Super Smash Bros Ultimate: Si...

By smashbros2014

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Since there is already a story in Smash Ultimate and that every character has specific conditions and opponen... More

Let's-A Go
Journey to New Donk City
A Quest to Seal the Darkness
Another Planet, Another Bounty
The Great Poison Given Form
Jurassic Journey
Gourmet Clash
Spaceborne Smash
I Choose You!
Luigi's Nightmares
Home to Onett!
Up Close and Personal
All Original, All 64
No Damsel in Distress
The Red One. Every Red One!
Duos for Days

Sarasaland Represent!

64 0 0
By smashbros2014

Most of Daisy's opponents are princesses in their respective franchises.


Zelda (Temple)
Lucina (Castle Siege)
Rosalina & Luma (Mario Galaxy)
Corrin (Color 2) (Coliseum)
Mii Brawler (x2), Mii Swordfighter (x2), Mii Gunner (x2) (Peach's Castle)
Peach (Princess Peach's Castle)
Master Hand (Final Destination)

Music Used:

Ocarina of Time Medley
Id (Purpose) (Remix)
Rosalina in the Observatory / Luma's Theme
Lost in Thoughts All Alone (Remix)
Underwater Theme - Super Mario Bros
Ground Theme - Super Mario Bros (Melee)
Master Hand

NOTE: Round 5 is a horde battle. The two Mii Brawlers will be wearing a Princess Zelda Wig & Nia Outfit and Daisy's Crown & Vampire Garb respectively. The two Mii Swordfighters will be wearing Peach's Crown & Viridi Outfit and Daisy's Crown & Ashley Outfit respectively. The two Mii Gunners will be wearing Peach's Crown & Steampunk Getup and Princess's Crown & Isabelle respectively.

Princess Daisy, the Princess of Sarasaland, was having just another average day in her kingdom sitting on her throne.

Daisy: Ugh...! I'm so bored...!

Daisy rolled her eyes as she raised an arm to her cheek in boredom.

Daisy: (sighs) What am I doing?

Daisy looked around her kingdom and thought to herself.

Daisy: No one ever talks about Sarasaland anymore. Nothing interesting has happened here ever since Tatanga tried to take over and almost no one even remembers it. Sarasaland's becoming more and more irrelevant these past few decades and I think it's time to take a stand.

Daisy stood up, brushed off her dress, and stretched a bit before embarking her adventure.

Daisy: I'm gonna get the recognition that Sarasaland desperately needs. I'll challenge the best known princesses I can find and we'll see which kingdom ruler is best. May the best princess win! (laughs)

Daisy left Sarasaland and soon arrived in a place called Hyrule.

Daisy: Hmm... This place... This is Hyrule, right?

???: Indeed it is, traveler.

Daisy: (gasps) A princess!

???: (giggles) Yes. I'm Princess Zelda, the ruler of Hyrule.

Daisy: Hi, I'm Daisy!

Zelda: Hello, Daisy. What brings you to land of Hyrule?

Daisy: Face me.

Zelda: What?

Daisy: You heard me.

Daisy raised her voice a little making Zelda a little standoffish.

Zelda: Whatever do you mean?

Daisy: Hmph! (Folding her arms) Hand-to-hand combat, what else?

Zelda: (mentally) A dress... A crown... (To Daisy) You're a princess, aren't you? You kind of remind me of another princess I know who dresses very similar to you and also shares MY likeness for the color pink.

Daisy: (mentally) Is she talking about Peach? (To Zelda) Yeah, I'm a princess. What of it?

Zelda: What kingdom do you hail from?

Daisy: Sarasaland. What difference does it make?

Zelda: (mentally) She sure doesn't act Peach.

Peach: (Rolling her eyes) You gotta keep questioning me or are we gonna fight?

Zelda: Very well. We'll have it here at the Hyrule Temple.

Daisy: Let's get this started already!

Zelda: (mentally) Never seen such a loudspoken princess before and one with a lack of wisdom at that...

Princess Daisy and Princess Zelda rushed at each other, clashing their respective Dash Attacks. Afterwards, Daisy tried using her Side Special, Daisy Bomber to launch to Hyrule princess, but Zelda spotdodged and countered with a Down Throw and followed up with Neutral Aerial.

Zelda: Don't be so predictable.

Daisy regrouped herself and plucked two veggies from the ground. When she threw the first one, Zelda caught and tried to throw back at her, but Daisy reflected the move with her Forward Smash (Golf Club).

Zelda: AH!

Daisy: (giggles) Don't think I'm just your average princess. I got plenty of tricks.

Daisy threw the second veggie, but Zelda but reflected the move back at her with her Neutral Special, Nayru's Love.

Zelda: I guess you can say the same about me.

Daisy: Aww, what? You have magic?! No way!

Zelda: Not so sure of yourself now, are we?

Daisy: Whatever. I'm no quitter. Let's go.

