By Lattysweets

325 39 0

"If your body is the only weapon you have, then use it to fight." Billenna Gibson was open minded about h... More



38 7 0
By Lattysweets

              《Chapter 5》

             《Roshenko's pov》

"It was just a one night fling I swear," I told Billenna, I have been fucking Erica on and off for the past five months, she was very available.

   I was just really drunk a few nights ago and she came to my penthouse so I just took what she had to offer again.

"Did I ask you anything?" Billenna asked, her face was so impassive, I didn't know if she was angry or not.

"There is absolutely nothing going on with me and her alright." I told her. "I don't care, you know I'm carrying your child and that's the only thing we have together, now get the fuck out of my house before I call the police." She said crossly.

  I didn't even know why I was explaining myself to her, but did she really just said she did not care. "You don't care?" I asked her.

  "Why should I?" she asked, looking at me with not even a twitch to her eyes, to say that maybe she did cared a little.

"I want to be fully in our child's life," I said walking towards her. "I'm going to be a good father to my child and I don't want Erica so don't worry about her."

  "Do I look worried to you? I'm not, what ever you want to do with your company dick ain't my problem, tsk now get out bitch," she said sarcastically, did she really just call me a bitch, I looked angrily at her.

  "Bitch is someone with a pussy, do you see me with one?" I asked her. "Bitch is someone with a pussy and you act like you have one so, hey bitch!" she snarled, I think she's just purposefully pissing me off.

"Go to sleep," I told her and walked out of her room, I was really trying to work things out with her, but she's being stubborn and feisty.

  I was awoken by a lawn mower, mowing a lawn close by. I got up and showered in the guest bathroom. I hope Billenna was in a better mood today.

  I went out from the room in a sweat pants and no shirt, she was rinsing up some used items in the kitchen, "Morning." no answer. "Good morning Billenna." I said.

  Her feisty ass did not answer, I looked at how sexy she looked pregnant, with her round ass and wide hips and my dick stood up.

  She was putting the washed items into the dish drainer and I went behind her, bracing on her, she pushed me off with her butt.

  I kissed her neck and she turned around trying to hit me with a bowl, I dodged away from her strike.

  She looked at me angrily and I moved away to the stove to make some coffee, I found none in the cupboards so I made some chocolate tea, since that was the only other thing in the cupboard besides beverage teabags.

Drinking it I scrolled through my phone, Erica sent me about a dozen messages which I didn't open and I only replied to the business messages that are important.

  I pulled on a t shirt and my jogging sneakers, and jogged up to my mother's house near the woods. The front view was beautiful, with the lovely gardens that my mother had planted, it was my favourite part of the yard, I jogged up the long drive to the house.

  Knocking on the backdoor, I could already smelled the breakfast. "Good morning mama." I said when she opened the door. "Good morning love, where is your car?" she asked. "Mama her house is right down thier." I pointed showing my mom Billenna's house.

  I had told my mom about Billenna yesterday evening when I came to visit her, feeling angry that I had been searching all over for Billenna, when she only lived a few houses from where I grew up.

  My mom did tell me someone had moved into the house that had been sold, but I did not think to check who did. I didn't think Billenna would move to this far side of the city.

  "So when am I going to meet her?" mom asked. "I'll let you know mom." I replied, not sure I want Billenna to know my first and always home was only a short walk from her place just yet.

  Breakfast was good as usual, nothing beats my mom's home cooked meals. After telling my mom I'll see her later, I walked back to Billenna's house.

  Billenna was inside her bathroom when I went inside the house, I quickly took off my clothes, knocked the door and went in.

  "Hey what do you think you're doing?" She asked vexedly. "Taking a shower with my babymama." I told her. "I want to take you shopping if you have any last minute things to purchase."

"I already bought all my baby's things you absentee." She snarled at me, I snatched her wash rag from her hand and began to lather her back.

  My dick got hard from rubbing against her butt, but I wasn't going to trouble her right now, maybe later although it would have helped to calm her angry temper.

  With hat and shades to lessen the attention on me, I took her to some of the more expensive babystores so I could purchase anything her heart desires for our baby.

  It was good to shop when the place wasn't crowded, the parking lots had only a few vehicles as well. I carried the few bags, as we walked to my car across the parking lot.

A car was driving fast coming in our direction but I know they see us, must be some idle teenager enjoying the emptiness of the parking lot this early I thought and we continued to walk to my car.

  I turned to see the car baring down on us at a high speed, I pushed Billenna to run as I ran trying to out run the car.

  My mind was in a panic state as I wondered what the hell was this, the car slammed into us knocking us both to the ground.

  I tried to get up but I couldn't, I looked over to Billenna and she was a couple metres away from me, a car door opened and I tried to look up, my gaze was blurry.

