A Misunderstood Deku

By The_Nocturnal_Raven

64.6K 1.6K 285

A MHA fiction work, where Izuku is born with a rare villainous quirk, which doesn't immediately manifest. Due... More

Descent to Madness
All Eyes on Him
A Fateful Encounter
The Truth of the Villain Killer
A Formal Introduction to Class 1A
Welcome to Your New Home!
Just Like Home!
Rich Questions & Gadgets
Like Lambs to the Slaughter...
Reunion with Aunty
Music of the Soul
The Day Before Camp
Training Camp: Part 1
Training Camp Part 2
Training Camp Part 3
Finding Virgil
Collision Course

A New Family

2.6K 82 10
By The_Nocturnal_Raven

Ms. Joke waited in the Class 1B dorm common room with Shinsou. Her first adopted son was in this class, while she was more involved with the upper classes. When her partner came in months ago about a boy with no family, she could tell her family would be getting bigger by another member. This class was used to seeing Ms. Joke around, just as much as Vlad King, at this point... however, her attention turned back to her sleep deprived looking son as he commented on the big news. He hadn't heard much of their discussions, so of course it came out of left field. "Dad adopted another son? Seems hard to believe..."

Laughing slightly, she agreed. It did kind of seem a bit quick, but it's happened, and hopefully they'd get along. "I know! It's a joke even I wouldn't think of! Haha..."

However, before they could continue their conversation, a voice called out. "I believe this kid is yours...?" They turned and saw what could only be described as a nightmare. One of class B's students was being dragged by the hair... and half her body was missing, blood all over. Shinsou froze, completely terrified by this new person, who, in his own right, held a terrible visage. 

Tall, with long, wild black hair, pale skin, and a lithe strength. Green eyes glittered with amusement, but that wasn't the worst part. The worst part was the blood. Oh, the blood. His clothes were covered in the stuff, a razor in his grip. An English styled one, more akin to a pocket knife, dripping with crimson liquid. However, the horrifying part was the scars, clearly self inflicted. Around his wrists, were two identical cuts, dripping blood. On his face, however, were two symmetrical scars, twisting up his cheeks into a carven smile. And it was all for the both of them.

Emi was faster to react, glaring at him, and getting into a combat stance. "You... how dare you do that!?"

He dropped her, and moved closer. "Aw... did I touch a nerve?"

However, Hitoshi knew that this shouldn't be possible. After all, that's what Vlad King told them, and why Monoma didn't have any physical injuries after his altercation. Only wounded pride. "Why?! You're the rehab kid! You aren't supposed to be able to hurt anyone."
However, the boy bared his teeth, accentuating the smile as he replied simply, "Gotta love pain tolerance."

Fortunately, a familiar voice called out, one they both knew and trusted with all their hearts. "Midoriya, enough!" Shota Aizawa entered behind him. He looked down at the student. "You went all out with this... joke, didn't you?" A Joke?! A JOKE?! That was... wait... they both looked down at the girl, only to see her still breathing... with green hair. There was something about the dark verdant strands of hair that made Hitoshi calm down, but why?
"Yeah..." looking down, the mad boy thanked them... and then it was revealed how he did it. "Thanks for the help, Tokage." The two sighed with relief. After all, Tokage's quirk was the ability to split apart... and he'd never directly shown the cross-section, which would've been a dead giveaway.
The body looked up, and she smiled, her distinctive sharp toothed grin present as always. "I always wanted to try that kinda prank." She hovered her upper torso, as the rest of her body walked in from outside, the two halves reassembling herself.

Ms. Joke was still worried, especially with the sheer volume of blood on her and Midoriya. "Tokage, are you alright? You're all bloody!"

However, that did dampen the mood when she rubbed her arm in nervousness. "This isn't my blood..."
The four of them looked at Izuku who was rubbing his wrist scars. He stopped when he felt their gazes, and shrugged defensively. "What? I didn't hurt anyone, and her quirk was... perfect... for this."

Giving her husband a side eye, Emi asked, "Did you approve of this... Shouta?"
However, he was resolute, and indifferent. As if this boy continued to test his patience... in a similar way to her, in fact. Something that wasn't lost on the Laughing Heroine. "No. I told him to meet with you."

As they argued, Izuku tried talking to Shinso, as brother to new brother. The situation was a mite awkward, but he'd smooth it over. "So... we're brothers now... right...?"
Sensing the hidden question, the violette gave him a careful, narrowed eyed gaze. "Hitoshi Shinso."

Nodding in a gesture of moderate respect for the boy's resilience in the face of overwhelming gore and fear. Oh, he could tell the boy was afraid. It was clear based off of the tensing of muscles, the increased heart rate, the scent of adrenaline and cortisol being released... it was clear to Izuku's enhanced senses that he had struck fear into the shorter violette. "Cool. I'm Izuku Midoriya. What's your quirk?"

The boy tilted his head, confused by the sudden interest. It was genuine, and that was what caught the boy off guard. "Brainwashing."
His curiosity didn't stop there. "How does it work?"
Grinning to himself, the violette activated his quirk. He'd had him on a hook, but now it was time to reel him in. "Like this."

Midoriya was stuck in a void. There was little around him save his own mind. So this is what being 'brainwashed' is like... that name is bullshit. Clearly it's a mental suppressing quirk, or something similar. However... light radiated from behind him, and he turned to find... an angel.

Something in his instincts screamed that this being was not natural. Not something to be trusted.

She approached, her voice attempting to reach him, but he couldn't understand her words. [>M1d0r1ya... c0/\/\3 t0 /\/\3...<]

Narrowing his eyes against her radiance... "Who are you?!" 

