Endlessly [Chicago PD] (1)

By darknight1920

15.4K 230 23

UNDERGOING MAJOR EDITING! Caroline Blake returns to Chicago after four years when a case she was working on g... More

Before you read ✔
Cast ✔
Endlessly ✔️
Long time ago ✔
Now Is Always Temporary ✔️
Thirty Balloons ✔️
Conventions ✔️
The Price We Pay ✔️
Different Mistakes ✔️
A Material Witness ✔️
At Least It's Justice ✔️
Turn The Light Off ✔️
8:30 PM ✔️
My Way ✔️
The Docks ✔️
A Beautiful Friendship✔️
Book Two!!

Chin check ✔

1.6K 24 0
By darknight1920

(Chapter 2)

A weekend later, I walked into the unit with Erin and Jay when we saw Adam talk to Al, we overheard that its about Ruzek's wedding.

"Does that mean you set a date?" Erin asked Ruzek.

"Ah, today's the 21st, so six months today." Adam answered.

"Ah, man today's the 21st?"Jay asked.

" Yeah, it usually follows the 20th. " I said." Why, whats up? "

" Nothing." Jay said.

" Alright, there are two unrelated wire investigations. Surveillance followed three of Are Central's top ranking gang targets, to this house on Carpenter." Hank said, pointing to the blueprint on the whiteboard. "Narcotics hasn't gotten anywhere with it. So command staff wants Intelligence on it. Roll out in five."


"We got the main eye." Al said through his walkie. He and Adam were undercover as construction workers.

"We are set up in the North." Antonio said, as He and Hank were parked on the street.

"I've got the West." Erin said as she is looking at her phone, leaning to a wall.

"10-4. We got the South and partial of the alley." Jay said as I was taking pictures.

"If anyone goes mobile from the house, we're in position for a take-away."Antonio said.

"O and Ruzek, move closer. See if there is any movement in the house." Hank ordered.

"10-4" Ruzek replied and he and Al started to walk closer to the house.

"Hold up we got company." I spoke into my walkie as I saw a man in a yellow coat walk towards the house.

"Who is this joker?" Dawson asked.

We saw the man walk up to the door and knock on it, and he pulled a gun out of the pocket of his jacket.

"Gun!" Jay yelled,but before we could react someone shot from the house, and the man in the yellow coat fell to the floor, dead. We quickly got out of the car, and drawn our weapons.

We ran to the house and walked inside after Ruzek, who shot our shooter. We cleared the place, no one else was there.

"Hoodie's dead." Hank said walking into the room where everyone else is.

"This one's alive." Jay said,looking at the guy, laying on the floor.

"Charlie 50-21, emergency."Olinsky spoke into his walkie.

" He is gonna bleed out. We gotta put pressure on the wound. "Jay said as he put on a medical glove.

" One shot fired by the police. Offender down. Plainclothes officers on scene." Al continued to speak into his walkie.

" In here! " Erin called out from an other room, me and Hank walked in there.

"Cop killers." Lindsay said holding up an ammo.

We searched through the house, I picked up a black plastic bag. "Hey, look at this." I said and took a little box out of the bag.

"What do you got?" Antonio asked, and walked up to me, and took the box from my hand.

"Insulin. Somebody was a diabetic?" He asked.

I looked at him unamused, and turned the bag upside down and dozens of insulin boxes fell out of it.

"Or not." Dawson commented.

"Is there a black market for this stuff?" Erin asked.

"Not that I've heard of." I answered.

"But you know what?" Antonio spoke up. "Its a good place to hide a bullet though."

"Nice work." Hank patted him in the back and walked away.


"Alright,this is Edward Jelko, the deceased street-level dealer. This is Peter Thomas Banfill, the offender, currently baking in a coma over at county." Hank said putting up two pictures on the whiteboard. "Jelko probably thought like we did that Banfill was sitting on something big,went over there to rip him off."

"These are M995s,teflon-tipped,kevlar-penetrating rounds. Ballistics has 'em linked to several recent homicides." Antonio said,holding up a bullet and showing it to us.

"And we found 100 of these at the secene." I let out,holding up the insulin box. " It's for type r insulin which is a Canadian designation."

"And with any luck our little surprise visit got the gun runners scrambling which means they're gonna make mistakes,okay?" Voight said. "Eyes open!"

"Erin,Caroline,come here a second." Hanks said and walked into his office. Erin and I shared a looked then we followed him.

"Do you want the door closed?" Erin asked.

"Assume I always want it close." Voight answered.