Daisy landed a Forward Aerial, knocking Zelda a bit. Zelda fended herself off with a getup attack and used her slightly charged Down Special, Phantom Slash.

Daisy: Oh no!

The phantom launched Daisy offstage.

Zelda: Time to show you some wisdom.

While Daisy was airborne, Zelda tried use her Side Special, Din's Fire to try and blow the Sarasaland Princess out of the sky. Luckily, Daisy was able to airdodge the blast and land at a nearby ledge. Afterward, Daisy floated towards Zelda in an attempt to perform another Forward Air, but Zelda spotdodged and countered with an Up Tilt followed by an Up Air.

Zelda: Are you finished?

Daisy: Hmph! Toads!

As Daisy was about to land back on the ground, she used her Neutral Special to counter Zelda's Up Smash.

Zelda: AHH!

Daisy: Woohoo!

Daisy ran towards Zelda in an attempt for a Dash Attack, but Zelda quickly got up and used her Up Special, Farore's Wind to teleport to other side of the stage.

Daisy: Wha? She disappeared?

Zelda: Over here.

Daisy: You can use all the magic you want, I'll pound you even harder.

Zelda used Farore's Wind again right towards Daisy launching her offstage once more.

Zelda: Try to dodge this...

Zelda used Din's Fire again at the perfect angle and launched Daisy once more.

Daisy: (mentally) Looks are deceiving. That's one tough princess.

Daisy used her parasol to float across the Temple to regroup herself. Zelda then approached Daisy with a Forward Air, but Daisy was able to counter with another Toad.

Daisy: Time to reload, baby.

Daisy plucked three veggies from the ground. Zelda ran towards the Sarasaland Princess, dodging two of the veggies and when Daisy threw the third veggie, Zelda used Nayru's Love to reflect it again, but Daisy caught it in the nick of time.

Daisy: Gotcha.

Zelda gasped for a moment. Before she could react, Daisy jumped up and threw the veggie downwards followed by a Down Aerial, then a Side Special and ended off with a Forward Air of her own.

Daisy: Quick and nimble as I always say.

As Daisy launched Zelda offstage, the Hyrule Princess was still able to recover, but decided end things once and for all.

Zelda: I've had enough.

Zelda used a another fully-charged Phantom Slash, but Daisy fortunately parried the attack from long range.

Daisy: Ha ha!

Zelda: Tch.

From there, Zelda used her Up Special once more, but Daisy blocked the move this time and retaliated with a Down Throw to an Up Smash defeating the Hyrule Princess.

Daisy: (dusts off her hands) She may have had magic on her side, but I had athleticism on mine. Well I'm off to find more princesses. Where to next?

Daisy wandered off for a bit more until she came across the continent of Ylisse. In her travels, she came across an arena.

Daisy: I don't where I am, but this seems like a cool place to check out.

Daisy made her way inside the arena and saw a lone figure in the center performing sword strikes.

Daisy: This person seems to be training for a battle or something. I wonder what?

Daisy nonchalantly walked up to the figure, who was wearing a mask to cover its face.

Daisy: YOOOO!

???: Hmm...

The figure took its mask off, revealing herself as female.

??? (back turned): Hello.

Daisy: Hi, I'm Daisy!

???: Hello there, you may call me Lucina.

Daisy: That's a nice name. Are you some type of warrior of something?

Lucina: Um, something or sorts.

Daisy: Awesome! That's really cool.

Lucina: You're not from around here, are now? Where in the outrealms from which you hail?

Daisy: Sarasaland.

Lucina: Sarasaland? Never heard of it? Why have you come here?

Daisy: I'm on an adventure to find the best princesses around and challenge them in battle.

Lucina: Oh, well, I'm a princess.

Daisy: Oh really? You sure don't look like one.

Lucina turned to face the Sarasaland princess, showcasing the crown on her head.

Lucina: I don't need a dress to show that I'm a princess, but I can sure prove it here on the battlefield.

Daisy: And what are you the princess of exactly?

Lucina: The Future Princess of Ylisse.

Daisy: (mentally) Ylisse... so that's where I am.

Lucina: You look puzzled. Don't worry about it. I wouldn't want to confuse a simpleton like you.

Daisy: SIMPLETON?! Oh that's it, lady! You've asked for it! I'm not afraid to take down a warrior princess.

Lucina: Bring it on then. I cannot lose.

Lucina dashed towards Daisy, performing a grab to a Down Throw. She followed up with a Forward Tilt and an uncharged Forward Smash.

Daisy: Ouch.

From a distance, Daisy plucked a few veggies from the ground and threw some in Lucina's direction to try and slow down the Ylissean princess.

Daisy: Try some vegetables!

Unfortunately, Lucina was able to pass through every projectile and land a clean blow to the Sarasaland princess via her Dash Attack.

Daisy: (mentally) She's so fast and agile.

Daisy regrouped herself and dashed towards Lucina using her Side Special.

Daisy: Hi...Yah!

