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The last thing I remembered was falling asleep on a bed at the frat party Reiner invited me and my friends too, but now, I was sitting up in my dorm room on a Saturday morning. I mean, my clothes were still intact and there wasn't a boy in my bed, so that's good. Right?

I looked over while rubbing my aching head, it literally felt like someone was squeezing my brain, and glanced at Ymir who was thumbing through her phone. She looked like she had bags under her eyes from a long night up, which instantly put a smirk on my face. Maybe she and Historia did some... things last night.

"Hey," I said after letting out a loud yawn. "So, what happened-"

"You're awake!" The freckled girl exclaimed while sitting up from her bed, a bottle of water in her hand, outstretched for me to take, along with an expression full of relief on her face.

"Yes, I am," I said hesitantly as Ymir placed her hand on my forehead like she was checking for a fever.

"Are you feeling alright?" She asked, her brown eyes looking into mine. I softly brushed her hand away.

"Yeah? Why wouldn't I be?" She paused and her face dropped, then screwed in restrained hostility.

"What's the last thing you remember, Y/n?" Ymir asked while looking at me intently.

"Um," my face heated at the thoughts of dancing with Connie, but I just skipped past that and told her. "I felt really weird and I fell asleep in one of the rooms at the party."

Ymir paused then took a breath. "Do you remember bumping into anyone after feeling 'weird'?"

Now it was my time to pause, then my eyes sprung wide open. "Yes! But I don't remember who it was, but I assumed it was Connie or one of you guys," I said casually while taking the water out of Ymir's hands and gulping it down.

"Y/n..." Ymir trailed off while looking away from me and at her clenched hands.

"Yeah?" I asked, looking back at the girl, not noticing the pained look in her eyes.

"You were almost raped at the party. Floch Forester drugged your drink and was about to assault you, but Eren and Armin stopped him before he could go too far."

My heart stopped. Then I let out an unamused laugh. "Very funny, Ymir," I said, hoping she was just playing some sick prank on me, but a part of me believed her words.

"Y/n, don't be like that," she said sadly as I got up and out of bed.

"Be like what?" I said while walking to the bathroom on unsteady feet, tears starting to form in my eyes.

"Y/n-" Ymir started to talk, probably about to say how she was speaking the truth, but I already knew that by now. Ymir never lied to me.

I cut her off. "You know, I actually don't feel so good, so I'm just gonna go to use the bathroom for a bit." My hands started to shake and it felt like my throat was closing up. I was in the doorway to the bathroom now.

"Y/n! You shouldn't be alone right now-" I closed the door softly and covered my ears with my hands as I slid down to the floor. This can't be happening.

Ymir's muffled voice sounded from beyond my covered ears, but her earlier words still echoed in my head.

"You were almost raped at the party. Floch Forester drugged your drink and was about to assault you, but Eren and Armin stopped him before he could do anything."

I emptied the contents of my stomach a second later and cried until I had a headache.


"C'mon, Y/n, don't be a pussy," I said to myself over and over again like it would rid my nerves as I now stood in front of Connie and Jean's shared dorm room. After my breakdown, and Ymir comforting me for a few hours until it was nightfall, I had finally gathered up the courage to go and thank Eren, Armin, and Connie for what they did last night.

I had already thanked the (new) couple, and after running into Jean a while ago on the way to where Eren and Armin were, and now it was Connie's turn to receive my gratitude- that is if I even worked up the nerve to knock on his door.

I don't even know why I was so nervous right now. Did I think he might look at me differently for what that bastard Floch did? Was I still flustered about how we danced and talked to each other that night?

I really had no fucking clue, but after remembering the wise words Ymir spoke to me one day before I waxed my stache, "Just fucking do it bitch," I was already knocking on Connie's door before I even realized what I was doing.

I was about to make the split-second decision of fleeing but the oak door opening stopped me in my tracks, but once I saw who it was I really wished I had fled.

A beautiful girl with suntanned skin and dark brown hair stood in front of me. Her lips were as red as rubies and her eyes were wide and sparkling. She was fucking hot. But why was there an extremely hot girl in Connie's dorm room?

