A Misunderstood Deku

By The_Nocturnal_Raven

64.6K 1.6K 285

A MHA fiction work, where Izuku is born with a rare villainous quirk, which doesn't immediately manifest. Due... More

Descent to Madness
All Eyes on Him
A Fateful Encounter
The Truth of the Villain Killer
A Formal Introduction to Class 1A
Welcome to Your New Home!
Just Like Home!
A New Family
Rich Questions & Gadgets
Like Lambs to the Slaughter...
Reunion with Aunty
Music of the Soul
The Day Before Camp
Training Camp: Part 1
Training Camp Part 2
Training Camp Part 3
Finding Virgil
Collision Course


3.1K 96 15
By The_Nocturnal_Raven

Izuku walked back home, covered in blood. Another fun night. Time to kick back and relax... Since his mother died, the power and water had been shut off, and he had already tossed all the food before it could start to smell. The feel of the apartment was that it was abandoned. The only reason he hadn't been forced to leave was because nobody wanted the apartment of a dead woman. He made his way to his room, where all of the Allmight posters had been drawn over with bloody smiles similar to his. Going into the bathroom, he checked his mouth. It had begun to heal, with only scar tissue dried blood remaining. "That's no good... a smile needs to be fresh, recent, for it to mean anything..." He brought up his knife and got to work.

Meanwhile, the UA heroes, or at least the active ones were on their way to the residence of Izuku Midoriya, with Eraserhead providing an intel breakdown as they climbed the stairs up to the apartment. Normally, villains like this would be handed over to the police, but as Nezu wanted to try something... different... they didn't have the luxury of backup. Although, if Midoriya was able to overpower Allmight, then they'd really have a problem. Point was, everyone there all knew the story, but he was reiterating what they knew. "Alright everyone, you must realize this kid is one of the most unstable villains we've ever come across. Be wary. He is unpredictable in his fighting patterns, even able to catch me off guard."

Midnight looked over at him as they climbed, "Sho, honey, we get it. We'll be careful."

The man sighed, looking ahead to a door. 4b. That was the one. "I don't think you do, but let's do this quickly."

They all nodded and prepared to breach the door, getting on either side of the door. A curious civilian looked out and saw the heroes preparing to breach, but Allmight put a finger to his smile, indicating silence. They nodded, and watched as the group putting on gas masks, Allmight getting into position in front of the door, before quickly breaking it down. Midnight, the only one unaffected by her quirk, immediately activated Somnibulist inside the apartment. The pink gas would put him to put him to sleep, and since the rest wore masks, she wouldn't affecting her colleagues.

Hearing the door smash open, Deku awoke, knife in hand. He tried to get to a window, but Midnight's pheromones acted quickly, overpowering him as he started to fall asleep. Midnight... Damn, it works fast...

As the heroes checked each room, they were disturbed by what they had seen. Blood on the walls and insane messages scrawled in each one, Midnight found his room. "What happened to his mental state to make him like this..." Seeing the boy on the bed, she walked over. Long, wild black hair, pale skin... she was about to call out, when he reached out to grab at her, dragging her down onto the bed. Wresting with him, she was actually impressed by his natural strength, but then remembered what Shota said before about his fighting style. I don't think you do understand.

Knife raised, he tried to bring it to her face, his emerald eyes glittering with bloodlust. One hand was gripping her throat, while another held a knife to her face. It made her shiver to see that, eventually horror crept onto her face as she saw his full face, with carven smile and all, as he whispered, "Midnight... why don't you smile like me?"

Gritting her teeth as she struggled to keep the blade away, she replied, a smirk on her face. "I do like to smile, but knives are a bit out there for me." She released an ultra powerful blast of her quirk, and it was clearly taking its toll. His strength left him as he faded into unconsciousness. With him now fully unconscious, his weight fell onto her, and she pushed him off, back onto where she found him.

Allmight called out, having just heard the struggle. "Find him yet?"

Taking a moment to breath, she replied, "Yeah... he's... he's in his room."

Allmight entered his room, and saw her out of breath. "What happened?!"

"Wasn't quite asleep yet. Hope he has some sweet dreams right now..." the R-rated heroine glanced around his room, noticing his more recent... "decor". "Or... maybe not his version of them."

