Harry Potter and Claire Smith...

By MykalaMcGuire

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The third book in the series is called Guilty Until Proven Innocent. A mass murderer escapee from Azkaban, Si... More

Mr. Weasley's Wonderful News
The Talk and Egypt
An Interesting Summer
Dementors Aren't the Nicest Beings
The Inner Eye and the Hippogriff
The Fender, The Drums, and The Solo
Hogsmeade, Tea, and Conversations
Saxton, Song, Snape, and a Snapped Broom
The Marauder's Map
Kisses, Feuds, Vinyls, and Brooms
Crumbling Friendships
The Werewolf's Advice
The Quidditch Cup Final
The Seer's Prediction
Animagi and Boxing Branches
Moony's Tale
The Mask Of Peter Pettigrew
Pettigrew Escapes and Dementors Again
The Time-Turner
Yelling at Boxes
Summer Plans
Book Four is out!
Rewriting Stories

Dementors and Dates

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By MykalaMcGuire

Chapter 14: Dementors and Dates

It looked like the end of Ron and Hermione's friendship. Each was so angry with the other that Claire and Harry couldn't see how they'd ever make up. Ron was upset that Hermione didn't take Crookshanks's attempts to eat Scabbers seriously, and that Hermione was still trying to pretend that Crookshanks was innocent by suggesting he look for Scabbers under all the boys' beds. Hermione, meanwhile, maintained fiercely that Ron had no proof that Crookshanks had eaten Scabbers, that the ginger hairs might have been there since Christmas, and that Ron had been prejudiced against her cat ever since Crookshanks had landed on Ron's head in the Magical Menagerie.

Personally, Claire and Harry were sure that Crookshanks had eaten Scabbers. Harry tried to voice this opinion and Hermione snapped at him.

"Okay, side with Ron, I knew you would!" she said shrilly. "First the Firebolt, now Scabber's, everything's my fault, isn't it! Just leave me alone, Harry, I've got a lot of work to do!"

Harry left to hang out with Ron while Claire stayed with Hermione.

"Hermione, you know Harry wasn't trying to say that, right?" Claire tried to reason with her. "He's just saying that most of the evidence does point to Crookshanks." Hermione glared at her, but Claire continued to talk. "However, Ron should've kept a closer watch on Scabbers if he was so concerned over his well-being."

"Finally, someone who has some sense." Hermione said.

Ron had taken the loss of his rat very hard indeed.

"Come on, Ron, you were always saying how boring Scabbers was," Fred said bracingly. "And he's been off-color for ages, he was wasting away. It was probably better for him to snuff it quickly— one swallow—he probably didn't feel a thing."

Claire smacked Fred upside the head while Ginny said indignantly, "Fred!"

"All he did was eat and sleep, Ron, you said it yourself," George said.

"You two really should rethink your pep-talks." Claire said.

"He bit Goyle for us once!" Ron said miserably. "Remember, Claire, Harry?"

"Yeah, that's true," Harry said while Claire nodded.

"His finest hour," Fred said, unable to keep a straight face. "Let the scar on Goyle's finger stand as a lasting tribute to his memory. Oh, come on, Ron, get yourself down to Hogsmeade and buy a new rat, what's the point of moaning?"

In a last-ditch attempt to cheer Ron up, Harry persuaded him to come along to the Gryffindor team's final practice before the Ravenclaw match, so that he could have a ride on the Firebolt after they'd finished. This did seem to take Ron's mind off Scabbers for a moment ("Great! Can I try and shoot a few goals on it?"). Just before they left, Harry said to Claire, "Do you want to come?"

Claire shook her head. "No, thanks. I'll hang out with Hermione."

"Ok, see you later." Harry said disappearing through the portrait.

Claire went up to the girls' dormitory to find Hermione. When she entered her dorm, she saw her other two roommates Evy and Charisse.

"Hey, have you two seen Hermione?" Claire asked them.

"Yea," Evy said. "I think she was saying something about going to the library."

"I should've known," Claire muttered. "Thanks."

"Hey, Claire?" Charisse said. "What's going on between you and that Slytherin boy, Saxton?"

"Yea, we saw you two the other day talking. Are you two an item?" Evy asked with a smile.

