A tourney for a bride

By AlexVasilis

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It was running the year 303 AC. Rhaegar Targaryen, First of his name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and th... More

Chapter 2: Reunited
Chapter 3: Hour of the wolf
Chapter 4: Crow's Eye
Chapter 5: A thousand years

Chapter 1: Brothers

616 10 3
By AlexVasilis

He was heading to the dining hall to break his fast with his family, but his head was sore from last night's drinking with his brother Aegon to celebrate his return from the North after years of fostering, while he had been in another place. Luckily the walkway was steady, otherwise, all the Keep would have seen one of the Princes crawling on all fours through the hallways.

His brother instead was used to wine, having spent a lot of time with his uncle, the Red Viper of Dorne, who introduced him besides to the wine also to women, even though, in truth, Aegon did not need help with women. All he needed was to flaunt his Valyrian look, very similar to their father, and all the women threw themselves at his feet without many problems. All the opposite of him.

"You look...well, my Prince," Oswell said, smirking, breaking his thoughts when he reached his destination, and as he was standing on guard at the door with Ser Arthur and Ser Barristan, who were trying to hide the smirks.

"Fuck you...My head. It's bursting," he replied to the Kingsguard, touching his head, as Ser Barristan opened the door.

At the table, he saw his two mothers and father already sitting on one side, while his brother was sitting on the left side, sipping some wine as his usual, while resting one leg on his knee, and at the mere sight of it, his belly turned, and wanted to throw, but not wanting to make a show, he restrained.

The place where their dear sister Rhaenys sat, though empty was too prepared because the king never lost hope of finding her one day or at least get his hands on the one who attacked her years ago on the way to Highgarden.

"Good morning, son," his father greeted him, as he took a sip, while his mother was chatting with Elia. "Too much wine? You don't look that good."

And Jon nodded, before glaring at Aegon, who was trying to hide a smug on his face behind the goblet, however, in that moment, he realized that someone was missing at the table. His aunt. Dany. He knew she didn't leave the capital yet, as the king had not decided who she will marry yet, but she wasn't here either.

"Where is Daenerys?" he asked, trying to sound indifferent at her absence.

"In her room, I suppose," his father replied, while he filled himself a goblet of water, and heard Aegon say, "She is still angry with you, father."

"Angry? Why?" Jon asked, confused and feeling his heart start to race.

"Shall I tell him, father, or will you do it?" Aegon asked, and Jon looked in confusion between the two.

"Aegon. Please. This is not the moment," mother Elia cautioned him, but his brother continued as he looked into the goblet, "Our dear father has called for a tourney to find Daenerys a husband."

"What?" Jon asked, not believing his ears.

"I called nothing. It was her decision, Aegon," their father replied, irritated.

"What is this about, father?" asked Jon, but he did not answer, ignoring him and taking another sip of wine. "Father?"

But it was his mother who spoke, saying, "The council is pressuring him to find Daenerys a husband, before she is too old say those damn wrecks."

"Well, she is twenty, Lya. Already far too old to still be unmarried and a maiden. But you know I need to appease the Great Lords to keep the peace that I built in so many years."

"Our sweet aunt was against this decision, saying she will marry someone who she loved, and as her exact words were 'not a hunger power sheep like them'," replied Aegon.

"It's all your fault," his father said to his two wives, huffing. "The ideas you put in her head is making things difficult." He stopped to take some breath and another sip, to calm himself. "What does she even know about love?! She spent her life in the Red Keep training to wield the sword with the Kingsguard or in the damn library!"

"I know enough, dear brother," came his aunt's voice from the door, and he immediately turned in her direction, and at seeing her, he was speechless. By the Old Gods, she has grown to be so beautiful since the last time he saw her. She no longer was the little girl he knew, now she was a grown woman.

In this moment, she was wearing a long beautiful dress the colour of the sea, and it was fitting her body, accentuating her forms, and for sure turning his mind. Her hairs were let free, but there was a necklace at her neck. A necklace that he knew very well, because it was he the one to gift it to her before leaving for Winterfell. It was made with a pearl that he found in the bay and that was the colour of her eyes.

"You do? Then do tell me the name of this mysterious man that you love," his father said, leaning against the back of the chair, and crossing his arms, while his aunt, from her part sat down at the table, and greeted him instead, "Welcome home...Jon."

