A Book Of UnderTale Oneshots...

By JDStudios

2.1K 83 15

~Discontinued until further notice (Sorry :< )~ angst, fluff, ships, xreaders, (but mostly angst because haha... More

Page of random stuff
Avalanche (Angst, Published on account)
Stop or Suffer (Crackfic, Published on Account)
A Sorry Won't Fix This-NightmarexReader (Angst)
*Your LV Has Increased (Underfell Angst)
The Reminder (UnderSwap Angst)
Unforgettable Picnic (Fluff or something)
I wish I did (UnderTale Angst)
Marriage (ErrorMare Fluff)
Diagnosis (UnderTale Angst/Fluff) 1/2
If Sans Was In Horror Movies (Part 1/?)
Letters (AU Fluff/Angst)
Prove To You (UnderSwap Fluff Kinda)
Equals (DreamTale)
Frisk VS Everyone
He's Gone (UnderFell Angst)
Who He Was (DreamTale) 1/2
Nobody Wanted This (AUs)
A Little Bit Of Moonlight On Crack
Error and Ink crash into a dinner table
A World He Can't Return (Blueberror)
Field of Flowers
Help (UnderTale)
"Untrustworthy" (Bitty AUxdepressed!reader

Not as Bad As I Thought You Were On Crack

78 2 2
By JDStudios

Not As Bad As I thought You Were is one of the first ever fanfictions I ever wrote, currently on my Quotev. Enjoy


Y/n: I abused, have the worst cliché life. Fake toxic friend and horrible parents ahhh life sucks kill me

Saskia: Yeah frick you too

Y/n: now I run

Kelsey: B*tch let's go to monster protest bc I hate monsters for for a good reason

Y/n: K, totes not gonna stand up for myself for once

Y/n: I have no idea there's a creepy skeleton watching meh

Sans: That arsehole looks cute, but she's at a monster protest! I clearly cannot see that she doesn't want to be there bc I is a dumb skele

Y/n: New neighbors are the skeles. But why tho? Prob plot convivence lololol

Y/n: I jump off roof of building bc I suicidal-except I very cringe suicidal bc young J didn't know what depression waz

Papyrus: Human you almost died

Y/n: My soul looks messed up af

Papyrus: K, try not to fall

Y/n: I have more intentions to fall later

Sans: Y you help poor monster hater

Papyrus: No judge before you know bish

Y/n: I go to park bc nobody bother me there

Y/n: I watch children like creep, kinda like that dude with a bag

Y/n: Hol' up he approach children

Frisk: We here bc we thought other playground waz full

Mk: K

Strange dude: Git in bag

Y/n: No u

*Gets beat up*

Toriel: Git lost bish

Y/n: help I'm heccing dying

Toriel: K

Frisk: U in suck condition

Y/n in mind: Frick you too kid

Y/n: Okie I go home now

Y/n: Shiz where am I?

Y/n: I a lazy slob, I cut bc I suck

Y/n: I sleep now

Y/n: I wish to work at good resteraunt. Haha no I work at run down store alone bc everyone else lazy af

*Snas walks in*

Y/n in mind: Crap it that skele that keeps judgin meh

Snas: Gimme batteries

Y/n: K, btw I'm that monster hater and this is a monter free store but Idgaf

Rando: I rob u after skele left

Y/n: K

Rando: Also I steal ur first kiss

Y/n: F you too

Lady next day: Btw store burnt down for plot and u still git mons for no reason lol

Y/n: K

Papyrus: You look worse than snas. Here party invite go brrrrr

Y/n: I has been invited to random kids b-day party, totes make sense lol

Y/n: I broke so Frisky can has a poster, time to make myself look normal now haha

Y/n: btw I wear pretty dress and somehow know kid's soul lol

Toriel: yay you better

Voice: you suck

Y/n mind: no u

Toriel: Happy B-day Frisk. U da best for freeing us

Toriel: Btw Y/n great for saving Frisk

Y/n: Wtf

Voice: Haha you suck

Y/n: stfu

Frisk: So much gud stuff bruh

Frisk: Hey i luv this poster! Noice!

