day even though you are turning into a legal adult today you have a few choices to make today. And we will talk about the choices in a moment but I just want to say.
Adriana, I am proud of you. You might not know this but you went to a lot when you were not even one year old, you lost your parents you lost your uncles, you lost your grandparents, you lost a lot of people and I can't even imagine what it must've been like growing up for you hearing everyone talk about their uncles their grandparents and their big family when in reality it's just the three musketeers together forever."

End of video

"Woah," Adriana said as she wiped her tears

"Surprise," I said and I was suddenly ambushed with a hug

"I love you, mom," Adriana said which made Carlos scoffed

"You too dad" Adriana said while rolling her

"So do you want to lead the mafia?" Carlos asked

We sat there as we saw her thinking for what felt like an eternity

"Well?" I said

"I do want to lead the mafias," Adriana said which made us smile

"Well I think congratulations are in order," I said as I hugged her tightly

"You will do great things, Adriana. We will always be there for you" Carlos said

"And we are proud of everything you have done and we are ready to see what you do next," I said and Adriana just hugged us

"So what does the birthday girl want to do now," Carlos asked

"Let's watch princess and the frog," Adriana said as she jumped up and down

"Whatever You wish princess," I said

"But first let's blow out the candles on your cake" I said and Carlos got up and went to go get the cake

"Happy birthday Adriana. Happy birthday to you" Carlos and I sang as I lit the candles on her cake

"Happy birthday princess. Now make a wish and blow out the candles" I said and she nodded

Adriana blew out the candles and we clapped

We all sat on the couch and had a Disney Princess marathon


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