"Okay,tough guy." Erin commented and closed the door.

"Justin's getting early release. He's moved up to Friday night." Hank let out. Justin is Hank's son and he's like a brother Erin. And well he's like my best friend since Hank took me in.

"That's great." Erin said.

"Yeah,that's amazing." I smiled.

"Well,he's asking if the two of you can be there. He knows you're home Care. But it's no big deal if you can't." Hank said.

"Are you crazy? Of course it's a big deal. He's getting out." Erin said.

"Yeah." That's all Hank said.

"What?" I asked. "Why do you look like somebody just pissed in your coffee?"

"Gettin' out is always harder then gettin' in." Hank exclaimed.

"Come on,Hank." I sighed. "Justin's gonna need you around, okay?"

"The tough love thing, it didn't work." Erin let out.

"Do me a favour. Tell Antonio I'll be back in an hour,okay?" Hank said,then left.


We went out to a scene that Burgess and Atwater called in. The driver is lying dead in his car.

"This is definitely our sales rep. George Wilenko, 41. He's been with markham medical for 17 years. No record, fully bonded, has border clearance. This guy's not your typical smuggler." I listed as we were looking around in the car.

"You notice the cup?" Olinsky asked.

"Lipstick on the lid." I said.


"Hey,Care." Voight called fter me back at the district.


"I don't know if you've heard,but, Severide's sister Katie was reported missing." Hank broke the news to me.

"Oh my god." I gasped. "How long?"

"16 hours. She's an adult, really nothing we can do until it's 24 but she is a fireman's sister, basically one of our own, so area central's already got a task force on it. They said they'd call if they need us. So meantime, we got our own case to work,okay?" Hank said.

I walked away into a quiet room and dialed Kelly's number. I've never met Katie, but Severide talked to me a lot about her.

After a few rings, he answered.

"Hey,Kelly. I heard what happened,are you okay?" I asked with concern.

"Well,not really. Honestly, I feel useless Care. Police says there is nothing I can do,but I just wanna do something,you know?" He asked.

"Yeah, I get that. But they're gonna find her, I'm sure of that." I said. "Do you want me to come over to the firehouse and go for a walk or anything?" I questioned.

"No,don't leave work for me,I'm gonna be fine." He reassured me.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Yeah.Thanks tho. Stay safe,Lynn." He said.

"No problem." I sighed and hung up.


Jay and I brought in the victim's wife. We were hoping she could give us some answers.

"My mother always called it 'murder city'. But the first time we visited, I fell in love with Chicago. The lake, the river walk. George and I went to the top of the Willis tower. God, I just -- I can't believe it. Why would someone kill my husband?" Mrs. Wilenko asked.

"We think that he was smuggling guns into the country." I stated.


"He wasn't killed over insulin. And on his last trip here, we think his vehicle was filled with these." Jay said,placing a bullet on the counter.

"I'm hallucinating. This isn't happening." The wife said.

"Five people have already been killed by them." Jay exclaimed.

"Look, you don't get it. George would never do that,ever." Mrs. Wilenko said.

"How often did you make the trip down with him?" I asked.

"Every couple of months. We always stay at the Sofitel. I shop. That's why he dropped me off. They don't have bloomingdale's in Canada." Mrs. Wilenko replied.


We were on an other crime scene. Two other people have been killed by those bullets.

"Can you believe the velocity of these things?" I heard Jay talk while I was on the phone. "Forensics traced one round that went through the TV, through the wall, ended up halfway through the engine block of an ice cream truck parked across the street."

"Seven homicides and counting." Hank said.

"Okay,thank you." I said and hung up the phone,walked over to Halstead,Erin,Antonio and Hank.

"Our widow's lying." I exclaimed. "Her cell phone provider said she was never at Bloomingdale's. She spent the afternoon up in Edgewater."


We brought the woman in,again. But this time we placed her into the interrogation room.

I dropped the files that were in my hand on the table in front of her.

"We're gonna get real honest real quick."

I sat down on the other chair,opened the folder and pulled out two pictures from them. They were taken at the crime scene about the two dead men.

"Do you recognize these men?" I asked.

"Oh,god." She said and looked away.

"Yeah, neither can we. His face was shot off by the bullets you and your husband brought into Chicago." I stated.

"Why are you doing this?" The woman asked.

"You lied to us.You weren't browsing Bloomindale's. You were in Edgewater." Halstead exclaimed. "You and your husband had a nice run,right? You start off with something simple like X or Kush,and you get greedy,and you upgrade to gun-running. You got George killed, which makes you an accessory to his murder."

