Falling In Love (L.S)

By 0004305520l

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Louis was just looking for a job so he didn't have to start university right away. When he accepted the role... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
New Story!!

Chapter 9

921 37 19
By 0004305520l

Harry has been gone for four hours when his doorbell rings. Niall is the one who goes to get it and then he shouts for Louis to come downstairs with clothes on. He frowns and goes to put on sweats and a tank top before wandering down the stairs.

He instantly smiles as he hears Richard's loud voice. He walks into the living room and notices Richard, Niall, Harry, Zayn, and Liam all standing around and talking. Harry looks angry and there are three bottles of vodka and two bottles of wine on his counter. There's also a black bag on the counter and he knows that's where Zayn keeps his hookah and weed.

Louis raises an eyebrow and goes to greet everyone.

"Didn't I just get rid of you?" Louis teases as he hugs Harry, who squeezes him tightly.

"Carly ran up his credit card because she got mad at him for ditching her." Richard laughs.

"Then when Harry confronted her she tried to say it wasn't her fault and that she forgot he gave her a limit." Zayn says next.

"So now we're all over here to drink and bitch about our problems." Liam smiles.

"Yeah, we ordered pizza and brought change in clothes because we're spending the night." Zayn announces.

"Hope you don't mind." Liam says with a pout.

"Of course he doesn't mind." Niall quips.

"I call his bed." Richard shouts.

"I call my bed." Niall calls out.

"I call his bed and Richard can have the couch." Zayn speaks as he puts Richard in a headlock.

"I call Niall's bed with him if he doesn't mind." Liam asks.

"Course not mate." Liam smiles and says thank you.

"Why are you guys even debating this? Of course I get his bed." Harry finally says. Louis folds his arms; amused.

"I don't even have a choice do I?" Louis laughs and suddenly he's being attacked by Richard who kisses him all over his face.

"Mate when you will realize that when it comes to us; there is no other choice." Richard kisses one more time. Louis laughs and pushes the man off of him but he's still smiling as he looks to Harry and replies.

"Nah, never stood a chance." Louis ducks his head down and misses the blush on Harry's cheeks.

"Women are so problematic. I'm telling you." Richard complains. They are all sitting around in a circle passing around vodka, and wine, to each person when they talk. Everyone gets to complain about something and when it's your turn you have to take a swig before you start talking.

"They are problematic. I'm so glad I'm gay." Zayn nods.

"Zee, did you miss the part where you're bisexual?" Harry laughs. Zayn frowns and pouts out his bottom lip while he looks to Harry.

"No I've sworn off women. Only into guys now." Zayn sticks out his bottom lip. Harry raises a brow and smirks over at Richard.

"Oh and since when did you decide to make this decision hmm?" Richard raises a brow. Zayn seems to mull it over.

"Today. I've just decided to swear off women because they are so problematic like Richard said." The room laughs when Richard pats his tipsy friend on the back.

"You two are cute together; when are you going to turn over to the gay side as well Rich?" Harry asks innocently and Louis is so amused by all of this. Harry is anything but innocent, don't let those doe eyes fool you.

Louis still can't believe last night happened; like he actually straddled Harry's lap and Harry was actually grinding their bodies together. He didn't imagine this or make it up, it's something that really took place. He sighs as he remembers what the older man felt like pressed up against his body.

"If I ever turn gay it will be because of this sexy beast over here. Come sit on my lap." Richard startles Louis out of his thoughts. Louis notices the attorney beckoning him over. He gives a shy smile and crawls over to Richard and tucks himself onto the man's lap. The man gives him a squeeze on the waist and Louis has to shift to get comfortable.

"I'm wounded. My spirit has been broken. Rich, we could be this gay power couple." Zayn jokes. Richard actually snorts loud enough that Louis flinches.

"It's okay Zayn I'll have a gay romance with you." Zayn perks up then deflates when he realizes it's Liam who gives the suggestion.

"Never mind." Zayn mumbles and Liam yells 'prick' as he flings some chips at the man. This starts a mini food fight and Louis giggles and groans at the same time because while he's amused he also knows he'll have to vacuum.

It's Harry who breaks up the food fight. There are mashed chips all over the ground, Liam's hair is a mess, Niall is on his second blunt and Louis really can't wait for adulthood.

