𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕚𝕕 | 𝐓𝐎𝐊𝐘𝐎 𝐑𝐄�...

By BokutosFavoriteStool

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There's a magnificent soul burning brightly behind her timidity. /////////// Higuchi Tsumugi is a nice girl... More



1.3K 49 35
By BokutosFavoriteStool

The Sleepover

POV: 3rd Person

" You break her heart I break your spine " Tomoe said to Nahoya. " Was that a threat? " Nahoya asked annoyed. Tomoe opened his mouth to say something but Tsumugi beat him to it. " Okay let's go to my room then since you met them " She said dragging him off.

" Please don't argue with my dad. I'll never hear the end of it " She said. " Well he started it " Nahoya said. " He's always gonna start it " Tsumugi sighed. She opens her bedroom door. " Tada!! This is.. My room Ugh " She groaned. She blew out the candles left on the foot stool.

" Momoe stop it!! " She shouted down the hall and she heard a few snickers. " I didn't know you could play the guitar " Nahoya said noticing the blue painted guitar sitting in the corner. " Oh yeah. Well I haven't played it in a while. " Tsumugi said with a small smile.


Tsumugi and Nozomi were walking together, then suddenly they passed a shop that was practically empty and Tsumugi stopped, making Nozomi stop too. " Night Spirit? " Tsumugi read the sign. " It looks like they're closing " Nozomi said.

" What? No way. It still looks brand new " Tsumugi said surprised. " Your friend is right miss " A man said standing next to them. " Why're you closing the place? " Tsumugi asked. " Not enough business. " He sighed. " Really? " Tsumugi asked. " Yep " He said.

A young boy around the age the two girls walked out holding a box full of instruments. Sticking out from the top was the neck of a guitar. " Hey Gramps. What do I do with this? " He asked. " Hey is that an acoustic or electric guitar? " She asked. The boy placed the box on the ground and pulls it out.

It's an acoustic, it was painted with different shades of blue. Tsumugi's eyes light up.
" What are you gonna do with it " She asked. " I'll probably sell it on eBay? " The old man said. " I'll buy it off you now. How much? " She asked. The boy checked the price tag.
" It's 70,000 " He said.

" I only have 20 Yen... " She sighed. She looked at Nozomi. " Don't look at me I don't have 70,000 yen " She said. " Man... " Tsumugi pouted. " Maybe you could ask your mom to buy it " Nozomi suggested. " No. She wouldn't pay that much... But dad would! " She said pulling out her phone.k

Tomoe: Hello

Tsumugi: Hey Daddy...

Tomoe Hey baby girl what's up?

Tsumugi: I need a reeeeeeeaaally big favor

Tomoe: Anything for you

Tsumugi: You mean it?

Tomoe: Yeah

Tsumugi: And that's a promise?

Tomoe: Of course

Tsumugi: Okay, no take backs by the way, I need some money to buy a guitar

Tomoe; Oh that's easy. How much? 20?

Tsumugi: No....

Tomoe: How much?

Tsumugi: 70...

Tomoe: Oh okay I—

Tsumugi: Thousand

Tomoe: What?! Thousand?! That's like an acoustic guitar

Tsumugi: I said it was a guitar!

Tomoe: I thought you meant like a tiny ukulele or something

Tsumugi: You promised!

Tomoe: You tricked me!

Tsumugi: You still promised!

Tomoe: ...I did...

Tsumugi: Yay!! We're at a shop called Night Spirit

Tomoe: Be right there

They hung up. " If the sweet baby doesn't work just guilt trip " She sighed with a content smile. " You're smart and evil " Nozomi laughed. " I'll take the compliment. " Tsumugi shrugged. " Do you even know how to play the guitar? " Nozomi asked.

" Of course! Did you think I was just gonna sit it my room and look at it? " Tsumugi asked. Nozomi just shrugged. After a few minutes of them waiting Tomoe arrived.
" Okay. Where's the guitar you want? " He asked. " Right here " Tsumugi said pointing to the blue guitar in the boys hand.

" Okay, 70,000 Yen right? " He asked. " Yes " The old man nodded. Tomoe pulls out the cash and handed it over to man and the boy gives Tsumugi the guitar. " Thanks daddy " Tsumugi smiled. " Don't tell your mother about this. " He said. " Sure " Tsumugi said.


" She can sing too " Inari said walking passed the room. " Shut up! " Tsumugi said blushing. " Really? I wanna hear it " Nahoya said.
" Oh... It's kinda embarrassing! " She said blushing. " Wait stay just like that... " He said pulling out his phone. He takes a picture of her. Then shows her that he set her as his Lock Screen.

" Now I can see how cute you are even if I don't see you that day " He said with a happy chuckle. " Wha... " She said. Her face turned red and she hid it in her hands. " Stop you're making me blush " She muttered. Nahoya just laughed. " But I still wanna hear you sing " He said.

" Um... Okay... I'll sing my favorite song " She said, walking over to pick up the guitar. She puts it around her neck and starts to tune it. She gets it right, and then sat down on her swinging chair. " Okay... " She said.

Nahoya was clapping his hands. " That was really good " He said. Tsumugi hid her face in her hands. " Th-thank you... " She said lowly. He leans on her and his head falls on her lap. Tsumugi gasped while blushing a little.

" You should try and get used to me. Even though you look super cute when you blush I want you to be happy instead of nervous. Okay? " He asked. Tsumugi smiled softly.
" Okay " She nodded.


Tsumugi stared at the wall while laying down on her bed, Nahoya was on a futon on the floor. " You don't have to sleep on the floor. Come on the bed, it's more comfortable.. " She said feeling a little bad. Nahoya sighed and climbed up on the bed. " Then this becomes a problem " He said.

" Huh? Why? " Tsumugi asked confused.
" Because, you seem to have no idea of the huge difference between the two of us. " He said. " What? " She asked. " For example, I'm a lot stronger than you... " He said

Nahoya grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head, then he climbs over her making her blush. " ..And it's easy for me to do this " He said. " N-Nahoya-Kun... " Tsumugi said surprised. " In this position I can do whatever I want " He smirks.

" But... You won't... " She said. " Huh? " Nahoya asked confused. " You won't because you're a good person... " Tsumugi said softly. Nahoya chuckled and rolled over. " You're a little off the mark calling me a good person. But the point is, you let your guard down too easily. " He said.

" I'm sorry... " She yawned. " I'll try to... Do better... and stay safe... " She whispered, drifting off to sleep. Nahoya snickered while poking her nose. " Don't worry. I'll always be there to protect you " He whispered. He kissed her forehead and hugged her tightly before falling asleep himself.

*If anyone knows that reference I'm glad. Anyways I have severe OHSHC brain rot and it's showing...😅

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