Claire blushed lightly and cleared her throat. "Um, well, it's sort of complicated, but no offense I wouldn't tell you because it really isn't any of your business."

"Oh, you two are so an item!" Charisse exclaimed. "I can't blame you though he is really attractive. I hear a lot of girls are interested in him. You're lucky he chose you."

"I don't know," Evy began. "I still say Harry and Claire would be better together."

"Excuse me?" Claire questioned.

"You're totally right, Evy," Charisse agreed. "Harry is almost as attractive as Saxton and he's really sweet too. By the way how is Harry taking it that you and Saxton are together?"

"Um, I mean, I don't know," Claire stuttered not really sure how she could reply to that.

"It's obvious that he'd be jealous, Charisse," Evy said. "You can definitely tell Harry likes Claire more than a friend. In fact," Evy turned to Claire. "I bet you like Harry more than a friend too."

"Um—" Claire was interrupted by Ginny, who had come into the room.

"Oh, there you are Claire." Ginny said. "I have to show you something."

Claire thanked whatever gods their were for Ginny saving her from this conversation.

"Ok," Claire said relieved. "Bye, Evy, Charisse."

Claire grabbed Ginny by the arm and they both walked down to the common room.

"Thank you, Ginny!" Claire said. "You saved me from that conversation. I don't know why they were so interested in my love life. By the way, what did you want to show me?"

"Nothing," Ginny replied. "I overheard your conversation with them and I figured you didn't want to talk with them."

"And this is why you're my favorite Weasley." Claire said.

"We thought—"

"—we were your favorite—"


Fred and George had just appeared out of nowhere.

"Aren't you two suppose to be at Quidditch practice?" Ginny said.

"We just finished." Fred said.

"Where are Harry and Ron?" Claire asked.

"They're still out on the field. Madam Hooch is watching them because of you know Black." George said.

"What about Black?" Ginny questioned.

"Nothing." Claire, Fred, and George said in unison.

"Sure," Ginny said in a disbelieving tone.

"So, if Ginny's your favorite Weasley—" Fred began.

"—what does that make us?" George finished.

"Well, Ginny is my favorite Weasley, then Bill, Charlie, you two, Ron, and Percy." Claire said.

"Why are we number 4?" Fred pouted.

"Because Ginny hasn't annoyed me much lately. Bill and Charlie don't annoy me much either. And then there's you two and Ron meddling in my love life and then there's Percy who, well, do I even have to explain? Now, if you three would excuse me I have to meet Hermione in the library." Claire exited the common room and went to the library.

She found Hermione at one of the tables with various books in front of her.

"Hey, Hermione." Claire greeted her. Claire glimpsed at a few of the book titles. "Are you researching stuff for Buckbeak's trial?"

"Yes, I found some really good information." Hermione said, not looking up from one of the books.

"Do you want me to take over from here so you could focus on your studies?" Claire offered.

"Yes, please, thank you," Hermione said, handing Claire her notes to continue.

The only noise for the next few moments was the flipping of pages and writing.

"Do you think Ron will ever get over Scabbers?" Hermione asked suddenly.

"Of course," Claire said. "He's just stubborn. He'll realize how much of a git he's being and apologize. Well, apologize in his own way at least because Ron doesn't really apologize."

"Why are boys so complicated?" Hermione said.

"It's not just boys you know," Claire said. "It's girls too. I think humans in general are complicated organisms."

"Still, why do we have to make things so complicated?" Hermione said.

Claire shrugged. "Let me know when you find out."

A few hours later, they left the library.

"We should go visit Hagrid and drop off the notes we made for Buckbeak's case." Hermione suggested.

"Good idea." Claire said.

They walked down to Hagrid's hut. Hagrid was outside his hut tending to the giant pumpkins. Hagrid noticed them coming and smiled.

"Hello again, Hermione. I see yeh and Claire have made up." Hagrid said.

"Yea," Hermione said.

"We've brought you some notes for Buckbeak's case." Claire said.

"Have yeh now? Well, come on in. I'll make some tea." Hagrid motioned for them to follow him inside.

As they entered Hagrid's cabin, the first thing they noticed was Buckbeak, who was stretched out on top of Hagrid's patchwork quilt, his enormous wings folded tight to his body, enjoying a large plate of dead ferrets. Claire grimaced as the sight as she sat down on the couch next to Hermione. Hagrid brought over three tea cups and a tea pitcher. He poured them each a cup of tea. Claire handed the notes for Buckbeak's trial to Hagrid.