"I think it's my turn to complain." Harry shouts to the room after he gets them all to be quiet, Harry then picks up Loki and puts the kitten in his lap. Louis looks on expectantly because he knows there's something troubling his friend. He also knows that if whatever is troubling him is related to Carly then it'll be all Louis' fault. Louis almost wants to slink down in shame.

He feels awful, he's been trying not to let it show to Harry, and put on a brave face, but the truth of the matter is; he's fucking frightened. Like 'I've just seen a ghost, holy shit they're real' type of scared. He's never been more horrified in his entire life and that's taken into account that one year he and Niall got high and went to a haunted house.

He never even thought that he could feel this way; so hopeless and alone. He wasn't even at a gay bar; he just went to a local spot all the college kids go to because the bouncer their never checks for id's.

He just wanted to have a good time and not be so alone, even though he has Loki, and that's all he still wants. He doesn't want large men forcing themselves onto him, he doesn't want to have to lock the bathroom door and fight for his life all because some asshole can't take no for an answer. He also doesn't want to be the damsel in distress.

The longer he goes on the more he's starting to realize that guys are awful. He enjoys older men yeah but not all men are like Harry. They aren't all like Richard, Zayn, Liam, and Luke. They all aren't nice and funny; no. Instead most of them just take what they want with no regard towards the consequences; almost as if they're entitled to anything they want just because they were born with a penis.

Louis blinks and Richards hold on him tightens, probably because Louis has gone tense. He breathes out some and focuses on the room before him as he leans back into the warm embrace that allows him to feel safe.

"Tell us, H." Niall shouts out and Louis tries to focus on what's going on. It seems like he's missed some parts of this conversation.

"I'm just so over Carly." The man drags out.

"Mate, I've been on that Saint Laurent website and the fact that she managed to get two things for only twenty-one hundred dollars is fucking impressive." Zayn adds and Louis watches as Harry rolls his eyes.

"That's not the point though, the point is that she over spent to get back at Harry. That's not something one does in a relationship; it's not healthy." Liam explains and Harry nods.

"What Liam said." The man slurs as he takes another swig of wine.

"I'm here simply playing devil's advocate, but you did leave her in the middle of a vacation. Like it wasn't even a full day and you left." Richard says and Louis feels sick.

"I understand that; trust me I do but it's how she responds to situations that she doesn't like that pisses me off." Harry defends and Louis secretly wonders if the man is leaving his name out of this on purpose or not.

"If the tables were reversed you would be equally mad." Richard challenges. Harry shakes his head fast.

"No, because I would have understood the situation and commend her on being such a good friend and person. Not run up her credit card and bitch to my friends." He shouts and Louis plays with his fingers before he stands up abruptly.

"I need to feed Loki." Louis mumbles and he takes his cat from Harry and runs into the kitchen, turning his back to the boys, as he tries to compose himself. He wills the tears back and goes to his shelf, by the table, and grabs Loki's food. He puts it in the bowl and gets the cat some fresh water before Niall comes up to him and wraps arms around his waist.

"Did they notice?" Louis questions in a small voice. He really doesn't want, nor need, any pity right now.

"I think Richard did but he's not going to say anything. You want to go to bed?" It's barely nine o clock but Louis nods because he feels exhausted and like shit. He waits until the men are in the middle of an intense discussion before he silently passes them and heads upstairs. Niall is following behind him with a full Loki in hand.

"Do you want the lights off?" Louis nods as he undresses down to his briefs. He charges his phone, gets under the covers, and then opens his arms for Loki to come cuddle. Niall gives him a kiss on the forehead and tells him it'll all work out before he shuts the lights off and leaves.

Louis closes his eyes and kisses Loki's fur. He hasn't even fallen asleep before the door opens and Louis notices curls coming into the room. It seems like Harry hops about as he gets his clothes off and then goes to the bathroom to brush his hair and teeth before he comes back to the room and gets on the other side of the bed.

Louis pretends to be sleep as the man snuggles up to him.

"I know you're awake." Louis fake snores in response which leads to Harry laughing and tickling the boy. "Why did you leave without saying anything?" Louis shrugs at the question.

