Anime One Shots~ (Requests ta...

By Megunii

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Just another one shot book full of love and romance you know all that stuff!~ I hope you choose this one to... More

I AM BACK~ ^-^
Byakuya x Reader : Tradition (Bleach)
Hikaru x Reader : Wishes do come true (OHSHC)
Ayato x Reader : My saviour
Kaneki (White Hair) x Reader : A deadly bite and a sweet kiss (Tokyo Ghoul)
Kuroko x Reader : His presence (Kuroko no Basket)
Gaara x Reader : School isn't all bad (Naruto)
Akashi x Reader : Arguments (Kuroko no Basket)
Sting x Reader : Teasing (Fairy Tail)
Gajeel x Reader : Bonding Job (Fairy Tail)
!Yandere! Kuroha x Reader : Dance with the Devil (Mekaku City Actors)
Lubbock x Reader : Running Away (Akame Ga KILL)

Gray x Reader : A Letter of Love

470 13 3
By Megunii

You ran out of the guild hall, tears brimming in your eyes. Why would he do that to you? He knew that you loved him and for a few days you though he liked you back. That though, was just proof of how stupid you were to think that.

You kept running images of what happened flooding through your mind. You had walked into the guild hall only to see Gray and Juvia kissing. You didn’t even stay to find out how or why you just ran out straight away into the cold air of the morning.

Your fingers were numb and your lips blue. You were shivering and cold from head to foot, your tears left pale streaks down your face. You didn’t know where you were going or where your feet were leading you but you knew you never wanted to see Gray again.

You reached the edge of a forest and since there was no where else to go you ran into it, your feet were slipping out from under you on the cold wet floor. You kept running though because you had no other place to go. 

~Grays POV~

I saw her run out of the guild hall, my eyes widened and I pushed Juvia away. “WHY DID YOU DO THAT?” I shouted at Juvia. Juvia looked pleased with herself and didn’t respond. I grabbed a letter and not wasting anymore time I ran out after (Y/N).

It had started to snow so I didn’t know which way she went. I followed my instincts though and went in the direction I thought she would go to the place where I thought she would be.


I walked along the edge of a cliff my mind whirling with thoughts. I heard someone sobbing and glanced up. There was a young girl around my age with (H/L) (H/C) hair that was flapping in the wind. 

“Excuse me?,” I called out to her, her head turned towards me, I could see marks from where the tears had flowed down her face. “Are you ok?” I called out again hoping she would answer. She didn’t but I tried once more, “Do you need help,” I called out for the last time.

She went to open her mouth but as soon as she was about to say something the rocks from then cliff she was sitting on crumbled underneath her and tumbled down a slope. I shouted out and jumped over there hoping to grab ahold of her hand.

I grabbed hold of something small and warm, I looked down and saw I was holding her hand. The rocks made a loud sound as they hit the ground below us, I pulled her up and she fell onto me. She was shaking as she clutched my shirt, which was surprisingly still on.

“How about I take you somewhere safe?” I asked her softly and she nodded still shaking. I gently made her let go of me and motioned for her to jump onto my back. She did so and I piggybacked her the rest of the way back to the guild.

-End of Flashback-

I shook my head all that mattered now was finding her so once again I stared to run to the place I thought she would be.

~Your POV~

You heard someone running through the forest towards you. You didn’t turn around, you didn’t want to. You knew who it would be and you knew that he would lie to you about kissing Juvia. You didn’t want to hear his explanation either, your heart hurt too much just thinking about it.

“(Y/N)…” you heard Gray half whisper, “please listen to me.” You made no sign you had heard him. You could hear soft footsteps behind you. “If you won’t listen to me then please read this I was going to give it to you as soon as you ,” He said, his voice full of sorrow and regret. He dropped a letter in your lap and walked away.

When you were sure he was gone you gently opened the letter that was addressed to you. The card inside was a light shade of pink and had a tiny heart in each corner. You unfolded the card and started to read…

Dear (Y/N),

Around a year and a half ago I found you there on that cliff face crying, I don't know why but I felt like I needed to help you and when the cliff collapsed from under you my heart stopped. The world seemed to go in slow motion, somehow I managed to reach out and grab your hand just in time.

Since then we have become the best of friends I trust you fully and I hope you trust me fully as well. You have always been there for me, laughing with me, smiling with me, crying with me and going on jobs with me. We were the best team I could have ever wished for.

You settled in and became part of the guild after I had persuaded you to join. You had gained any friends yet soon I realised my feelings for you were growing. I didn’t know how to tell you so I kept quiet for a while.

But I can’t keep my feelings quiet anymore I have to tell you how I have felt this past year.

(Y/N) I really like you, no love you. I love you (Y/N) I have for I while now and I always will if you don’t like me thats ok I will understand but if you like me back please tell me.

Love your best friend,

Gray xxx

You crumpled the letter to your chest and stood up. You smiled as a single happy tear rolled down your face. You headed back towards the guild the letter still in your hand and the snow silently falling on your shoulders.

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