"Jaehaerys, not Jon," corrected her his father, while he rolled his eyes glancing at his brother, who was beating his lower lips to not laugh. When it came to names, there was always this fight between his father and his mother. She wanted him to have a Northern name, while he wanted it to be Targaryen, but in the end, it went that they gave him two names. "But I'm waiting for this mysterious name of the man you are in love to be revealed."

Daenerys didn't reply, taking a piece of lemon cake, her favorite to his knowledge, and sitting next to him. Her proximity made his heart race like a thousand horses in an open, field, and as regarding the name of her lover, he would much more prefer to leave this hall rather than hear her speak of a possible lover.

"I take your silence as the nonexistence of such a name, sister. So you will marry the winner of the damn tourney that you wanted so much, and if he does not have a title, I will make one, and if you don't like him, then you'll have to learn to like him," the king replied, trying to hold his anger, while his mother got up and left, but not before giving Jon a certain look as if he needed to say something, making him confused, and Elia followed right behind her after patting his shoulder.

Once that the only one left were the four of them, as his aunt was eating, Jon, taking another sip of water asked, "Who is taking part to the tourney?"

"My cousin Quentyn of course. The idiot can't wait to show himself off. Then there's Renly Baratheon and our cousin Joffrey Baratheon-"

"Are uncle and nephew really going to fight each other over a woman?"

"Renly has always hated Joffrey and his mother. I'm sure he can't wait to kick his ass," his father replied, while he glanced at his aunt, who was silent, with gaze fixed on the cake.

"Then there is a Royce...."

"Another one? Wasn't enough that Ysilla married uncle Viserys and got the Eyre after the extinction of the Arryn?"

"One more, one less, who cares. And anyway, he first needs to win," his father said, only for Daenerys to glare at him.

"Then we have some Frey knight fighting for Walder Frey, who recently become widower again," Aegon said, and Jon's belly turned at the thought that a filthy man like that could place his hands on Dany. "And every other son of lords or Lords from each kingdom who is not married yet, I would say," Aegon added, annoyedly, taking another sip of wine. "Oh, and they are all coming here to assist it. Almost all. Your uncle Eddard isn't coming as you know and neither the Northern Lords."

"Well, at least there will be something fun to see," he replied, not expecting Daenerys to pour the goblet with the water, he was drinking from over his head, and storming out of the hall, making the chair fall to the ground too.

"What has gotten into her?" he asked, picking up a cloth to dry himself.

"Maybe she expected you to say that you will join the field and be one of the pretenders," his brother replied, as he took a cloth to dry himself.

"Me? Why?"

"Nonsenses. You know I don't allow unions within the family, Aegon, and as for attending it, you Jaehaerys won't be present at the tourney," his father said, and Jon looked at him in confusion. "You will leave for Braavos tomorrow. I want you to deal with some Sea Lords. Oswell will come with you."

"But I just returned," Jon complained.

"And you will leave again."

"Can't you give the task to someone else...Maybe to Aegon. He needs to show himself as the future King, and gain allies."

"Aegon will stay here...As you stated, he is the future King. You will go instead because you are the second son. Oh, and besides that, I named you Lord of Duskendal."

Having enough of this shit, Jon got up and left, heading back to his rooms to change his clothes and maybe rest a bit, since this place was a living hell.


Hours later...

He was laying under the Heart Tree with closed eyes, enjoying the peace and the silence away from that Court. Sometimes he misses wars or tournaments. At least they don't give this kind of headaches or fears. Even become a sellsword or join the Night's With was better than staying one more day at court.

But he knows that if he does that, his family will never forgive him. Especially Daenerys, even though he hasn't had a chance to talk to her since his return...well, besides this morning, but he doesn't think he'll have any chance in the near future. Especially if soon she is going to marry the champion of the tourney.

Daenerys. No matter what he thinks about, his mind always brings him back to her, and this place most of all.

He still remembers the old days when he and Dany used to spend their days in this Godswood, hiding and running through the trees, laughing, and enjoying their childhood. After all, only a few moons separated them, and her mother, the good and kind Queen Rhaella, died to give birth to her.

On a full moon night at the hour of the wolf of long time ago, they swore to each other in front of this Weirwood tree, that they would never leave each other side, and never break their bond. It was an oath made in blood, even though it was only a scratch, and that they sucked each other finger, but he doubts that it was that truthful. After all, they were just children.

But the moment that caused their friendship to end, at least from her part since she seemed to resent him, was when he was sent to the North, to his uncle Eddard, and she for sure must have seen it as a betrayal from his part

Jon owes his uncle everything, but he doesn't forgive him or his father this decision and for keeping him away from Daenerys and for destroying their friendship and what may have become in the future.