  As I stretched towards Billenna, loud explosions were heard, a screech of tires followed after and I fell into unconsciousness.

       *                      *                          *

  I listened to the sounds around me, as I tried to open up my eyes, everything was blurry as I try to focus. Someone was talking to me, but I didn't know who it was.

  I tried to move but it seems I couldn't. "Where am I?" I asked,  my voice not sounding like my own. "You're in the hospital, now relax." Someone familiar said.

  After a while a man in a white coat came in, my vision was blurry and I tried hard to look on who the person was.

  "Hello Mr Ramsarwan, I'm doctor Jacobsen, it's good to see you have awaken. Don't force yourself too much, you have had a terrible accident resulting in a concussion."

  The man who said he was the doctor spoke, is voice faded out as I slipped back into oblivion.

  When I awake again, my mother was with me, I smelt her perfume before I turned my head and saw her, sleeping with her head near mines.

  It was quiet and I wasn't sure if it was night or day, as the blinds at the window were closed.

  I tried to get up and realized my feet wouldn't allow me, I lift the sheet from off of me and saw both my legs in plaster polish.

Everything came back to me in a rush, the car chasing us and then, us.. wait where was Billenna?

  My movements cause my mother to awaken, she looked at me with her eyes swollen and red rimmed from crying.

  She got up and hug me. "How are you feeling?" She asked weakly. "I'll be alright I guess, hummn, mom where is Billenna?" My voice was gravelly.

  "She's alive." She answered and paused. "She's two floors down, your sister is with her." She finished looking at me sadly.

  Dujoun came in at that moment, he asked my mother to excuse a moment and he helped me to relieve myself in a bucket, then a nurse came to assist me with my hygiene.

  After the doctor finished checking me, my mother came back with my sister. "Hey you big ogre." My sister hugged me. "Thanks for not dying." She said tearfully.

"You will have to continue putting up with this ogre." I told her, I looked at both of them meaningfully, they know what I wanted to know, but Dujoun cleared his throat and began to speak.

"The child is dead, it was a boy, it was either her or him, the doctors did  everything they could. She is stable and will be leaving the hospital today." He finished.

  I had a lot of questions the first one being. "How long have I been in here?" "One week today, you'll be doing some more tests before you leave and with two broken legs, I'm sure I won't be having any problems with you, having your own way." He said.

  He's damn right, I'd be out of this bed right now, I lay back feeling miserable. Who the hell tried to run me and Billenna over? I thought angrily.

  When my mother and sister left that afternoon, Dujoun told me they could not find the person wearing a black hoody and mask that ran us over.

     *              *                *

The police still had no leads a month after, Billenna was still not talking to me. I sat in my wheelchair beside her bed, she curled herself up and gave me her back whenever I come to look for her.

  We were at my mother's home, Billenna was in a state of depression, she hardly ate or leaves the room. My mother, her sister and my sister, all tried to cheer her up to no avail.

  How does one get over losing someone, I haven't met my child yet I felt so hurt. I rubbed her back as I hear her quietly crying, she has been doing that now and then.

  The doctor says it is good that she's crying, she cringed away from me. I didn't try to touch her again, since it was obvious she hates and blames me.

(Billenna's pov)

10 months later

  That workout was what I needed to start my day, I've been exercising as a therapy. It helps to some extent, to never hold my child in my arms hurt so bad.

  He was so perfect, but there was nothing the doctors could do, he was too long without oxygen and I wasn't strong enough to push him out quickly.

  Someone tried to kill me well us, Roshenko complained that I should have told him about the first time, that I realized someone was following me, but I had thought it was him or Dujoun his butler, driver, valet etcetera.

  The warm water ran from my head to my feet, as I stood in the shower, I had dedicated myself to the thought of being a mother, it hurt me my baby died and I'm not.

  Switching off the shower, I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my body and one around my head. I would start working again, as a gala model.

  The private investigators Roshenko had hired, wanted us both where they can watch us. My sister thought it was the best idea, she was worried for me.

  Not wanting her to be too worried, I agreed to go back and work thier. I went to the kitchen and prepared a meal, browsing Netflix while the food cooked I tried to relax.

  Fried rice with peppered finely cut chicken breast and vegetable, I ate and watched a movie. When I woke up it was after three in the afternoon.

  I packed my bag choosing two beautiful wigs that I had made for my debut.

  Charlie and Alicia was excited to see me that evening, they hugged and squeezed me. There were only a handful of people who knew about the accident and even fewer knew that I was even carrying a child.

  Roshenko was extremely sad and angry over the baby's death, I was surprised to find out how excited he was when he found out that I was pregnant. With his hopes of being a father dashed, he hardly came out of his office or was seen by his staffs, when he was at work.

  He had directed his full attention to his work and finding who tried to kill us. "Done, it is always so easy to do your makeup, your face being so perfect." I smiled at Lisa, whatever does she mean by me having a perfect face.

