You Broke Her Heart

By natasha_mik

7K 191 113

Nata lost her best friend, her mom, and the most important thing that belonged to her mother. Her life couldn... More

Dear Diary
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 12

257 8 8
By natasha_mik


Losing someone once is hard. You always wonder why it happened. Why they left you. Was it because of the fight that just caused them to leave your life forever. Losing someone in that way is sad isn't it?

Imagine losing someone, and then losing them again. And this time you lost them to death.

I sat in my living room, staring at the ceiling. My arms under my head.

Memories played inside my head, the pain slowly crawling in. I hated moments like these. Moments where I was in so much pain from losing him. I would cry for hours and hours.

The crying I've done this whole week was insane. Every little thing just caused me to break down.

Dad suggest I go see a therapist. I get it he's worried about me but I don't need a therapist.

First I lost my mother because of damn cancer, and now him. It was just so hard. I hated cancer with a passion, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Many people lose their loved ones because of cancer. There was nothing we could do about it except accept it.

"Fudge you Cancer!" My voice broke and I burst out in tears. I sat up putting my head into my hands.

When I looked up I saw David standing in the doorway he had a frown on his face.

He walked over to me and took a seat next to me. Putting one arm around me he brought me into his chest.

We sat like that for over thirty minutes. Me just crying and him comforting me.

"Nata please don't kill your self over his death." David finally spoke, he kept his voice low and soft. I looked up into his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so angry."

"Angry at what? Are you angry at Vladik? Who or what are you angry at?" David asked his voice a bit raised.

"Cancer. David I'm angry at cancer!" I screamed, David winced closing his ear against his shoulder.

"I know, I am too. But please lighten up a little please! It's hurting me to see you like this." He sighed running a hand through his hair.

I leaned closer to him setting my head on his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered a tear rolling down my cheek. David didnt say anything. He just squeezed my arm laying his head atop of mine.

We sat in silence. More memories replayed in my head.

"You're such a comedian" Vladik chuckled taking my hand. I giggled squeezing his hand slightly.

"I wish!" I exclaimed dragging him towards the bench. We decided to take a walk down to the park.

"Trust me you would be an awesome comedian!" Vladik spoke sitting down on the bench. Grabbing me around the waist he plopped me down on his lap.

I didn't answer, we just sat there in silence. I was staring off into space.

And then I asked him something.

"Vladik have you ever thought about what happens after death? Like do you think there's afterlife?" He looked at me a smile played on his lips.

"Yeah there's an afterlife. You either go to heaven forever or to hell where you're always burning." He stated simply.

"Where do you think you'll end up?" I asked after a little while.

"Well, I honestly don't know, but I sure hope it'll be Heaven." His expression serious.

"Don't you have to be Christian to go to heaven?"

"Not exactly Christian. I mean all you need to do is believe that Jesus died for you, and follow the bible. Read the bible. Live by the bible." I had no idea how he knew all of this. Maybe secretly he was a Christian but I wasn't sure, he never told me. I mean if he was wouldnt he just have straight away told me?

"Oh." Was all I managed to say. The next thing that came out of my mouth surprised even me."I want to be Christian." Vladiks attention snapped to me and a grin broke out on his face. Then he raised an eyebrow. Leaning in for a kiss he then whispered.

"Nata, be a Christian with me."

I wasn't a Christian. Sure after that conversation at the park we started going to church almost everytime there was church. We read the bible together. We repented at church. We tried so hard to help anyone we could.

After almost three months we just sort of stopped. We still read the bible but that's all we really did. I had asked Vladik how come we don't do the things we used to do. But he told me he was too busy for that stuff.

I never realized how busy he actually was. It was about a month before he told me about his cancer.

He would always disappear on me from school. I now know to where. The hospital. He kept his secret away from me for month.

"Nata what are you thinking about?" David's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I sighed wiping my tears away.

"Me and Vladik used to be Christians." Sighing again I closed my eyes.

"Oh.." David's voice trailed.


I woke up in my bed. Squinting at my phone, it was 3 in the morning. Groaning I fell back into bed closing my eyes.

After ten minutes I was lying awake staring up at my ceiling.

My mind wandered to the day Kori gave me an envelope. Vladik had asked her to give it to me after he dies.

Suddenly a realization hit me. I haven't opened the envelope yet.

Jumping out of my bed I dug in my drawers for the letter.

Finding it wedged between two books I pulled it out. I was about to climb back into bed, but I felt my self hit something under my bed.

Leaning over I looked under the bed, my diary?

Pulling it out I stared at it confused. I scanned through my diary when an familiar handwriting caught my eye.

All it said was, 'I've always loved you.'

My eyes teared up realizing who it was from.

Throwing my diary aside I opened the envelope. Inside was a neatly folded piece of paper. I pulled it out unfolding it carefully.

Hey Nata! It read.

When you're going to be reading this I'm already going to be gone. There's just some things I need to tell you. I know they won't change a thing but I need to say them. I still love you and will always love you forever, even after I die. Sometimes when I look at you I think about how it would be if I didn't have cancer and you hadn't broken up with me. But then I realize if everything happened this way God had a reason. God always has a reason for everything. I know we didnt work out, and still even if we did I still would've left you. But never by choice. I would've never left you. But since it wasn't my decision I had to. You were always by my side while I was in the hospital. I was probably a pain. But still I'm so thankful. Thankful for such a wonderful person like you. Also I wanted to say sorry, sorry for everything. I'm so sorry for hurting you. I never meant to, I was stupid I thought I was cool. I'm so sorry Nata. I know how hard it is for you right now. You lost two people to cancer. You must hate it. Please I beg you don't kill yourself over it. Just keep your head up. You have two amazing friends, Kori and Rusya. You have an amazing family. I'm sure they don't like seeing you in so much pain. So please there's just one thing I ask from you, when I leave this world promise me that you will always smile and remember that God had a reason for taking me away from this world.

Love your dear friend,



Well!!! Tht was the end of my story YBHH. I hope you guys liked my story..

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