Pokemon High

By AshleyMirashell

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My pokémon school More

First Day Of School!!
A Totally Awesome Day!!!!

Chapter 3: Rain

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By AshleyMirashell

Again, A great day! With my friends
Cheren,Bianca,Kyla and N
While we were walking,My heart was beating fast when I was facing Cheren
COULD THIS BE..?! That ...I'm in love?! My heart was beating fast like..OMG! OMG! OMG!
We was heading toward the school while it rained
Fast! We all have no umbrellas and wer ran on the big big tree!And my phone rang and a text by my sis it said "there are no
Classes today!" I was like " uh..where are we gonna go?" At least someone said it was N " LET'S GO TO  OUR CAFE!" Me bianca and cheren were like
"Ok..." and kyla was like " LET'S GOO!!"
They ran fast like a jet! How crazy is that?!hahahahaha ! Alas! We reached our destination! There was a maid there then
Kyla asked " huh?! N who's that?" He answered
"HEY!!! JOY!!"

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