Unfortunately for the Sarasaland princess, Lucina used her Down Special, Counter, to counterattack.

Lucina: My turn!

Daisy was launched a bit more from Lucina's Counter, but stood on her feet once more.

Daisy: Doesn't seem like you can do anything without that sword of yours.

Lucina: (Raises sword) How else do you expect me to fight?

Daisy: (Crosses arms) I don't care how. I just don't understand the fact to over-rely on a simple weapon.

Lucina: If you must know, this isn't just some weapon. This weapon has been passed down from my father and has derived from the legendary Hero-King, my ancestor, Mar--

Daisy: BORING!!!

Lucina: Hey! Don't be rude! I don't tolerate ignorance from unknown commoners such as yourself.

Daisy: Commoner?! I may not be from your world, but I'm nowhere close to a commoner and I'm sure this crown and poofy dress and justify my case. Don't know if I can say the same for you.

Lucina: I'm not just some "warrior princess". Come at me and taste the hilt of my Falchion!

Lucina jumped up and performed a slightly charged Neutral Special, Shield Breaker.

Daisy: YIKES!

Luckily, Daisy was able to counter using Toad as a mean to launch the Ylissean princess back a bit.

Lucina: Wha--

Daisy ran up to perform a Forward Air, but Lucina blocked the attack, so the Sarasaland princess quickly went for a Forward Smash with a Flying Pan, launching Lucina upwards.

Daisy: Ha ha!

Daisy followed up with an Up Air and then a Up Special with a her parasol.

Daisy: Guess I have my fair share of weapons too.

Lucina: Tch. How unorthodox.

Lucina went for a Dash Attack, expecting Daisy to block.

Lucina: Predictable.

From there, Lucina quickly rolled back and performed her Side Special, Dancing Blade for an easy 4-hit combo. Afterward, Lucina dashed to deliver Dancing Blade again, but angled the final hits upwards.

Lucina: Not finished.

Lucina followed up with Back Aerial, albeit a late hit. As Daisy was being launched, Lucina ran up from under her to try and go for an Up Smash, but the Sarasaland princess was able to directionally airdodge and land directly right next to Lucina.

Lucina: No..

Daisy spiked Lucina with a Down Tilt and followed up with a Down Smash, launching the Ylissean princess offstage.

Daisy: Heh heh. What the heck?

Lucina was able to recover back to the ledge. She performed a ledge attack, which Daisy parried and countered with a Back Throw. From there, she ran to perform two consecutive Daisy Bombers that connected into each other.

Lucina: (mentally) Damn it. She doesn't even wield a weapon and yet shows some prowess. Hmm...

Daisy dashed towards Lucina, but the Ylissean princess fended herself off with a direct hit from her Up Special, Dolphin Slash.

Lucina: Back off!

Both fighters regrouped themselves. Lucina performed another Dancing Blade, doing a 7 hit combo with her Side Special angled downwards. Daisy was launched to edge of the stage.

Daisy: Uh-oh.

Lucina: You're mine!

Lucina jumped up to suddenly use Shield Breaker, but Daisy used Toad to not only counterattack, but also launch out of the arena, defeating her.

Lucina: Haaaahhh!

Daisy: Yahoo! I may not be a warrior princess, but I guess I'm just a formidable.

Daisy brushed off her dress a bit before looking around at her surroundings.

Daisy: Ylisse, huh? What a really nice place.

Daisy stepped outside, exiting Arena Ferox.

Daisy: Onto the next princess, but where do I go from here?

Nearby, Daisy noticed a warp circle in the distance and approached the glowing mist.

Daisy: Whoa!! Is this a transporter or something?

The Sarasaland Princess stepped on the Warp Circle and then suddenly found herself in Space.

Daisy: Suddenly I have the perfect person in mind. Heh heh.

Daisy was able to find her way to a place called the Comet Observatory.

Daisy: WOW! The Comet Observatory. Been a while since I've been here.

A swarm of star creatures made their way towards Daisy in a cheerful manner.

Daisy: LUMAS!

???: Well this is a surprise.

Daisy: Princess Rosalina.

Rosalina: Princess Daisy. What brings you to my galaxy?

Daisy: (chuckles) Aren't you happy to see me, Rosalina?

Rosalina: I'm always welcoming to travelers that come in peace. But you're a special case unfortunately. You want something.

Daisy: Alright alright, you caught me. Jeez.

Rosalina: Come on. Do tell.

Daisy: Well I--

Rosalina: Don't say it. You're on a quest to defeat princesses because you feel quite unappreciated.

Daisy: Ugh, well you don't have to make me sound so horrible.

Rosalina: Just being honest.

Daisy: Whatever.

Rosalina: You should by now that I'm not your average princess.

Daisy: How could I forget? You never shut up about it. Aren't you some "celestial being" or something?

Rosalina: (rolls eyes) Although I refuse to understand what your quest will prove, why don't we, how do you say "cut to the chase"?