"Thank yeh, Claire, Hermione." Hagrid said. "It means a lot ter me and Buckbeak."

"How are you feeling, Hagrid?" Hermione asked.

"Better now that we have some good stuff ter keep Buckbeak alive," Hagrid said as he sipped his tea. "What about yeh two? How are yeh?"

Hermione sighed. "It hasn't been the best of times. Ron is still angry with me. He thinks Crookshanks ate Scabbers." Hermione's eyes started to water. "It seems whatever I do this year, I can't get a break. I feel overwhelmed with all of these classes and the fact that Ron and I are fighting isn't helping at all. Claire, you were right. I shouldn't have taken all these classes."

"Oh, Hermione, it's alright." Claire said trying to comfort her friend. "It's not too late to ask Professor McGonagall to drop some of your classes, you know."

Hermione sniffed. "I suppose so. But what about Ron?"

"Forget about Ron, alright?" Claire said. "He's being an idiot. He'll eventually come around."

"Couldn't of said it better meself." Hagrid said. "You know, Claire, you remind me a lot of yeh mom. She was always a good friend and stuck by her friends' sides no matter what."

Claire smiled. "Thank you, Hagrid."

Hagrid glanced at the clock. "Would yeh look at the time? Yeh two should start headin' back."

"Thank you, Hagrid for the tea." Claire and Hermione thanked him.

"No problem. Now, Hermione remember what Claire said don't worry 'bout Ron and talk ter Professor McGonagall about your schedule if it's effectin' yeh this much. Tell Harry I said good luck for the match tomorrow." Hagrid bid them goodbye and Claire and Hermione headed back to Gryffindor Tower.

The next morning, Claire and Hermione walked down to breakfast together. As they entered the Great Hall, they saw students from various houses looking at something at the Gryffindor table.

"I wonder what all the fuss is about," Hermione said.

"I have a feeling it has to do with Harry's new broom." Claire said as she and Hermione sat down at the table.

"Sure you can manage that broom, Potter?" said a cold, drawling voice.

Claire instantly recognized the voice. She looked over at the crowd and saw no other than Draco Malfoy and his two goons Crabbe and Goyle. Draco was talking to Harry.

"Yeah, reckon so," Harry said causally.

"Got plenty of special features, hasn't it?" Malfoy said, eyes glittering maliciously. "Shame it doesn't come with a parachute—in case you get too near a dementor."

Crabbe and Goyle sniggered. Claire was about to make her way over there when Hermione pulled her back into her seat. Claire resulted to glaring at Malfoy.

"Pity you can't attach an extra arm to yours, Malfoy," Harry said. "Then it could catch the Snitch for you."

The whole table laughed loudly as Malfoy's pale eyes narrowed and he stalked away. At a quarter to eleven, the Gryffindor Quidditch team began heading for the locker rooms.

"I'm going to wish Harry luck. Are you coming?" Claire asked.

Hermione bit her lip uncertain. "I don't know. I did snap at him the other day."

Claire rolled her eyes and pulled Hermione with her over to Harry.

"Hey, Harry," Claire greeted him. "Hermione and I just wanted to wish you luck for the game."

Harry smiled. "Thanks."

"I'm going to start heading to the field to find us seats." Hermione left them.

"Nervous?" Claire asked him.

"That's an understatement," Harry said.

"Well, I'm sure you'll do brilliant. Try not to fall off your broom this time, though." Claire teased.

Harry rolled his eyes.

They then heard footsteps heading towards them and turned around to see Jason coming over to them. Harry tried not to glare at him as he walked over.

"Hello, Claire, Harry," Saxton greeted them.

"Hey, Jason," Claire said to him. "What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to wish Harry luck at his game." Saxton said.

"Thanks," Harry muttered. "I've got to go. See you later Claire."

Harry walked to the locker rooms feeling angry.

"What's got you in a mood?" Fred said as Harry entered the locker room.

"Nothing," Harry muttered.

Fred looked suspiciously at Harry, but decided to let it go. Harry took off his black school robes, removed his wand from his pocket, and stuck it inside the T-shirt he was going to wear under his Quidditch robes.