  She and Charlie were to stay with me until I finished modelling the three new designed outfits tonight. I came out in my pink rapunzel wig, to start the show.

My second outfit to hit the runway, I wasn't pushing too hard this was just my re-entrance.

And I toned it down with an orange wig for the third. Dropping some acrobatic poses for our photographer.

  Erica was next on the stage, she passed me flashing me her usual beautiful smile, I gave her a shy wave as we passed each other.

  Charlie was waiting for me a few feet away, I changed and he and Alicia collected and packed up the clothes, while I change into my clothes.

  They walked me to my car after we left the clothes back where they were supposed to be, locked in Rowana's office and work room.

  That floor was on guard all night, the parking lot have guards too. We wished each other goodnight and then went into our separate cars driving off.

  It feels weird to be under surveillance, I knew the P.I.'s were watching and following me, just in case whosoever did not succeed before tried to succeed again.

  As I lay in bed that night, I thought hard if I had offended anyone at all, without realizing, Suzanne called and I answered.

  "Hey girl, what's up?" I answered. "Nothing much, been a while since we met up, tomorrow is my mom's birthday, so you and your sister better get your beautiful butts over here at six pm." I laughed at how she got right to the point.

  I message my sister to tell her, when we hung up and then I tried to sleep. The show wasn't so bad, after all and any private shows I was booked for, Charlie or Alice would go with me.

  The next evening at Suzanne mother's birthday party, I was mildly surprised to see Erica thier. It seems Suzanne and her had turned big friends.

  I decided to ask her about it, the chance came when she came and sat between me and my sister, we squeezed her like we use to do when we were kids.

"It's good to see you both, are you girls enjoying the party?" "Yea," "sure." We answered her. "But, I have a burning question to ask." I told her, "Ask away." She grinned.

  "You and Erica are good friends now?" She looked over to where she was at chatting with a group of four and my head turned towards the person in question too. "Not really, but she's kinda just always near me, hence the invite. She's pretty cool though." She replied.

  "Yea, where is she from? I can't remember seeing her around." My sister asked, she is a club goer and was more out going than I was. "I never really asked her, we just kinda run into each other sometimes during modelling shoots." Suzanne replied.

  We quickly changed the conversation as Erica head over to us. "Hey ladies, cool party Suzanne, thanks for inviting me." She said sitting beside us, we smile and nodded "No problem hun." Suzanne responded to her.

  She and my sister started up a convo, but if I knew my sister well, she will be giving us some juicy details later, she was like a detective.

  Me and Suzanne excused our self and we went to her room. "Billenna, I wanted to ask you, how are you holding up?" She asked concerned. "I'm much better now, just watching my back, though I still feel they were just after Roshenko." I told her.

  "I feel that way too, I am still so upset, but I just want you to continue being strong." She said hugging me. "Thank you I will." I told her as I hugged her back.

  Suzanne and her mom had been really supportive, after my near death, they both came to visit me offering comfort and bringing homemade baked goodies.

  After dropping my sister off I head home, at the second stoplight I felt rather than saw that I was being followed.

  I dialed one of the P.I. and a man answered and said. "Continue driving and turn off of the road at the fifth road exit." "Ok." I said and ended the call.

  The fifth exit led into a poor housing scheme, with a few abandoned apartment blocks. Not sure what to do, I parked at one of the many houses lining the street and opened the door as if I was getting out.

  The car pulled to a stop a few metres behind me, I put both of my feet on the pavement and held my phone to my ear as if I was talking to someone.

  The car pulled out with the lights dim, it was dark grey, behind it a black car drove up without headlights. I pulled in my legs and closed my car door, the car stopped right beside mine.

  Moving the phone from my ears, I sat thier feeling scared, a single shot rang loud into the early night. The car sped off with the black one speeding away behind it.

  I started my car turned and drove off in the direction I had came from. Shots were heard some distance away as I drove hurriedly home, I called Roshenko to tell him what had happened, but he wasn't answering.

  After leaving him a short message about the incident, I got ready for bed, he was probably with Erica. I had told my sister and Suzanne about them after the accident.

  Suzanne pretend to not know anything and I did the same thing with Erica. It's a good thing our paths were hardly crossed.

  On Friday night as I got ready to go on stage, Erica came off to a screaming crowd, she waved and walked pass me in a floor length pink wig.

  Lisa did a double take at seeing her, I waved back at her she looked really good. Is she imitating me? I wondered looking at her shoes, which was the exact design as one of the ones I wore last week.

  If there was one thing I know, the people who attended the gala's loved competition. They loved new designs, models who could worked the runway, pose, dance and entertain.

  When my stage name was called I went on stage with a totally different plan from the one I originally had.

To be continued..

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