Daisy: Well I'm glad to see you're finally speaking my language, Rosy.

Rosalina: (sighs) Come on.

Rosalina flew herself and Daisy to Mario Galaxy, preparing for battle.

Rosalina: The terrain may be different than you're used to, but we'll still be able to have a good bout.

Daisy: I'm ready when you are, Rosy.

Rosalina: Come, my sweet child.

Rosalina called her Luma, coming to her aid to assist her in battle.

Daisy: Too bad you have to rely on your Lumas to help you, Rosy.

Rosalina: Teamwork does make the dream work.

Rosalina performed her Neutral Special, Luma Shot, shooting Luma in Daisy's direction.

Daisy: Whoa!

Daisy was briefly able to spotdodge the incoming Luma and saw how vulnerable Rosalina was. Before she could react however, Rosalina waved her wand and commanded her Luma to attack the Sarasaland princess, launching her at Rosalina's feet.

Rosalina: (giggles)

Rosalina used her Down Smash to launch Daisy back to Luma's side. From there, Rosalina commanded the Luma to launch Daisy upwards with an Up Smash and then the cosmic princess finished off the combo with a Forward Air.

Rosalina: Mmmhmm.

Daisy floated her way back onstage and regrouped herself. Rosalina tried to call her Luma back but before she could do so, Daisy ran up to grab her to perform a Down Throw followed by three consecutive Daisy Bombers.

Daisy: Ha ha!

Rosalina rolled back onstage after hanging from the ledge. She performed Luma Shot again but Daisy blocked this time.

Daisy: Phew.

Rosalina: Hm.

Rosalina waved her wand and commanded Luma to shoot out Star Bits.

Daisy: Ow! What the heck!

Rosalina continued spamming Star Bits as a defensive option until finishing off with a Forward Smash.

Daisy: This is getting really annoying...

Daisy made her way back onstage and started beating up Luma until it exploded into thin air.

Daisy: Fight me woman-to-woman, Rosalina.

Rosalina: Come here then.

Daisy plucked a veggie from the ground and ran towards Rosalina.

Daisy: Take this!

Rosalina used her Down Special, Gravitational Pull, pulling Daisy's vegetable to her hand.

Rosalina: Aww, why thank you, Daisy. You shouldn't have.

Daisy: Aw what! Come on!

Rosalina: Should u really be surprised?

Daisy: Ugh, I forgot about that ability you have and how annoying it is.

Rosalina rushed in, throwing the veggie at Daisy and following up with an Up Smash. Afterward, the cosmic princess juggled the Sarasaland in the air for a bit with constant Up Aerials.

Daisy: Quit it, Rosy!

By then, another Luma appeared to aid Rosalina by her side. This time, it was a blue one.

Daisy: (mentally) Dang it, another one.

Rosalina started charging up another Up Smash, this time alongside her Luma as Daisy was landing. Fortunately, Daisy countered with her Toad and launched the cosmic princess far and her Luma followed.

Daisy: (mentally) I have an idea. My vegetables aren't an option since she can pull them towards her. Plus, I have to watch out for her Luma.

As Rosalina recovered with her Up Special, Launch Star, Daisy was able to interrupt Rosalina's trajectory with her Forward Smash (Flying Pan), launching the cosmic princess upwards. Afterward, Daisy jumped to follow up with a Daisy Parasol.

Daisy: There's a start.

Daisy quickly descended back onstage. She went up from under Rosalina again, predicting her airdodge and performing a Back Aerial.

Daisy: Yes!

Rosalina regrouped herself and shot out Luma again out of desperation. Daisy effortlessly countered with her Toad, defeating the Luma and made her way to Rosalina's direction soon after.

Rosalina: (gasps)

Rosalina tried to fend herself off with a Forward Smash, but Daisy was able to parry to move and quickly with a Forward Smash (Tennis Racket), defeating the cosmic princess.

Rosalina: You've may have been able to best me, Daisy, but this doesn't prove that you're the top princess. You'll never be like her, nor live up to her reputation.

Daisy: (chuckles) Funny you say that, Rosy. I definitely plan on paying her a visit soon.

Daisy smiled as she walked away from Rosalina.

Daisy: Tsk, tsk, tsk. Who does Rosalina think she is? Me, not being as good as her. Yeah right, I'll show her.

Soon after, Daisy approached a Launch Star.

Daisy: Hmm, I wonder will this will take me?

Daisy jumped in and was launched extremely far out of the Comet Observatory. Later on, Daisy arrived at another arena.

Daisy: Wow, I'm gonna feel that in the morning. Where am I?

Daisy looked around her medieval-like setting and realized she was in another arena.

Daisy: Deja vu...

In the distance, Daisy saw a white, dragon-looking warrior in the distance training.

Daisy: (Rolls eyes) Another swordie in a mask. Definitely giving me more Deja vu. I bet she's another princess. Well, only one way to find out.