"You know what we've got to do," Wood said as they prepared to leave the locker rooms. "If we lose this match, we're out of the running. Just— just fly like you did in practice yesterday, and we'll be okay!"

They walked out onto the field to tumultuous applause. The Ravenclaw team, dressed in blue, were already standing in the middle of the field. Their Seeker, Cho Chang, was the only girl on their team. She was shorter than Harry by about a head, and Harry couldn't help noticing, nervous as he was, that she was extremely pretty. She smiled at Harry as the teams faced each other behind their captains. However, it didn't affect him as he heard right at the moment, "GO HARRY!" from the crowd. He looked up in the stands and saw Claire standing in between Ron and Hermione. Claire was cheering for him and Harry felt a slight lurch in the region of his stomach that he didn't think had anything to do with nerves.

Claire watched from the stands as Madam Hooch made the team captain of both teams shake hands. The players mounted their brooms and then Madam Hooch blew her whistle. The players soared through the air as Lee Jordan, a friend of Fred and George, began commentary.

"They're off, and the big excitement this match is the Firebolt that Harry Potter is flying for Gryffindor. According to Which Broomstick, the Firebolt's going to be the broom of choice for the national teams at this year's World Championship—"

"Jordan, would you mind telling us what's going on in the match?" Professor McGonagall's voice interrupted.

"Right you are, Professor—just giving a bit of background information—the Firebolt, incidentally, has a built-in auto-brake and—"


"Okay, okay, Gryffindor in possession, Katie Bell of Gryffindor heading for goal…"

It looked as though Harry had spotted the Snitch and had gone after it. Cho Chang had also spotted the Snitch and the two sped after it. Then a bludger, hit by one of the Ravenclaw Beaters, came pelting out of nowhere; it almost hit Harry. There was a great "Oooooooh" of disappointment from the Ravenclaw end. George Weasley vented his feelings by hitting the second Bludger directly at the offending Beater, who was forced to roll right over in midair to avoid it.

"Gryffindor leads by eighty points to zero, and look at that Firebolt go! Potter's really putting it through its paces now, see it turn— Chang's Coment is just no match for it, the Firebolt's precision-balance is really noticeable in these long—"


Claire noticed that Harry had seen the Snitch again and began racing toward it as well as Cho.

"Dementors!" Someone from the crowd shouted.

Claire then spotted three dementors, three tall, black, hooded dementors, looking up at Harry. However, these dementors didn't give off an unpleasant feeling like the other ones did.

"Something's not right," Hermione said.

"I'll say, why are there dementors on the field again?" Ron questioned.

"I don't think those are dementors," Claire said.

"They bloody well look like it," Ron said.

Suddenly, they saw Harry whip out his wand and roar, "Expecto Patronum!" The crowd looked at it in awe.

"He's doing a Patronus. Only really powerful wizards can do that." Hermione said, staring in shock at the silvery-light.

"I guess that's why Harry was talking to Professor Lupin the other day. He was trying to learn it in case he came in contact with a dementor again." Claire said.

The so-called 'dementors' ended up falling to the ground and Malfoy, Flint, Crabbe, and Goyle emerged from the long black hood. Claire glared at them.

"Of course, it was Malfoy," Claire muttered angrily.

"POTTER CAUGHT THE SNITCH! GRYFFINDOR WINS!" Lee exclaimed through the overcome.

Ron and Claire began running down to the field to congratulate Harry. However, Claire stopped as she saw Hermione not coming.

"Aren't you coming?" Claire asked.

Hermione shook her head. "I have work to do. I'll see you later."

Claire sighed and then followed Ron down to the field. They were able to squeeze through the crowd to Harry. Harry was caught off-guard as Claire almost tackled him into a hug.

"I told you you'd be brilliant!" Claire said, smiling.

Harry felt his stomach flip as Claire smiled at him.

"Yes!" Ron yelled, yanking Harry's arm into the air. "Yes! Yes!"

"Well done, Harry!" Percy said, looking delighted. "Ten Galleons to me! Must find Penelope, excuse me—"

"Good for you, Harry!" Seamus roared.

"Ruddy brilliant!" Hagrid boomed over the heads of the milling Gryffindors.