Y/n: yayyyy

papyrus: sleep over frisk wants that

Y/n: k

Snas: u suck

Y/n: thx a$$hole


Author: btw you learn that her sib died from a beer bottle

Y/n: Insomnia a bish

Insomnia: That's not nice :(

Y/n: stfu

Snas: Y u up

Y/n: No u, talk to meh despite knowing me less than 20 mins

Snas: *defensive noises*

Y/n: Ye, hug meh

Snas: *Hug*

Y/n: *Hug*


Snas: We suddenly bff

Everyone: K

Snas: U nicknamed flower

Voice: you suck

Y/n: I suck

Snas: no

Y/n: Yes

Papyrus: H A V E S P A G E T

Y/n: wut

Papyrus: htf have u no spaget?

Y/n: idk

Papyrus: have or die

Y/n: No I gtg

Skelebros: k bai

Papyrus: U make her cry?

Snas: nu

Papyrus: k

Frisk: Dirty stuf

Snas: stfu

Voice: Snas fake friend

Y/n: k

Y/n: *Cut carrots then foot*

Snas: *Come in for no reason*

Snas: bish who u kill

Y/n: U know what they say bout assuming... It makes an A$$ OUT OF U AND MEH!

Snas: bruh

Y/n yesh

Snas: Hang out

Y/n: k, how tf u teleport tho

Snas: She has cuts, wtf? Oh hey she came and she look pretty


*Technical difficulties*

Undyne: btw you ran into be

Y/n: stfu

kelsey: Bish how dare you ignore meh

Y/n: Srry

Kelsey: F u

Snas: No U

Kelsey: U suck bai

Y/n: yeah f u too

Kelsey: Turns out mu mum threatens to kill meh without mu friend

Kelsey: Guess I write letter to die a less painful death

Y/n: Someone break in?

Y/n: kelsey invite meh to house

Y/n: Snas come with meh

Snas: k



Undyne: Someone hurt?!

Y/n: Kelsey ded

Frisk: But she fake

Y/n: stfu she was gud when not toxic af

*Snas and Y/n looking at pics*

Y/n: S/n waz gud

Snas: Wait who that kid?

Y/n: dat Kelsey's bro, Clover

Kelsey on tape: Ur friends kill kids and mu brother

Y/n: F u guys, git out

Snas: btw we argue and I said something bad to u

Y/n: U just broke meh soul

Everyone: bish wut

Y/n: G I T

Everyone: *ditch*

Y/n: I want to hate but I cantith

Voice: Move from ur prob

Y/n: K


Y/n: I go to store

Random Dude: Hi

Y/n: Oh it's that drunk dude

Steve: I is Steven and I chill when no drunk

Y/n: Kewl

Steve: Skele is Y/n boyfriend

*Y/n blush Snas blush*

Y/n: Stfu

Steve: talk now bai

Y/n: Sorry

Snas: sorry

Y/n: we friends again


*girl runs into steven*

Y/n: I ship, bai

Steven: F u too

Y/n: I have depressing hoodie

Snas: k that sucks tho

Y/n: prenk

Frisk: f u

papyrus: truth or dare, robot join us

Mettaton; oH yEs~

Snas: Bruh

Y/n: *Insults with many swears*

Everyone: wtf so many swears

Y/n: Y E S

Papyrus: btw ur dared to sit in a closet with snas so le story can progress lol

Y/n and Snas: shiz

Snas: we gud

Y/n: sure

Y/n: I can't tell my fam sucked so I escape outside bishes

Snas: I join u

Y/n: K

Papyrus: btw come sing now

Y/n: I sing gud because every reader does

Everyone: k

Y/n: Btw I had a panic attack in the middle so i ran away

Everyone: Shiz

Steven: u pass out so me and mu new girlfriend pick u up and take u home

Y/n: totes not creepy lol

Voice: they hate u why did bella bring u back

Y/n: jerk

Papyrus: o u came back, noice.

Frisk: btw sans worried

Y/n: shiz snas has lots o magic

Snas: u back, I better now

papyrus: u luv her

Snas: no

Papyrus: yes

Snas: no

Papyrus: yes

Snas: no

Papyrus: yes

Snas: Fine maybe

Papyrus: Y E S

Gaster: Hello Dream Y/n

Y/n: Wut u say?

