A Two Year Desire

By XXcailaXX

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Two childhood best friends made a deal two years ago to have a steamy and secret relationship without any com... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty One
Chapter Fourty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Fourty Five
Chapter Fourty Six
Chapter Fourty Seven
Chapter Fourty Eight
Chapter Fourty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five

Chapter Thirty

469 9 0
By XXcailaXX

I can't complain on how good my life I going right now I'm almost done with school it's fast approaching and I'm dying to have that diploma in my hands already.

School finals are over and I just need to hope I did good enough, my whole future depends on it. As for everything else max and Dylan are going strong we don't hang out that much anymore but it's fine because I really want them to work I'm always encouraging them to make plans together and they know I'm they're number one biggest fan. Grace and Liam are going they're own thing like always it's cute seeing they're relationship become stronger and cuter as the days go on. As for me still single with my dog but I have a new buddy or enemy buddy. I've been spending a lot of time at the dealership since they need me there to sing papers as parts come in and just car stuff meaning I'm always having talks with Noah.

Some are insults towards each other others are simple talks and other times he's teaching me about cars which I don't really pay attention too but nod my head so he can think I'm understanding whatever non sense he's trying to stick in my brain.

"Okay princess today's the day" he announces taking the magazine from my hand away. "That I get my car back and never see you again" I say holding up my hands together that it looks like I'm praying.

"No! And you don't want that you love my face it's so well made" he's not lying but he's too cocky about it which makes me roll my eyes. I swear I roll my eyes more to this guy than I probably blink. He just says a lot of stupid but true things I don't want to admit.

"Whatever anyways today is the day you work on you're own car" he says happily pulling me by my arm.

"Hey! No isn't that against customer policy or shit like that Ricardo?" I yell to Noah's father who I met recently and is a very nice guy. "I don't know sweetheart I'm just the owner" he says in his Spanish accent that I love so much Noah has it but it isn't as good as his father Noah just sounds white.

"See wait what Ricardo! I'm going to do that against my will and you're up for it" I scoff he just shrugs and goes back to cleaning his floors.

"Come on princess let me show you my work space" he leads me to a huge garage that smells like gasoline and sweat they're is cars and pieces of cars every where which makes me wonder how do they get any work done.

"My place is over here come on princess walk faster"

"I'm in heels piss boy" I scoff which makes him grain and carry me bridal style the guys around don't even look our way I've met them all and so far everyone likes me except for this one girl who's name I don't remember.

"You just wanted to be carried didn't you" he says setting me down on his chair next to my car that's elevated to my waist. "Eh kind of but I also have heels on which I can't walk to fast on" I shrug getting up and looking at my car.

"You really love this car don't you" he asks getting under it with some told I don't know.

"Yeah I'm in love with it, it actually use to belong to my twin brother he saved up all his Christmas money since my mom didn't want him to have a car yet he took it in his own hands and bought it but the problem was that he was 14 at the time meaning no permit or license my mom was furious" I laugh at the memory "keep going I want to know where this goes" he pops back out for another tool, for a second I thought he wasn't going to listen and just wanted to torcher me by sitting here all bored but it's better than being outside with no one there.

"Anyways my mom yelled at him but it want nothing it was just a "You don't even know how to drive and you bought this junk you know what I don't even care it's you're money this thing is useless but it's yours I'm leaving" it was so funny after she stormed out but after Nico and I turned 16 and he got his license him and Mathias who's a friend of ours since we were young they went on a trip since this used to be a racing car they thought all the racing parts were still in it like the engine and we'll yeah you know you're a mechanic" He laughs.

"I am a mechanic and a racer" he winks going out and then under again.

"Well that same night they got int a crash it was small nothing to drastic which made them both realize that they're stupid after my brother got more careful with it he would drive me around town since I still didn't get my license"

"Why didn't you get you're license" he asks "I was too scared to drive" we laugh and I continue "we would go on midnight trips to gas stations and buy some snacks but we would go to a road trip gas station because Nico always said they have the best snacks instead of a regular gas station. Sometimes it would be like 3 am and Nico would drag me out of my sleep because he was hungry and wanted fast food we would eat it in this car and sometimes even watch the sunset."

"You and you're brother seem so close why did he leave I'm sorry for stepping boundaries never mind"

"No it's okay you're my friend now piss boy" I laugh which he shoots his middle finger at me in a joking manner. "We were closed but that changed after years of separation we had a falling out that same year and until I think this year we became okay again and never spoke about the situation which worked for the both of us since we needed to forget that ever happened" I say reliving the same memory of Nico finding out about Mathias and I and how furious he got when we didn't tell him. He wasn't mad about the situation he was mad we didn't think we could trust him and tell him about it.

"And after he moved last month,yeah it's been hard living alone without him there but I might see him after graduation next month so I'll be okay" I tell him but he gives me a look when he comes back from under the car.

"What" I ask "how old are you" he asks back ignoring my question.

"Im turning 18 why?"

"So you're 17 and living alone? No parents" he states.

"No parents, Oh hey and talking about age how old are you?"

"Just turned 19 it was the day after I met you actually" he responds "oh happy late birthday then"

"Thank you princess"

"Anytime piss boy" I laugh "we need a new nickname for me" he groans. "Nope Piss boy suits you"

Talking to Noah is refreshing like im finally moving on from everything else and finally focusing on what's good for me. Noah is good for me.

My mom called me for a emergency meet in the middle of a fight with noah, well it wasn't a fight it was more of an argument about me being 'too high maintenance' because I didn't want to go under my own car and help him with it.

Once I get in the car and the driver starts the car I'm startled by who's next to me.

"Mathias you scared the fuck out of me what are you doing here" I yell

"Good to see you too darling is that your boyfriend I thought you were here for them to fix your car not flirt with the boss's kid"

"He's not my boyfriend we're just friends well kind of" I tell him

"How kind of?" he asks

"None of your business "

I don't know why I'm explaining myself but I somehow am Mathias is no one to know yet I feel like I'm betraying him. "wow" he scoffs after moments of silent.

"What do you mean wow"

"He's not good for you Lin" he warns looking down on his phone.

"He's better than you" I say looking out the window. He laughs then speaks "No one is better than me at pleasing you and you know that very well don't you darling"

"And to answer your question form earlier my parents and your mom wanted me here for some meeting"

"Isn't it bad for you to be here? After the Alex thing" I whisper. "I have to not seem suspicious so I have to come when asked"

"Have you heard anything? from the situation I mean"

"They have suspicions that's what dead but they haven't found a body yet so the mystery continues"

"When are you going to tell me the full truth of what happened that night" I ask "When everything blows down"

"But it has blown down" I push "it hasn't blown down fully it's until her case is dead bad pun by the way" he says getting out of the car.

"You are such an ass she was out friend you know, And we're acting like she was just a girl we knew" I yell

"Because she was just a girl we knew! Adelina if you saw the things she did or said that night you would understand. That's why we aren't making any effort to find her, even Dylan and Max who used to be her best friends stopped because they know it was a good idea not to be associated with her. He tells me in an angry tone which takes me back for a second.

"Then help me understand! I need to know if you don't want me to push anymore. Tell me the real story and not the fake sobby one you told me that night." I snapped but he just ignored me since we got to the restaurant already.

What an asshole, now I know why I hated him before.

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