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She Used The L Word

POV: 3rd Person

" What?! Really? " Minori asked. " Yeah.. " Tsumugi sighed blushing. " Congrats!! You finally built up the courage to ask him " Kayako said hugging her. " How did you do it? " Nozomi asked. Tsumugi's face turned red.

" Its at 98% " Inari said. " What? Seriously? How did it get that high? " Minori asked.
" Well... " Tsumugi sighed


Tsumugi was walking when she heard a bunch of loud squeals coming from the classroom. " Hm? " She asked. She looked inside to see Nahoya being surrounded by a bunch of girl. " So who do you think is the cutest person in your class? " One asked.

" Higuchi " He answered immediately. Tsumugi blushed hearing that. " What about in the school? " Another asked. " Higuchi " He shrugged. He thinks I'm the cutest in the school? She thought. " Wow. Sounds interesting " Inari said, appearing out of nowhere and making her jump.

" Shhhh! " Tsumugi hushed her. " Okay okay, what about in Tokyo? " A third girl asked.
" Still Higuchi " He said. They all swooned.
" Is she the cutes in all of Japan? " A fourth one asked, and he nodded. " What about all of Asia? " A fifth one asked. " Yes " He said.

" That would raise it to 92% " Inari smirked. " Shut up " Tsumugi muttered. " The world? " The sixth asked and he nodded. " The universe? " The seventh one asked and he nodded. " What's your favorite thing about her? " The first girl asked.

" She's always nervous when I talk to her. And she does cute little things like playing with her hair or standing on her heels. And she looks the cutest whenever she's blushing " He said. " 98% " Inari said. " What about— Hey where are you going? " A girl asked.

" I'm bored so I'm leaving " Nahoya shrugged. Tsumugi quickly ran off so he didn't see her. Inari just stared at her running.


" And that's how it happened. " Tsumugi sighed. " So you're gonna ask him today. Look at you. Finally grown up. Senpai is so proud " Nozomi said, wiping a tear. " You're not my Senpai how many times do I have to tell you that?! " Tsumugi asked annoyed.

" Oh, here he comes! " Minori said pushing Tsumugi in front of him. " Hey! " She said annoyed. " Do it... " Kayoko said from around the corner. " Oh hey Higuchi " He said.
" Um... Um... I'm ready to ask my question... Would you please meet me up on the rooftop after school? " She asked, leaning back on her heels.

" What is she doing? " Kayoko asked. " Doing the work of the Shoujo gods " Nozomi said highfiving Inari. " Okay sure "  Nahoya said. Tsumugi let's out a sign of relief. " What're you guys doing? " Souya asked the group, walking from the hallway behind them.

" Tsumu just invited your brother up to the roof top. She's going to ask him out " Inari said. " That's good. He likes her so he'll say yes " Souya said. " Mhm— Wait what? " Nozomi asked. " He won't stop talking about her at home. He keeps calling her cute and funny. He says it's fun to mess with her too " Souya explained.

" We're getting front row seats " Minori said and they all nodded in agreement.


They peeked around the corner to watch.
" Are you sure this is gonna work? " Souya asked. " Of course! They are pretty much alone. Besides us which is non negotiable because I'm not missing this. " Nozomi said.
" They're on the rooftop and it's windy so their hair is blowing. " Minori added.

" Tsumu is red like a tomato, they're about two feet apart and schools over so there will be no one to interrupt. " Kayako said. " This is the perfect Shoujo confession set up. " Nozomi nodded. " ...If you say so... I just want big bro to be happy " Souya said.

He's so adorable!! They all thought. Tsumugi turned around to face them. Help me' She mouthed. " You got this! " Nozomi cheered.
" He'll say yes I'm sure of it! " Souya said.
" I'm rooting for you! " Inari said. " We all are! " Minori added. " Go Tsumu! " Kayako cheered.

Tsumugi nodded, and smiley was just confused to what was going on. Were they playing some type of prank on him? " K-Kawata-San... I have something really important to say!! So please listen! " Tsumugi blushed. " Okay " Nahoya said. " Um... Um... Um... " She stammered. She lowered her head and stared at the ground, and leans back onto her heels.

Cute... Nahoya thought looking at her, blushing a little bit. Ohmygod! Ohmygod! Ohmygod! Is it too late to back out now? I mean I called him all the way up to the roof so he'd probably be upset if I just said it was nothing and ran away! But I don't think I could do this! Can I? Yes... no! Yes! No... Tsumugi thought nervously.

She starts playing with her fingers. " Damn she's getting nervous she needs to focus " Nozomi said. " Smiley! Get her to focus on you! " Souya said. " What? " Nahoya asked confused. " Grab her hands or something " Kayako said. " Why? " He asked. " Just do it trust me! " She answered.

Nahoya shrugged and grabs her hands, holding one in each of his own. Tsumugi's head snapped up immediately to look at him with a flushed face. He's holding my hands... why is he doing that? Maybe he really does likes me back! I can definitely do this now. She thought.

" Hey whys it a 99% chance? " Souya asked.
" Actually it's a 98% chance but the scenery adds one percent " Inari said. " Why? " Minori asked. " Because, all those things about Tsumugi he thinks are cute, I think the same thing. " She said.

" She's my sister so of course I'm not gonna have a crush on her but it's common knowledge that shy people are always super cute. So, he might just be a normal person, thinking she's cute. So, there's a 2% chance he's only thinking of her as a friend. Even still, there's more of a chance that he really likes her as more than a friend " Inari explained.

Tsumugi glanced back at Nozomi, who gave her a thumbs up. " I have been holding onto this for a really long time and I think I finally should tell you that I... I... " She said nervously. " You...? " Inari asked. " C'mon you got this! " Minori cheered. " I... really love you! " Tsumugi shouted.

" She did it! " They all said simultaneously.
" She even said the L word " Kayako added.
" Now we just have to hear from him... " Inari said, a bit impatiently. " Woah he looks really happy " Souya said surprised. " He always looks happy " Nozomi rolled her eyes.

" But this time he actually is " Souya said.
" Then I'm glad " Nahoya said. " Huh?... Glad? " Tsumugi asked looking at him confused. " That I'm not the only one who feels that way " He said. " YES!! " They all cheered, high-fiving one another.

Tsumugi's face turned beet red and she started to sway. She fainted and Nahoya caught her before she hit the ground. They all sighed. " 99% chance of success " Inari said.
" And a 100% chance that she'll faint " Nozomi added. Smiley picks her up bridal style and opened the door.

" Are you guys coming? " He asked. " Oh right— Yeah!! " Nozomi said. They all get up and go to the infirmary with him.

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