Storms Are the Worst

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Rocky pov

I went with everyone else to the clinic, not for Ryder... Well sort of for Ryder, but also for Emily. I noticed the white clouds above me turned grey.

I looked to my left and i saw a storm headed this way. "Yup, storm's coming." Rubble said as we entered the clinic.

I ignored them as we stepped our paws inside the lookout. "Um, hello?!" I heard from above.

We looked up and saw Ryder was still on Skye's harvest. I helped Ryder get out of it and he made a mighty thud on the cement.

"Great, Rocky." Marshall said as Skye landed her helicopter.

I shot him an evil death stare, Katie came outside and she gasped when she saw Ryder. "What happened to him?" She asked as she knelt to his level.

"It's complicated, can you treat him?" Everest asked the Blonde haired 10 year old girl.

Katie checked Ryder's scar, which was moderately bleeding. She nodded to Everest's question.

"Ok pups, here is where we all need to do teamwork." She said as she got up. "We all need to carry Ryder into the clinic."

We gasped at the task Katie asked us to do, it seems a bit hard. I looked at Katie's room and remembered again about Emily. I looked back and saw they were doing that teamwork thing.

I snuck inside and when i entered i saw a border collie taking a bath, mysterious. I feel like i'll see more of him later on... Or not.

I tip toed to Katie's room, nearly as quiet as a mouse. When i reached the front of the door, i opened it and i went inside. I gently closed the door and i looked behind me to see she was napping.

I saw a seat next to her bed, so i helped myself to set in the seat.

Rubble pov

We all got Ryder, well tried to we failed and he only fell on the ground. "Dang, anymore ideas pups?" Katie asked.

The others shrugged and i looked at the lookout.

"Hmm... I can use my right to Ryder inside!" I cried as i pointed my paw towards the lookout.

Katie looked up at the sky and looked down at me. She lightly nodded her answer and i looked at the pups. Everybody looked worried when i took a look at them.

"Just be careful." Katie said as she held her own hands in worry.

I nodded and i ran off to the Lookout, when i did a huge gust of wind pounded against me. I fought against it as it made my ears flop.

The lookout was still far, i was barely going across the bridge. I looked back at everyone else and i saw they were trying to lift up Ryder once again.

I just realized, why not use Chase's or Marshall's trucks to put Ryder inside? Oh well, too late for that now, i'm already halfway through the bridge.

I stopped and took at the bay, the waves were crashing against the shore and i looked at the other side of the bay to Seal Island.

I saw Capt'n Turbot was rushing inside his light house and i saw Wally frolicking and splashing about in the ocean. The wind gave another mighty blow and the grey clouds were coming even closed, i better hurry.

I rushed my way back to the lookout and i eventually got up the hill. It was pretty tough, and i was getting tired and the string winds didn't help me breathe at all.

I started getting dizzy, i can't breathe well the wind is blowing it all away from me. I started panting heavily and second by second i was slowing down. Before i knew it, i fell against the ground and i fell asleep.

Rocky pov

"Rocky?" I heard as i was checking out magazine on pets and how to please them, most of these facts are wrong.

I looked up and saw it was Emily, of course. I smiled when i saw she awoke from her nap, she smiled along side me. I gently set down the magazine on the bed.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

She looked at her chest as she said. "Good, better actually, Marshall surely cut deep."

I nodded and secretly clenched my paw as she mentioned Marshall, just hearing his name makes me angry.

"Well, as long as your getting better." I told her as she looked out the window, which i set the curtains aside a bit.

"Storm's coming." She said as she looked outside. I looked behind me, since it was behind me, and it started raining.

I looked at a tree and it was being blown aggressively. I felt worry for a strange reason, but the storm looks like your average Adventure Bay storm to me.

"Hopefully no one gets hurt." Emily stated.

"No one will, i'm sure of it." I said as i reassured her.

Marshall pov

We all pitched in to help Ryder get inside the clinic, but it was no use. He fell on his head for the fourth time.

"We should probably stop, we'll give him brain damage if we keep trying to him inside." Katie said as we took a deep tired breath.

Chase sniffed the air and he gave a skeptical face. We looked at him with a confused look as the chilly wind blew across our fur.

"What is it, Chase?" Everest questioned.

"I can't sniff put Rubble," He responded. "His smell is probably blocked out by the fog."

"How is that possible?" Skye asked, walking up to him as she spoke. We nodded in agreement to Skye's question.

"I..." He said as he looked away. "Have no idea. He could be dead."

We gasped as his remark and Katie looked into the fog, which was pretty thick.

"How could you say that?" Katie said as she walked into the road as she held her own hands in worry.

"Should we look for him?" I proposed.

Chase shrugged and answered. "We probably should."

We nodded and we looked again at the fog. We thought about it again, the fog was so thick we can't even see the bush across the street.

"We should take a flashlight first, and half of us should stay here and protect Wyder." Zuma suggested.

"That's actually a great idea." Katie said as she looked at us. "I have a flashlight in my room i'll be back."

I watched as she ran into the clinic and then to her room. I looked into the fog and noticed something did seem fishy.

"Hmm." I murmured.

"What is it, Marshall?" Everest asked.

I looked at her and noticed she was right next to me. I looked back at the fog and spoke.

"Well it's just that..." I said as i took a small pause. "I'm not so sure Rubble is actually safe there. I feel unsettled."

"W-what do you mean?" She asked.

I shrugged and looked at her and put my paw on her cheek.

"I'm probably just worried."

Paw Patrol, A Rocky ChaseHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin