Double Dating

By LynnDiavol

93.9K 3.2K 288

Mia Foxx, way in over her head, decides to join a dating website. More like she's forced to but that's beside... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

3K 94 13
By LynnDiavol

My perplexed mind is what made me hold my foot down on the gas like a brick coated with titanium or whatever the heaviest metals of the world were. Like a bride running away from her wedding day, I felt more like I was running to it.

I pulled up curbside in front of their concert hall only to find no one else in the vicinity; no cars, no human beings, just a ghost town for the entire block. The only busy business on this block was Devils though, so no one frequents this area unless there are concerts.

So if there wasn't a concert, what kind of show would I be witnessing?

Taking a quick breather outside the car, I figured something out about myself. If they were to propose, I might say yes. And since I might say yes then it means I've grown to enjoy this lifestyle. 

Throw away the sex and the company I had inherited, just as long as I get to keep my men. My boys. That's why I might say yes if the question were to ever arise. But maybe it doesn't and we continue as normal. At least what we considered normal...

I huffed. Time to do this.

Upon pulling open the front door, I paused. The entire place wasn't lighting up with the strobe lights that I was accustomed to or filled with thunderous music or saturated with sweaty bodies. It was empty except for a quaint table set for three.

Except there's one person here. Me.

I started looking everywhere for someone. Nico, Cole, or anyone who could explain this. But just like outside, it was void of anything.

My rampant mind thought I had to be on some prank TV show and everything had been set up just to see how far I'd go. Everything's a lie for all I know. My dad's past, the company, the house, and my relationship with Nico and Cole.

I looked for hidden cameras and couldn't find any trace. Damn good hidden cameras then.

"Mia." My name was spoken in unison and it made my heart flutter. I looked behind me, from where I stood on the stage checking every crevice for cameras, and landed eyes on my boys.

I straightened. "Nico. Cole."

Casually, I got off the stage and took a place at the table. The empty seats were quickly filled and I situated my elbows on the table then leaned in. Let the staring contest begin.

Their composure was too good for a proposal kind of night. They did have this humorous glint in their eyes so chances of this being a prank show still existed. What else, what else...

Cole cracked first, "What do you think?"

"Of this setup or how damn handsome both of you look in those suits?" They do clean up nice.

I admired their black suits with white dress shirts underneath. If those suits weren't tailored by some deity then call me crazy because they were blessed. Mentally, I had to shove my tongue back into my mouth to stop drooling over them.

They were exceptionally clean shaven today, likely new haircuts. Were they also noticing the little things I did to prepare for our date?

"You look... Beautiful." Nico muttered with pure adoration in his eyes. "I think I can speak for both of us when I say that. So now that we know our opinions of each other, how about some dinner?"

At his side, he pulled up his phone and quickly sent a text. Not a minute later Robert came out of the back room for employees with food ready on plates. There wasn't an actual kitchen in back, just some basic necessities. I looked over the food before it reached the table and realized it was sushi.

They had ordered my favorites and a variety of others that I wasn't familiar with.

"All for me? Where's your food?" I greedily asked.

They caught my sarcasm and each did a little roll of the eyes. The food was placed before us and Robert disappeared as quickly as he came. He must be getting paid an exuberant amount to not talk because getting this guy to be silent was impossible. He'd give up gossiping for a little bit... If money was involved though.

Robby did throw a wink my way and I returned it without the boys catching on. He knows something I don't and I want that intel right now.

Alas we started digging in with small talk in between bites. It felt like a typical date night. Things eventually ended up as they always do... With the boys fucking me on the table. And that's why we usually have our dates in the privacy of my house.

But I felt scandalous doing it here and that only added to the excitement of it all.

At least that's what I thought was about to happen when Cole made the first move. He reached under the table to grip my thigh so suggestively that the fire in my core ignited at first touch. Nico looked between us as if silently wondering if this was really happening.

Here. Of all places.

He pretended to be annoyed with it at first when he threw his napkin down on his plate and began clearing the table. Nico picked me up from my chair to place me on the table that came about waist high for him. Perfect height.

"Do you remember when you walked in that door? Because I do. One year ago today and I didn't know how you would feel about all of this." He looked back to Cole for some help with words.

Cole came to his aid graciously, "I thought you'd walk out. If we hadn't known you to be the demure, innocent woman that you once were, maybe we would've thought differently. But you came in and proved us wrong. You showed us that you wanted something different and weren't so reserved or conventional."

Nico gulped, "So, ah, we were wondering if we could make one step further tonight. And—"

"Move in with each other." Cole finished.

My eyebrows nearly touched from me drawing them in so close, "Move in? I thought we had already done that."

"Mia." Cole shook his head at me, "We still have to go to our place to get clothes and pack a bag if we want to sleep over. We're open to choosing either house to permanently move into, but we want to make it official. As in, you or us will move everything."

"I'd like to stay in the house my dad left for me..."

They nodded in understanding.

Nico clasped his hands together with a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips, "Now that the house situation is all settled... We have a question." He reached into his back pocket of his trousers and pulled out a black jewelry box. My heart skipped multiple beats that I thought I might have flatlined. "Do you promise to be ours, work with this unconventional relationship, and give us a solid chance? This isn't a proposal, just a promise."

I let out the breath I had been holding in. Not a proposal, just a promise. 

Nico opened the box and I had to suck in more air to stay alive. My mouth parted slightly as I gazed at the way this quaint promise ring seemed to sparkle in the dim lighting of the room. It was delicate, feminine; with a princess cut diamond set in a rose gold band that had ivy twirling around the sides of the band.

"Yes. I promise to make this work and go with the flow. And I understand your concerns, all of them, even the unspoken ones because I feel them too. Any bridge we come across, big or small, we'll cross it. I promise that."

Cole slid it onto my right ring finger, just so that people don't start asking questions.

I stared down at it for one more moment before sweeping my eyes over them.

"Thank you..."

Nico's smile was apparent now, "Why are you thanking us?"

I thought on the reason and could only think of one answer that couldn't be expressed with simple words.

So I showed them. I stretched both of my hands out for theirs and pulled them closer to the table. They instantly began touching all over my body and I devoured the sparks between us. It flowed so harmoniously and for once I felt like we all were on the same page.

With their hands preoccupied getting my clothes off, I struggled by myself to undress both of them.

After my attempts at Nico's slacks, I bluntly said, "These need to come off. Like, right now."

"Couldn't agree more, my love." He kissed the top of my head while he slid them off with ease.

Cole stepped out of his that I somehow managed to get unbuttoned by myself. All these hands grabbing at things made me crazy but I loved it.

Eventually, we were able to get out of this tangled mess and get into our routine of things. Nico held eye contact with me as he leaned behind me and secured my wrists with his black tie. Then Cole bent on his knees to tease my clit with his warm tongue.

I drawled out a curse when his fingers delved into me. Nico took that smidgen of weakness and used it to his advantage by catching my nipple in his mouth and biting down hard, earning another curse from my lips.

"Not so innocent anymore?" Cole looked up at me with hooded eyes and I shut him up with a wiggle of my hips, pleading for him to continue even if it was only a tease. "Oh, I'll give you something to swear over."

He stood up and positioned his stiff dick between my legs and without warning he plunged into me ruthlessly. Gone was the man who regularly enjoyed teasing me. He repeatedly ground hard thrusts into me whilst Nico worked magic with his sensual mouth all over my body.

"Please..." I moaned pitifully, craving something just out of reach. The words couldn't form a complete sentence though. I felt Nico chuckle into my ear and ask me what I wanted. "Both... Please."

"You want both of us?" Nico whispered in my ear.

Cole slammed into me and stayed nestled in deep, stopping there. "Am I not enough?"

I knew they were just teasing me so it brought a whimper to my lips that was answered with haste. Cole picked me up from the table and sat down on one of the chairs, arching me up to make my back exposed for Nico.

They wasted no time in getting into this position. Nico acted quickly on it, bending down at the knees to get into the perfect level to stick his wet dick into my backside. Just like any other time, he inched into me slowly and gave me time to adjust. No matter how many times I do this, I think it'll hurt. I'd take the pain for the pleasure any day.

I used my leverage on the chair to ride them both, swaying my hips up and down as well as forwards and backwards. It took all my strength to stay on top once my arms began quivering and my thighs started to ache.

But I rode them until I saw stars dusting my vision. Nico noticed my slowed pace and brought me back around to the table.

The absence of them inside of me caused my hips to buckle upwards and someone had to place a heavy hand on my lower abdomen to keep me laying flat on the table. I peeled open my eyes to see Nico thrust into me, eyes closed and forehead wrinkled from holding back his release.

"Mia." Cole grabbed my attention and I tilted my head to the side. He stood next to the table with his dick in his hands, pumping it with the wetness of my pussy left behind on him.