"Didn't want to bother anyone." He mumbles and is so thankful for the darkness in the room.

"What is with this self-doubt all of a sudden?" Loki stirs in his arms when he goes to shrug. He has no idea, because he knows that he and Harry are friends. Louis supposes he just doesn't understand why Harry is so willing to be his friend. Louis isn't used to new friends, he's used to Niall and his family.

A part of him feels like he's being annoying by always having drama or needing something; he doesn't want to end up like his mother and having people resent him. He also doesn't want to get his hopes up that Harry truly cares for him only to have everything crash down like with Clinton. He goes to explain all of this to Harry and then the man is sighing from behind him.

"Lou, I don't want to tell you how you should feel; but I do want you to know that I'm not going anywhere and I don't mind you needing me. I like to feel wanted yeah?" Louis nods but doesn't say anything. He just lets Loki lick his nose and then remains quiet and still until sleep takes him over completely.

He dreams about Harry all night and wakes up to chaos. Apparently having six men and two showers doesn't work. Niall and Louis shower together to save water, even though Harry frowns when he finds out. The rest of the men hurry to shower, minus Zayn who was smart enough to shower at night.

It takes about thirty painful minutes but everyone is finally dressed and ready to go. Liam seems to be squinting a lot and harboring a wicked hangover which makes Louis smile because he feels fine.

It takes Harry the longest to get ready because the man refuses to leave Loki; deeming it necessary to take the kitten with them to the office because he's the boss and can make the rules. Zayn explains that he's also the boss and Harry proceeds to plead with the man to sneak the kitten in.

"Haz, no pets allowed in the building." Zayn explains for the fourth time. Richard and Liam have already left and Niall doesn't need to leave for another hour.

"We can sneak him in under my jacket." Harry mumbles and Louis wants to kiss his pout.

"How will we sneak his litter box in hmm?" Louis questions and then watches as Harry pouts harder.

"But he's so cute." Louis knows how cute his kitten is. It's the main reason why it takes him so long to get ready for work every morning; he hates leaving the little guy.

"You can come over after work and visit; I promise." This seems to perk the man's interest and he finally caves-resulting in him putting Loki down on the couch and finally walking out the door. Louis tells Niall to lock up when he leaves and then the remaining three all get in various vehicles and head to the same building.

Work is normal for Louis until around noon which is when he and Harry usually go to lunch. Harry has just arrived from his meeting and is spinning Louis around in his office chair when the door, to the room, opens and in pops a familiar face. Louis isn't sure who's more shocked, he or Harry. Harry's hand drops and Louis tries to steady his head and focus after spinning so many times.

When his eyes decide to cooperate he realizes they haven't deceived them and Carly is indeed in the office. She's wearing black slacks with red pumps, a red blouse and a black blazer. She looks like a proper business woman and Harry is coughing into his hand and patting Louis on his shoulder twice. The gesture does not go unnoticed by Carly and then without warning she smiles and grabs Harry's head in order to smash their lips together.

Louis feels like his heart is in his stomach as he watches. It appears that her smile increases the longer the kiss lasts and Louis goes to turn away when Harry's eyes catches his own and then something flicker's across those green eyes before the man pulls away.

He puts a hand on her shoulder to keep some distance and then coughs into his free hand as he takes a few steps back. Louis feels a little bit better and allows a tiny smug smile to cross his face as he looks to a frowning Carly.

"Why are you here?" Harry questions with his hands in his pockets.

"I wanted to surprise you with lunch as an apology." She starts and her eyes flicker over to Louis before she turns her back to the boy and lowers her voice. Louis doesn't have the heart to tell her that he can still see and hear her. "I also returned everything I purchased online." She says in an even lower voice and he resists the urge to snort.

"I appreciate that, I do but I'm still mad at you and I have plans for lunch..." Harry trails off and Louis feels guilty when he sees Carly's face fall. Louis wants Harry to choose him a thousand times over but he also knows that Carly is the mans' girlfriend and that she never would have reacted out of anger if it weren't for him in the first place.

"You should go Harry. We can do lunch anytime." She looks to Louis again and gives him a curious look like maybe she's trying to evaluate him or something, then she turns back to Harry hopeful.