"That was quite some Patronus," said a voice in Harry's ear.

Harry turned around to see Professor Lupin, who looked both pleased and shaken.

"The dementors didn't affect me at all!" Harry said excitedly. "I didn't feel a thing!"

"That might have been because those weren't real dementors." Claire said.

"Miss Smith is right. Come and see—" Professor Lupin led Harry out of the crowd until they were able to see the edge of the field.

"You gave Mr. Malfoy quite a fright," Lupin said.

Harry stared. Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, and Flint were all being scolded by Professor McGonagall.

"An unworthy trick!" she was shouting. "A low and cowardly attempt to sabotage the Gryffindor Seeker! Detention for all of you, and fifty points from Slytherin! I shall be speaking to Professor Dumbledore about this, make no mistake! Ah, here he comes now—"

If anything could have set the seal on Gryffindor's victory, it was this. Ron and Claire, who had fought their way through to Harry's side doubled up with laughter as they watched Malfoy and the others getting yelled at.

"Come on, Harry!" George said, fighting his way over. "Party! Gryffindor common room, now!"

"Right," Harry said, and feeling happier than he had in ages, he and the rest of the team led the way, still in their scarlet robes, out of the stadium and back up to the castle.

"Hey, Claire," George said. "You think you can provide the music for the party?"

Claire smiled. "Definitely."

Claire rushed up to her dorm and grabbed her vinyl and record player. She set it up in the common room. Hermione came over to her.

"You know, I was just reading our Muggle Studies textbook and it says Muggle technology doesn't work here at Hogwarts." Hermione said.

"I wouldn't say that," Claire said, as she pulled out her Sonic Screwdriver.

"What are you going to do with that?" Hermione asked.

"This is how I got the record player to work. Watch—" Claire pressed the button on her Sonic Screwdriver and "Smells Like Teen Spirit" began playing.

Hermione was shocked. "How did you figure that out?"

"It was by accident really. I was trying to figure out why it wouldn't work and I knocked over my school bag and this fell out," Claire motioned to her Sonic Screwdriver. "I had a feeling that if I used it on the record player that it would start working and it did."

"WE GOT BUTTERBEER!" The twins yelled as they came through the portrait.

The Gryffindor common room was packed and everyone cheered as butterbeers were distributed throughout the room.

"Are you joining the party?" Claire asked Hermione.

Hermione shook her head and pulled her Muggle Studies book from her robes. "I have to finish this book. I still have over four hundred pages to read."

Claire looked concerned. "Hermione, have you talked to Professor McGonagall about your classes yet?"

However, Hermione had already started to read and was too deeply involved in it to answer. Fred and George came over to Claire and Hermione at that moment.

"How's the music?" Claire asked them.

"Brilliant!" The twins said in unison handing her a butterbeer.

"What's the name of the band?" George asked.

"It's a muggle band called Nirvana." Claire said.

"Then let's make a toast to Nirvana." Fred said.

"Nirvana." The three of them clinked their glasses and took a huge sip from it.

The twins then continued giving out butterbeers. Harry soon came over to them and saw Hermione.

"Did you even come to the match?" Harry asked her.

"Of course I did," Hermione said, not looking up. "And I'm very glad we won, and I think you did really well, but I need to read this by Monday."

"Come on, Hermione, come and have some food," Harry said, looking over at Ron and wondering whether he was in a good enough mood to bury the hatchet.

"I can't, Harry. I've still got four hundred and twenty-two pages to read!" Hermione said, now sounding slightly hysterical. "Anyway…" She glanced over at Ron too. "He doesn't want me to join in."

There was no arguing with this, as Ron chose that moment to say loudly, "If Scabbers hadn't just been eaten, he could have had some of those Fudge Flies. He used to really like them—"

Hermione burst into tears. Before Claire or Harry could say or do anything, she tucked the enormous book under her arm, and, still sobbing, ran toward the staircase to the girls' dormitories and out of sight. Claire was infuriated.

"What is your problem?" Claire snapped. "Can't you give her a break?"

"No," Ron said flatly. "If she just acted like she was sorry— but she'll never admit she's wrong, Hermione. She's still acting like Scabbers has gone on vacation or something."

