The Dream Case || Dreamnotf...

By simply_bluebird

341K 14.4K 43.7K

George is a detective who was transferred to America to find the notorious serial killer, Dream. He is chall... More



13.1K 590 2.7K
By simply_bluebird

George slowly drifted to conscious, a small smile on his face. He felt a warm presence behind him and scooted closer to the warmth.

Clay nuzzled his neck into George's neck in response. George's back was pressed up against Clay's front, their legs tangled together.

"G'morning Georgie," Clay greeted, his voice deeper than usual from sleep.

George sighed softly and turned over to face Clay. "I know what to name Cat."

Clay blinked at the sudden topic. "Oh yeah? Is it Clay Junior?"

"No," George replied with an eye roll, "Luca— like the movie we watched last night."

Clay hummed, "That's a good name."

"Right? It's perfect like him and the movie and..." George paused his rambling as Clay pressed a kiss to his jaw.

Clay murmured, "And you."

George giggled softly and lifted Clay's chin with his fingers. He looked between Clay's gentle eyes and his gaze lifted to his hair. George's fingers travelled up Clay's jaw and to his hair.

He played with Clay's hair quietly, enjoying the way soft strands met finger tips.

"We should do this more often," Clay murmured.

"Yeah," George said with a soft sigh, "but it wouldn't work with my work schedule."

Clay's eyes darted to the wall behind George, where his collection of information rested. Clay looked back to George and said, "Hypothetically speaking, if Dream killed less, you would have more time, right?"

"Mhm— well sorta," George mumbled, "I still have to solve the case even without the murders."

Clay nodded and George muttered, "I wish he would just turn himself in. With all the murders he's committed, you think it would really drag down his conscience."

"He probably has a reason."

George scoffed. "There's no reason that would justify killing that many innocent people."

"Maybe they're not innocent."

"They are— why are we talking about this?" George questioned. "It's my burden, not yours."

Clay looked away and shifted to lay on his back. He stared at the ceiling. "Maybe he's being forced to murder, you ever think about that? Maybe he has his own problems."

George shifted to lean on an elbow. He looked down to Clay with furrowed eyebrows. "Just leave it alone. Clay, there's no use trying to see his point of view. He's a monster and a psychopath."

Clay flinched and said quietly, "I'm sure he is."

"Why are we talking about this? Let's get breakfast."

Clay sighed and followed George to the kitchen. George fed Luca and got a pan ready for eggs. Clay sat down and stared at his hands, which were resting on the table in front of him.

George cooked breakfast quietly, listening to the sizzle of the eggs. He was confused at Clay's downcast mood.

Minutes later George set a plate of scrambled eggs in front of Clay. Clay stared at them blankly. George asked quietly, "Clay?"

Clay met his eyes briefly before looking back down. He mumbled, "Do you ever wish that things were different?"

"What do you mean?" George asked as he sat down beside Clay.

"I—" He sighed. "Never mind."

Clay picked up his fork and ate quietly. George did the same, casting Clay worried glances. Clay's phone buzzed minutes later and he left the room to answer it.

Clay returned a while later, not looking at George as he said, "My boss just called. I gotta go— write an article."

"Okay," George said slowly. He walked up to Clay and planted a soft kiss on his lips. Clay leaned into his touch for a moment before pulling back.

He grabbed his things and opened the door. "See you around, George."

"Make sure you—" George was cut off buy the door closing. He finished his sentence quietly, "...text me."

George turned around to his apartment and sighed, wrapping his arms around himself.

Why was it now so much more lonely?


Monday at the station passed quickly and soon George was at the pub, water in hand.

He took a long sip of the cool water and sighed. Clay hadn't texted him yet and George had just sent him a simple, 'How are you?'

There was no response yet. Part of George wanted to stay at the pub until he got an answer. Karl gave him his fries and George was set, staring blankly at the tv on the wall.

There was a newscaster reporting on Sapnap's newest murder which had happened earlier that morning. George remembered Zak being swamped with work.

Dream hadn't killed in a while, no sign of him in the last six days. It was unusual, but George wasn't complaining.

He glanced to his side as someone sat next to him. His hopes fell when it was a raven-haired man with a bandana instead of Clay.

The man turned to look at George and chuckled softly. George merely blinked and asked, "Can I help you?"

"Well, actually—" the man paused as Karl walked to him to ask his order. "Hello there."

Karl smiled his customer smile and asked, "Did you want a drink? Or maybe some food?"

"No, thank you, I'm just waiting for my friend."

Karl nodded and left. The man next to him whistled at Karl's retreating figure. George ignored him and ate a French fry.

"What do you think of that?" the man asked George, pointing at the tv on the other side of the pub.

George turned and cranes his neck, seeing a basketball game on. He turned back and shrugged. "I'm not much of a basketball fan."

"Yeah," the stranger agreed, "too much work in my opinion. I hate being sweaty."

George nodded, uninterested in the conversation. He took a sip of his water and his eyes widened as he set his water down. A trace of drugs hit his nose and he turned to the man next to him.

"What did you..." George trailed off as he felt his muscles involuntarily relax and his brain get foggy.

He fell forward onto the man. The stranger lifted him up, acting like George was drunk. He chuckled and teased, "Rookie mistake, Detective."

George felt his phone buzz in his pocket just before he passed out.


George awoke, his head snapping up. He looked around wildly and his breathing quickened.