"Why don't we all go together?" Harry suggests. "I want the two of you to get to know each other." Louis doesn't know why but the look across Carly's face is murderous. He suddenly starts to feel like the dirty mistress in this relationship and he's not even getting sex out of it.

"Only if she agrees." Louis puts it all on Carly. She goes to say something but seems to think better of it and nods— a grimace plastered to her face.

"Good. Let's go." Harry is smiling and is so in denial, about this going well, that it hurts. Louis sighs and gets up anyways and proceeds to follow the two of them out of the door. He sends a text to Zayn letting the man know what's going on all he receives are five of the 'cry laughing' emoticons in return.

Fuck his life.

They decide on a sushi restaurant even though Louis has never had sushi a day in his life. He doesn't want to check the menu for chicken tenders but he secretly scans it for anything on the cooked and deep fried side of things.

Apparently sushi is raw and he doesn't want to seem like a kid so he sucks it up and orders something called a 'Spicy Tuna Tar Tar' simply because he's had tuna before and so the meal can't be that bad right? Wrong. He gets his food and feels like gagging at the horrid smell. He should've just ordered dumplings.

Carly is sipping wine and smiling at nothing and Harry seems to be enjoying his Eel. Louis nibbles on his food, can you call it food? While nobody says anything. It's a very silent and awkward lunch, at least Louis feels awkward.

"Lou, do you not like your food?" Harry is frowning. Louis frowns at his plate and tries to sniff it again.

"Does it smell right to you?" Now Harry is frowning harder, obviously concerned about bad fish, and grabs Louis hand in order to smell the food. Harry smiles through a laugh and nods his head.

"That's how it smells hun." Hun. Oh god. Harry says this word to everyone, even Niall whom he's just met, but somehow when Harry calls him hun it leads to Carly sending silent daggers his way.

Louis pouts as he takes another nibble and then Harry is laughing and picking up one of his pieces and tells Louis to open up; so he does. Louis closes his lips and moans because Eel is fucking good. So much better than what he's been forcing down his throat.

"You want to switch babes?" Another glare comes his way but he ignores it.

"Please." Louis asks and then Harry is trading plates. Louis thanks the man as he shovels the food into his mouth.

"I meant to ask, how you are? After everything that happened Friday." Carly asks out of nowhere. Louis swallows and looks to Harry briefly before responding.

"I've been better but there were people around to help me so it wasn't as worse as it could've been." He responds and she hums. Her tone seems anything but kind and concerned.

"I'm glad you're okay. I mean, it must've been serious for Harry to leave within hours of our first vacation in six months." Ah, so Louis really doesn't need this right now. He chooses to ignore her and merely hums. He feels like shit enough as if, he won't allow her to make him feel worse for something that wasn't even his fault to begin with.

"Carly stop." Harry warns with a harsh whisper. "We don't need your passive aggressive attitude right now." He continues to say and she seems to deflate a little bit.

"You're right." She admits after shoving another bite in her mouth. "I am glad you're okay." This time her admission seems more genuine so he gives her a brief nod before finishing the last of his food. He's still hungry but he acts like he's stuffed.

He waits another five minutes before telling Harry he's heading back to the office. He offers to pay but Harry waves him off and says he'll take care of the check. He ignores the way Harry proceeds to text him three times asking if he's okay; instead he hides out in Zayn's office—eating the man's snacks—until the clock turns five.

The rest of the week has the same routine. He goes to work and then home, he doesn't do lunch anymore or dinner with the guys. Hell, he doesn't even allow Niall to visit. He just needs some alone time so he takes it.

He uses the silence to think; think about life and even the afterlife. He's never really thought about death before, he tends to avoid morbid thoughts but now that he has the time to think he wonders what happens when you die.

His mother never raised him in any religion. He thinks there could be a God; just because he's never seen him or heard him doesn't mean that God can't exist, he just doesn't know what to think about it. He can't help but wonder, however, where he will go when he dies. Do spirits exist? Does he simply decay? He shakes his head and leaves the thought alone for now; it's Friday and he doesn't want to depress himself.

He's sitting on his couch completely naked eating egg foo young while watching Dirty Dancing when his doorbells rings. He yells at the person to go away and when it rings again he groans because he doesn't want to put pants on.

