Paw Patrol, A Rocky Chase

By ImEsmerelda_Sowhat

44K 527 256

An accident has left Rocky depressed (by this time Everest moved into the lookout) Skye chose it was time to... More

The Accident
Rocky's depressed
Jealousy Only Makes Things worse.
Running away
Where's Rocky
One Spooky Night
Developing Love
Lost and Found
Violence isn't the Answer
Day at the beach gone wrong
Storms Are the Worst
Saving Rubble
Who shot Rocky? pt. 1
Crossover Special #1
What goes around Comes back around.
So you think you can Hide?

Who shot Rocky? Pt. 2

1.6K 26 16
By ImEsmerelda_Sowhat

My crossover chapter will be here! If my other story, Competing for Zuma's heart -RockyxZuma or SkyexZuma fanfic, gets 1k views by the time I post the next chapter for that story I will make it happen! The crossover will be of the two stories, yes their my own but I have no takers. If you do want to crossover with my story then ask! :) You get to choose which story you'll crossover with and we'll talk. (Story has to have 500-1k reads in order to crossover) so anyways, on to the story!)

Ryder pov
When I set the pizza down on the table, my pup pad started to ring. I accepted the call and a worried Emily called.

"RYDER ROCKY WAS SHOT!" She shouted.

I dropped my pup pad as she showed me Rocky, who was lying down on the bed with his wound showing. When the pup pad hit the ground, it broke.

"Katie?" I shouted.

"Yes, Ryder?" She asked with a worried expression.

"Rocky... Was shot." I said as I hang my head in worry.

"That's strange, because everyone is missing including Callie!" She said as she put her hand on my shoulder.

"We have to find out who shot him." I said as I walked to the door, Katie right behind me. She took her hand off as we went out the kitchen door.

The pups and Callie all were in the area when we we got there.

"Pups, Rocky was shot, we have to go to Emily's cottage to see how he's doing!" I said as they paused the tv.

"Whoa, Rocky was shot?!" They said as we left the lookout to go to Rocky's place.

One trip to Rocky's house later...

We entered the cottage and Emily told me. "Ryder he's still awake right now, and I tried asking him who it was."

"Did he say anything?" I asked her as the pups and Katie went to go check on him.

"Well, no, not yet. He said to wait for you guys." She said as I looked at Rocky, he was bleeding from the wound. "By the way, did you happen to bring an emergency kit or anything? Strangely, the author didn't create my house with one."

"Katie?" I called.

"Yeah?" She answered as me and Emily walked towards the group.

"Did you bring a medical kit?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I brought the one from the lookout with me just in case." She said as she showed it to me and set it on the bed. "I should put on a bandage."

Katie put on a bandage on Rocky and he attempted to speak.

"He lost the strength to talk." Skye said with worry.

"Here." Emily said as she got a paper and marker under the bed. "He can use this to communicate."

Rocky got the paper and marker and he began to scribble on it.

All he wrote was. Check for a ball outside.

"A ball?" Chase questioned.

"Do you mean this ball?" Emily said as she got out a ball. He nodded as she showed him.

"Is that all you know about this?" Rubble asked.

Rocky shook his head and he turned the page to the next one. He began writing in bold letters, but he fainted before he finished.

A PU it said.

"A pu?" Marshall questioned.

"I think he means a pup, Marshall." Everest said while she took a look at it.

"But the only pups in town are the paw patrol and Emily." Katie said with confusion.

"That means one of you did this!" Emily shouted.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Zuma said, backing away with everyone else. "Don't just jump in conclusion and point paws to us."

"Well who else would do it then?" She asked angrily.

"We can use the ball, Chase can sniff it and track the pup." I told her.

She got the ball and allowed Chase to sniff it. "got it!" Chase announced, everyone and Katie followed after Chase when he left.

I was about to leave as well, but Emily stayed.

"Are you coming?" I asked her. She turned around and shook her head.

"I have to stay to watch over Rocky."

I nodded and I closed the door behind me, I was starting to really worry for Rocky.

Chase pov

I tracked the scent back to the lookout, I know for sure its not me. Personally, I think it's Marshall who shot him.

I followed my nose, which lead me to Marshalls pup house. I searched inside and I heard someone gulp behind me as I searched.