Daisy approached the warrior and seemed shocked when the warrior's dragon-like head transform into one of a human's.

Daisy: What the heck?!

???: Oh sorry, didn't mean to startle you.

Daisy: You definitely aren't human.

???: Why no, I'm part dragon.

Daisy: That explains it.

???: May I ask who you are?

Daisy: Hi, I'm Daisy. Princess of Sarasaland.

???: Wow. Nice to meet a fellow princess. I'm Princess Corrin, ruler of both the Hoshido and Nohr kingdoms.

Daisy: Well aren't you privileged.

Corrin: Um, pardon me, but was that sass?

Daisy: I don't know, are you offended?

Corrin: A bit, yes.

Daisy: Whatever. Just don't think you're all that 'cause you can turn into a dragon and rule over not one, but two different kingdoms.

Corrin: I don't know where all this hostility and disrespect is coming from, but it's best if you mind your tongue.

Daisy: I don't see why you're getting so easily offended. Learn to take a joke for once.

Corrin: If you don't stop, I'll--

Daisy: What? You'll use your dragon powers on me.

Corrin: (raises swords) I'm move than capable that just relying on dragonstone.

Daisy: You better keep that chainsaw-esque sword away from me.

Corrin: Too late. Now you'll get a taste of my Yato blade.

Daisy: So be it. I've just defeated another swordfighter not too long ago.

Corrin: Get ready for this.

Corrin rushed at Daisy with a Dash Attack, but Daisy was able to block and counter with an Up Throw. From there, Corrin jumped up and retaliated with a Down Aerial.

Corrin: Overhead attacks isn't one of the best options when facing me.

Both princesses regrouped themselves. Daisy ran towards Corrin, performing Daisy Bomber. Corrin was able to parry Daisy's attack and counter with a Up Throw, in her dragon form.

Corrin: HAH!

+Corrin followed up with her Up Special, Dragonic Ascent, but Daisy was fortunately lucky enough to briefly airdodge Corrin's Up Special.

Daisy: Time to clips your wings.

As Corrin was descending back onstage, Daisy performed an Up Smash followed by a Neutral Air, Back Air, and finishing off the combo with Daisy Parasol.

Daisy: Yeah!

Daisy gracefully descended back on her feet. From there, Corrin tried going for another Down Air but Daisy used her Toad to counterattack and launch the dragon princess aside.

Corrin: Ahh damn it!

Daisy ran towards Corrin, but the dragon princess fended off the Sarasaland princess with a getup attack. From there, Corrin ran up to pin Daisy to the ground with her Side Special, Dragon Lunge. Corrin then used a front kick follow-up attack.

Corrin: Now let's see how you handle my dragon fangs.

As Daisy was airborne, Corrin charged up her Neutral Special, Dragon Fang Shot to unleash a giant paralyzing ball of water. Luckily, Daisy was able to airdodge out of it while descending back onstage.

Unfortunately, Daisy landed directly in front of Corrin so the dragon princess used her flurry attack to deliver constant hits with the power of the dragonstone.

Daisy: Ugh. Can't you face me without your enhancements?

Corrin: What's the problem? Can't take losing?

Daisy: Actually no, I can't. I'm a very competitive person.

Corrin: I bet losing irritates you. Can't wait to see the look of failure and disappointment on your face when I defeat you.

Daisy: Pfft! Yeah, as if.

Corrin: Your fate is clear.

Corrin tried going for another Dragon Lunge, but Daisy rolled behind the initial strike, but Corrin countered with a Back Kick follow-up attack.

Corrin: (mentally) Good.

Corrin jumped up in an attempt to follow up with an Up Aerial, but Daisy fended her out with Forward Air. As Daisy landed back onstage, she plucked a vegetable from the ground and made her way to the dragon princess.

Daisy: Time to finish this.

With a vegetable in hand, Daisy dashed towards Corrin with another Daisy Bomber, but Corrin was able to counter with her Down Special, Counter Surge, to fully transform into a dragon and launch Daisy upwards.

While airborne, Daisy threw a veggie downwards at Corrin, but the dragon princess caught it and threw it aside.

Corrin: Was throwing a useless projectile really wor--

Daisy unexpectedly blindsided Corrin, grabbing her to perform a Back Throw. Corrin used her long range Forward Smash, but Daisy parried the move and continued to make her way to the dragon princess.

Corrin: No one has ever avoided a powerful strike like that.

Daisy: Guess I'm special. (giggles)

Corrin: Tch...

Out of frustration, Corrin fended herself off with a Forward Tilt. Corrin used another fully-charged Dragon Fang Shot from the distance.

Corrin: This ends here.

Daisy: Oh no you don't.

As Corrin shot out the projectile, Daisy was able to jump over it, but when Corrin went for her Neutral Special's follow up bite move, Daisy was able to counter at just the right moment, defeating the dragon princess.

Corrin: How can... this...

Daisy: Aw yeah. Wahoo!

After Corrin's defeat, Daisy knew exactly where to go next.

