Give Me Love - A One Directio...

By allourmemories

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Amanda is a troubled girl with no direction in her life. When she found out that her best friend was cheating... More

Chapter 1 - I Wanna Be Drunk When I Wake Up
Chapter 2 - Burnt Lungs, Sour Taste
Chapter 3 - Take This Bird In, With It's Broken Leg
Chapter 4 - Replace It With The Elephant In The Room
Chapter 5 - I'm Falling For Your Eyes
Chapter 6 - If I Fall For You, Would You Fall Too?
Chapter 7 - Sew Your Heart To My Sleeve
Chapter 8 - She's Like Cold Coffee in the Morning
Chapter 9 - We're Resembling Cutlery
Chapter 10 - I Hold You Tight, Tight Enough to Know, That You Are Mine
Chapter 11 - I'll Hold You Tightly, And Give You Nothing But Truth
Chapter 13 - Strange As It Seems, She's Endless To Me
Chapter 14 - When I Feel Cold you Keep Me Warm
Chapter 15 - Then We'll Crash, Crash, Right Down Again
Chapter 16 - And You're Miles Away and Yesterday You Were Here With Me
Chapter 17 - I Was Told to Put My Job in Front of You

Chapter 12 - Your Mind Is My New Best Friend

875 18 8
By allourmemories


Amanda's Perspective

The irritating ring of the alarm seeped through my empty sleep and I groggily cracked an eyelid open, trying to locate the annoying gadget. Before I could find it, it clicked over to snooze and shut itself off. Zayn rumbled beneath me and I realized I was sprawled across his chest, his muscular arm secured around my waist. His hand travelled up to my hair and knotted itself in my long, brown locks.

I looked up to his beautiful face, noticing that Zayn's eyes were still closed. His plump lips were slightly parted and his eyelashes fluttered on top of his cheeks before slowly opening, uncovering his dark but warm hazel eyes. His lips curled up into a sleepy smile as his hand travelled around to my face, landing on my lips. He slowly ran his thumb over my lips before softly pulling me up to him, replacing his thumb with his mouth.

Our mouths moved together and both of our hands knotted in each others hair, my fingers gently pulling at the soft hair at the back of his neck. Zayn soon broke our kiss and I leant my forehead on his, staring into his eyes. Neither of us said anything, knowing that there was no need for words. Zayn's hands ran up and down my back and his soft smile was reassuring and loving, a smile no one had given me for a while.

My fingers traced over his stubble and I enjoyed the tingling that it left to my tips. I settled on top of him again, laying my head on his chest and listening to his strong heartbeat. His fingers lazily ran through the length of my hair, soothing me.

We fit perfectly, like two puzzle pieces. We had gone through our own battles to find each other and would still probably have to endure battles together, but now I knew that I had finally found the one that had always been waiting for me, the one worth being with. So there was no hesitation when I looked up into Zayn's kind, brown eyes and whispered the words that I had not spoken in a very long time.

"I love you."

Zayn's eyes went wide, as if he misunderstood what I had said. But soon there was no hesitation as he gathered me in his arms and held me tightly, whispering my words back to me. My tears welled up in my eyes as I clutched him to me, not wanting to ever let go.

We lay there for what seemed like hours, but it only turned out to be a few short minutes as the alarm sounded again after its snooze. I groaned, earning a laugh from the gorgeous boy beneath me, and I slowly dragged myself off him, standing next to the bed. "Do you have to go to work?" Zayn groaned, grabbing my hand and trying to pull me onto him. "Yes, I do. But I'll be back around 6:30 and I have tomorrow off." I answered with a small smile.

I went over to the dresser and pulled out my black jeans and white button up shirt, the dress code for the bar. I reached down to the hem of my shirt to pull it over my head but thought better of it, turning to Zayn to find him watching me. "Don't look!" I warned with a raise of my eyebrow. He grinned and squinted his eyes shut. I smiled and changed before throwing my hair up in a smooth ponytail and applying some natural makeup.