"Who is it?" He calls out, still not getting up.

"Richard." Comes the reply and he sighs. He can't believe they sent in Richard as the Calvary.

"I'm naked." He shouts so he doesn't have to get up.

"Don't care." He sighs again and then gets up to let the man in.

Richard raises a surprising brow like he thought Louis was lying which leads the boy to smiling as he lets the man enter. He goes back to the couch and continues to eat while Richard goes to the kitchen and proceeds to fix some food.

"I don't know who would be jealous of me more right now; Harry or Zayn." Richard laughs. Louis smiles despite himself and grabs his knitted afghan to cover up.

"Speaking of those two, I assume Harry sent you." Louis raises his voice since Richard is in the kitchen. Richard nods and comes to join Louis on the couch. He has a ham sandwich in one hand and an orange soda in the other.

"Harry's worried about you. Think's you're mad at him." Richard raises an eyebrow and Louis shrugs with a huff.

"I'm not mad at him, I just haven't felt up for company this week is all." He admits as he tries to focus on the movie. He kind of wants to talk about how he feels, but then again he doesn't. It's not that he's mad at Harry, it's just the company that he keeps that rubs Louis the wrong way.

"He thinks you're upset about Carly." Louis shrugs again and he remains silent as his eyes fill up with unshed tears.

"I just don't understand why he chooses to surround himself with people like her." Louis spits out. "She's so hateful and the bitter way she spoke to me even after knowing something seriously was happening to me is so disgusting. Like she actually made me feel guilty for needing Harry, she made me feel bad and that's not okay." Louis didn't realize how angry he was until just now. She's not a nice person at all.

"Then it makes me wonder why Harry is with her; why he wants to surround himself around something like that. I mean she doesn't like animals, she doesn't like his friends, and she doesn't like him doing a ton of stuff with anyone that's not her. Maybe I don't know Harry as well as I thought I did, if he enjoys being around someone like that." He talks stopping and slightly seethes. His food is cold and forgotten.

"Harry is a creature of habit. He thinks he owes it to her to be with her since he's been with her so long and she feels entitled to him. They are all each other knows and she's not always like this, I think she's acting out a lot more lately because she feels him slipping." Richard looks at him like he knows something Louis doesn't.

"I think Harry is grown enough to know what he does or doesn't want without stringing things along. He's obviously still with her for a reason." Louis grumbles as he ignores a text from Harry.

"Is this about you wanting to be with Harry?" Louis whips his head and looks at Richard.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Richard just smirks and Louis rolls his eyes and reaches down to pick up a sleeping Loki. The kitten stretches its' paws and then sinks in and snuggles close to Louis' bare chest.

"I think you should give it more time." The boy shrugs and rubs his face against Loki.

"I think I'm just about out of time." Richard hums but doesn't say anything more. The two sit on the couch in comfortable silence for another hour before Louis decides to ask a question that has been plaguing his mind for a while.

"What do you think happens when you die?" Louis blurts out the question. Richard turns to face him; expression serious.

"Well as a Christian I believe you go to either heaven or hell." Louis nods and rubs Loki to distract himself.

"Do you think you have to be a Christian to go to heaven?" Louis kind of wishes his mom would have gotten him into religion. He feels like sometimes living life without hope is depressing; he wants to believe that there's something greater than himself looking out for him-watching and protecting him.

"I firmly believe that there are different paths to God; whatever you choose to call God. I think he presents himself differently so people from all walks can access him; so he can save them. Having said that I think you can be of several different faiths and still end up in the same place." Louis leans back and nods, he wouldn't mind being saved; not being so alone.

"What about gays, does your God hate gays?" He doesn't mean to sound vulnerable.

"Nah. Of course I don't know how God feels, or what he thinks but what I do know is the Christian church has it wrong." Louis perks up to listen. "The bible talks about God's love over and over again. He talks about multitude of sins that I see happening every day. The bible discusses being married once and only once, it also talks about stoning children who disobey. It's the same bible that talks about not touching blood or dead animals with bare hands and a whole lot of other stuff."

Louis sits up more to focus better.

"The bible was made as a guideline for how Christians should act, not as a weapon that's now used to tell other's that they're going to hell. Even if God does deem homosexuality as a sin, it's no greater sin than having sex outside of marriage, cheating, lying, stealing, and worshipping false idols like money." Richard explains.