Suddenly Jon felt something small fall on his chest and immediately opened his eyes, getting up, and looking around, too see who it was the attacker, before glancing down seeing that it was just a plum. He picks it up and throws it away towards one of the trees, but in that same moment, another plum came at him, hitting his chest again, and this time Jon could swear that he heard a chuckle.

"Aegon! Come out before I kick your ass!" Jon shouted, realising it was him the one to throw the plums, and saw his brother came out from behind a tree, laughing, and eating some plums, he started to approach him.

His hairs now were braided and tied behind, with some locks left free. The sword tied at his hips and wearing a dark blue tunic, rimed with gold, and on his chest, the three headed red dragon was proudly displayed.

Sighing and leaning against the tree, Aegon said, "Little brother, little brother. I almost forgot how you love brooding. Between you and father, the Red Keep is already starting to become too gloomy for my taste."

Jon instead ignored him, sitting down again, and sighing from his part, closing his eyes, resting the head against the Weirwood tree, and listening to the rustling leaves caused by the wind. His uncle Ned once said that this was a way for the Old Gods to communicate with them, but he doubts they had any power so down south.

However, feeling the silence of his brother unbearable, Jon asked, "Why are you here, Aegon? You want to get me drunk again like last night?"

"Nope. No wine with me, this time, little brother. And sadly, I would say. I'm here as a brother, if I'm still that to you."

"Why shouldn't you be," Jon said, opening his eyes and glancing up, seeing him look at a dagger with the shapes of a viper. "New one?"

"I don't know...maybe because of Robb Stark?" he said instead, smiling sadly.

"What does he have to do with this? He is a cousin just like Quentyn to you," Jon replied, still confused by what Aegon was saying and meaning.

"Well, you spent a lot of years with him when you were back in Winterfell," Aegon started, pointing the dagger at him, before returning to twirl with it. "And fought wildings side by side too at the Wall...I would say that was enough to make you see him as a brother more than me. Or I am wrong?"

"You are wrong, Aegon. You are my brother now and always. But tell me why you are here before I lose my patience," he said, getting up, crossing his arms, and looking at Aegon with furrowed eyebrows.

"It's about our aunt Daenerys," he replied, moving away, and starting to patch back and forth slowly. "You are a good warrior, brother. A diligent son. And also, a good and loyal brother by your replies. But if there is a flaw in you, I would say you are too naive."


"Yes. If you were smarter, you would have realised in that same instant how much you mean to her and the feeling she has for you since...long."

"What are you even talking about?"

"She loves you, brother. She always had and always will, while you hurt her with your words," Aegon replied, stopping and pointing the dagger at him, while Jon feels his knees weak, and sat back down, pulling the knees up, and arms resting on them thinking about what his brother just said.

How can he believe that this was truly the truth? That she had feelings for him despite not really seeing each other in and years. He needs to speak with her, and make sure that what Aegon says is true, and that she really has feelings for him.

So, getting up, he was ready to leave Godswood, but his brother stopped him, saying, "Where are you going, Jae?"

"To talk with her. Where else do you think? You put this doubt in me-"

"Do that and everything will be fucked."

At hearing this, Jon immediately turned towards his brother approaching him, and asking with anger, "Stop playing around, Aegon, and tell me what you have done."

"What I had to do as an older brother," Aegon replied, approaching him, and wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "Make my little brother and my beloved aunt...happy." Emphasizing the word happy.


"Because when I'm going to be King, I want you to be my hand," Aegon replied, moving away, and sitting on the grass under the tree. "And for you to be a good hand, you need the perfect wife. Daenerys. You are happy, she is happy, the family is happy, the kingdom is happy."

"The Kingdom not so much," he chuckled, as his anger was starting to fade and his brother did the same, sticking the dagger into the grass, before pulling it out.

"The Lords won't. But for that, we had three dragons."

"Small dragons," he corrected his brother.

"Small but still dragons. Those sheep are only waiting for the right opportunity to steal them, Jae. And I don't want that to happen. I want for this family to stay strong and united. Only those who are truly loyal should be accepted into our ranks. Father doesn't understand this."

"And your cousin Quentyn is not loyal?"

"He is a fucking ambitious bastard just like his father," Aegon replied scoffing, planting his dagger back into the ground. "You know that of all the cousins we had, he and Joffrey are the ones that I hate the most. Only Arianne-"

"Of course you liked. She was the first woman you fucked."