He was sat on a wooden chair with his hands tied behind him. His ankles were also bound as well.

George realized that he had been kidnapped, but by who? The man wasn't Dream because he had seen Dream's hair before.

Was it Sapnap? No, George thought, why would he want me?

His phone rang in his pocket and George's hopes lifted. He tried reaching his pocket with his hands, but it didn't work.

George leaned his chair back, feeling his phone slide out of his pocket. The chair fell backwards with a crash and George swore, something in his arm snapping.

He blinked past the tears of pain and used his chin to accept the call on his phone.

"George?" Clay asked through the speaker.

"Clay!" George gasped out. "You need to call the police— I've been kidnapped."

"What?! Where are you?"

George flinched as a wave of pain coursed through his arm. He heard footsteps and said quickly, "I don't know! Get help!"

"Wait— George listen to me—"

"Who the fuck are you talking to?!" the raven-haired man shouted as he came into George's view.

"Just get help!" George yelled into his phone as the man picked it up.

"I'm coming to get you, George! Don't wo—" Clay's frantic voice cut off as the man hung up.

He looked at George angrily and George felt his stomach full with fear. The man threw his phone at the wall and George flinched as it shattered.

He lifted George's chair back upright and pulled out a dagger, pointing it George's neck. The man hissed, "You're going to tell me everything I want, got it? Maybe then I won't kill you."

George swallowed, feeling the curved dagger scrape his neck. He clenched his jaw at the pain in his arm, something was definitely broke.

"Tell me everything you know on Dream."

George blinked as he realized, "You're Sapnap."

"I am," Sapnap replied proudly. "Now tell me everything about Dream. Where is he?"

"What do you want with him?" George asked, confusion and something similar to defensiveness lacing his voice.

"I'm going to kill him," Sapnap responded smoothly. "I want the spotlight and I'll get it when I kill him."

"Maybe we can work together," George lied quickly, "you help me find him and we'll put him behind bars. I won't tell anyone you helped me."

Sapnap thought for a moment before his eyes turned angry. "Stop stalling! Tell me what I need to know to find him."


Sapnap pulled his dagger away and George relaxed. Seconds later a fist punched his face, snapping his face to the side as all the breath was rushed out of him. George coughed and turned his head to look at Sapnap, defiance written all over his features.

"You'll never find him," George spat. "He only shows up when he wants to be found."

Anger sparked in Sapnap's eyes. He took a deep breath to calm himself and placed the tip of his dagger beside George's eye.

George's eyes widened at its nearness. At this angle, he was able to clearly see the flames on the curved dagger and paired with Sapnap's hateful glare— it was one of the most terrifying things he had ever seen.

"You only need one eye to see," Sapnap said darkly.

George swallowed. He tried to think of anything to stall Sapnap. Hopefully Clay called for help... but George wasn't hearing any sirens.

Sapnap taunted, "Such a shame to see a smart detective die after being drugged. I thought you would've seen it coming—"

Sapnap paused at a noise outside of the room they were in. There were loud clangs, followed by thumps from the door. George realized someone was breaking the locks.

Sapnap stood in front of George and pulled out a second dagger. It was quiet for a moment before the door creaked opened revealing... Dream.

George blinked in confusion. What was Dream doing?

Sapnap grinned wickedly. "We'll, well, well, if it isn't Dream in the flesh."

George's mouth almost dropped in shock at Dream's first sentence. The killer said, still using the voice changer, "Let him go."

Sapnap's eyebrows furrowed in confusion and he looked to George. His eyes flickered in understanding and he teased, "Are you a little possessive of your detective?"

Dream said nothing. Sapnap lifted a dagger to point at George's neck and George saw Dream visibly stiffen. "Let him go," Dream repeated. "You want me, not him."

George winced as Sapnap's dagger pressed into his neck. He felt blood of slowly trail down his neck and under his shirt. Sapnap taunted, "Oh Dream, do you have a soft spot for him?"

Dream didn't reply. George stayed quiet, watching the two killers. Dream pulled out two long daggers and spoke, "You make another move to hurt him and I will cut out your throat."

Sapnap grinned and slowly removed his dagger from George's neck. He walked towards Dream, holding his daggers upright.

George used this opportunity to twist his hands around, trying to loosed the ropes. If Dream saw him, he said nothing.

The two killers started fighting, blade clashing against blade. George turned them out as he tried to focus. He heard cloth rip and a hiss of anger from Dream.

George but his cheek to distract himself from the pain in his arm. Soon he felt the ropes loosen and his hands slipped free.

He quickly leaned forward and untied his ankles. Dream and Sapnap were too distracted to see him stand up and pull out his gun.

Sapnap used his foot to kick Dream's chest and shoved him against the wall. George quickly acted and ran forward, using his uninjured arm to swing his gun down onto Sapnap's head to incapacitate him.

Sapnap fell to the ground, unconscious, and George looked to Dream. He raised his gun at Dream and the two stood in silence, both breathing heavily.

George noted the blood dripping down Dream's side and lowered his gun. He whispered hoarsely, "Go."

Dream was froze for a moment, clearly surprised. George sighed and muttered, "Go, before I change my mind."

"Thank you," Dream rasped.

George said nothing as he watched Dream leave the room. The killer looked back once before exiting the room. George took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He bent down and pulled Sapnap's phone out of his pocket.

He dialed and said into the phone, "Zak, I have a surprise for you."


a/n - thank you for 2k reads! ily guys!! <3

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