"All of those things are still sins and if someone who cheated can get into heaven then why not someone who's gay? We are all sinners; no one sin is greater than another which means no one person is above anyone else." Louis likes Richard's take on this.

"So to answer your question, I think that if you devote your life to Christ, and accept him as your lord and savior then as a Christian you can still get into heaven. God determines your heart, and from what I can see you have a pretty good one." Louis blushes and bumps shoulders with the man.

"Thank you for that." He whispers honestly. "I think I've been struggling for so long because I don't really have any hope. I see the cruelty of mankind and I feel so lonely sometimes that I think maybe religion might help. I don't even know if I believe in God. The bible seems wish washy." Richard laughs and nods his head.

"The bible is very sketchy. Western society changed the nature of the bible when they got a hold of it. Some of the stories they left out, others they changed around. The fables, like Adam and Eve, were deemed as true even though they were merely meant to be fables and nothing more." Richard speaks.

"So don't look at the bible and think that everything is accurate and that it's exactly how you have to act. I don't believe in a lot of stuff in the bible but I believe in the purpose of it, and sometimes a verse out of it helps me cope with life." Louis nods because he likes that. He likes the idea of coping with life.

"Why do you believe in God? If you don't really believe in all the bible says?" Richard seems to think about the question before he answers.

"When I was growing up I was bullied a lot. My middle school was harsh and not very kind to me at all. My parents never knew because I hid it well, and with no friends, I got depressed. I would wake up every morning and wonder why was I even awake; it got so bad I would hide out in the bathroom at school just so I could cry. One day, in particular, a kid ran up behind me and pulled my pants down in the crowded lunchroom. Everyone pointed, laughed, and I felt so humiliated I didn't know what to do." Louis feels so sorry for baby Richard; his heart aches for the man's past.

"So that night when I went home I went into my closet and tried to kill myself. My parents weren't supposed to be home until seven like every night and so I knew I had enough time to get away with it. I had a belt, tied it around my neck and hung it on a rack in my closet and was then I jumped from the little stool I was on. For a brief moment, when I was losing conscious, I felt sort of at peace; like no one was ever going to tease or hurt me again." Louis doesn't even feel embarrassed for the tears coming down his face.

"You have to realize that I'm only eleven years old, so to me killing myself was the only option to stop the pain. Just as I was slipping out of focus I heard a voice; I kid you not I heard someone talking to me. It wasn't anything human, nothing that I can describe with words but I knew it was talking to me." Richard pauses.

"It told me to be strong and have faith. My mom came home a second later and she was calling for me. She came home two hours early, for the first time in over a year, just as I was going to kill myself. I felt like it was God saving me from making a mistake." Louis goes and crawls in Richard's lap.

"What happened then?" He asks.

"Well she found me in the closet crying and I lied and said someone at school just lost a parent and it made me sad. She gave me a hug and told me it would be okay. Ever since then I've believed in God and for me he's real." Richard shrugs.

"I could be making it all up but it's because of my faith in him I've managed to make it this far in life. He's helped me so many times and I give him all the credit. There's nothing in the bible that can do for me than what he did when I was in that closet." Louis blows out air as he snuggles closer to the man.

"I'm so glad he spoke to you in that closet. You're incredible." Richard holds him tights and tells Louis he can visit his church if he wants which Louis agrees to doing so.

"I have to warn you however; it is a black church." Louis snorts and wipes away some tears.

"Really? An African American goes to a black church?" Richard laughs and twists Louis' nipple for teasing him.

"I'm just warning you, you little shit." Louis sticks his tongue out at the man and then sighs again. The movie has long gone off but he doesn't care. He's been so upset all week but now he's looking forward to Sunday. He's looking forward to discovering a new chapter of his life and if God can be a part of that then good.

"What if God isn't for me?" Louis questions in the quiet of the room.

"Well then he's not for you. There are other religions you can try if they make you happy or maybe you can just get your own relationship with god for yourself. Do whatever it is you need to get you to where you want to be." Louis nods again and smiles. Loki stirs in his arms and then jumps down in order to get some water before he goes to his bed for the night.