Daisy: Guess I have to pay her a visit now. Time to prove Rosalina wrong.

Later on, Daisy made her way to the skies in the Mushroom Kingdom. At Peach's Castle, she encountered six unknown fighters wearing fake wigs with princess crowns on top.

Daisy: Who in the heck are these wannabes?

Daisy spotted two of the six Mii Fighters having the same hair and crown like her.

Daisy: This is really freaky. They even took some of my likeliness. You know what-- HEY!

Daisy caught the attention of the six Mii Fighters. There were two Mii Brawlers: one wearing a Princess Zelda Wig + Nia Outfit and one wearing Daisy's Crown + Vampire Garb. Two Mii Swordfighters: one wearing Peach's Crown + Viridi Outfit and the other wearing Daisy's Crown + Ashley Outfit. Finally, two Mii Gunners: Peach's Crown + Steampunk Outfit and the other wearing a Princess's Crown + Isabelle Outfit.

Daisy: I don't know or care who you guys are, but I'm on mission so I recommend you stay outta my way.

The six Mii Fighters were very hostile so they charged at Daisy, who found herself stuck in a massive horde battle.

Daisy: Guess I have no choice but to fight my way through.

The first few Mii Fighters that approached her were the Zelda-looking brawler with the Nia outfit, the Peach-looking swordfighter with the Viridi outfit, and the Daisy-looking brawler dressed as a vampire.

The brawler with the Zelda Wig used Shot Put, which launched Daisy a bit. Afterward, The swordfighter with the Viridi Outfit used Gale Strike but Daisy avoided the miniature tornado.

Daisy: (mentally) I'll take them down one at a time.

Daisy turned her attention to the Zelda-looking brawler tried to use Onslaught, but Daisy spotdodged and countered with a Back Throw.

Daisy: Ha ha!

After, she tried to follow up with a grab, but the Daisy-looking brawler and the Peach-looking swordfighter intervened by hitting Daisy from behind. As the Zelda-looking brawler recovered back onstage, Daisy used Daisy Bomber to only recover, but also as an attack defeating that brawler.

Daisy: You're next.

Next, Daisy turned her attention to the Peach-looking swordfighter who used Stone Scabbard, which launched the Sarasaland princess upwards in which the Daisy-looking brawler followed up with a Helicopter Kick. Daisy herself regrouped and launched both enemies away in opposite directions using her Down Smash. She then finished off the swordfighter with a Forward Aerial.

Daisy: Your time's up now, doppelganger.

The Daisy-looking brawler approached and missed his Burning Dropkick attack but quickly used Feint Jump to avoid a blow from Daisy herself.

Daisy: Dang.

The brawler then followed up with a kick from behind.

Daisy: Hm..

Daisy then threw out some veggies, but the brawler avoided all the projectiles. During this however, Daisy rushed in and finished off the brawler with an Up Smash.

Then, the other three Mii Fighters showed up: another Peach-looking gunner wearing a steampunk outfit, another princess-looking gunner wearing an Isabelle outfit, and a Daisy-looking swordfighter wearing an Ashley outfit.

Daisy: Alright. More to come.

The swordfighter rushed at Daisy with a Dash Attack but she spotdodged but soon fell victim to the brawler's Suplex.

Daisy: Ow!

As Daisy stood on her feet, the Peach-looking gunner came from behind and performed a Forward Smash. Daisy then performed her get-up attack and went directly for the Peach-looking gunner. The Peach-looking gunner tried to used Flame Pillar but Peach rolled behind the flaming wall and tried to grab with the gunner but it spotdodged and escaped Peach's grasp with its Up Special, Lunar Launch.

Daisy: Ugh!

As soon as the Peach-looking gunner landed, Daisy was there waiting to finish it off with an Forward Smash. After, Daisy was caught off-guard by the Daisy-looking swordfighter wearing the Ashley outfit. The swordfighter used Shuriken of Light to keep the Sarasaland Princess at a distance. Daisy herself soon caught on and was able to parry the projectiles soon after.

Daisy: Stupid wannabe. Not even I would spam the same projectiles in a row.

The whole duration went on for a short while longer until the Daisy-looking swordfighter used its Side Special, Gale Stab, launching the Sarasaland princess offstage. When Daisy recovered, the swordfighter used Skyward Slash Dash, but Daisy countered and finished off the swordfighter with her Toad.

Daisy: Alright, one more left...

Lastly, the second Mii Gunner wearing a princess crown and an Isabelle outfit rushed at the Sarasaland princess and used Cannon Jump Kick, launching Daisy upwards. It tried to follow up with aerial attacks, but Daisy was able to airdodged. As she regrouped himself, Daisy rushed at the gunner with a Dash Attack, but the gunner fended her off with a Down Smash.

Daisy: AHH!

The Mii Gunner performed its Side Special, Stealth Burst, but Daisy was luckily able to dodge the invisible projectile and close the gap by rushing and finishing off the last Mii Fighter with a Forward Smash (Golf Club).