"It's okay to look now." I told Zayn, scrambling through my bag to see that I had everything. "Why are you wearing makeup? You look beautiful without it." Zayn asked from the bed. "Because my eyes are puffy from crying and I look like shit." I answered simply. I walked over to him and gave him a light kiss. "See me out?" I asked him, walking out to the kitchen.

I grabbed an apple from the fridge and walked out into the hallway, noticing Zayn leaning against the doorframe of the front door. I gave him a small smile as I walked up to him, pushing past and stepping out into the crisp morning air. "I'll see you this afternoon then." I earned a kiss on the cheek from Zayn as a goodbye and I headed off to the downtown area of our suburb.

I pushed into the bar and found Johnny setting up the shop, pulling the chairs down from the tables and cleaning the table tops. "Good morning!" I chirped, walking behind the bar and placing my bag under the top. "Morning Amanda." He replied in a husky voice. "Pumped for your second day?" He asked with a wide grin, walking over to sit opposite me at the bar. I grunted with a smile, switching on all the lights behind the bar. "Day two, here I come." I halfheartedly cheered.


The pub was filled with noisy customers and loud sports games, begging for my attention in every corner of the small shop. It was finally my turn to tend the bar and I had been serving up drinks non stop to the many demanding customers. I glanced up at the wall clock, sighing when I realized it read 5 PM. "Only one more hour to go." I mumbled swiping down the table for the thousandth time.

"Hey, pretty lady. What do I have to do to get a beer around here?" I turned to give the rude man a dirty glare but was stopped short by who it was. His sly grin sent a shiver down my spine and I couldn't help but freeze, my mouth slightly hanging open. His icy blue eyes stared into me as he swept his blonde hair away so he could look at me better, giving me a devilish grin.

"And I still make you speechless sweetheart." Dan winked, sucking on a cigarette. He lifted a finger and signaled me to come closer, his ice blue eyes scaring me. "Did you miss me?" He asked as I slowly neared him, clutching a dirty rag to my chest. "Because I missed you, so so much." He rumbled in a deep voice, no hint of sadness in his threatening tone.

He took a puff of his cigarette and stuck his finger in his mouth before puffing a few rings of smoke in my direction. A memory hit me square in the chest and I physically stumbled back, panic clutching at my mind.


We were sitting in the dark on the hard wood floor, the radio playing dimly in the background. Dan handed me his joint and leant back on his elbows, lazily smiling at me as his blonde hair flopped in front of his eyes. I took it from his fingers and giggled as I blew out a large puff of smoke, watching as it slowly floated up to join the low hanging cloud of smoke above our heads. It felt that with each cloud that I released, I was also letting a tiny worry float away as well, and I loved the feeling.

"Okay, gimme the joint, I wanna show you something." Dan slurred, slamming his beer onto the hard wood floor and sitting back up, swiping his disheveled hair to the side. I gave him back the cigarette and snatched up my own bottle, taking a long swig. "Okay. So what you do is-" Dan started before giggling, causing me to do the same. "So what you do is, you take a puff," he dragged in some smoke, showing me. "then you make an 'o' with your lips and stick your finger in, and then you blow. Here, watch."

Dan took his finger and shoved it in his mouth before blowing out large smoke rings. He puffed them right at me, letting the rings enlarge and circle my face. I laughed uncontrollably as he did it again, swatting him away. "Pretty lady." He muttered, bringing his face close to my own.

His soft, swollen lips sucked in another puff before coming down on my own lips. He slowly exhaled into my mouth and the smoke drove me crazy, making me feel lightheaded as it exited from my nostrils. Dan pushed me back so that I was flat on the floor and lowered himself on top of me, working our lips together as he gripped my thighs with his calloused and cut hands.

He broke away only to nudge my head to the side, kissing roughly down my jaw and sucking on the spot where my jaw met my neck. I took in a deep breath as he bit me hard and smoothed the sensitive skin with his tongue, pulling away and admiring his work. "You're mine, sweetheart." He growled, fiercely reattaching our lips.