"I- Uh..." I trailed off and took a step back to look at the dorm room. Nope, still room 104; this was the right room. The girl gave me a terse smile that didn't really show the niceness her appearance conveyed. "I'm looking for Connie," I tried again with a shaky smile.

I clenched my hands together behind my back. What the fuck is happening? And who the fuck is this?

Wait. Is this his girlfriend or something?! But he never mentioned having a girlfriend...

"Oh," the girl looked behind her for a quick second in the empty room then back at me, but her eyes were narrowed slightly as she looked down at me. A tilted smile was on her face. "Sorry, he's in the shower."

I stopped breathing. "O-Oh, okay. Um, I guess I can just wait then-"

The brunette interrupted me. "Actually I'm going to be busy with my boyfriend for a while, but you can come back later!" She said then closed the door right in my face.




It felt like my heart was being torn into two as I turned around and started to walk down the empty hall; my hands were no longer shaking and I didn't feel nervous anymore. I just felt empty, but then I let out a startled laugh.

"God, they're definitely going to fuck," I whispered to myself while pushing my hair away from my face. And it was so plainly obvious they were. All the clues were coming back to me.

The countless phone calls from a mysterious person- which I would now guess to be that beautiful bitch; Connie taking a shower to get clean for certain activities; this girl saying her boyfriend would be busy later. It was nighttime! What else would they fucking do at night?! Tell bedtime stories?!

I scoffed to myself while wiping a stray tear from my eye. As if.

I really thought Connie liked me, I mean why else would he have treated me the way he did last night, and Ymir surely left no details out about how Connie went apeshit once he got his hands on Floch last night. But now, he had a beautiful girl in his room. While... While I was suffering, he was cleaning up to get fucked.

Actually, you know what. Fuck men. I've had enough.

While I was so engrossed with my thoughts, my feet had led my body to one of the park benches in the small area of green grass, though it looked back with the lack of daylight right now.

My butt had settled itself on the hardwood of the bench, but when I realized the irony of how I was sitting on the bench Connie had snuck up on me once, I went to sit on another one, but I was of course interrupted from doing so.


𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯

After hopping out of the shower, I tied a towel around my waist and reached over for my phone, then I frowned.

Still no answer from Y/n.

Maybe I should head to her dorm room right now; I really want to see her. I want to be with her. Sighing to myself while drying my hair in the fogged-up mirror, I brushed those thoughts away just for now and walked out of the bathroom, but as I did, I made eye contact with the biggest nuisance on the planet.

"I thought I told you to leave, Alise," I said to the brunette girl who made herself comfortable on my bed. She lifted her head from a picture of Y/n and I as teenagers- a week maybe before she moved- with a tilted smile on her face.

"She's cute," she said while looking back at the picture, but her smile seemed fake.

"Yeah, she is," I said curtly and walked up to her, carefully taking the frame out of her manicured hands. I walked over towards Jean and I's shared dresser and got out a pair of clothes. It was still early in the darkly lit night, so I had a few hours to visit Y/n before she went to bed.

"In a rush to see your little plaything," Alise said, her voice echoing in the empty room beside us. My body flinched when I realized I was still half-naked. I stayed facing away from my ex and placed my clothes atop the dresser.

"You should leave, Alise," I said in a tired voice. Footsteps sounded in the room and then I felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around me.

"But I want to stay and play around with my boyfriend, Con~," she said in a sickly sweet voice. I almost gagged at her words and turned around.

"I'm not your boyfriend and don't fucking call me that. You should know that by now, "I said sternly while removing her arms from around me. She pouted.

"C'mon Connie, I know you still want me-"

"Stop deluding yourself. We've been over ever since the summer ended, and we've only dated for four months. Things have changed now." Her face turned sour.

"You're fucking that girl, aren't you." My eyes twitch.

"What the fuck do you mean," I said exasperatedly.

"That girl," she said while pointing at the picture frame I positioned back on my nightstand that held a young Y/n's smiling face. "That girl who just fucking showed up here!"

I stilled. "What?" Y/n was here? Wait, that meant she saw Alise while I was in the-

"Yeah, that bitch was just-"

"Don't fucking call her that," I said while nearing Alise, my finger raised dangerously in the air.

