I Never Asked For This...

By Ava_Crossfire2010

362 10 10

"You bastard!" she screamed "I Serana Rose of the Kaala wolves, Reject you Damien Blood of the Ancients Clan... More

chapter one: time to begin anew
chapter two: breakage
chapter three: a new home

Chapter Four: Ambrose

47 2 0
By Ava_Crossfire2010

Serana POV

I smiled and skipped over to the person calling my name. It was Gabriel Vallen, he was the timber wolf that knocked the wind out of me a week ago. The reddish brown one's name is Miguel Vallen. I've gotten close to these two brothers, mostly because of how much trouble they've had to bail me out of.
  "Yes, Gabe?" Smiling up at him I still couldnt get over his features. He was a good five inches taller than me, his hair was a natural brown with white tips, and hazel brown eyes. He was the brawn of the three of us, Miguel was four inches taller than me, skinny though don't underestimate him his speed is amazing, he had reddish brown hair, and dark green eyes, he was the speed. Then there is me after four weeks I havent really changed except that I am more confident. I'm known as the leader of the group.

  "You have to go into training. We have a new rogue entering the ranks and he is a little.... hard to control. He has so far attacked three of the warriors and was starting to attack Miguel." My eyes went wide and I rushed past Gabe. One of my brothers were in trouble and I was pissed.

  When I got to the ledge above the training grounds I saw Miguel bloody on the ground and a slightly chubby man above him. He was in a pure rage and had a boosted amount of strength seeing Miguel on the ground made me see red.
   "ENOUGH!" Using my alpha voice to get the stranger's attention. I jumped from where I was on the ledge and landed a good two feet from the stranger, he was only a inch or two taller than me. With dirty blond hair and green eyes. "If you want to fight. Then fight me." No sooner than I said it when a fist went flying at me. Quickly dodging it and retaliating by spinning my foot meeting the left side of his face. Stumbling he brushed blood from his mouth and growled shifting into a orangish brown wolf with dark brown markings and a scar on his left eye. His wolf was pretty interest in but enough fan girling. I shifted letting a snarl rip through my chest as I lunge at him not expecting him to jump to the side. I slammed into the ground.

  'What is with my face and the ground damn it?!' Shaking out my fur I pivoted to see the wolf charging at me like a bull going after that red cape thing. Jumping to the left just in time to dodge him and watch him slam into the ground. 'Ha!... wait! Thats my ground damn it. two timing whore...'
The wolf lunged again this time his claws did manage to make contact with my shoulder. The pain in my shoulder made me want to whimper but if a showed weakness it would give him an advantage. I snarled and tackled him my weight knocking him over with me on top pinning him to the ground my jaws clamped on his throat with enough pressure to draw blood but not to kill. I held on until I heard a whimper and felt his body relax into submission. Jumping off I padded to gabe who handed me his shirt to cover me when I shifted. Putting on the big shirt that looked like a dress on me, picking up a pair of basketball shorts one of my pack members left as a just in case I walked over to the wolf and tossed the shorts.

  "Shift." The alpha tone oozed from the command as a stared him down. Next thing I know there was a naked man in front of me. "OH MY FUCKING GOD I MEANT BEHIND A TREE! MY EYES! THEY BURN!!!!!" Rubbing my eyes as if something was in them I stopped when I heard a chuckle.

  ??? POV

"OH MY FUCKING GOD I MEANT BEHIND A TREE! MY EYES! THEY BURN!!!!!" After putting on the shorts this rogue so kindly gave me I chuckled at how dramatic she sounded "you can look now Red Eyes." I have no idea what exactly is going on all I know is that this is supposedly the rogues who are lead by one hell of an alpha.

I traveled here to get training after the rejection my wolf went silent and I had to cheer him up some how. But when I got here that damned rogue at the border had to say he bet my mate would reject an out of shape loser.... and well my wolf snapped I hurt him then turned to fight some random guy.

I had the second guy down on the floor when the second sexiest she wolf jumped in front of me. Her red eyes looked like a blazing fire, black hair that went down to her shoulders and ended with blood red tips.

This definitely wasn't what I had expected.... then she fucking whooped my ass and well now we are here with me standing in front of her in only boxer shorts, while she in just that mans shirt staring at me in anger.

"What are you here for puppy?" I winced at the insult 'well I think I pissed someone off...' I heard my wolf snicker 'no shit Sherlock, want a prize for the assumption... wait a minute...  THAT'S ZARA!'

'Who the fuck is zara?' I asked a bit confused.

'Shut up Jace and let me take over.' My wolf growled out.

'Fine Ambrose but no getting me killed.' I closed my eyes. When they opened they no longer were a light blue but a bright green. The girl's eyes widened and she stepped back as I stepped forward.

"Hello Zara..."

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