"Well, if you were so concerned about Scabbers why didn't you keep a closer eye on him. You knew Hermione's cat wanted to eat him and yet you didn't take any precautions to keep it from happening. Hermione's not the only one to blame in this situation and she's not the only one who's wrong either." Claire stalked upstairs to the girls' dormitory.

Claire saw Hermione crying as she walked in. Hermione looked up and wiped a few tears from her eyes.

"I heard what you said Claire. Thank you." Hermione said.

"No problem. That's what friends are for." Claire replied as she sat next to Hermione on her bed. "Don't listen to Ron he's just being a git as usual."

"You can go back to the party. You don't have to stay up here." Hermione said.

"No, I'm good. I'm not in a partying mood anymore." Claire said.

Hermione smiled. "You really are a good friend, Claire."

"I try," Claire shrugged.

The following morning, Claire and Hermione woke up and saw everyone in the common room huddled around the bulletin board. They noticed Ron and Harry were some of the people crowded around the board.

"Hogsmeade, next weekend!" Ron said. "What d'you reckon?" he added quietly to Harry as they went to sit down.

"I forgot that Hogsmeade was so close." Claire said to herself. "Hermione, what are you doing?"

Hermione started to walk towards Ron and Harry. Claire followed her.

"Well, Filch hasn't done anything about the passage into Honeydukes…." Harry said, even more quietly.

"Harry! You're not going again, are you?" Hermione questioned.

"Can you hear someone talking, Harry?" Ron growled, not looking at Hermione.

"Real mature, Ron." Claire said sarcastically.

"Yes, I am Hermione." Harry said. "Are you going, Claire?"

"Yep," Claire said.

"Are you two hearing yourselves?" Hermione said looking from Claire to Harry. "You both are sneaking out again? What if this time Black gets to you? What will you do then? It's not safe there!"

"Hermione," Claire began. "I'm sorry to say this but if Black broke into Hogwarts then it's not safe here either. Especially when most of the school won't be here. At least at Hogsmeade there'll be a lot of people."

"Claire, Harry if you two go into Hogsmeade again…I'll tell Professor McGonagall about that map! I mean it!" Hermione said.

"So now you're trying to get them expelled!" Ron said furiously. "Haven't you done enough damage this year?"

Claire glared at Ron. Hermione opened her mouth to respond, but with a soft hiss, Crookshanks leapt onto the table in front of Harry and Ron. Hermione took one frightened look at the expression on Ron's face, gathered up Crookshanks, and hurried away toward the girls' dormitories.

"Ron, you could've been a bit nicer." Claire said.

Ron ignored her. He continued talking as though there had been no interruption. "Good thing you're going. I can show you Zonko's this time."

"Okay," Harry said. "But this time I'm taking the Invisibility Cloak."

The day of Hogsmeade soon came and Claire was getting ready for her date with Jason.

"Claire, I can't believe you're going!" Hermione scolded. "You know it's dangerous."

"A lot of things in life are dangerous, Hermione. Learn to live a little." Claire said, as she pulled out a long-sleeved green t-shirt, a hooded black jacket, and a pair of jeans from her trunk. "Besides I have a date and I can't miss it."

"You're going on a date with Saxton?" Hermione questioned. "Claire, if you go I'm telling Professor McGonagall about that map."

"Yep," Claire said as she changed. "Now, you and I both know you're not going to tell Professor McGonagall about the map."

"How do you know?" Hermione said.

"Because you wouldn't." Claire said. "I'll see you later."

"I still don't approve of your choice!" Claire heard Hermione say as she walked down into the common room.

Claire went down to breakfast and ate with Harry and Ron.

"Wait until you two see Zonko's," Ron said as he stuffed his face with sausages. "It's incredible."

"Actually," Claire began. "I was going to explore Hogsmeade by myself."

"Why?" Ron asked suspicious.

Claire shrugged. "Just wanted to."

"But you can't be seen." Harry said. "That's why I brought the invisibility cloak."

"Don't you worry I won't be spotted." Claire said. "When you grow up with Fred and George you learn some things about not wanting to be seen. Especially when you don't want someone to see you setting up a prank."

After breakfast, Claire and Harry walked Ron to the entrance hall.

"See you later!" Harry said.