Gaster: -_-

Y/n: Oh hey my apartment on fire, I gonna die ahhhh

Snas: Nice fire decorations! Wait ur almost ded? Oh, I should probs git u out of here with ur special box lol

Nurse: her lungs commited yeet

Toriel: I heal them

Nurse: k


Y/n: btw I need to crash at someone's house my house is yeeted

Papyrus: k stay with us

Snas in mind: F YEAHHH

papyrus: this ur room

Y/n: thx

Snas: grillbys

Y/n: K

*Shortcut noises*

Three weeks later go brrrrr

Voice: you suck, go die

Y/n: That wasn't nice ;(

Y/n: *faints after cutting*

Voice: sucker

Snas: bruh u gud? No? K. I is coming in

Snas: Shiz she's dying. Phones are gone for convinence!

Snas: Damnit, I pick her up and run to hospital

Papyrus: No I take u

Snas: ?

*Hospital noises*

Y/n: I meet Gaster now

Gaster: U noice.

Y/n: K

Gaster: Btw sans is muh assistant in quantum physics

Y/n: Kewl

Gaster: Don't tell him

Y/n: K

Y/n: *Wakes up*

Y/n: Bish I almost died gimme some space >:(

Snas: Bish u could've died

Y/n: Bish isn't that the point?

Snas: but we care :(

Y/n: idc I is sad leave me alone :(

Snas: it okie

Everyone: *Leaves*

Y/n: I ditch hospital now


Y/n: Oh hey it's that jerk who bullied meh

Bella: U gonna git sick come to muh house

Gaster: Yes

Y/n: Nani da faq? ok then

Bella: I has dog named Cooper. Also I gay, my girlfriend da best :)

Y/n: Okie that's good :)


Nurse: have note

*read note*

*Angry Snas noises*

Papyrus: Let's find her

Snas: k

Y/n: I depressed and maybe overdramatic

Bella: It okie, although u kinda stupid. But confess ur love to snas

Y/n: bruh no

Bella: Ava mu girl

Y/n: Noice let's sleep

Gaster: Ditch them and go home

Y/n: K

Y/n: I scared

gaster: Git the f inside

Y/n: Fine you don't have to be mean :(

Y/n: Hi Snas

Snas: *Angery*

Y/n: Snas? U hurt mu arm u meanie :(

Snas: Bish u gotta stop we care

Y/n: no u don't >:(

Snas: Okie I was harsh :(

Y/n: I'm sad

Snas: talk to meh

Y/n: k

*Insert sad story*

Y/n: U?

*Insert sad Snas story*

Papyrus: I know

Y/n: Oh :/

papyrus: Git Snas, btw he's wasted

Y/n: K :p

Snas: *flirt noises*

Y/n: :/

*Next day*

Snas: I hit u?

Y/n: nu, u teleported and i got yeeted

Toriel: Watch flower

Y/n: O. ok

Flowey: F u

Y/n: nu

Flowey: *Sad*

Y/n: *Comfort*

Flowey: Promise no kill urself

Y/n: k

-Next day-

Voice: U suck

Y/n: I sad. I commit suicide now

Frisk: Snas stop Y/n from yeeting herself

Snas: Ok

Y/n: I break promise

Snas: Nu don't jump Flower

Y/n: f u

Snas: I luv u

Y/n: liar

Snas; nu

Y/n: k

Y/n: luv u too

*Cliff breaks*


Snas: I catch with blue magic

Y/n: yay we can be a couple now

Snas: Noice

Hiker: *posts video*

*Bunch of people are cheering for monsters since snas saved suicidal girl apparently*

Frisk: Ship has sailed

Y/n and snas: stfu Frisk >:(

Papyrus: We go underground

Everyone: K

Snas: btw this is how I met kid

Y/n: Kewl

Snas: Wanna go on date?

Y/n: K

Rando: U see dis girl?

Rando 2: yes


Liam: Uhhh


Liam: U save mu daughter

Snas: u no call her dat

Liam: :(

Liam: Btw ur mom Saskia's been trying to kill u forever

Y/n: Oh

Y/n: wut we gonna do?