"I can call that homewrecker whatever I want. She has no right to take what is mine!" Alise yelled, her smooth voice turning screechy as she yelled.

I threw my hands up in the air then turned to face the girl. "We are not together! Get that through your thick head! We are over, Alise!"

Alise's eyes narrowed and her lip trembled, but then she smirked as a tear ran down her face. "Fine," she said while wiping that stray tear, her feet taking her towards the door. Her hand reaches out and twists the doorknob. "Well, have fun with her after I said I was your girlfriend while you were in the shower. And that we would do things later," she said then left the room completely.

I was left in the room with a face full of shock. She did what...?

It took me only two moments to realize what danger Y/n and I's future relationship was in when I jumped into action and dressed in five seconds flat.

As soon as my shoes were tied tightly around my feet, I sprinted out of the building, and as I passed Alise in the hallway, who had a proud look on her face, I flipped her off with both of my hands. Her offended face met my back as I ran past her, not giving a fuck if I hurt her feelings in the process.

I made my way out of the building and headed straight towards Y/n's dorm building, and after racing up the stairs the fastest I ever had, and picking up a slight pant afterward, my hands knocked fastly on Y/n's door.

But Ymir was the one to open it. A scowl was on her face as she looked down on me, even though I was inches taller than her.

"Where's Y/n," I rushed out before the freckled girl could curse me out or cast me away.

Her eyes narrowed. "She went to speak with you. Why are you-" I didn't even listen to the rest of what Ymir had to say as I was racing away again and to the first place I thought Y/n would go to: the park.

Ymir's loud voice echoed in the hallways as she yelled after my retreating fissure, but I paid no attention to her and soon enough I was out of the door and heading straight towards the random benches in the small plot of open land.

I didn't think to call out for Y/n as I was a panning mess, sweat rolling down my now dirtied skin. Great, I'd have to take another shower after this is all over.

But by the time I figured I should've been calling out for the girl I had grown so attached to, I had found her, but my heart broke at the sight before me. Y/n's red eyes met mine, but my gaze only traveled down to her exposed neck to see it stained with bruises.

My feet stomped over towards the girl and a second later I held her face in my hand; I tilted it away to get a better view of her neck.

"Connie what- Don't-" I shushed and she quieted as I brushed my thumb across her cheek.

"I'll fucking kill him," I muttered as my eyes burned holes into her neck.

"I heard you almost did," Y/n said dryly. I pulled back to her tone, my hand staying on her smooth skin to her face. Why does she sound mad-

Oh, right, Alise.

"Y/n, that girl-" The (h/c)-headed girl's face turned impassive as she swatted my hand away and off of her face.

"I kind of want to be alone now, Connie." No, call me Con, please. Please don't be mad anymore.

"Too bad," I said, and I swear I saw the girl's eye twitch in aggravation. "You need to let me explain-"

"Oh, explain how a beautiful girl was waiting in your room while you were taking a shower and while I was working up the guts to thank you for what you did last night. Yes, please explain how you were getting ready to hook up with her while I thought we had something going on! So yeah, just go on ahead and-" I cut her off with a kiss, then I pulled back quickly to look into her fiery (e/c) eyes.

"We do have something going on, you dumbass. And she's not my fucking girlfriend," I grumbled out as I cupped her face in my hand a little firmer.

"But she-"

"I broke up with her weeks ago, and I told her to leave before I even took a shower. But she's gone now. For good," I said earnestly and waited silently for her response.

"Oh," she said softly.

I quirked up a brow. "'Oh'?"

She breathed out an uneasy laugh. "Well now I just feel really stupid," she confessed and looked downwards with an embarrassed smile on her face. She's too fucking cute.

"Yeah, well you are," I teased her, wanting to see that fiery expression once again. She narrowed her eyes at me and hit me lightly in the scheduler.

"Shut up."

"Make me," I replied as the tension from this long day faded away.

She looked away for a second, making my hand fall off her face. Shit was I too forward.

My worries, however, were blown away when Y/n tilted her head towards me and pressed a kiss to my lips.

"Well, that's one way to shut me up," I mumbled in between kisses, my hands cupping her cheek while the other supported the back of her head.

"Oh, quiet you."


𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐨 𝐲'𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜??

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