Chapter 2: Reunited

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King's Landing. A place that she left behind long time ago and swore to never return again, especially because of her father who would for sure try to kill Valerion and sell her off to some ambitious Lord, in exchange of loyalty, especially because there are still those who are plotting against him even now. He may not know that, but she does.

"Well, it seems it hasn't changed that much since I last visited it," Valerion said, wrapping his arms around her waist, and caressing her belly that just a few months before had carried their second child.

"I have a feeling that this was a bad idea, Val," she replied, placing her hands on his arms wrapped around her.

"Well a bad idea for sure, considering the high possibility that your father will cut my head off the moment he will see me," Valerion said, jokingly, and chuckling, as she sighed, saying, "I won't allow it. But I suggest you put on your armour and bring your sword, not the spear. I wouldn't want you to get killed because of small quarters should a fight arise."


Once down from the ship, they started to head towards the Red Keep, however, stopped at hearing that a tourney was held outside the King's Gate, and taking her husband's hand, headed in that direction, while Valerion said, jokingly, "Do you think if I attend the tourney your father will be less eager to cut off my head?"

While she only rolled her eyes at his statement, hearing the crowd cheer louder and louder, the more she approached them.

When she got there, Rhaenys tightened the clock around her, so that no one will recognize her, making her way through the dense crowd. Stopping only at a distance where she can see everything and where no one can recognize her.

"And there they are," Valerion whispered nodding towards the royal box where her father was sitting, with her mother to his left and Lyanna Stark to his right. At Lyanna's side was sitting her aunt Daenerys with Aegon right next to her, busy in talking to a girl that looked a lot like Lyanna Stark, and who really didn't seem to enjoy his attention.

To her mother's side instead was sitting her uncle Viserys, with a very bored expression, and next to him his wife Lady Ysilla Royce.

Suddenly she felt tucking at her clock and heard Valerion say, "Look at this man, Rhae," as she saw him point towards the field. "The way he fights, the way he moves. Such a wildness, and at the same time with so much elegance. Who do you think he is?"

"I don't know. Never saw his emblem before," she replied, looking at the knight in the dark armour, who was facing a member of House Yronwood, before returning her gaze towards her family. It seems the only one who was missing was her little brother Jae. He must still be in the North with his uncle or maybe he was already married to some lady, daughter of a rich and power-hungry lord, as she had been promised to those damn Tyrell. Luckily, she managed to escape that cage that was forced upon her since she was born.

The crowd started to cheer, and when she looked towards the field, Rhaenys saw the fighter that impressed Valerion with his skills won, and left the field, while she, taking her husband's hand made her way out from the crowd, "Let's head to the Red Keep before they return."


"What do you think of this...knight, if he can be called that way, Dany? Do you see him as a suitable husband?" Rhaegar said, tagging a goblet of wine and drinking some arbor wine.

"I don't know, your grace. I would first have to inquire of what he has under his armour and how well he can wield his sword."

"Lyseni are gifted with pleasure, dear Auntie, I am sure he will be able to satisfy a dragoness," Aegon said, placing a kiss on Daenerys' knuckles as he warned them.

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