I bit my lip at the sight then realized I could help him. My mouth opened eagerly and he filled it with equal longing. I suctioned my mouth tight around his veiny member, circling my tongue at the tip at random moments and I knew it drove him insane.

Nico and Cole both looked like they were restraining themselves and the way they attentively waited for me to climax is what made me orgasm first. I raised my hips to meet one of Nico's rough thrusts and my muscles tightened around him, sending him over the edge right after.

Cole released all over my face and upper body, getting some on the table as well. Probably the floor too. Nico pulled out of me reluctantly. Only then did my head stop its pounding and my vision cleared up.

Each gave me a soft kiss before helping me clean up, first my body and then everything else we messed up during our sex scandal.

We sat down at the polished table like everything was normal. Nico sent a text and again, Robert came from the back with a silver tray full of desserts that I could spot from a mile away. All of my favorites.

These boys sure knew how to treat a woman.

The night continued just as any other regular date night should. Another round of sex at my house, some real talk, some movie watching, and then sleep. I didn't have to worry about anything with these boys cuddled on both sides of me. That much I knew. So why was there an uneasy feeling in my stomach?

With both of them sound asleep after seconds of hitting the comfy king bed, I slipped out of my place between them and snuck to the bathroom. Ugh, maybe it was the sushi and chocolate combination. I swear if I throw up after a perfect night—

I made it to the bathroom just in time to heave into the toilet. If I had waited any longer then I likely wouldn't have made it. I spent the night sitting by the toilet, just anticipating getting sick again.

Yet that proved to be the only time because the morning came and I felt back to my regular self. I even went downstairs to make breakfast before either of them woke up.

Sun just up and I'm here making pancakes. Never in my life have I been wide awake at this early hour. I finished the pancakes, put them in the oven on low heat, and took some bacon out to thaw. Before I started on that, wanting it to be fresh when they came down, I cleaned up any random things on the table and counters.

Tons of mail laid scattered around my house, some not even opened. I couldn't begin to think of how much mail we'd have with three people living here...

Nico was standing in the entry of the kitchen when I turned around to throw away more garbage that I found. The sight of him didn't scare me but it excited me. Having him in my house in his boxers tempted me to bring him back to bed right now.

"What's for breakfast?" He passed by me, seemingly upset that he hadn't scared me. But he did kiss my forehead before taking his place on the outer bar stool. His reading glasses stayed there for when he needed to see the fine print of the newspaper.

Little things, that's what attracted me to him.

I felt content when he put them on and began on the Thursday paper, skimming over articles.

Then he looked up at me as if taken aback that I was standing there, "Wait. What are you doing awake? I'm always up first. You're never here when I start the paper, you're down when I finish it."

I found humor in him just realizing it now. "Just felt like waking up before you guys to make breakfast."

"You don't wake up naturally at this time and you didn't set an alarm, I'm a light sleeper."

"Seems you're not light enough to hear me puking last night..." I grumbled, loud enough for him to hear.

"Puking?" He stood from his seat and came around the counter. A cold hand was placed on my head and he looked worried. "You're warm."

"No, you're just cold." I reasoned with him while turning away to toss the bacon in the frying pan. "And I only got sick once, but it made me stay up all night like some sort of insomniac. But I'm not sick, I don't think. Nothing contagious at least."

Here I am self diagnosing myself and he didn't seem satisfied.

"It could be side effects from the concussion or drugs. Just go to the doctor today, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah."

Cole came down then and I didn't bother discussing it with him, neither did Nico. We ate breakfast in general silence except for small tidbits of things, it was nice just to absorb the moments some take for granted.

That morning we dispersed as per usual. Cole took concert hall duties today while Nico planned to go into 'Foxx Foundations' in my place. And I went to the doctors per order of my nagging boyfriend.

Now, as I sit anxious in the waiting room, I start to go over everything that I'm sure my doctor will ask me.

Do I smoke? No.

Do I drink? On occasion.

Are you sexually active? Yes, but let's not go into details on that.

What are my symptoms? Nausea, regular headaches. That's pretty much it.

Then something clicked in my head that I almost looked over. I hadn't gotten my period for a few months in a row. If I wasn't jittery in my seat before, now I surely am. How do I possibly explain to anyone, especially Nico and Cole, who the father is if I am pregnant?

That's not a side effect of drugs or a bruised cranium, that's from double dating.

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