"So we're gonna try this again,only this time the truth." I said.

"I was visiting a friend. An ex-boyfriend." Mrs. Wilenko started but Jay cut her off.

"If you're gonna lie, put some effort into it for me."

"Call him. He'll tell you." She said.

"Name,number." Jay said sliding her a piece of paper,and she started writing,once she was done Jay took the paper and left.

"I want you to take me through your entire day,every stop you made, every person you talked to, everything you did." I declared.

"I already told you."

"Tell me again."

"We were on the road by 4:30. Didn't stop till we crossed the border,got some coffe,some gas. Used the washroom. George got a call from our nephew."

"Who's the nephew?" I questioned.

"He lives here. He likes to meet up with George- oh,god, Mikey doesn't know."

"Does Mikey have a last name?" I asked.


"Michael Ganz,lives in East Garfield park,has a record: robbery,possession. Runs with a small crew." I said as I put Michaels picture up on the whiteboard.

"Claire's ex-boyfriend checks out right down to the 500 bucks." Jay said.

"Got a ping on Ganz's phone,pulled all the numbers he's called in the last 24 hours." Jin said.

"Employee of the week,Jin,right here." Halstead said while clapping.

"All the calls were to the same numbers,a cell phone registered to a Lucky M pawn and loan in Gage Park." Jin continued.

"Lucky M. I know that ding-dong. We'll go talk to him. Come on." Alvin said to Dawson.


I was at my apartment,drinking beer and eating dinner when there was a knock at the door.

I went and opened it. It was Kelly. He's in a bad shape.

"Kells,hey." I said as I opened the door further so he can come in.

"Hey,um,I didn't know where else to go, and uhm,and I don't, no one's heard anything. I don't know what to do." Kelly said,and I saw the tears in his eyes.

"Hey,we're gonna find her,okay? I promise." I assured him. "We've got really good guys on this. And I know it's scary, and I know your sister's alone, but we're gonna find her." I said and he just broke down and started crying. I pulled him into a hug and rubbed his back in a comforting way.


The next day we were ready to take Mikey down. Antonio and Olinsky were out talking to him while the rest of us were sitting in the back of the van,geared up and just waiting.

"We're going mobil." Antonio said through his hidden mic.

Olinsky got into the car with Mikey.

"What's wrong?" Jay asked.

"We've lost his audio and his tracking beacon." Jin said.

Then luckily the sound came back.

"How closely can you track him,Jin?" Ruzek asked.

"Six meters. Yards,whatever." Jin replied.

Then we tracked Olinsky's location at a warehouse and we rolled to the scene. We got out of the car and headed to the entrance.

"Police!" Jay yelled as we entered.

Then we were taking fire,so we ran to cover while shooting back. Ruzek found Alvin and arrested Mikey,and the other targets ran.

"Burgess,Atwater,you got two white male offenders moving southwest of the building towards you." Jay said,into his radio.


Back at the district,we were talking and laughing. The others were about to head home and Erin,Hank and I to see Justin.

"I gotta take care of something." Hank said getting his coat.

"Don't say that." I exclaimed.

"Tell Justin something popped up." Voight said.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked angrily and stood up and Erin followed my movements.

"Just do this for me,okay?thank you" Hank said.

"No,you're telling me that whatever you have going on is more important then seeing your only son walk out of the gates?" Erin asked. Now she was angry too.

"Yes." Hank said,firmly. "Tell Justin I love him and I'll see him tomorrow."


Justin dramatically took his last step out of prison and he yelled "freedom" after that.

"Gentlemen,it's been nice." He said,while saluting to the prison guard.

"It's good to see you Justin." Erin said,while giving him a hug. "Damn you are looking good." He said to Erin. Then he turned to look at me.

"Ahh, I missed you Justin,so much." I said as I also pulled him into a bone crashing hug.

"Damn,girl, you are looking hot." He said to me.

"Seriously Justin?" I asked laughing. Justin and I dated for almost 3 years. I'm glad we could stay best friends even after the breakup.

"So,where is my old man?" He asked and the smile faded from my face.

"He had to take care of something." I explained.

"Why am I not surprised by that?" He questioned.

"Come on,he's working." Erin said.

"Yeah,he's always working. Whatever, I don't care." He said like it didn't hurt him,but I know it did. "I just wanted to see my girls anyways."

"All right. Let's get you a hot meal." Erin said and we got into the car.

A/n : don't forget to vote and comments. xoxo

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