"My god..." ToshinorI was in agreement, his eyes following her gaze to the posters on the wall. Allmight ones, with bloody smiles added to turn the reassuring faces creepy. This effectively ruined their value, and he saw a few of them were some of the more expensive ones. Mirai would be horrified by the posters alone... the blond hero then followed the wall to a single sentence written in blood: Sweet Dreams are made of Screams. "I know young Bakugo described it... but what... what happened to him?!"

She shook her head, not wanting to think about the answer to that particular question. "I don't know..."

Looking down, he saw that Deku was in a white hoodie this time. Carefully approaching, the older man cuffed him, turned him over, and was horrified by what he saw on his face.

At this point, Vlad King arrived, and froze when he saw the boy's face. "I... I thought they were exaggerating... This is way worse than they described."
Aizawa commented, watching the others take him away. "Oh no, you can't exactly describe this. It's why I didn't even try. Let's take him back to U.A."

Vlad readily agreed, "Yes... get him to rehab."

Deku awoke in a conference room, hands cuffed together. Great... I'm... he looked around, somewhere... He was surrounded by pro heroes. He recognized every. single. one. Allmight was there. Eraserhead was there. Even Vlad King and Midnight... oh, he might actually have some fun here.

"Hello, Izuku Midoriya."

He looked around for the voice before realizing there was a small rodent-like animal in a suit directly in front of him. He wasn't sure who he was... but given the rogues gallery here... he had a guess...

The rat chuckled, "Not even going to ask how I know your actual name? Or what I am?"
Honestly, what he was wasn't important. Only what they would do with him was. "I don't care."

Deflating slightly from the killjoy that was Izuku, he commented, "Well, aren't you temperamental... Do you know where you are?"
Oh, he knew, but didn't particularly care. It's not like he was going to stay here. "No."

"You are in U.A." Thanks for stating the obvious, Nezu.
However, it did seem hilarious that he was brought to a school. Izuku just can't escape them, could he? "Why not the police station? Or the sanatorium? I know I belong there. Where you can lock away the key and sing of how your dreams are made of this..." that made all of them tense up slightly, with exception of Eraser and Nezu.

Speaking of the rat, he countered. "No. We have a more constructive idea." Midoriya didn't speak, just letting an unnerving silence fill the room as he stared at some of the weaker willed heroes, making them falter. Enough to where Nezu continued, "You can join the villain rehab program..."

However, Izuku snarled, whipping his head fast enough that a few a of the staff tensed for a fight.  "I am not a villain."

The white rat tried to explain that, in the eye of the law, he was classified as a villain, "You have killed..."
But the serial killer was having none of that. "You think survival is guaranteed? That is what you tell yourself from your lofty tower, behind your walls? Hahahaha... I kill to live."
Nezu actually got up on the table and started to walk over, to the consternation of ma few staff members, whom he waved away. "We can change that. We know you let our students... and Eraserhead go. We know you are not just a killing machine."

However, Midoriya countered his point again. "Then explain my curse." Now that got Hound Dog's attention. As councilor, he would be working closely with him. To help, not fix, him. And this was revealing of his outlook on himself. He hated his quirk for causing all the pain he suffered...
Nezu tried to calm him down, "A quirk is not a curse..."
It didn't work. "Explain that to every other... villain... who was made that way..."

He ignored that and continued, "Your quirk uses blood as a primary food source to give you strength, speed, better vision, and reflexes."

He actually added something to the tally as well. "Also means I stay young. Don't have to worry about shaving."
"See, you can make light of this. I think you could be a great hero."

Leaning forward to Nezu's level, the boy sneered, "Do you, now? Are you trying to build my hopes, to scatter them to the wind, crueler than the others, who might possibly be here to train as future "heroes"? What makes you think I let them go because I'm just a good person? Maybe I didn't see them as worth it or fun enough to kill..."
However, the rat was undeterred, "That may be the case, but we are giving you an opportunity many don't ever receive."

"To change? Become better? I've tried being the better person. It never works..." His last statement was laced with pain "Everyone hates me all the same... for something I could never fully control..."

Everyone in the room remained silent, their reactions painted on their faces. Pity, heartbreak, anger at his past, and concern for his future. Aizawa was the only one to hide his worry, but those that were at his place showed it.