Saskia: Haha fire go brrrr

Y/n: shiz ur living room burnt

Snas: oof

Papyrus: oof

Y/n: btw I now allergic to nightshade veggies

Everyone: oof no spaget for you

Papyrus: btw I was hit in the head with a bat

Y/n: F u Saskia

Y/n: *Accidently mentions Gaster*

Snas: ...

Y/n: ...

Snas: Die bish

Y/n: Shiz

snas: htf do u know his a$$hole?

Y/n: *flashback to drunk rages*

Y/n: don't hurt meh plz

Snas: Shiz I went to far

Snas: i no hurt u

Y/n: ;(

Y/n: I sleep away from u bc I scared of u now

Snas: :(

Y/n: *Has nootmare about friends hating her*

Y/n: ;(

Snas: Wake up

Y/n: I scared

Snas: It okie

Y/n : *Sleep*

Undyne: We go camping

everyone: K

Papyrus: Hide and seek

Everyone: k

Y/n: *hides in amazing place*

Everyone: *Can't find her*


Y/n: U gud?

Snas: Where u?

Y/n: In here bish

Snas: oh. Don't do that again >:(

Y/n: :p

-next day-

Undyne: We need water

Snas and Y/n: K

Snas: *gets water*


Snas: who trying to touch mu girlfriend

thug: bish f off this muh girl

Snas: *kicks butt*

Y/n: Noice let's go.

Snas: Yes.

Frisk: Scary and sad stories

Everyone: k

Papyrus: I scared of mirrors bc of the times I saw diufferent AU versions of myself. Also I dreamed Frisk did genocide

Undyne: *Tells random story*

Frisk: *Tells Chara's story*

Snas: *tells backstory with fake names*

Y/n: *Tells story about what's been on her mind*

~Next day~

Y/n: Wacky weather make it slow in August that sucks >:(

Snas: Sleep

Y/n: K

Chara in shadows: Wake the frick up Y/n or u commit die

Y/n: wtf


Y/n: Yo Snas u gud? U has a nootmare

Snas: U M U S T H E C C I N G D I E .

Y/n: Crud

Chara: R U N

*insert run meme with Y/n being chased down by Snas*

Snas: u blue now >:)

Y/n: Y u bully meh :(

Y/n: *catches bone*

Snas: *Gets pinned to ground*

Y/n: *pours snow on Snas* WAKE THE F UP SKELE

Snas: *throws and gets ready to heccing murder someone*

Y/n: Bish Imma die now -.-

Snas: *wakes up*

Y/n: Bish bout time I'm damaged af >:(

Snas: If I doesn't heal her Tori gonna kick mu butt

Y/n: Y E S *fricken dies*

haha jk she just passed out lol

~Next day~

Y/n: lets all forget Snas almost killed meh yesertday lol

Snas: Stargaze

Everyone: Y E S

Snas: btw Gaster kinda like a dad but he yeeted us out of his life

Y/n: yeesh

Everyone is happy :)

Then Y/n gets heccing kidnapped by Saskia a month later

Flowey: I watch help meh find her

Snas: Y I believe u

Flowey: Bish u gotta find ur girlfriend or she gets yeeted

Snas: fine

Flowey: Btw this is Phoebe, she might know where tf Y/n went

Phoebe: In le abandoned apartment

Snas: K

Saskia: Haha I kidnap u sucker

Y/n: F u

Saskia: No u *hurts*

Y/n: that bish Sans better find meh or I'll kill him >:(

Y/n: haha bad tied knots go brrrr *punches the daylight out of Saskia*

Snas: Alright Imma call police. Probs not emergancy

-Later date lol-

Frisk: Yay park go brrrr

Snas: Hey Y/n

Y/n: wut

Snas: Have locket

Y/n: Thanks! This totally won't play a huge part in the sequel!

Snas: Noice

papyrus: *nervous af*

Snas: Wut u do to muh bro

Mettaton: *flirt noises*

Snas: u die now

~Waterall stuff~

Snas: u a good person :)

Y/n: we has hope :)

Snas: U not as bad as i thought u was ;)

Le End

Author: Then comes a big-a$$ sequel involving alternate universes with a plot that drags on forever :)

Snas and Y/n: Wut?

Author: Btw you b!tchslap her in the sequel

Snas: HOL' UP-

T H E E N D O R S O M E T H I N G .

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