Daisy: Well that was a pain. At least they're all gone now and I can now deal with more important matters.

Daisy jumped out of the sky with floated down below with her Parasol and landed atop the roof of Princess Peach's Castle.

???: I've figured you'll be here sooner or later.

Daisy: Ha ha. I'm guessing Rosalina told you about my awaited arrival.

???: Oh my goodness, your vocabulary improved. I'm astonished. Now you're speaking like a princess.

Daisy: Nah. I would never. Come on, Peach, get real! (laughs)

Princess Peach, princess of Mushroom Kingdom, stood to face her friend.

Peach: I know why you're here and as I see it here, I'd kindly recommend you turn back or come inside for tea.

Daisy: (crosses arms) Hmph. What did Rosalina tell you?

Peach: That you're on quest challenging princesses to engage in fisticuffs with just so you can achieve superiority.

Daisy: Is that right? She doesn't know anything.

Peach: Then tell me why.

Daisy: Like you don't know. Do you really think I was gonna continue playing second to you.

Peach: I understand. Your jealous, aren't you.

Daisy: Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be?

Peach: You don't have to, Daisy, I'm your friend.

Daisy: Everyone always talks about you and the Mushroom Kingdom. Me and Sarasaland are just plain forgotten about.

Peach: Hmm, how do I put this kindly in words you'd understand... You'll never be me and have the status that I have. I'm number one, you're number two. Just like our respective significant others. It's just how it is.

Daisy: Take that back.

Peach: You're always going to be in my shadow, Daisy. You dress similar to me, you have the same hobbies as me, and you even echo all of my abilities. We may have different views and personality traits, but you're merely my lesser.


Peach: This quest of yours is very futile to say the least.

Daisy: You know, when I first started the adventure you were the one person that I hoped to face in the end.

Peach: Well come get your wish.

Daisy: Hmm, my pleasure.

Both princesses rushed at each other with their respective Side Specials, both exchanging the same amount of knockback.

Peach: Oh!

Daisy: Ow!

Afterward, both princesses plucked a veggie from the ground and threw it at each other. Daisy was able to regroup before Peach did and ran up to grab, performing a Down Throw. As Daisy tried to follow up, Peach countered with her red Toad.

Peach: Weren't expecting that, huh?

Daisy jumped towards Peach in an attempt to perform a Forward Aerial, but Peach fended herself off with an Up Smash and followed up with her own Forward Air.

Daisy: Don't go feeling all high and mighty just yet, Peach, you aren't taking me down that easily.

Daisy dashed towards Peach once again. Assuming Daisy was going for another grab, Peach rolled around the Sarasaland princess, but Daisy predicted this notion and reacted with a Down Smash. After, Daisy floated her way toward the Mushroom Kingdom princess and performed a multi-hitting Down Aerial.

Daisy rushed at her opponent, and Peach did the same. Both princesses went for their respective dash attacks, but Peach's came out on top.

Peach: Sweet.

After launching Daisy a bit, Peach jumped up to follow up with a Peach Bomber attack, launching the Sarasaland princess offstage. As Daisy was trying to recover, Peach went to the edge of the stage and tried edgeguarding with a spike via Down Tilt, but Daisy knocked Peach back a bit with her own Daisy Bomber.

Daisy: Yeah!

Both princesses floated towards each other and clashed their respective neutral aerials and then regrouped to clash down smash attacks.

Daisy and Peach: Hmph!

The two princesses clash more attacks with each other like their Forward Tilts, Down Tilts, and Forward Smashes (Tennis Racket). Lastly, they both used their respective Toads, which resulted in nothing happening.

Daisy: Ugh, this is getting us nowhere.

Peach: Indeed. Looks like we've reached stalemate.

Daisy: You can say that again, sister.

Peach: I told u so. This is pointless. We possess the same abilities. Why can't you just accept that you're my lesser.

Daisy: Hmm. Yeah, as if!

Peach: Does recognition really mean this must to you, Daisy?

Daisy: ...We may have the same abilities, but make no mistake, Peach. I won't lose.

Daisy continued the fight with her Forward Tilt followed by a Dash Attack.

Daisy: Come on, Peach. Let's finish this right now!

As both princesses realized they were evenly matched, Peach confronted her echo fighter with her Up Special, Peach Parasol, launched Daisy upwards. Daisy fended herself off afterwards with her Down Air while descending back onstage.

Both princesses regrouped themselves once more and decided to pull their trump cards. Peach and Daisy plucked different kinds of vegetables from ground and threw them at each other, playing some sort of chaotic game of catch.


Peach and Daisy: YEAH!

After exchanging veggies with many different faces, Daisy plucked another one with frowny face, while Peach ended up plucking a Mr. Saturn instead.

Daisy: Whoa!

Daisy incidentally put her shield up at the same time Peach threw Mr. Saturn, breaking the Sarasaland Princess's shield and putting her in dazed-like state.

