The Little Merman and The Lit...

By ChildofCabin3

6.8K 256 370

1989's the Little Merman as Solangelo and Percabeth More

Coming soon!
Missing Sons
One Dance
Ship Wreck
Under The Sea
Broken Dreams
Poor Unfortunate Souls
Like a Siren
Doctor Mode
Les poissons
More then we're seeing
Bath Time
1 Day down, Two to go
Here For You
Next Morning
Kiss the Boy
Congratulations!.....or Not
Too Late
What's going on?
Is this victory?
Can I find Solace?
The Sun Doesn't Always Have to Shine
Great Timing Leo
Mess up
Explanations are in Order
A Deal With Nyx
Now We Are Part of Your World

Part of Your World

345 14 29
By ChildofCabin3

~Poseidon's point~

"What I'm supposed o do with you, young man?"
I said to Percy as he came home

"Father, look I'm sorry ok?, I forgot, I -

"And as a result of your carelessness-"

"Carelessness and recklessness" Luke cut in. He was mad because he was the one conducting the concert

"The whole celebration was, well, um?

"it was absolutely ruined! Destroyed! And now I am the laughing stock of the kingdom! Because you forget"

"But it was not his fault!" Grover yelled before realizing who he yelled at

" mean....there was a shark chasing us...yeah! And we tried swimming - but we couldn't - and - grrrrrrrrr - and - and whoooaaaaaa -"
He swam around demonstrating that chase.

"And then we got away, we were safe.
then we saw this dragon, and he was like this is this, and that is that, and -"

"Dragon? Wait. Did you go up to the surface again?! DID YOU?!!" I asked anger starting to boil.

"Come on Dad, Nothing happened. . . ." He said trying to reason with me

"Oh, Percy," I sighed

"How many times do I have to tell you? A barbaric could have seen you!

"They're not barbaric!" He yelled back at me

"They are a danger to us all. Do you think I want to see my oldest son on a fish-eater's hook?

"I'm nineteen! I'm not a kid anymore!"
He yelled in my face.

"Don't you dare take that tone with me young man! you live under my ocean so you'll obey my rules!"

"Father please just listen"
He bagged

"No! You are never, NEVER to go the surface again. Am I clear?!"

He didn't say anything but turned away tears in his eyes and swam away

"Teenagers think they know everything. You give them any leeway, and they swim all over you."

"Was I too hard on him?" I asked

"Not at all. if Percy was my son, I'd make sure he knen I was boss. None of this going to the surface and all that nonsense. No, I'd keep him under Constant supervision."

"You're right, Luke. That's what he needs"

"Of course it is"

"He needs someone to watch him and keep him out of trouble."

"Absolutely" he nodded in agreement

"And YOU'RE just the crab for the job." I said pointing at him

~Luke's point~

How did I get myself into this situation? It shouldn't be my job to follow around some headstrong teenager.

I saw moment in the corner of my eyes and looked to see Percy and Grover swimming off somewhere

"What's that boy up to now?"

Flounder: Ariel, are you okay?

~Hades' point~

I looked at me son as he came up to me.

"Are you at all sorry you miss the concert?" I asked as he stopped in front of me

"No" he said bluntly


"What?! You know I don't like singing in front of a lot of people! With you and a small amount of other people it's fine. But the WHOLE kingdom? Forgot it!

"What if I told you you embarrassed Jason in front of the WHOLE kingdom?!"
I asked

His turned to Jason
"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to do that to you"

"I know" Jason said simply

"You ruined the entire celebration!"

"Father please, he just wanted sometime with his friend Percy" Hazel spoke up.

"Percy?! You went to the surface!"

"Technically the ocean isn't the surface"
He said matter of factly

"It's close enough!"

"I'm sixteen father! I'm not a child!

"Sixteen is still considered a child!"


"Not one more word!" I cut him off

"This is my kingdom and that mean you follow MY rules! No surface and no ocean!"

Nico's lip quivered as tears formed in his eyes

"I hate you" he softly muttered before hurrying away

I sat back and sighed

"Look after him will you Jason? He listens to you"

"Yes your majesty"

~Nico's point~

I sat at the edge of a lake crying in Hazel's arms as she tried to comfort me.
After a few minutes I felt some one else place a hand on my back before sitting down next to me, I looked up to see Jason.

"Ever since we lost Bi and Mama he hasn't let me do anything!"

Jason sighed before speaking

"Look don't tell anyone and we can go ok?" He said a small smile on his face

"Really?" I asked shocked


"Thank you Jason!"

We got to the rock in front of the cave to see it had been moved so we went in.
There on the sand ground Percy was fiddling with the dinglehopper

"you okay Percy?" I asked coming and standing next to him

"I don't understand how he can say their so bad"

"Ah, got yelled at too?"

"Yeah....but they make such wonderful stuff"

♪Look at this stuff, Isn't it neat?
Wouldn't you think our collection's complete?♪

♪Wouldn't you think We're the boys The boys who have everything?♪

♪Look at this trove Treasures untold How many wonders can one cavern hold?♪

♪Lookin' around here you'd think Sure, they got everything We've got gadgets and gizmos aplenty We've got whozits and whatzits galore You want thingamabobs? We got twenty But who cares? No big deal we want more.♪

He nudged me in a attempt to get me to join but I shook me head

I wanna be where the people are I wanna see Wanna see 'em dancin' Walkin' around on those Whad'ya call 'em? oh - feet♪

♪Flippin' your fins you don't get too far Legs are required for jumpin', dancin' Strollin' along down a What's that word again? street♪
He moved his hips with such sass to his song that I was on the ground laughing.
He gestured for me to join again and I gave in.

♪Up where they walk Up where they run

Up where they stay all day in the sun

Wanderin' free Wish I could be Part of that world

What would I give If I could live Outta these waters?

What would I give If I could live Outta the darkness?

♪What would I pay To spend a day Warm on the sand?♪

♪Betcha on land They understand♪

♪Bet they don't reprimand their children♪

♪Bright young men Sick o' swimmin'♪

♪Bright young men Sick o' floatin'♪

♪Ready to stand And ready to know what the people know♪

♪Ask 'em my questions And get some answers♪

♪What's a fire and why does it What's the word? burn?♪

♪When's it my turn?♪

♪Wouldn't I love♪

♪Love to explore that shore up above?♪

♪Out of the sea♪

Out of the dark

We looked at each other and sighed

♪Wish We could be Part of that world♪

I'm adding a deleted song from the movie in the next chapter

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