"Ah-ha!" I said as I found a pistol under Marshall's pillow.

The pups and Katie gasped as I showed them the gun.

"Marshall how could you?" Everest shouted at the Dalmatian. "Out of all the things you've done to Rocky, this is the worst ever!"

"But, I didn't do it, I swear!" He cried.

"Then why is there a gun in your pup house?" Zuma asked in annoyance.

"But I didn't do it!" He yelled in front of Zuma's face. "Someone planted it there, because i would never try to kill Rocky! I don't hate him that much."

"Then who did?" Rubble asked.

"I can prove if he's lying or not, come pups, follow me." I said as Ryder joined us.

"So who was it pups?" He asked in the middle of pants, also while he tried to catch his breath.

"We think it's Marshall, but he claims it's not him who did it, so we're talking him to the lie detector." I said as we started to make our way into the lookout.

"Lie detector?" Katie asked as we walked in the lookout.

"Yeah, we installed that when we had it remodeled." Skye said as we walked in, Everest didn't follow for some reason.

"Everest, aren't you coming?" Rubble asked.

"No." She said as she went inside her pup house, she was mad at Marshall.

I entered the lie detector room and Marshall sat down on a chair, I put a cap and I asked him a question.

"Were you the one to shoot Rocky?" I asked.

"No." He answered.

The lie detector shined a green color, meaning he's telling the truth.

"Ooooh! Ooooh! Can I ask a question?" Rubble asked.


"Marshall, were you the one who ate my cheese its last week?" Rubble asked.


A red light came on, meaning he did eat his cheese its last week indeed.

"Ok, ok, maybe I did so what."

"Well that checks out, maybe marshall's right when he said someone planted the gun." I said as I looked at Ryder.

"Well, sorry pups but we're going to have check on all of you." Ryder said, making everyone groan.

Rubble went on first and he got green. Zuma got green. Skye got green. We called Everest in and she got green, so all was left was me.

"Chase, did you shoot Rocky?" Ryder asked.

"No, sir."

I got a green, leaving all of us innocent.

"Ryder, are you sure this thing works?" Katie questioned as Callie came into the room.

"I'm positive, we've tested this many times and always got the results correct." he said as Katie carried Callie in her arms.

"We can try Callie." Chase suggested as he took the cap off.

"Huh?" Katie said with confusion. She looked at Callie and she was fast asleep. "Well... Okay."

She put Callie on the chair and she woke up.

"Callie, did you shoot Rocky?" I asked her.

She meowed, I assumed she said no.

The light went yellow, meaning the answer didn't make sense. "Wait, I think Rocky invented something for Callie so she can talk freely like us." Everest said as she stepped out of the room.

"What does she mean by that?" Marshall asked.

I shrugged as she came back in with a red collar. She changed Callie's current collar with the one she had.

"Ok, Callie, did you shoot Rocky?" Everest asked.

"For the last time, I didn't." The cat said, surprising us more Katie.

The light flashed red, meaning she shot Rocky!

"Ok I did! But it's not my fault you dang pups are always the envy of the town, how about some love for the cats?!" She pouted as she looked away.

"Callie, how could you?" Katie said as she got her in her arms.

"Oh well..." Callie said as she rolled her eyes.

"Well, who would've guessed it was Callie all along." Ryder said as he looked at Callie.

"Your still gonna have to be punished missy!" Katie told Callie.

"W-What?!" Callie whined.

"Callie can talk..." Skye said, still surprised.

"You have to clean the lookout for a week, and help Emily take care of Rocky until he recovers." She said, making Callie groan.

Three days later...

Rocky pov

I was chilling outside the lookout with Zuma as I sipped some lemonade that Katie made for me and Zuma.

I saw Callie cleaning the outside of the lookout as I took another sip.

"I still can't believe you healed in less than a week." Zuma said as he took a sip.

"Turns out, she hit me where my body somehow takes a bullet better for so,e reason." I said as I saw Callie drop the bucket of water and slipped on it, making her wet as Rubble laughed. "But, alls well that ends well."

"You know there's just one think I ever got, Wocky." Zuma told me.

"And what is that?"

"How did Callie get the gun?" He asked

"I guess some mysteries are better left unsolved..."

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