"Only once and in grieving time, you know that," Aegon complained, and the memories of that year returned, and his heart bleeds again like that day when they found out that Rhaenys disappeared. "But I must say that she has two beautiful big breasts and down there-"

"Enough Aegon. I don't want to hear these things, especially because in the near future, she may become my goodsister."

"No. No one of us wants that, and she wants to rule Dorne," Aegon replied, before adding immediately, "But you know that is to Oberyn that I am most close, and in fact, I asked him to help me with that as well, but he refused of course because it didn't benefit Dorne."

And at hearing this, Jon wondered what may have happened in these years to coven such a hate in Aegon towards Quentyn Martell and his father. However, there was something else that was haunting his mind besides the Lords' reactions.

So, wetting his lips, Jon asked, "And father? What will he think or do?" fearing the consequences of this action, not for him but for her. He would not be able to bear the burden of guilt if something happened to her because of his choices.

"Nothing. He will accept it, if you win the tourney, of course"

"What?!" Jon shouted, thinking that he heard wrong.

"Yeah. I kind forgot to mention you that my plan was involving the tourney and you fighting in it."

"Tell me that all this wasn't your idea, Aegon," he said, almost pleading, with hand on his hips, while his brother, shrugging his shoulders, said, "I would lie if I say that I didn't have a hand in this. Our aunt was not happy with our father's choice and I told her: 'Why don't you ask for a tournament to decide on your groom. After all, maybe the one you want will take part to the tourney.'."

"And she listened to you?"

"Of course she did. She may not have feelings for me like she does for you, but she takes my advice gladly," his brother said, before adding immediately, holding up his hand, "Not that I care that she loves you. My prey is far more different."

"By the Old Gods, Aegon. You are such a fool!" he said harshly, turning around, and hitting the near tree with his forearm, releasing the anger with a scream.

"Calm down brother. Everything is fine. You will win."

"No, it isn't! I can't beat my opponents who will surely be better than me! Even maybe bigger!"

"You will. Leave everything to me," his brother replied, approaching him and placing a hand on his shoulder. "You will win our aunt's hand and will make her very happy. Once that happens, father will not be able to do anything."

"And if this plan fails and another one wins the tourney? If some old wrecked of a lord wins it. What will we do then, huh?"

"Oh...do not worry, little Brother. I'm sure the White Wolf can defeat some old wrecked southron," his brother replied, smiling, patting his back, as Jon was cursing him right now for the mess he made, and heard Aegon say, "Now let's talk about my payment."

"Your payment?! After the mess in which you put us you want a payment?!" shouted Jon in disbelieve.

"Shush and listen. A few years ago, I met a very wild girl, and I fell in love with it."

"Of course, you did. Then you took her to bed, and she gave you a child and threatens to cut your balls off if you don't marry her."

"Close your mouth and be serious. As I was saying I met a young girl, very wild, but also very beautiful. She's obviously a bit younger than me, but I've fallen completely in love with her."

"I don't see what that has to do with me."

"It's Arya Stark, Jae," his brother said the name, and Jon's heart almost stopped, muttering a 'fuck'.

"What? Have you lost your mind?"

"I know, but I can't help it, brother. When I think of her I feel butterflies flying in my belly. I've never had such strong feelings for a girl before."

"That little girl must have given you a major beating three years ago to make you think this," Jon chuckled, looking at his brother who glared at him instead.

"It wasn't a beating. I just let her win," his brother snorted in defence, tilting his nose up, as a proud arrogant, prince.

"Of course. Keep telling yourself that," Jon said, trying to suppress a smile.

"You have to help me with this Jae," his brother said pleadingly. "You need to tell me how to win her heart."

"You can't. She has a wild nature, Aegon. Arya doesn't like being a lady. What makes you think she will agree to be a future queen?"

"Your mother is wild as her, and she has been won."

"Then ask our father how to do it, I can't help you. I have my own problems."

"But he doesn't know Arya as well as you do. You two practically grew up together," Aegon replied, "Please, brother. Help me as I have helped you."

"Great help you have given me. I still have to think about how to keep our father from finding out about me joining the tourney, and what to do about Braavos."

"Leave everything to me brother. But you help me with this," Aegon said, and Jon hesitantly nodded. What a mess this brother of his has made. If only Rhae was still here. He could have used her help to put some sense in that empty head of his.


A week later...