He backed away, the being still approaching. [>1 a/\/\ t#3 &0dd355... 1 ca|\| #3lp y0u...<]

However, Izuku didn't want her help. He didn't need any help. "No... let me get back. Now." He turned to leave, but no matter where he turned... she was a step closer, arms outstretched, ready to embrace him. Her smile was kind, but her eyes weren't

[>Y0u d0|\|'7 #av3 a C#0ic3... I \/\/ill #a\/3 y0u, 0|\|3 \/\/ay 0r a|\|07#3r...<]

To the rest, however, Izuku looked vacant for a moment or two... but there were signs that his brainwashing was having unintended effects. A few twitches, first small, then a large one, before he clutched his head in apparent pain or misery, before yelling out: "...get out of MY HEAD!!!"
Shinsou stopped his quirk immediately. Everyone in the room paid attention back to him, as he breathed from exhaustion.

Sweating nervously, he glanced at the violette with... apprehension, of a beast which had glimpsed something it shouldn't have, and wished to never speak of it again. "I already have enough problems in my head, I... don't... need another, thanks."

Aizawa was immediately concerned, "What?"
Waving his free hand, still caked with drying blood, he elected to force the point away. And, make a deal so that he'd never be in that situation again. "Ignore that. How about a deal? You never use your quirk on me, I'll never ask for your blood, got it?"

A deal to never be at risk of attack by his feral new brother? A deal not to be ignored. "Fine by me."
He turned back to Ms. Joke, asking, his jittery nature calming down as he met her eyes with his own emerald ones. "Do you accept me, mother?"
Laughing nervously, she started with an observation. "That was one of the scariest pranks I've ever seen, was that just to... impress me?"
He laughed once on his own. "Maybe... yes?"
She approached and hugged him without hesitation. Even while covered in sticky, drying blood. "If what Aizawa says is true, you're now my son. Of course I will accept you. I will always be there, like I am there for Hitoshi." Breaking from that hug, slightly perturbed by the blood sticking to her, but pushed on through continuing, "You may freak me out from time to time, but I will never leave you."
Izuku actually started to tear up at that genuine admission of care. Something he hadn't really heard since... since Inko died, in his kitchen, long ago. "T-thank you."

Gripping his hand, and carefully extracting the razor from his hand. "Sh... you've been acting tough and confident, being scary to hide your own fear, but you still have a softer side... keep ahold of that. It makes you human... like the rest of us."

Composing himself, Izuku shook his head. He didn't want to accept that yet, and besides, he had many other things on his mind. So, the raven haired masochist started to leave. His voice reflected an unusual nervousness, unused to unconditional motherly love. Not for all the time he was alone. "I... I should get going. We have class tomorrow, and I want to make sure I'm ready."

Aizawa called to him, "You're still behind in a few areas. You need to design a hero costume and name."

Waving it off, promising that he would. "I'll work on those tonight... see ya' tomorrow pops." He waved as he left.

Setsuna Tokage reminded everyone that she was still there with an awkward admission, "I don't know if I should've witnessed all of that, to be honest. Seems to be a family thing."

Emi laughed, waving the girl off, "Don't worry about it, Tokage. Just worry about your studies! You both should be getting ready for tomorrow anyway! Make sure to... uh... wash the blood off..."

"Right, I'm off." Shinsou went back to his room. Tokage went to hers. When alone Aizawa asked

After the children left, Aizawa approached his wife. "So Emi, what do you think?"
Shaking her head, she was... surprised by this. All of it. But she understood why he did so. Leaning into him, the mint greenette replied, "I think you're mad and that he is going to be a lot of work... but that it'll be worth it. Just like Hitoshi." She examined the blade, "Where did he get this?"
He pinched the bridge of his nose. "One of my classmates did so as a favor to help get him integrated. She didn't think through her actions, of course, but her heart's in the right place." However, he then turned to the first statement, Shouta nodding in agreement. "Glad you agree on the former. I'm not usually optimistic... but I think he could be a great hero if he has the right support. Speaking of which, I should get going too. I have lesson plans to make."

Smiling, she hugged him close for a second, before parting with a wave. "See you, Shouta!"

When Izuku arrived back, everyone said hi. Momo and Ochako seemed the most concerned, followed by a strangely forward greeting from Tokoyami. Trying not to be rude... as much as he could with his rusty social skills, the masochistic boy retreated to his room. "Sorry, I have some... things... to take care of for tomorrow. See you then."

Everyone was alright with that. It was a long day, after all. His first back in a normal schedule. No need to tire him out emotionally. "Ok."

When he left, they started wondering what he was going to do. I mean, there had to be a reason he left the dorms for half an hour... right? "What could he have left to do? Most of it's been taken care of."
However, Momo did note one fact. "He does have his hero name and costume to design."

The brunette wondered aloud, echoing everyone's thoughts. "I wonder what it's going to be?"

Bakugo made a statement. Informed with his own experiences, he had a feeling... "It'll probably be fucking simple, easy for him to use, yet store weapons in. Probably similar to his hoodies."

Curious, Kirishima asked everyone, "And his name?"
Katsuki dismissed it, seeing him as not really caring what he was called. "Dunno. Maybe he'll use Deku." It did have a good connection for him, at least if Katsuki was being honest.
However, even Kirishima noted the other connotation associated with that name. "But..."
The blond scoffed, and pointed to the stairs. "Just ask him."

Looking to the stairs, he didn't want to annoy him, especially with how twisted he could be. "Maybe another time..."

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