End Of Flashback

Dan's sinister grin set my nerves on edge as he watched me reminiscing, knowing exactly which memory I was remembering. "How did you find me?" I whispered, etching closer to where he was sitting. "I needed to find you, I wanted to know that you were alright." He whined innocently, slightly cocking his head to the side and widening his eyes.

I cleared my throat and tried my best to look confident, straightening my shoulders and giving him a cold stare. "We'll I'm fine, as you can see. Now, please leave." I answered, trying to not sound like I was begging.

"Where are you staying? Who are you staying with?" He asked me, beginning to sound desperate. I crossed my arms and looked him straight in the eye, not hesitating when I answered with, "Im staying with my boyfriend." If possible, his eyes turned icier as he took in my answer. Angrily, he put out his cigarette in an ash tray and firmly placed both his palms flat down on the tabletop.

"When will you realize that I'm the only one for you? No other guy can give you what I give you, Amanda, you know that." He spoke in a low voice, his gaze piercing through me. "You know what Dan, you're right. Zayn doesn't give me what you gave me, he gives me a WHOLE lot more! Can you just accept the fact that I've moved on without you? I'm done with you." I spat, throwing the cloth down and turning away from him, from my past.

I grabbed my bag from underneath the bench and ran over to Johnny, telling him I was leaving early because I don't feel very well. Pushing out onto the dark street, I started my brisk walk back home, clutching my jacket around my small frame. I gasped when I felt someone grab my arm and spin me around to face them. I let out a shaky sigh when I realized that it was Zayn and I fell into his open arms, shaking slightly as he stroked my hair and shushed me soothingly.

"Are you okay baby? What happened?" He softly asked, pulling me away from him so he could look me in the eyes. "Dan was at the bar, and he was asking where I was and- and-" I was cut off by Zayn's finger, him slowly pulling me back into his embrace. "It's okay, I'll get him. It's all fine." He murmured before pulling away and heading down the path towards the bar.

I grasped at his arm, trying to stop him. "Zayn, please! You don't know what he's capable of! He will HURT you! Please don't!" I begged, digging my heels into the ground to try and stop him. He slightly turned to me, his jaw set and his eyes darker than usual. "I don't want him near you." He growled, pulling his arm from me and continuing to walk.

"No Zayn! Listen to me!" I screamed, jumping in front of him and placing both my hands on his chest. "You'll make it worse than it is! Just leave it alone, for me." I pleaded with him, trying to turn him in the direction of our home. He hesitated, staring down the path that lead to the pub, before giving in and letting me lead him back to the house, locking us safely inside.

I leant back on the door, squeezing my eyes shut as I took in a large breath. I felt Zayn's hand on my face, carefully caressing my cheek. His lips peppered my face, leaving soft kisses on my forehead and cheeks. Soon his soft lips placed themselves over my own, gently encouraging me to open my mouth before slipping his tongue inside.

I felt his hands travel down slowly to my thighs were he pulled my legs around his waist, pressing me up against the door. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, pulling him impossibly closer to me, our bodies pressed together. Zayn pushed us off the door and carried me over to our room, carefully laying me down on the bed.

I finally opened my eyes and looked up at him, losing myself in his endless, brown eyes. "You don't need him babe, I'll always be here." He whispered, mere centimeters from my lips. I pulled him to me, crashing our lips together once again as he slowly lowered himself on top of me. His long fingers coaxed my shirt up over my head before running along the smooth skin of my stomach.

I squeezed a tear from me eye, opening my mouth wider and letting Zayn explore further as he teased my jeans from me. I helped him from his shirt and his own jeans, reveling in the feel of skin on skin contact. His soft kisses traced down my jaw and down to my collarbone, sending tiny shivers through my entirety. I ran my hands through his thick hair, pulling at it slightly and earning a groan from him.

Zayn was the one I needed, not Dan. I needed a warm and mysterious man who would always be there for me, not an icy and scarred man who would only hurt me. The fluttering of my heart was only because of one person, and I never wanted to be alone without them.

My heart was only for Zayn.



So who likes Dan? I know I don't :P Amanda and Zayn are ever the more closer, but how long will that last?

Sorry it was so short but I split chapters 11 and 12 because I thought it sat better :)

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