Ron grinned and winked at them. Claire and Harry then went back up the marble steps. They put on the invisibility cloak and followed the map to the Honeydukes cellar entrance. They entered Honeydukes and spotted Ron. Claire came out from underneath the cloak.

"I'll see you two later," Claire left them and snuck outside to the front of Honeydukes.

"I was wondering when you were going to show up," Claire turned around and saw Jason.

"Well, under the circumstances, I had to be very careful about not getting caught." Claire said.

"That's right," Jason said. "I forgot about that. You know we could of had our date back at the castle."

"Where would the fun in that be then?" Claire teased. "C'mon let's get out of here before someone recognizes me."

"I know a place where we can go." Jason said.

They walked to a place called the Hog's Head. Jason held the door open for her and they walked in and sat at a table.

"No one ever comes here," Jason said. "In fact, I don't think anyone even knows it exists."

"I can see why," Claire said. "This place is pretty run down and it's hardly noticeably from outside."

"At least it's quiet." Jason said.

"Yea," Claire said.

"You two going to order anything or am I going to have to charge you for sitting in my chairs?" A man with grey hair and familiar blue eyes said impatiently.

"We'll have two butterbeers," Jason said.

The man grumbled and brought them back the butterbeers. "That'll be four sickles."

Jason handed him the money and he walked away. They both took a sip of butterbeer.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" Jason asked.

Claire shrugged. "Well, I remember Hermione told me about this muggle game called 20-answers, no I think it was called 20-questions and it's good for getting to know people."

"How do you play?" Jason asked.

"I guess we start off with asking a question we want the answer to about the other person." Claire said.

"You go first. You seem to know how to play it more than I do." Jason replied.

"Alright," Claire thought for a moment. "What was it like growing up?"

"Well, I grew up in London." Jason began. "I was adopted by a magical family and my adoptive parents sent me to Durmstrung Institute and then they decided last year to send me here. Now, what about your life growing up?"

"I grew up in Ottery St. Catchpole with the Weasleys. My parents left me with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley when I was a baby because they were my godparents. There were ten of us growing up under one roof. It was difficult but it was home." Claire said. "Did you have any siblings?"

"No, I was a single child." Jason said. "Do you know why your parents left you?"

Claire shook her head. "Nope. I'm beginning to think I never will. What about your real parents?"

"They died, at least that's what it says on my papers." Jason said. He was quiet for a moment and then spoke. "What's your favorite color?"

"Well, that was random." Claire laughed.

Jason smiled. "You know, you have a really nice laugh."

"Thank you, kind sir," Claire said. "And you have a nice smile."

"Do you want to go for a walk before you head back to the castle?" Jason asked.

"Sure," They walked out the door.

"What were you two doing in there?" They both turned around and they saw a furious Ron and Claire could only guess that Harry was under the invisibility cloak as she saw a pair of shoe imprints next to Ron.

"It's none of your business, Ron," Claire said. "C'mon, Jason."

"Were you two snogging?" Ron questioned.

"As I said before Ron, it's none of your business so bud off!" Claire was growing impatient.

"It is my business when it concerns you! You're like a sister to me and I don't think Saxton is good guy for you!" Ron shouted.

"You know, I'm right here," Jason said, earning him a glare from both Ron and Claire. "I'm just going to leave."

Jason awkwardly left them.

"What gives you the right to say who is and isn't right for me Ron?" Claire exclaimed. "You're not my parent!"

"Of course I'm not, they're gone!" Ron didn't realize what he'd said until after he said it.

Claire had conflicting emotions running through her. She felt a bit hurt, but mostly she felt angry. She just wanted to get back to the castle.

"I didn't mean it, Claire—" Ron stuttered.

"Whatever, just don't talk to me, Ron," Claire turned her back on him and walked to Honeydukes.

She took the secret passageway back to the castle. Claire was glad that she remembered the way back. She had made it to the portrait without getting caught. Just as she was about to say the password, she noticed that the portrait was open. Suddenly, a familiar white rat ran out.

"Scabbers?" Claire said, looking at the rat curiously. "I thought you were dead."

She heard the portrait creak open more and she turned around. The last thing she saw was Sirius Black pointing his wand at her.

What did you think? Claire went on her first date. You experienced a couple of sappy moments and then I leave off with a cliffhanger. This chapter was fun to write and I hope you all enjoyed it.

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