'This was a bad idea. A very bad idea. But you need to take deep breaths, Jon, and calm yourself. Calm yourself and everything will be all right,' he tried to assure himself, but in vain, as he was waiting for his turn to come. He will fight against some young son of Lord from the Riverlands, and according to Aegon he wasn't a big deal. 'Damn Aegon. If he is going to survive this tourney of the bride, he will kick his brother ass so hard that the wall will fall under his painful screams.'

The horns started to blow, and he knew it was time. So taking one last deep breath through the helmet that was hiding his face, he entered the arena that was set up outside the capital. A great circle filled with spectators of high and low rank.

At its center, he saw his opponent waiting for him. The Frey champion who was proudly displaying the Twins on his armour. Damn bastard. they spread like rats and are more slippery than snakes. Not to mention the fact that that wretched man of Walder Frey, still alive, and for sure waiting for one last bride to marry, before he kicks out. And this time of dragon's blood it. But he won't allow it. He will beat the shit out of this Frey and sent back to that shithole from where they all came.

His father got up and started to say something to them, but Jon didn't pay attention, keeping his gaze instead on his aunt Daenerys who was sitting on the left between his mother and his brother Aegon, who was grinning in his face and nodding to him.

Her suitors challenged each other for the past few hours, under the cheerful crowd, Now another pair were going to face each other before the mid-day break, but she was so bored that she didn't pay attention to their fights, too immersed in her own thoughts. And those thoughts were about him. About Jaehaerys. Or Jon how he loved to be called by his mother and by her when they were children chasing each other around the Red Keep, making mess after mess, together. Always together, till her brother had the great idea to make his foster in that cold place that was the North away from her.

And now, he had just returned from the North after years of fostering and fights against the wildlings recently, and her brother another great idea to send him to deal with some Braavosi, not even giving them a chance to spend some time together. To talk about the old good days of their childhood, when they were running through the Godswood of King's Landing, or up the stairs of Dragonston. To give her a chance to talk to him and reveal what she feels for him. What she has always felt even though they were apart. That she never forgot the promise made in front of that tree. But as always, her brother ruined everything.

Suddenly she felt a tug at his elbow, and Aegon, saying, "Dany. Can you please pay attention to this match," while she looked towards him confusedly.


"Trust me. You don't want to miss this fight," Aegon replied, grinning and waving for the cupbearer to pour him some wine.

"Why should I do if I don't give a damn about them, let alone about the winner?"

"Because I believe this fighter from Lys has all the cards to win the tournament," Aegon replied, confidently.

"Yet you didn't reply to my question. Why should I care?"

But he didn't get the chance to reply as the crowd started to cheer loudly, and turning, Daenerys saw the Frey champion knocked on the ground, holding his arm that looked to be broken, while the Lyseni champion, was looking straight at her, and pointing the sword at his opponent's throat.

"I yelled!" screamed the Frey, so loudly like he was a little crying girl, and the Lyseni moved away, before turning to the royal box, and after a bow left the field while a Maester rushed to the man, to help him.

Leaning towards her nephew, Daenerys asked, "Who is he?"

"A Lyseni nobleman. Very rich, very powerful, and especially very handsome."

"Pha! Handsome!" she mocked her nephew, leaning back and drinking a goblet of sweet red wine. No man is more handsome than her Jon and she for sure has no intention in marrying this foreigner. At the end of this tourney, she made her mind to run away from the capital and hide somewhere in the free cities, where maybe one day Jon will come and so they will have the chance to be together.

As soon as the field was cleared, another pair of knights joined the field. One was wearing proudly the emblem of the red stallion upon a gold shield, on a brown field, the colours of House Bracken.

His opponent instead was Renly Baratheon, the new Lord of Rosby, cradled in a suit of enameled green armor with a helm adorned with a pair of golden antlers that was made by Tobho Mott, the best smith of King's Landing. What impressed her, of all the men who attended the tourney, was the fact that they both were wielding longsword.

When she turned to her nephew to huddle with him, Daenerys found the seat empty, and she found it very odd. Why would he miss such an important match between two great opponents?


"Well, brother. You beat the shit out of that Frey," laughed Aegon stepping inside his tent, and he immediately lowered his sword, which he grabbed a few moments before at hearing noises.

"Stop coming unannounced," he blurted drinking a few goblets of water to suppress the burning he was feeling.

"You have made a good impression on our sweet aunt, brother," Aegon said, pulling out a flask that had for sure some wine, maybe Dornish.

"Well, well, well...I knew you had a hand in this," came a voice from the entrance of the tent, and they both froze in place. It was Oberyn Martell, the Red Viper, and Aegon's uncle.