"We should have boy's night tomorrow. My house." Richard offers and Louis quickly agrees before he gets comfortable and falls asleep.

"We are not watching Star Wars." Louis demands. Niall giggles and Liam pouts.

"I have to agree with Lou, I don't want to watch it either." Harry agrees behind his wine.

"You're only agreeing with him because he's mad at you." Liam chastises and Harry glares while Louis laughs and crawls over to Harry's lap.

"I'm not mad at him anymore." Louis admits. It's true after seeing Harry today and having the elder give a thousand apologies on behalf of Carly he felt better about the man and gave him a hug. Honestly, Louis can't stay mad at Harry for anything in the world; it's a bit pathetic.

"Harry's probably mad at Richard for getting to see Louis naked." Luke teases and Harry throws a chip at him. Luke catches the chip and eats it so Harry follows the throwing of another chip with a middle finger. Who said adults can't be childish?

"No man, that's Zayn who's sending Richard death glares." Niall giggles and Louis assumes it's because he knows it's probably true.

"I'm just putting it out there; I have not seen Louis naked yet and that's a problem." Zayn announces and Louis stands and takes off his shirt. Niall wolf-whistles along with Luke.

"I can show you now if you'd like? I'm wearing panties." Louis teases in a low voice and he watches Zayn's eyes grow low; coated with lust. Louis teases the rim of his sweats and sways his hips a little while fluttering his eyelashes a bit. Zayn is leaning forward so much Louis' afraid the man is going to fall off the couch and land face first on the table.

"Please?" Zayn pleads and Louis laughs as he's being yanked down by his waist and his shirt is being tucked on him. Harry is glaring at Zayn intensely.

"I will not hesitate to end you Malik." Harry warns and the man merely shrugs with a lazy smile on his face.

"Why are you such a minx tonight?" Harry points his finger at Louis and the boy giggles.

"It's because he's drunk." Niall answers and Louis nods as he leans over to give his friend a kiss on the cheek.

"We have got to stop supplying minors with liquor." Liam groans.

"No, don't grow a conscious now." Niall whines and Louis laughs into Harry's neck. "I'm tired of stealing my mom's stuff. She buys the cheap drinks."

"Can we at least start the movie? It's already eight, and I want to marathon it." Liam asks. Louis groans as loudly as he can and stomps his feet a little.

"Louis hates Star Wars mate." Niall explains.

"It's so boring...." He drags out.

"I never get to choose the movies though." Liam pouts harder.

"It's because you choose long ass movies like Star Wars." Zayn defends.

"Oh, like you aren't secretly excited? Did you forget that I grew up with you?" Harry teases. Zayn's face grows hot and Louis suddenly is curious.

"Shut up Haz before I tell everyone about summer of '05." Harry's face is bright red and Louis really wants to know.

"I am officially a mute." Harry grumbles and Louis pokes the man until he giggles.

"So the movie?" Louis groans but gestures for Liam to put it on.

"I actually like this movie." Luke whispers once it starts.

"This movie is great. It's much better than all those boring Lord of the Rings movies." Liam exclaims and Louis gasps.

"Lord of the Rings is a great trilogy." He defends.

"Dude, so many people die though." Luke argues.

"Only in the Hobbit, and so what? Do people not die in Star Wars?" Louis cries out. Niall snorts.

"Ignore this one. He's never made it through one film, I tried to get Lou to watch one when we were little and he broke my tv." Niall explains. Louis hides behind his hands.

"I didn't mean to." He tries to defend as the room starts laughing.

"He threw a shoe at the screen because he complained about how boring it was and the whole tv fell off the wall and crashed. Mom was pissed, we both got a spanking for that and grounded for like a week." Niall continues. Louis hides his face in Harry's shirt and ignores the way the man's chest shakes from laughter.

"Please don't break my tv." Richard pleads.

"Yeah if you feel the need to throw a shoe, throw it at Liam not the screen." Zayn adds in. Liam protests before he shushes the room because the film is starting.

The room gets quiet and everyone crowds around to watch. Louis snuggles closer to Harry's chest and the man tightens his hold on the boy and before Louis even realizes it he's asleep in Harry's arms. The same arms he never wants to leave from. Louis is screwed in the worse way possible.

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