After waiting a few minutes for both of them to calm down, Nezu asked him, "Do you know what would've happened if you were 18?"
Rolling his eyes, he listed off many different methods of public execution. "Electric Chair, Needles, Death by a thousand rounds... So many ways the state gets to kill their own..."

However, the rat shook his head, sharing Japan's take on it. "No, jail for life."

"Well, that would've been death by boredom."

"Glad we could agree on that, at least."

He laughed, a harsh unnerving singular laugh, before remarking, "You're a funny little thing."
Taking it as a compliment, the rodent reponded, "Thank you for the compliment... however, that choice is still there should you refuse the program..."
Admittedly, there was no other real option. "I'll take it. Your rehab." However, he had one condition. "But do not call me a villain."

Nezu agreed, not really wanting to get into an argument with a serial killer. "Understood. Do you want us to take you to Recovery Girl...?"


"What?" Midnight interrupted, completely aghast at the concept of suffering like that. Sure, she may be the poster girl for BDSM, but not a true masochist. Not like Midoriya, "Your mouth must hurt..."
The boy snapped to face her, his emerald eyes boring into her own. "Being unable to smile hurts more. Plus I love seeing people's fear. Makes their blood run cold..." He got the desired effect as most of the UA staff stiffened at that, although Allmight appeared to be saddened to hear that.

However, "Speaking of blood, we can supply you with the amount you need. How much would you need?"

With his dry humor, he gave his bare minimum. At least. "2 bags for every meal. I might stop killing if you help me with that."

Vlad, however, was a bit more stern on the issue. "You don't have a choice, Midoriya."

Baring his teeth, Izuku distilled what he had observed for months down into a few sentences. "No. You don't. You give options. I make the choices here. Heroes are reactionary, while villains rely on plans and predictions. You are both so simple..."

As fascinating as this perspective was... or simplistic, take your pick, Nezu steered back to the actual topic of conversation. "Just to let you know, there is a dorm system implemented, and you will be put into Class 1A's care."

Yawning, while eventuating his scars, Deku lazily remarked, "Kay, don't care."

Mildly annoyed, Aizawa muttered, "You might, more than you realize..."

"Do I get to decorate my room?"

Nezu agreed to that, "Sure..."

"And wear what I want?"

Well, it was a private school. They dictated the dress code, and that was unwavering. "You will have to wear a uniform during class time..."
He yawned again, showing his fatigue, yet again showing off his gaping, carven, unnatural smile. "Boring."

Aizawa sighed, clearly knowing that this one was going to be a true Problem Child, sighed, "You don't have a choice."

"Don't force me to wear a tie."

"Aizawa's in charge of Class 1A, so he decides..." Nezu glanced at his colleague, Eraserhead.

Just done with this conversation, he stated, "Fine by me. Just don't cause trouble, and I don't care what you do."

Grinning, he looked at the man semi-approvingly. Granted, he had taken his blood before, so it might be him remembering that time, instead of now. "I like this guy already..." Then he had to add. "That being said, his blood had a very brothy taste..."
"Ok, now you're making this weird."
Midnight whispered to Hizashi, who nodded at her comment. "Creepy, even."

He turned to her, baring his teeth. "Thank you!"

She leaned a little further back. His attack two days ago was certainly... still lingering on her mind. Since she had to use an extra powerful blast of her quirk... he was out for that long.

However, he didn't seem to care about his position at the moment. "Hahahaa... Seeing you all squirm is hilarious... anyway, I shouldn't waste any more of your... precious... time. Especially since you are all teachers, from what I know."

"Too right you are. Aizawa, take him to get his uniform on and to class. It starts in 30 minutes."

He couldn't ignore the mad joke, "Cutting it close?" Especially since he was the one usually doing the cutting. 
"You were out for almost two days. We didn't know when you would wake. By the way, that choker..." Izuku finally realized that was that weird thing on his throat. "...you have on is a tracker and will shock you if you try to hurt anyone."

Standing up and stretching, he grinned in a way only he could, ready for the day. He figured the man was bullshitting him, but there was a perfectly good reason to lie. Even if he wasn't, the charge needed to subdue him... well, it'd need to be a lot. Better not take any chances, then. "Noted. Let's go, teach."

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