"Uncle. What are you doing here?"

"Just wandering around to see those green boys piss themselves at seeing the Red Viper," Oberyn replied but with the gaze fixed on him. "King Rhaegar didn't inform me that his second son was taking part to the tourney for his sister's hand."

"Because he doesn't know and I advise you to not tell him," Aegon said, taking another sip.

"And do tell me, dear nephew, why shouldn't I tell him?"

"Because your favorite nephew is asking," Aegon replied, smirking and taking another sip. "And because you don't want your ass to be kicked by my mother for this."

"But the tourney is in the interest of Dorne. Why shouldn't I denounce something to the king because it may damage my House future?"

"Because frog face will never get the chance to lay a finger on her," Aegon replied, with seriousness and approaching the man. "But do tell me, uncle, whose words the king is going to believe? His son's or of someone who is the second son of a House that don't have much in his future beside drinking whoring and fighting till the stranger will claim him."

Oberyn said nothing in reply, glancing between them, before turning on his heels and leave.

"Don't worry brother. He won't open his mouth. Now go eat and rest a bit. In the afternoon you will have more challenges."

"Who will be my next opponent?"

"Loras Tyrell, Champion of House Tyrell, as per agreement between our father and Lady Ollena, since Willas can't fight for his bride," Aegon replied, and he sighed.

Jon was aware of the reputation of this knight of flowers, and he was sure that he will be a far tougher opponent than Frey. "Do not worry, brother, he is a skilled knight indeed, but his arrogance is his weakness...besides Renly Baratheon of course."

"What?" he asked almost choking on his water. "He and Renly Baratheon are lovers?" and his brother nodded, looking out of the tent with crossed arms. "But Renly Baratheon is participating in the tourney."

"So? Remember that this tourney is open to everyone skilled enough to win it without cheating, though if the Knight of Flowers defeats you, I doubt Renly Baratheon will fight his lover."

Jon said nothing, continuing to drink the water, and heard his brother say, "Now, you need to rest and gather your strength before the next opponent, while I need to go back to the box and attend the tourney will try to win my own lady.

Jon chuckled, and sighing, asked, "How it's going?"

"Bad. Remember. Put on your helmet when I'm gone. You don't want to get caught, do you?"

With these words, Aegon left the tent, and he immediately put on the helmet, lowering his visor and sighing, leaving his tent, after placing a cape on, heading to the flee bottoms where he was staying.


When he left his brother's tent, Aegon never expected to find her on his way. Arya Stark. She was walking through the tents, looking at every banner, and he wondered who she was looking for.

So, fixing his tunic, and his hairs, he headed straight towards her, and once he was a few steps from her, Aegon called, her, "Lady Arya. Welcome to King's Landing."

"Prince Aegon. Thank you for your welcome, but if you call me lady again, you will find yourself with a black eye."

And Aegon started to laugh. It seems he forgot that she hated that title, and by what she was wearing, it seems she also hated women's clothes.

"How may I help you, La-forgive me, but I really don't know how to call you."

"Arya it's enough, and stop trying to seduce me. I'm not like the other maidens who fall at your feet, Prince," the girl said, continuing to walk.

He, shaking his head, rushed after her, and walking with hands clasped behind, asked, "Anyway. How may I help you, Arya?"

"What makes you think I need your help, Prince Aegon?"

"Well, you are alone here wandering through the tents, so it must be because you are searching for someone."

"Maybe I am," she said, almost as if she was teasing him, or maybe mocking him? If he was a different prince, he would have punished her for this insolence, but he wasn't like that.

Wetting his lips, he asked, "A suitor?"

"Are you jealous, my Prince?" she asked, smirking playing along, and the way she said 'my prince' made his cock stir in his breeches.

"Maybe. Or maybe not? Maybe I'm only curious, my la-" he stopped himself, biting his lips, and raising his hands at seeing her glare at him. "Forgive me."

"You are...and to answer your question, I'm searching for my cousin," she said, and in that moment, it hit him.

"Edric? Yes. But he isn't fighting if that is what you are afraid of. He is only helping Darkstar with the armour despite him not being his squire."

Arya said nothing, as she resumed her walk in the search, and he followed her. He will have to use this opportunity to his advantage, and maybe try to avoid any tenderness that could spark between Edric Dayne and Arya Stark.

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You became an orphan, niece to the King, you soon find yourself living in the Red Keep, and surrounded with more vipers than dragons. So he betrothed...