Peach: Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Peach performed a fully-charged Forward Smash (Flying Pan) on her unconscious opponent, sending her flying.

Luckily, Daisy still survived and regrouped herself, but sustained quite a lot of damage.

Peach: Last chance, final warning.

Daisy: Never.

Daisy jumped towards Peach in an attempt for an overhead attack. In doing so, Peach went for an Up Smash, but Daisy used her Toad as a counter, launching the Mushroom Kingdom princess offstage. As Peach was slowly trying make her way back onstage, Daisy used her Down Special again. But instead of plucking another veggie, the Sarasaland princess plucked something else: a Bob-omb.

Daisy: Here!

Peach: (gasps)

The explosion led to Peach's ultimate defeat and Daisy reigned victorious.

Daisy: Aw yeah, I won! Wahoo!

Peach: Nooooo!

As Peach lied defeated, Daisy took this opportunity to gloat.

Daisy: How do you feel now, Peach? Think I'm still I'm gonna linger in your shadow any longer? Ha ha ha!

Daisy turned her back on Peach's unconscious body for a moment.

Daisy: Oh my gosh, oh my gosh. I can't believe I defeated Princess Peach. I guess someone really all high up on her horse. I can't wait to tell Luigi.

Unbeknownst to Daisy, a giant, white floating hand appeared out of nowhere and sneakily kidnapped Peach. By the time Daisy turned around, it was already too late.

Daisy: (gasps) Hey, you. Get back here!

???: (maniacal laughter)

The giant hand escaped through a portal with Peach in his possession.

Daisy: (mentally) Well, I guess I'm on a rescue mission now. (out-loud) Oh no, you don't!

Daisy rushed after the giant hand through the portal for the sake of saving her friend.

Later on, Daisy made her way to the Final Destination and came face-to-face with the one they call Master Hand.

Master Hand: (maniacal laughter)

Daisy: I don't know what you are, but you better let go of Peach right now!

Master Hand: Face me if you wish to save her.

Daisy: Alright, you've asked for it. I'm not afraid. Come on!

Master Hand went for a Big Swipe, but Daisy airdodged. Master Hand then performed a Fake-out Slap which launched Daisy far, but she was still able to recover. Daisy tried to go for a Forward Aerial but Master Hand countered with Finger Drill. When the princess regrouped herself, she put up quite a good amount of attacks including a chain of repeated Side Specials comboing into each other. Afterward, Master Hand grabbed her and performed Squeeze.

When Daisy tried to pluck a turnip from the ground, she actually plucked a Bob-omb instead. She obviously threw the explosive at Master Hand, knocking him out. While in a daze-like state, Peach used a mix of her Side Special and all her Smash Attacks until Master Hand regained consciousness.

Master Hand: I'm not finished yet!

Master Hand performed Ring Toss. Daisy airdodged it the first time, but not on its way back. While in the momentum from being launched, Daisy performed a Neutral Aerial to an Up Special with her parasol before landing slowly onstage. Master Hand then threw out an Ink Blob and Peach was covered all over.

Master Hand: Hmm, hmm, hmm.

Master Hand produced a series of mirrors and performed Reflective Satellite Cannon, dealing a lot of damage to Daisy. Afterward, Master Hand tried to perform Paper Crush but Daisy used her Neutral Special to counterattack. Master Hand regrouped himself soonafter and Daisy tried rushing towards him but the disembodied used Teleport to repeatedly disappear and reappear around the stage, confusing Daisy.

Then, Master Hand used Finger Beam to fire a laser, but Daisy rolled away from the attack so the evil hand used Kenzan to spawn spikes across the floor, which dealt critical damage to Daisy. Frustrated, Daisy knocked Master Hand once more with a Dash Attack. While stunned, Daisy performed her Final Smash, Daisy Blossom. She healed herself by consuming three giant daisies and constantly attacked the dazed Master Hand until his defeat.

Master Hand: Noooo!!!

After Master Hand's defeat, Daisy was able to find Peach and help her to her feet.

Daisy: Peach, you ok?

Peach: Yeah. I'm fine, thank you.

Daisy: Of course! Like you said, we may have different views and personality traits, but you're my best friend and nothing'll ever change that.

Peach: Listen, Daisy, I apologize for what I said earlier about you being my lesser and not having much as a status as me.

Daisy: It's fine. Really. I'm just glad to see that you're safe. But to be honest, though, I'm sorry too. I guess I let my goals get to my head and I took my mind of what's really important: being grateful of what I have and achieved.

Peach: Hmm. I'll tell you what. I'll see to that you get more recognition. I now understand how you must've felt.

Daisy: Aww thanks, Peach. I don't know what to say.

Both princesses returned home and Peach made her good on her word as Daisy's popularity led to many visiting Sarasaland and gaining many admirers over time.

Daisy: Now this is how Sarasaland should be represented! Yippee!

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